
Monday 31 October 2022

Kate Middleton: the white, skilfully adept, social climbing stalking junkie, now a clothes horse!

By Stanley Collymore 

The actual taxpayers not the      
clearly vociferously bogus,      
state benefits recipients,      
and delusional ones have paid for  
those dresses Kate's wearing. So      
let's get rid of her, and similarly      
too, the rest of this grifter mob      
she's a prodigal part of, as the      
hard done by taxpayer simply      
can not afford to simply keep      
on liberally paying to actually      
keep this distinctively clearly      
expensively, literally useless      
Windsor family in their very      
accustomed to, undeniably      
unparalleled lives of luxury      
whilst then, so dishonestly      
and deliberately, blissfully      
keeping up this sickening,      
rather deceitful pretence      
they work for their living.        
Sensible and quite intelligent        
folk with very logical minds        
literally realistically know        
however that collectively they've  
actually never genuinely done a        
proper day's work in their aptly        
crucially brainless and pathetic        
lives. Discernibly hard working        
royals? Yeah! Bluntly do firmly        
fuck off with that specific one!      
Since it's actually nothing, but        
a bloody arrogant and utterly
insulting, disingenuous scam.        
(C) Stanley V. Collymore        
30 October 2022.        
Author's Remarks:        
Seriously, for once in your actually, distinctly pathetic and very useless life Kate Middleton realistically get a frigging job and effectively desist from essentially constantly living in that goldfish bowl of yours literally detached from reality!    
What a thoroughly so complete waste of time, space and distinctively too money Kate Middleton and equally the Windsor family she discernibly fortuitously married into are! Two years of Covid lockdown evidently proved that and now these clearly evilly job shy, self-serving, blatant hypocritally pompous and puerile, purported lazy elites try to pretend that they actually care about their supposed "subjects" whom they absolutely know nothing about yet all the same asininely try to justify their relevance where these totally perceived by them as vile fawning serfs are concerned. And all clearly for the obvious very copious sums of untaxed money that they routinely get from them.  
Distinctly shameful behaviour by anyone and basically more egregiously so by this clearly unelected bunch of greedy, rather arrogant and essentially delusional master race, and sickeningly white supremacist snobs; nothing more!

Sunday 30 October 2022

What's this supposed to achieve other than lousy book sales, Anne Glenconner?

By Stanley Collymore 

How is it actually any kind of an 
achievement to stay married 
for 54 years without love, 
intimacy, affection and kindness? To 
be willingly a distinctly asinine truly 
amiable, and even quite similarly a 
stoically accommodating, literally 
also blatant pillock in the face of 
crucially ongoing and egregious 
abuse; yet quite evidently by no 
stretch, even of what's actually 
the most infantile imagination 
quite indisputably, perceptibly 
rather obviously just like your 
own Anne Glenconner, could 
be generally commendable? 

And despite what the norms of society 
dictated or what you yourself Anne, 
totally, utterly and quite stupidly 
accommodated and likewise accepted, 
what you had was most irrefutably so 
not a life well lived; and evidently for 
which you're obviously, every bit as 
culpable as your quite likeminded
narcissistic and odious husband. 
So don't you stupidly expect any 
sympathy, from the likes of me; 
as there will never, ever be any 
in the offing, aptly realistically 
coming your blighted way, as 
you Anne Glenconner clearly 
with your endemically, evilly 
racist white superiority and 
entrenched vile, delusional 
upbringing very absolutely 
discernibly deserve none! 
So, categorically, do fuck 
off, with your whingeing.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
30 October 2022.  

Author's Remarks: 
About time that this evidently innocuous and repulsive class system that you and your quite distinctively, rather loathsome ilk Anne Glenconner clearly do absolutely revel in, was abandoned; as it's distinctly beyond abhorrent. 

Quite interesting to see the differences in opinion attendant with their patently  lowlife and bloody hypocrisy from the white racist Karens: clearly pre and post menopausal, assorted trollops, tarts and their vile male azoospermiac, cuckolded Gammon equivalent about "royal" book releases. In marked contrast if this were Meghan Markle she would undoubtedly be getting mercilessly hounded by you same, toxically verminous pillocks who self-evidently do surely love your status as brownnosing serfs to your perceived social and "hereditary" betters! 

A marriage which didn't work! How quite perceptibly new! Anne Glenconner could have left. Instead she clearly, voluntarily chose to stay as she self-servingly and likewise evidently enjoyed the attendant social class, travel and similarly all the other perceived as "positives" distinctly linked to the clique she was part of. 

A ludicrously asinine situation where if you absolutely consider yourself as part of the monarchical or hereditary incestuously so supposed elites of Britain you can actually  shag with whosoever you like; be similarly serial adulterous, and your spouse literally and even proudly accepts this but however if like Diana Spencer you resolutely refuse to tolerate or accept this odious behaviour, you're distinctively, most crucially and also caustically ostracized; and should you, as well, then sensibly demand a divorce, and publicly too, then most truthfully give your version of events, you're literally ruthlessly, effectively dishonestly, and self-servingly murdered as Diana Spencer was! 

Diana Spencer nevertheless fully aware of the lethal dangers evidently posed to her by her Windsor husband, his mistress and in laws and their brownnosing cliques, all the same courageously became the quite mentally liberated female she distinctively and ultimately became; quite similar in so many respects discernibly, to her African American daughter in law Meghan Markle. You, however, Anne Glenconner are nowt but a cowardly, useless, self-serving, and  additionally a class embedded wanker!

Saturday 29 October 2022

Done and dusted, Harry! I'm 100% with you. Well done!

 By Stanley Collymore 

Harry is a responsible adult and 
a committed, loyal, distinctly 
trustworthy and devoted 
husband happily living with his wife 
and their family; a great deal more 
than can ever, truly be said about 
most of the Windsor klan family, 
the surfeit of white racist Karen 
slappers, trollopes and, equally 
also the prodigious producers: 
as in the past, now haggardly 
menopausal clearly likewise 
as well, the present and still 
very ongoing abundance of 
such vile bastard offspring. 

And this most attendantly 
so with both the pathetic 
rather distinctively beer 
bellied azoospermiacs, cuckolded 
Gammons very deeply ingrained 
in the British media, throughout 
Britain, and similarly infestedly 
actually, across the anglophone 
and obviously too undoubtedly 
essentially racially inured and 
genocidally acquired world of 
rampantly, delusional entities 
critically so like Terra nuliius, 
likewise endemically, convict 
ingrained Australia, crucially 
and rather similarly Canada; 
New Zealand and essentially 
likeminded elements, within 
the USA that evilly comprise 
Harry's spiteful adversaries.  

Simply because he personally 
and quite intelligently chose 
a truly, decidedly beautiful, 
mentally liberated and distinctly in 
addition an unquestionably highly 
educated, naturally assuredly also 
and decidedly relative to her own 
person, consciously so an African 
American woman, and markedly 
not a white Stepford, discernibly 
absolutely dimwitted and a very 
intensely stalking in the process 
rapt social climbing broodmare 
as his aptly circumscribed wife. 

Moreover, if the Windsors are 
as white as the driven snow 
and equally pure in heart 
and their actions as they dishonestly 
claim to be and like to be perceived 
as, when in reality this discernibly 
dysfunctional, serially adulterous 
absolutely murderously criminal 
quite graspingly avaricious, and 
clearly charitably disingenuous 
with their unique penchant for 
vaingloriously awarding, what 
are essentially meaningless, to 
intelligent folk; but fittingly to 
their stupid sycophantic serfs 
and so gullibly imprssionable 
cretins are rather essentially, 
worthy gongs, and nepotistic 
civic uplifting appointments.  

So much so that the actually 
likeminded and misnomer 
Charities Commission nor 
likewise the police don't investigate 
them, even when Charles is caught 
red-handed, on his entry back into 
the UK, from the Middle East, with 
crucially a number of carrier bags 
quite literally, filled to their actual 
brim with several millions of very 
dodgily obtained, Pound notes. So 
why the hell then if the Windsors  
and their complicit friends are as 
impeccably honourable as they'll 
like everyone to daftly think they 
are; why then are they, and their 
quite sycophantic brown-nosers, 
so conspicuously rather terrified 
of what Harry, totally justifiably, 
will say, in his honest memoirs?  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
29 October 2022. 

Author's Remarks:
The Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsors are clearly a huge business but only for themselves! Therefore, you sad, pathetic and brownnosing, feudally mindset, serf morons don't or won't ever benefit from their quite substantial financial largesse but will instead contribute to what these vile financial grifters already have simply through your amply, taxpayer funded contributions. A distinctly disturbing,  extremely evil, odious situation that's consciously and blatantly egregiously exacerbated by this very disgustingly, repugnant lot who arrogantly ensure that they pay no inheritance tax at all on the billions they routinely acquire, while unsurprisingly getting their vile stooges in parliament and themselves most keen to attain their meaningless, to every naturally obvious, intelligent person, gongs from them in exchange for obnoxiously, literally determining what minimal tax these Windsors do condescend to pay!  

The attitudes and gross immorality of this Windsor Mafia Klan, are not only deeply entrenched but distinctively as well discernibly archaic. And it's very entertaining from a clearly objective, even if at times cynical perspective to watch idiotic Brits and their overseas expatriate, genocidal kin swarm very enthusiastically but also deferentially over this literally distinctly, absolutely toxically verminous, discernibly very obviously clearly piss poor specimens for human beings, calling themselves the Windsors.  

Harry, in my view, truly has the heart of a brave lion to literally stand up to this intrinsically, distinctly immorally criminal; bloodthirsty murderous and repugnantly spiteful, odious financial mafia organisation into which he was born and is quite unmistakably as big and clearly powerful, as this Windsor family distinctively with its corporate brownnnosers and a purportedly too British media evidently is. But clearly nothing however transparently vile it is lasts forever. Not even this asinine and quite risibly delusionally held on to, though long gone, British Empire! 

So well done Harry! And in honestly and honourably doing what you're so courageously doing showing exactly who the discernibĺy, unquestionably applauded person of principles in all of this is. 

My abiding love and respect to you: Harry, the Lionheart, your gorgeous and supportive wife Meghan and as well your beautiful children who you have steadfastly stood up for. A true  Hero by any etymological definition of that word. God richly Bless You all!

Thursday 27 October 2022

A nuked Britain has a really appealing and humorous ring about it. Carry on President Putin!

By Stanley Collymore 

Russia is a sovereign country 
and has a legitimate as well 
as the inalienable right, to 
crucially protect its borders, as all 
other countries globally similarly 
too and even those malevolently 
warmongering ones like Britain 
and the USA, Canada, Australia, 
Denmark and Poland, likewise 
have the exact right to protect 
their own. And crucially then 
when naturally brainwashed 
unquestionably, distinctively 
too intellectually challenged 
and thoroughly, egregiously 
braindead delusional white 
master race, stupidly racist 
Karens, and their similarly 
male equivalent gammons 
realise and actually accept 
this; then distinctively too, 
this ongoing war between 
the evidently subjectively,
likewise damned, Russian 
Federation and obviously 
Ukraine will make sense! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
27 October 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
I will be totally surprised if we're still here next year; and I'm actually, most definitely distinctly not an alarmist by any means but very much so a rather proud and very distinctively mentally liberated Bajan, who was discernibĺy, enforcedly born British. 

But all the same someone whose own cultural philosophy is to fear nobody, anything or even death itself which is quite literally, inevitable. Unless, that is, you're, vilely, a white supremacist who delusionally, in your so assinely entrenched racism, thinks that your skin colour and ethnicity undeniably make you invincible. 

So I suggest, and not actually doing so as any kind of a fatalist, that you very intelligently live every day as if it was actually your last, and effectively also similarly do not worry too much, if at all, what you will accordingly have in your own pension pot, in 10-20 years' time!

Is there nothing immoral or self-servingly financial that this Turk: Boris Kamal, alias Johnson, literally won't do?


By Stanley Collymore      

Charities are always run by and
largely benefit millionaires, so
intelligent folk, as apart from
brainwashed, quite intellectually
challenged and even braindead
morons, don't need a Sherlock      
Holmes type figure to discover      
who rather substantially does
basically, receive most of this
disingenuous, charity money.    
Clearly there are several uber      
quite disgustingly financially    
wealthy Ukrainians, on this      
planet already so basically      
also similarly distinctively      
rather literally; how then      
if a former British Prime      
Minister were evidently      
rather crucially looking      
instead, distinctly very      
much closer to home,      
on just one occasion?      
(C) Stanley V. Collymore      
27 October 2022.      
Author's Remarks:      
The first goal of most charities and British ones especially is to literally provide an excellent financial living for its undeniably, privileged board members; and rather laughingly so before they even dishonestly think of their particular cause! Criminally backed, of course, by this odiously self-serving and undoubtedly most unfit for purpose purportedly elite, arbitrarily set up, and duplicitously in situ Quango, asininely called the Charities Commission.      
Meanwhile, the USA born and also immigrant Turk Boris Kamal, alias, Johnson - basically irony evidently totally lost on these racist Karens and their cuckolded or laughably azoospermiac Gammons who so rabidly declare their very intense public hatred of all those, whom they vitriolically always distinctly categorize as odious, verminous immigrants yet idiotically and as well, unmistakably conveniently overlooking the blatant actuality that Boris is an immigrant to the UK - all the same, rather actively encourages him in his laughable proselytizing drama as the idiot, quintessential Englishman; plus likewise a glory seeking Churchill act.      
Synonymously like the bounteous cheques that the Idiot US maggots daftly keep on sending for Donald Drumpf's 2024 election campaign. Money that will straightaway vilely go into this fat Turk's Boris' pocket to raise his known and undeniably unknown bastard kids; while, also, quite distinctively securing a good life for himself; with an essentially obvious cut for Zelenksy naturally to say that it's all genuine to keep the money flowing in! So crucially brilliant (NOT) you racist and such feudally mindset British serfs and your purported genocidal kin are!    

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Worthy Prime Ministers aren't pathological liars and purblind hypocrites but, crucially, you wouldn't know that; would you Boris?

By Stanley Collymore 

All these odious, discernibly bastardly proliferation slappers and undeniably also quite unsurprisingly, as well, the copiously, literally evident surfeit of obviously, mendaciously white Karen pre-menopausal together with their clapped out and discernibly haggard post-menopausal ones in conjunction with their likeminded gammon, most invariably cuckolded and rather too uncommonly azoospermiac, risibly supposedly male counterparts either sorrowfully swilling gin and tonics or else crying in their beer about Rishi Sunak stabbing a Turkish immigrant, USA born; yet, so overtly, ludicrously proselytizing himself in the process as basically the distinctly, quintessential Englishman Boris Kemal/Johnson per se, something that most emphatically he self-evidently isn't! 

Let yourselves, just for once, actually bloody well get serious the lot of you, and instead of ongoingly carrying on in your sickening and appalling state of conspicuous denial ask yourselves quite honestly: how many people do you truly think that this endemic and utterly pathologically lying scum, and your precious Boris Kamal Johnson, has himself stabbed in the back, very purposely and callously, self-servingly undermined; unconcernedly, as well, stepped over and quite cynically just walked on to most brutally claw his way to No.10 Downing Street? 
The generally genuine answer, you at best brainwashed and, undeniably so, more likely than not super braindead and actually intellectually challenged morons is quite simply so, as many as your aptly, preposterously infallible, Boris thought was necessary! For, in actuality, that's the true nature of this particular beast you inept cultists do asininely and pathetically worship! 
(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
25 October 2022. 
Author's Remarks: 
What is it about our new Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak which so clearly upsets Boris and Liz Truss' supporters? Is it that he is more competent, capable, intelligent and honourably so work wise, and undeniably as well in his marital commitments aptly faithful to his spouse than his evidently immoral and adulterous predecessors, and most of you like-minded scumbags unquestionably are?  Assuming, that is, you actually get anyone to marry you! 
Or is it specifically something to do with Rishi Sunak's skin colour and ethnicity? For it seems to me that a lot of Daily Mail readers as well as the followers of the other right wing media are very and even more upset by his heritage - ironically so considering the ruthless imperialistic role that Britain played for generations in India - which does say everything any intelligent person needs to know about the majority of people who voted for Britain to exit the European Union.  
Ironically claiming the lot of them it was their gut instincts that led them to thoroughly support the UK leaving what is essentially the world's biggest trading block and which similarly is categorically on their own doorstep; rather than logically and coherently, literally and intelligently employing common sense and natural expertise, but which self-evidently these lower specimens of ludicrously purportedly homo sapiens white British don't nor will they and they kind ever acquire! 
My detailed knowledge coupled with literally intensive research shows the following. Interestingly Alec Douglass Hume succeeded Harold McMillan as Prime Minister; James Callaghan did the same with Harold Wilson; while John Major similarly took over from Margaret Thatcher. Likewise Gordon Brown with Tony Blair; Theresa May from David Cameron, Boris similarly from Theresa May and also Liz Truss from Boris. 
No tumultuous calls from you white, racist and depraved mother fuckers for a general election, nor any shouts of clearly contrived anger or disgust  by any of you that these specific PMs had no public mandate to govern the UK and the public should have a say, when quite distinctly and obviously the British electorate does NOT elect prime ministers; they elect their own constituency MP based on their very own party allegiance and, of course,  it's the party with the most seats in parliament or that can form a quite worthwhile coalition that essentially puts forward its leader as prospective Prime Minister, or oust them as they see fit during the legal parliamentary term. 
Interestingly enough, Alec Douglas Hume wasn't a member of the House of Commons nor the House of Lords when the Tories chose him as their PM after Harold McMillan resigned. And he only lawfully became so after he won a safe Tory seat and entered the House of Commons as an MP. Yet here are all you purblind racist, sick and utterly twisted, delusional cunts  going into an absolutely vile apoplexy of anguish, anger and even woefully contrived bereavement, all strictly because a genuine birth Briton with a brown skin, quite dissimilar so from a white ethnic, immigrant Turk born in the USA, is now indisputably Britain's first non-Caucasian Prime Minister. 
With even the racists in what I some years ago dubbed the Labtories in the purportedly official Labour Party and the UK's own official parliamentary unable to reconcile themselves with the quite "disturbing" for them reality of what has happened. And fatuously claiming that Rishi Sunak with all his wealth, that's been rather honourably earned by the way, is not a true Asian. Which prompts my question what is Keir Starmer with his millions, clearly got less honourably than how Rishi Sunak got his. Fucking endemically, white racism across the entire British political spectrum and likewise also, its entire feudal mindset society very firmly embedded in the 21st Century. 
Meanwhile, rom me who has never been a Tory, best wishes and good luck in your new undertaking Rishi Sunak!

Monday 24 October 2022

Trees actually grow Daily Mail? Now why didn't I think of that, especially after having been planted 11 years?

By Stanley Collymore 

Great use of other people's money! How wonderful it must really be. Flourishing trees - just like Kate and William's marriage, I think not! Anyway, like everything in these grifters lives there are gardeners to take care of these trees, like everything else in this useless pair's lives and all funded by the taxpayers. 

Won't be surprised though if the next Daily Mail's headlines is something along the lines that the trees at Harry and Meghan's home in California are in marked contrast to those planted at the inception of Kate and William's marriage very tiny, horrible and quite twisted, and consequently in no way match the vibrancy and allure of Wills and princess prissy's magnificent world beating trees. 

This is precisely why Kate Middleton  altered her university choices to coincide with those of an hereditarily rich, monarchical, feudal mindset so-called prince, then literally spent her entire university years and after trying, rather successfully as it happened, to snare the witless moron William Windsor! 

That said credit must also be rather plausibly given to Ma, Carole Middleton who evidently and most assiduously taught both of her daughters the value of the focussed mind and attendant with it the sheer tenacity to persevere at all costs if the ultimate reward is decidedly both hugely financially and likewise too distinctly social climbingly worth it; while constantly remembering that the sheer tenacity to persevere until the target of their contrived affection has been well and truly lassoed by them. And haven't Kate and Pippa, and even their pathetic brother, heeded Ma's advice most explicitly and determinedly; and in the resultant process done exceedingly well for themselves! 

Concurrently the accompanying results evidently and quite literally speak for themselves. Making one realise that any deer: realistically or proverbially so, caught in the glaring headlights of a speeding vehicle had a much better chance of escaping from that imminent danger than Carole Middleton's perspective sons-in-law ever had! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
23 October 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
Fittingly those trees planted on the occasion of Kate and William's nuptials really 11 years later do represent their actual marriage: cold, distant and artificial. All manicured but no real substance. Since away from the glare of the cameras and minus all the rather overt showcasing of delusional but nevertheless  cynically contrived and distinctly lyingly proselytizing PR, Kate and William supposedly intensely emotional marriage is nothing more than an elaborate, obscenely taxpayers funded farcical pretence, and most observantly so on William's part!

Sunday 23 October 2022

Self-entitled, obscenely wealthy but quite delusionally work shy!

By Stanley Collymore  

Boo hoo, quite plaintively sobs 
Kate Middleton, whatever on 
earth, will now expectantly 
become not just simply of my true 
love and likewise distinctively also 
my darling William, but especially  
me with my father in law Charles  
so obviously, from my individual  
perspective, quite unnecessarily 
so distinctly slimming down the 
monarchy when, most basically  
as well as literally and similarly 
crucial, I'd evidently decisively 
expectedly hoped, before all of 
these perplexing, shenanigans 
began to undoubtedly, merely 
be an effectively stay at home 
essentially non working mum 
very crucially so spending my 
qualitative and most precious 
time with my darling children. 

Reality though for a rather 
ludicrously sanctified by 
your quite endemically, 
intrinsically serf and distinctively 
similarly, thoroughly brain-dead 
actually brownnosing followers 
and evidently also dishonest PR 
propagandists and malevolent, 
rightwing MSM cretins and all 
this for an innately and really 
typically rather workshy Kate
Middleton that unequivocally 
is the entrenched preference  
that you're now, dishonestly 
and aptly, stupidly claiming 
on the sole case of children 
that truly you've not raised.  

A situation very different from 
your own Kate Middleton, but 
which all the same is literally 
the order of the day undoubtedly 
for essentially several millions of 
working mothers who truthfully  
would love nothing better, than 
to spend, more qualitative time 
essentially at home, with them 
but truly can't afford to do this 
as they quite crucially, need to 
financially, support them! Not 
very posturingly and likewise 
clearly conceietedly too stand 
around in the very ridiculous  
version you daftly demarcate 
as work Catherine Middleton, 
actually doing so customarily  
in designer clothes, as you so 
patronizingly then engage in  
small talk with the serfs who  
rather emphatically worship 
you, because their distinctly  
very conditioned deference 
leads them to; and who are, 
in each case unsurprisingly 
less fortunate than you are. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
23 October 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
Kate Middleton claiming that she wants more time to spend with her children who're evidently all at school during the day? On top of which her household is fully run by servants; so she has distinctively had loads of time to do at least two work appearances per week. 

The crucial situation is that Kate is quite essentially lazy and likewise too bone idle as she's always been; and with her endemically embedded social climbing airs Kate simply loves the money, the privileges and all the perks that go with this Middle Ages, medieval mindset monarchy she's rather successfully stalked her way into; but quite simply and discernibĺy conspicuously doesn't relish doing the associated, and seemingly to her, mundane associated duties. 

Making Kate Middleton literally an additional component within the most useless people on Planet Earth; who're literally nothing more than utterly vile, disgustingly lowlife grifters happily and rather sumptuously living off even dumber, groveling idiotic peasants!



Saturday 22 October 2022

Money for old rope! The classic case of rewarding useless politicians for their abysmal failures!

By Stanley Collymore  
Liz Truss may have turned up as    
an official representative of the
United Kingdom but seriously    
one could never quite realistically  
far less so, truly honestly call her  
the country's genuine bona fide  
Prime Minister. Essentially then    
if she had any conscience at all,    
she would conscionably clearly    
refuse to literally countenance    
much less so genuinely accept    
this PM's departure payout as    
well as the massive, and most    
basically so the inappropriate    
pension which distinctly goes    
for life for having had the job.    
After all, 44 days isn't even a
respectable probationary    
period in a normal job,    
and if the respective employee
concerned wasn't up to it they  
would be dismissed with only    
the pay which they'd earned.    
So why then aren't distinctly    
totally useless and basically    
specifically and solely Party  
based, selected candidates    
as their rather appropriate    
and crucially also, partisan,    
but pretentiously plausibly    
suitable, firmly designated    
choices actually relative to    
the distinctlvely cherished    
and coveted appointment    
as the aptly appropriately    
then firmly discarded PM    
of Britain be similarly too    
firmly, treated the same?    
(C) Stanley V. Collymore    
21 October 2022.    
Author's Remarks:    
Even Tesco insists on 6 months of satisfactory service before a newly employed worker can qualify for a discount card.    
Just 44 days in the job awarded by a £20,000 cash lump sum for her jumping before she was kicked out and also a further £115,000 a year for the rest of her pathetic life; and added to all of this, an ongoing 24 hours security aptly funded by the taxpayers! Utterly shameful!    
That said, this is feudally mindset, quite brownnosingly fawning and distinctively too very intellectually challenged Britain, whose literally idiotic serfs adore nothing better than being consistently kicked in the ass by their perceived social betters!

Thursday 20 October 2022

Brownnosers who avidly love the fetid stench of the posterior areas they fervently relish sniffing!

By Stanley Collymore

Conditioned royalists are essentially brainwashed idiots who love bowing and scraping to unelected billionaires with no particular qualities of their own to speak of; clearly no noticeable talents one could refer to and much less so no qualifications. And the current Middle Ages and medieval mindset monarchies, and specifically their incestuously inbred family members that infest the United Kingdom not only represent but are actually and most undoubtedly a most repulsively entrenched, discernibly self-servingly and an egregiously, most hypocritically, distinctively financially, graspingly and quite criminally in the process, a gloatingly malevolent version of all of the aforementioned and, furthermore rather attendantly to all of this much more besides!

Just imagine, if you've a functioning brain and quite capable of using it logically actually have myriads of supposedly normal human beings quite literally, robustly enthusiastically and likewise spontaneously, unthinkingly and rather eagerly hero worshipping such unwarrantedly privileged, distinctively self-entitled but, in reality, discernibly useless families and literally doing so on the specious basis of birthright entitlement: in essence the specifically, allegedly, worthy womb in which that individual was spawned and who it was that actually, supposedly, ejaculated there!

Then to actually quite insultingly have that ludicrous and deceitful difference compounded by the irrational and delusional notion that these said and quite distinctly mundane individuals are in situ through the divine auspices of an Almighty God whom they only pretentiously for public consumption and vainglorious deceit pretend to serve, automatically sets them unchallengeable and permanently above all others who're outside of their own instigated and selectively, purportedly hereditary ambit and circle, is not only disrespectful to everyone else, but similarly a mockery in itself!

And specifically so in this day and age; totally considering that we're all of us supposedly, physically at any rate, living our individual lives in a modern 21st Century! Not that anyone with a functioning brain and fully cognizant of how to use it realistically thinks so where Britain and its incorrigibly, demented, brownnosing serfs, in tandem with their white kin in these genocidally acquired and now racially controlled countries like Canada, New Zealand and quite naturally delusional Terra nullius Australia are concerned! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
20 October 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
This lot couldn't fix their backsides to a toilet seat properly.

Many in the Tory Party now evidently suffering from buyers’ remorse!

By Stanley Collymore    
Time to quite honestly and    
also absolutely wipe the    
current political slate    
clean, and thus logically have a
General Election! As it's rather    
crucial, plus similarly sensibly    
too, high time for the people    
of Britain to basically decide    
who they essentially, desire    
to be running their country.    
And if it's those hopelessly,    
pathetic Tories again, then    
literally, from my personal
perspective, Britain surely    
and unquestionably really    
should resoundingly then    
receive aplenty what it so    
very manifestly deserves!    
(C) Stanley V. Collymore    
19 October 2022.    
Author's Remarks:      

I'll bet that Kier Starmer and his Labtories ilk, no better than the Tories themselves, and who are no more genuinely so Labour than I, as a proud Bajan enforcedly born British am unquestionably a white Caucasian, which I'm not nor ever wanted to be even though clearly like all Afro-Caribbeans I do have the white male Y chromosome in my genetic system due to the very barbarically and systematic raping of our women during Slavery and Colonialism, can't actually believe their great luck.    
The odious Tories evidently ripping themselves to pieces, while clearly Starmer and his lot quite obviously as it happens, don't even have to lift a solitary finger between themselves to help this Tory lot on their way!    


Wednesday 19 October 2022

No national anthem should ever eulogize a solitary family however corruptly wealthy, criminal or immorally privileged they are!

By Stanley Collymore 

To be brutally blunt and unapologetically honest whatever the self-hating sexually unisex, Useful Idiot and distinctively so, evidently embarrassingly proud coconut Katharine Birbalsingh thinks, if there are those who want people singing a rather supposedly British national anthem, then they should realistically basically see the absolute absurdity of what they're really saying and in genuine exchange create an anthem which is undeniably inclusive and likewise upbeat; rather than a bloody awful and so pointless dirge ludicrously extolling the very farcically non-existent virtues of an unelected monarch and his or her unaccountable, distinctly odiously incestuously inbred; naturally graspingly financially avaricious self and family. 

Furthermore, who're unmistakably quite lecherously adulterous, sexually deviant with a marked penchant for paedophilia, manifestly as well, clearly other criminal pursuits and, on top of all of that, a very preposterous and pretentious absolutely holier than thou attitude to Christianity. A rather laughable state of affairs when, in reality, with the monarch literally a most serial adulterer, as was his predecessor, however delusionally and so erroneously you knowingly asininely want to sanctify her, absolutely ridiculously, the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, and none of them any guardians of genuine Christianity! Yet we must obediently as well as quite fawningly request that the true God Almighty specifically, and also very exclusively, ongoingly favour them much more than anyone else! 

What we in Britain currently have as a so-called national anthem is, literally, rather an awful and pointless dirge that doesn't  not even once mention the country or its citizens; but instead, clearly distinctively contains words specifically relating to an unelected, actually unaccountable, quite basically useless, plausibly out of touch, self-entitled, pointless, in situ exclusively because of what womb they were rather fortuitously spawned in; who it was that ejaculated there, and the fanny that they ultimately emerged from. An all obvious birthright, wholly unmerited and likewise too, an immensely, life long, exceedingly privileged existence. 

Individuals pointlessly out of touch, as is the literally twisted, Useful Coconut Idiot Katharine Birbalsingh, who contemptibly and so condescendingly unquestionably despise these same serfs that they quite deliberately, but in the self same manner cunningly, arrogantly and dishonestly do, self-servingly, publicly praise. As actually, it's these same brownnosing serfs, who maintain their expensive upkeep, and as well a medieval mindset monarchy that is wholly out of sync with the ideals of a genuinely democratic, meritocratic and, as well, a most conscionably equality of opportunity 21st Century!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
19 October 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
The Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor Klan is distinctly the classic representation of a rivalry driven, truly  jealousy encapsulated, unquestionably vituperatively vindictive, manifestly mediocre, even significantly in several cases, clearly  irrefutably redolent of the intellectually challenged; yet for all their multiple and similarly multifariously too, egregiously contrived wrongdoings and other distinctly abhorrent failings they're none the less from this dismal abyss of rampant mediocrity still wholeheartedly so loftily elevated by a surfeit of utterly brainwashed; totally, intensely coupled with irrefutably braindead, mindlessly  intellectually challenged but obviously quite the same fervently brownnosing, incorrigibly medieval mindset, largely white serfs attendant with their firmly  Stockholm Syndrome, self-hating and invariably, happy Coconut disposition followers. 

Decidedly quite happy in their crucially likeminded and impassioned stupidity also born of conditioned subservience, to readily and unthinkingly place these utterly and basically distinctly useless wasters of rather valuable space and time atop unwarranted pedestals; so completely and insultingly at variance with the truly, conscionable concepts distinctly associated with democracy, meritocracy and too one's inalienable right to the precepts of really genuine equally of opportunity. Yet these quite blatant and immoral occurrences are rather routinely so, sickeningly and as well, rather discernibly an incorrigible part and parcel of what is literally the obtusely ongoing existence evidently redolent of a clearly Middle Ages serf society quite firmly established inside Britain in the 21st Century! 

Incidentally, is Katharine Birbalsingh like her self-hating sort still bleaching her skin and delusionally pretending she'll ultimately end up being white?

Tuesday 18 October 2022

You only realize this now? Such prime idiots in dire need of urgent labotomies!

By Stanley Collymore  
If you seriously think that the lying,
fake news, Nazi rag the Daily Mail    
did not have a clue who or what  
they were proselytizing when they
overwhelmingly and most overtly  
racially, rather emphatically gave  
to Liz Truss their unquestionably      
wholehearted backing; crucially,      
from me and distinctively quite      
unapologetically, you're just as      
clearly addled as them in what      
you most stupidly, call a brain.      
And for others among you, fully
inclined to this most ludicrous      
and gullible way of thinking;      
simply wake up, quit your pathetic
brownnosing to these specimens    
of literally irrefutably verminous    
and undoubtedly also evidently
disingenuously untrustworthily
basically dishonestly posturing      
and distinctly hereditary scum      
and significantly, alternatively
sensibly literally acknowledge      
that your Daily Mail has been      
here before, effectively so as      
it also distinctly calamitously
happened in the 1930s with      
the quite beloved Daily Mail      
Third Reich holocaust Nazis.    
Literally evil repeating itself.      
(C) Stanley V. Collymore      
16 October 2022.      
Author's Remarks:    
Personally, just like all my mentally liberated Bajans as it's an integral part of our culture, I've absolutely no sympathy whatsoever for Kwasi Kwarteng or the plethora of clearly other rather distinctively ethnically self-hating but unmistakably avidly white worshipping basically Useful Idiots; the discernibly, quite classic House Niggers who very ongoingly and most specifically so, ever since the instigation of the Transatlantic Slave Trade have been a veritable and most egregiously, malevolent curse in the lives of all decent and law abiding Black people.  
Odious traitors whose distinctively quite subserviently implanted and clearly rather undying loyalty, but never ever reciprocated by those whom they so idiotically worship, to those they undeniably perceive as discernibly their white superior betters, were most crucial over all the attendant centuries in the sick and evilly prolongation of slavery, colonialism, Jim crowism, lynching, segregation, apartheid and all the other evils that these Black on the outside but white interiorally, vile Stockholm Syndrome aficionados have consciously and unswervingly in this brutal process at their white masters and mistresses demands, have basically callously inflicted on their own Black race up to this day.  
And for what? To be contemptibly and disdainfully disposed of at will by those whom they so sickeningly loyally and quite committedly give their all to! Little wonder that with Useful Idiots, and Coconut House Niggers at large, whites generally, and British ones specifically along with their odious kin in genocidally acquired countries like their risibly quite delusional Terra nuliius ones like Australia, similarity in tandem too with their self-servingly and as well self-entitled, literally distinctly and extraordinarily clearly lavishly but also a workshy and unearned, immense wealth, by incestuously so inbred monarchical specimens that consider themselves to be in situ by divine approval look down their contemptuous noses at even the likes of quite highly intelligent and likewise, well educated Black persons like Meghan Markle.  
Essentially Brexiteer Britons - the village Idiots not only of Europe but likewise also the world! Kwasi Kwarteng did precisely what Liz Truss wanted and insisted that he do, and the Daily Mail effusively praised them for but now rather conveniently has no memory of. Now Liz Truss is using her Useful Idiot as a scapegoat and to save her own ass!

Sunday 16 October 2022

Camilla Parker Bowles - The Manipulative Courtesan Consort!

By Stanley Collymore 

Camilla the conniving, adulterous 
bedhopper will basically never 
be respected universally and 
rather certainly not so by intelligent, 
naturally logical and discernibly too 
genuinely moral individuals, as she 
and most specifically so, her idiotic 
likemindedly, killer co-conspirator 
adulterer Charles would distinctly 
like for everybody to. Since, those 
who're brainwashed and literally 
do are really effectively similarly 
minded, thoroughly white Karen 
trollops, currently so or else past 
their prime; and gullible Camilla 
apologists who because they are 
plainly intellectually challenged 
have crucially been easily taken 
in by slick Buckingham Palace's 
orchestrated and outright lying, 
rabidly rightwing media organs 
like the monarchist Daily Mail's 
own proselytizing PR campaign. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
16 October 2022. 

Author's Remarks:
Not a bad return for one's concerted manipulation - living in the finest of homes, eating and drinking the very best that money can buy; will never have to lift a finger to clean up after herself; her every need and wanton desires seen to; and all that's really asked of her in return for all of the aforementioned privileged benefits is essentially to literally show up for her listed engagements and smile. Truly, a really tough life wouldn't you say? And all this at the taxpayers expense.

Saturday 15 October 2022

The debilitating curse of raw jealousy spawned from wilful inured racist hatred incited against Meghan Markle!

By Stanley Collymore 

A lot of you folks are insanely jealous of Meghan Markle: a name that we, her genuine friends and admirers want her to retain, not some bloody garbage and grotesquely outdated medieval mindset attachment vaingloriously referred to by you brownnosing serfs as titles. As it's patently obvious that you racist Karen haters desperately wish that you looked half as beautiful, confidently poised and were as mentally liberated as this highly educated, which you lot self-evidently aren't, as this African American lady. 

Similarly, you evidently wished that your pathetic and unfulfilling lives were even minimally half as rewarding as Meghan's. Furthermore, that you individually had a man in your quite discerniblly pathetic lives who loves you even half as much as Harry undoubtedly loves Meghan and their children. 

Reality, however, is that you don't and why so many of you Karens: young and old alike, are the ongoingly willing slappers that you irrefutably are who additionally are lumbered, or rather the state that finances you and them with your dole money, with your multiple bastard offspring. An insatiable immorality compounded by your rabid racism that themselves reinforce your rabid racism; causing you in turn to vent your frustrations on people of colour like Meghan Markle! 

And so I'll put this simple proposition to you. Namely, that if your response to what I'm saying, which I'm absolutely confident doesn't even remotely, let alone realistically, far less so truthfully come into my honest equation; why then in your rather sick and utterly twisted, predictable contradiction, don't the lot of you proudly and bravely show a genuine photograph of yourself instead of incessantly and cowardly, as the toxically verminous, intellectually challenged and lowlife, deadbeat morons that you actually are, keep enduringly hiding behind laughably, self-conceited and obnoxiously sounding, inflated pseudonyms. 

Sensible, intelligent and logical persons crucially already know who the real Meghan Markle is and accounts for why we love her as much as we do; so why with your unproven but none the less multitudinous attacks on her, don't you literally and truthfully enlighten those of us who don't share your perspective of Meghan, just who and what you honestly are, and rather significantly why we should believe what are essentially your racist and envious prejudices of her. Personally, I'm not holding my breath on that one; and I can't imagine any other intelligent persons doing the same either; and specifically not where toxic vermin like you lot are concerned!

Friday 14 October 2022

If Lebanese twat, Georgia Arianna Ziadie, alias Lady Colin, can hang on to hers why not others deservingly so?

By Stanley Collymore  

The old guard of European
monarchical families who    
are all clearly biologically    
as well as incestuously related    
are trying hard to actually put    
off the rather inevitable; truly    
quite idiotically thinking, that    
by them sacrificing the lesser    
members of their mafia klan    
doing so, will let them retain    
the privileged trappings that    
they're all so used to having.    
As for Harry and wife Meghan    
who basically, in reality, don't    
actually need these outdated    
ghastly things there's literally    
nothing which either Charles    
nor his racist baldy offspring    
William can really do if Harry    
or Meghan - and, why would    
they anyway? - were to carry    
on styling themselves as the    
lawful Duke and Duchess of    
Sussex! Louis Mountbatten:    
Charles III, beloved married    
great uncle, but a very keen    
aficionado of clearly, young    
boys all of his distinctly vile,
paedophile life, wasn't ever    
a Burmese nor did her ever    
live in Burma but even so it    
was appended to his name.    
Harry and Meghan meanwhile    
don't realistically receive any    
money, whatsoever, either    
from Charles, the British state, or    
even the Nazi Daily Mail, though    
in truth they should be claiming    
royalties from the latter, for the
constant usage of their names;    
and quite significantly crucially  
don't live in Britain. So literally    
up yours - you azoospermiacs    
and cuckolded gammons also    
white racist, Karen trollops of    
all ages quite discernibly and
intellectually challenged with
toxically verminous, natures!    
(C) Stanley V. Collymore    
14 October 2022.    
Author's Remarks:    
14 October 2022.    
Author's Remarks:    
Charles will throw any lifeboats off the WIndsors' privileged ship to try and save the monarchy; while attendant with that the Commonwealth countries are reviewing their own situations. Slowly, although against the massively overwhelming odds that characterize the very brainwashed, thoroughly braindead and crucially intellectually challenged, distinctly so embarassingly brownnosing and relishing every moment of it sycophantic serfs that liberally infest Britain, are also starting to realize that they're being had.    
Namely, that this monarchical stuff attendant with its so meaningless and useless titles are essentially totally indefensible nowadays when people are educated enough, as well as mentally liberated in the process, to know that these so-called royals hold no genuine worth other than their ludicrously baseless assumptions associated with superstition and unearned privilege! 

Even with their titles removed these monarchical leeches of the genuinely hardworking British taxpayers will still lead a lavish lifestyle, will never know what it's like to be "ordinary folk" and will still be automatically protected by the grandeur of a privileged palace life! Anne Windsor's children have never individually had a title in any shape or form but automatically discernibly because of their mother Anne together with who both individually and collectively they're automatically perceived as, by the deadbeat fawning British serfs as, they've routinely lived a most well to do and exceedingly privileged life, and will clearly carry on doing so in tandem with all of Anne's  own grandchildren regardless of how ill-equipped they are intelligently or in terms of natural ability. And it's the same with all the vile rest of them across the entire Windsor family!  

And most thankfully with Archie and his baby sister Diana both living in the United States of America where unlike Britain there's a written constitution that sensibly does not recognize these senseless and meaningless medieval concoctions Archie and Diana will both grow up in the full knowledge that it's who and what you genuinely are and beneficially do and truly make of yourself, not what quite ludicrously and literally lunatic Dark Ages concoctions and accreditations laughably declare you to be, that very obviously unquestionably so, do really matter in this world that all of us discernibly mentally liberated persons acknowledge is the only logical and intelligent way forward in the 21st Century and beyond! 

So go fuck your titles Charles, William, Camilla, Kate; and both the hereditary cretins in and the lovers of them in the MSM! Harry and Meghan, as you well know, don't need them! So carry on all you like with your race hating campaigns against them for the prurient benefit of the of all these intellectually challenged, lowlife and pretty sad white Karen and evidently too, their gammon male equivalents.