
Friday 22 November 2019

Nice try husband-hunter! But I’m definitely not for the taking!

By Stanley Collymore

So by all accounts it does appear in your rather skewed
judgement of me that you definitely think I’m very
much an incurable bounder and, to boot, a rather
lousy person too who but for the fortunate and
timely intervention of fate would clearly have made
you a dreadful husband. And were you given the
pick, and taking into consideration that sick
and subjective assessment of yours, you
would most certainly have delightedly
preferred that I wasn’t here on this
earth anymore and, instead, was
simply and disdainfully stone
cold dead in a characterless
churchyard or community
cemetery; and similarly as an enduring
measure to all that, I most definitely
would not any longer be around
and satisfactorily for you was
already long entombed the
characteristic six feet, or
even insistently more,
firmly underground.

And, additionally as an obligatory duty to mankind as
well as your warped concept of civilized society,
thereafter enforcedly made to have my mortal
remains perpetually pushing up daisies all
year round while my soul, assuming of course
you ever thought let alone conceded that I
actually did have one, was summarily
and eternally dispatched to Hades,
there, forever, to be consumed
both day and night by Hell’s
rampant and relentless fire!

Well, dream on my ex-lover as you vainly try
to denigrate my reputation and character
with your deliberate lies, while at the
same time distractedly labouring to
represent me as the abhorrent villain of your
manipulative imagination, when in every
plausible sense I’m entirely different
from the fanciful characterization
of the person you’re insistently
pushing with regard to who
and what I positively am.

And why all of this, and how come I’ve determinedly
refused to marry you and become your husband?
Well the straightforward and honest answer
to that specific question is: show me an
intelligent man, among whom I quite
impenitently regard myself as one, who would
sensibly marry a hardened love cheat, who
deliberately was cunningly concealing
a bun in her oven and calculatedly so
as a conscious decision stemming
from her multiple and ongoing
underhand affairs with other
men! Yet determining this
treacherous behaviour as
no big deal on her part, as she still
incredibly expected this one to
marry her and, furthermore,
unbelievably function as
if I were the biological
father of the bastard
offspring, who she
was now carrying.

© Stanley V. Collymore
21 November 2019.

Author’s Remarks:
As significant sections of Britain’s population in classic national hypocrisy generously don sackcloth and ashes, beat their chests in feverish agitation or even whip themselves in self-flagellation while others theatrically sanctimoniously stand on their self-imposed podiums of public self-righteousness to castigate one of their own for allegedly, God forbid, scandalously indulging in arrogant, conspicuously unrepentant and transatlantic, unforgivable acts of purportedly enforced and trafficking acts of conspicuously paedophilia.

Any basically curious observer, sensibly not caught up in these outrageous shenanigans, will automatically ask himself or herself, or respond in like manner to anyone who questions him or her on this matter, what’s all the fuss about? When anyone with a functioning brain knows full well that such behaviour is an endemic feature within influential sections of British society and their manipulative Useful Idiot” supporters who relish their subservient and class infested lives in this rather entrenched and decadent society we call the United Kingdom. And guess what? The same attitude is deeply entrenched when it comes to cuckolding!

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