
Wednesday 31 May 2023

Intentionally overlooked, and even quite cherished sexual abusers operating freely in the family home!

By Stanley Collymore

Quite truthfully, what was it
really like or distinctly still
knowingly is, undeniably
within your very own familial home;
or do you effectively, basically prefer
rather ludicrously, deluding yourself
that the very opposite, is literally the
reality as you distinctly, indifferently,
and rather blissfully, carry on living
in your noxious state of deniability?
The mothers; step-mums, as well as
those female guardians undeniably
in all of these nauseating sex abuse
cases by actually biological fathers,
step-dads, and also live in lovers to
these aforementioned 'ladies' quite
definitely: in my honest, forthright
and logical opinion, unequivocally
know or if these abuses were then
in the distant past; knew perfectly
well, what exactly in undoubtedly
the two instances, was going on!

But the feckless, immoral and
evil cowards that they are
they basically haven't
got even the rudimentary principles
or guts to actually stand up for their
daughters, sons, or essentially those
children, who're entrusted to them!
Even crucially, and vilely choosing
in the vast, overwhelming majority
of instances, that this abuse carries
on; for with the quite malevolently
egregious abuser undeniably more
fervently involved elsewhere; they
would aptly, be sexually left alone!
Now, take a long; undeniably hard
for literally numerous numbers of
you; and likewise an unrestrained
warts and all, quite simply, honest
look at yourself in any mirror and
truthfully, then hopefully respond
to this essentially crucial question
which I am now candidly publicly
and most specifically so obviously
unapologetically positing to all of
you but quite concertedly I freely
and likewise also rather willingly
admit, to the Daily Mail's, usually
pestilent and puerile aficionados
where do each of you irrefutably
stand morally and solely relative
to both sets of these inexcusably,
truly evil, noxious, sub-humans?

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
31 May 2023.

Author's Remarks:
When it's considered quite au fait and similarly distinctly elan to court, have sexual relations with, have as your own lover or mistress; effectively marry and have offspring with, fully cognizant all along that they are your own biological and quite invariably as well your quite close blood relative and such deliberate family relationships were to effectively supposedly and ludicrously consolidate you specifically prized bloodline and as well ensure your massive and distinctly unearned and unwarranted wealth did  stay quite irrevocably within that exact family, it should come as no surprise to anyone with a truly functioning brain within their head, that essentially such persons perceived as their divine rulers and societal leaders would set the basis and the trend, obviously in an ongoing process, that the surfeit of very gullible serfs, commoners, plebeians - call them what you will - would earnestly follow; and they indubitably have done so.

Incest is rampant across Britain and too within its kin, genocidally acquired and now quite exclusively controlled global seizures like Australia, New Zealand, in Canada and undeniably the anglophile areas of the USA and South Africa, just naming a few along with Ireland.

And basically accounts overall for why British courts are essentially evidently lenient towards the offenders, of whom there are both males and females let's not forget, and explains exactly why all these commenters on these right-wing rags and electronic media happily lay the blame at the REAL victim's door; and rarely that of the perpetrator.

Sick Britons and their global kin firmly ensconced in the Middle Ages in more ways than just subservience and gross fawning sycophancy to their ardently perceived societal betters!

It's totally morally offensive, similarly too, essentially personally as well as culturally anathema to me entertain let alone realistically effect the reality of actually courting, having any kind of a romantic relationship with far less so indulge in a heterosexual relationship - quite specifically no other kind for me I'm afraid - consensually or otherwise, with someone who I'm even remotely so biologically related to; and why I ask myself would any sensible person quite logically and intelligently want to do so when there's literally a surfeit of actual clearly perspective partners to lawfully satisfy one's emotional or carnal needs globally? Beats me!

My Barbadian cultural upbringing not only induces me to have an instinctive and reciprocal respect for other human beings of both sexes but indubitably so and quite importantly as well, my very own biological family members; and consequently we don't and never will as Bajans - the quite affectionate name which we nationally and very proudly call ourselves - see any of our biological relatives as relatively potential lovers, sexual partners or marital spouses. And furthermore, even members of the very opposite who we literally grow up with in our own communities are distinctly off limits physically and emotionally as we essentially see them as brothers or sisters and never as sexual partners or potential spouses.

And it rather literally and significantly does account undoubtedly for why our quite beloved homeland, Barbados has one of the very highest and distinctly so most impressive, diverse genetic pools and also attendant with that per population also has the world's highest number of very active and likewise physically healthy and well educated centenarians. And the exceedingly proud, industrious and moral Bajans that we are; we intend to purposefully and intelligently carry on respecting the status quo while doing, as usual, our very best simultaneously to improve it in every way we can! Not for nothing is our National motto: Pride and Industry!

Tuesday 30 May 2023

King in name only; King consort in reality to his adulterous, mistress Queen!

By Stanley Collymore  
Hierarchically as well as hereditarily  
you were designated from birth  
Charles Windsor to be the  
arbitrary heir, of the British monarchy:  
a prince of the realm crucially around
whom, you and actually likewise your  
own family, everything which there is  
of significantly great importance has  
to revolve unstoppably; but evidently
obviously, with no identical empathy  
that's created for or else dispatched
towards those essentially perceived
effectively as the usual commoners,  
serfs, peasants or puerile plebeians  
crucially by yourselves and likewise    
any of your obviously privileged kin.  
So how then and rather realistically  
too in God’s Holy name: exactly the  
same Deity that you, your sort, and  
those that very gullibly believe you,
continue to obviously significantly,  
and likewise distinctly tenaciously  
in such distinctively unconvincing  
circumstances simply still adhere  
to this clearly nonsensical idea of  
a monarchy, quite permanently in  
Britain and firmly unquestionably  
as well as morally and fittingly, in  
place through divine approbation.  
A monarch of Britain to be readily
sycophantically worshiped and  
likewise fatuously idealized  
by you and similarly also your family
members and friends and on whom  
it must always be proudly prevailed  
upon unceasingly that every British
monarch is in situ by the divine will  
and corroboration of God Almighty.  
Well now you know if basically you  
didn't before! But if you're dubious    
of this, because quite indisputably  
you've evidently, an astute brain in  
your head, that you often and also  
rather sensibly employ to logically  
sort quite questionable things out,  
you won't then think I take it much  
less so, conscionably believe that  
any of this ridiculous chicanery is  
either undeniably so intellectually  
right or even scarcely steadfastly  
sound or vaguely generally moral.  
A basically intolerable situation  
made wholly implausible by  
your vilely contemptible,  
unapologetic behaviour Charles, itself
similarly rather contemptuously so to
those still enduringly, moral elements
within British society. Behaviour quite  
pre-planned, and purposely contrived  
in your knowingly disgusting adultery
totally aware from the outset of what
you'd quite deliberately embarked on  
what the very obvious overriding dire
consequences brazenly, consciously  
and simply egregiously orchestrated
through your assiduous, cooperative
participation Charles, but essentially  
malevolently engineered by your vile  
and odiously evil mistress, evidently  
so, with her own distinctive designs  
on being the true, successor Queen  
of Britain, literally after Liz Windsor.  
And having ruthlessly played the  
patient waiting game and with  
both Diana and Dale "Kanga"  
Tryon: Charles' wife and other serious
mistress, both dead within months of
each other and quite clearly in similar  
mysterious circumstances; the stage  
was now aptly and intransigently set,  
for the still Windsor in name only but  
basically unquestionably so in reality  
the indubitable advent of the Parker-  
Bowles dynasty. A new queen as you  
obviously clearly wanted Charlie boy  
but evidently, not that bright enough  
to sensibly discern what that Queen  
that you so arrogantly and distinctly  
elevated to her now legally held role  
within the British monatchy actually  
very painstakingly essayed over the  
years, of your relationship together,  
to usurp your position as King after  
you'd acquired that role; manifestly  
then irrefutably become the actual  
power, distinctly behind the British  
throne, which very unquestionably,  
Camilla  most certainly in addition  
to her status as Queen undeniably  
is! And very crucially demotes you  
Charlie boy from the UK's reigning  
monarch and once its obsessively  
waiting kingly heir, to undoubtedly  
what he's now irrefutably become.  
The very billionaire and privileged
husband of a fellow adulterous  
spouse who played him like  
a fine tuned piano and sequestered  
what from the start and throughout  
her long game endeavour what she
always really longed for, her role as  
the Queen of Britain and that of her  
used adulteror as her King Consort.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
29 May 2023.  

Author's Remarks:  
And the true majority British population, their overseas genocidal, convict inured kin and crucially at home again likewise their Coconut and House Nigger clearly Useful Idiots, love deluding themselves that Britain is not simply quite distinctly the rather solid, 21st Century country it actually is, but is likewise too a staunch democracy!  
Dream on; and keep taking the tablets!  

Sunday 28 May 2023

Kate makes us proud? No! I suggest you aim higher Arna of Toronto, Canada!

By Stanley Collymore 

The principal questions that 
you fawning intellectually 
challenged and crucially 
dim-witted serfs like Arna should be 
asking themselves and significantly 
too endeavour to supply intelligent 
answers to, literally assuming, that 
they're simply capable, of doing so, 
which is highly unlikely; are these. 
Why did Kate Middleton, blatantly 
intentionally alter, her specifically 
confirmed university choice, from 
Edinburgh University unilaterally 
to St. Andrews University to aptly 
tally with Bill's acceptance there? 

Then distinctly took a gap year 
from university to precisely 
and effectively, coincide 
with William's own chosen gap year; 
on top of which Kate then embarked 
coincidentally sceptics would risibly 
say on the exact course as William; 
then rather characteristically, spent 
her entire university years and also 
continuously afterwards, following 
William everywhere really causing 
even that host of right-wing rags to 
quite laughably, and appropriately 
as well class her as Waity Katie for 
her outrageous, wilfully virulently 
tenacious and incessantly stalking 
capabilities while most essentially 
specifically doing fittingly nothing 
with her intellectually challenged 
History of Art, Degree - I ask you? 

Hardly in the real realms of 
genuine academic studies 
is it? That also distinctly 
coupled, with Kate's innate laziness 
and her rabid unwillingness to find 
work and generally get a job, spoke 
eloquently about her lazy, basically 
useless and self-entitled, character. 
But ultimately stalking and tireless 
waiting really paid off with witless 
Bill, though it took him an extra 10 
years really, on top of those earlier 
ones, that he was usually shagging 
Kate to somehow, quite effectively 
realise that he'd so spontaneously 
fallen, rather hopelessly deeply in 
love, with this blissfully, unaware 
to him of the several years, of her 
stalking him and, undestandably, 
desperately wanted to marry her. 

The avid social climbing diva, 
very widely known as Kate 
Middleton, later openly 
dubbed by the same rightwing 
media as the Duchess Doolittle 
through her aversion to work, 
had ultimately, got her foot in 
the door and as such had also 
formally then become a quite 
generally and essentially also 
evidently par for this specific 
course the clearly customary 
unquestionably, also useable 
as basically needed Stepford 
Wife broodmare. Which, for 
Kate would be in the realms 
actually, of the Saxe-Coburg 
Gothe-Mountbatten equally 
too, the Windsor monarchy. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
28 May 2023. 

Author's Remarks: 
Some obviously like and are quite in their state of mind very amenable to fawning over and even idiolizing their so-called royal family. Other folk don't  however intelligently behave this way. Therefore, in the marked absence of a democratically held referendum to determine once and for all whether or not Britain should retain its unelected and hereditary birthright monarchy or actually get rid of it, here's a reasonable and logical compromise. 

Those taxpayer that want to retain the monarchy should be statutorily made to pay for it while those who don't want to shouldn't have to; all this essentially accompanied by a legal register where everyone 18 and over would state their preference on this matter. This would be to forestall the prime jackasses in Britain and who infest it with their vile presence from wanting a monarchy but not wishing to fork out financially for it and with rather severe legal penalties, financially as well as actually including imprisonment for those who break the law! 

Since I personally don't understand at all how taking money, as is currently the status quo at present, from the poor who might well be considerably so anti monarchist, in order that these actually unwarranted, very distinctly privileged "toffs" can live an overly extravagant lifestyle, is totally unacceptable in this day and age! 

And for what purpose actually? Even Diana openly admitted in a televised interview that projects are designed to make "royal spouses" appear busy, as without them, Diana emphatically went on, there would be nothing for them to do.

And while asininely pontificating about Kate Middleton and her positive effect: positive or otherwise on those who're actually living in Britain; have you ever thought of ascertaining what your vile effect and presence in Canada is having on its genocidally murdered and quite barbarically dispossessed Indigenous Canadians, Arna. I thought not! So why don't you and your odious lowlife sort ask them?

Saturday 27 May 2023

Dementia starts when you decide to read and believe the Daily Mail!

By Stanley Collymore

Rolf Harris’ wife Alwen as well 
as his daughter Bindi surely 
must have known of, as 
well as encouraged and also enabled 
this odiously vile paedophile’s, sexual 
proclivities. As such, they’re distinctly 
thoroughly undeniably repugnant! No 
obviously different situations then, to 
certainly and specifically so: either in 
character coupled with the attendant 
vile and evil immorality discernibly i
Alwen’s case basically from those of 
Rosemary West and surely Primrose 
Shipman who distinctly encouraged, 
thoroughly facilitated and immorally 
patently easily, and additionally also 
crucially covered up for their simply 
equally odious, repulsive husbands! 

And actually, no amount of British 
and over the top, generally white 
compassionate understanding 
for this rather perverse, paedophile ogre 
Rolf Harris, because he’s actually one of 
them will ever convince me or any other 
moral person, possessed with a natural 
comprehension of what’s crucially right 
and what is unquestionably, undeniably 
wrong; that stupidly, turning a blind eye 
at best to such deliberately malevolent 
pernicious and maliciously egregiously 
conduct by Rolf’s wife Alwen; daughter 
Bindi and his several friends that knew 
perfectly well what Rolf was obviously 
doing actually constitutes love, on the 
part of his family members, or literally 
genuine friendship, by his supporters; 
is essentially nothing of the kind! And 
unquestionably will generally be quite 
au fait with everyone who is distinctly 
in obvious possession, of a genuinely 
conscionable mind and similarly very 
genuine moral understanding, clearly 
that it was nowt other, than enabling! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
27 May 2023. 

Author's Remarks: 
Dementia on Alwen's part, Daily Mail? Sounds more like a callous PR stunt to actually stop her husband Rolf's victims from making appropriate claims. Basically Rolf Harris was very much a product of the Establishment in the exact same way that his very close friend Jimmy Savile patently was; and despite the obvious exposure of these two this sort of behaviour still goes on rampantly and distinctly too unchecked within the principal echelons of the British Establishment and as well its monarchical equivalent; and what’s more it's essentially and intentionally protected.

And it’s quite abundantly clear to anyone but the brain dead that the vast majority of you mother-F idiots are taken in by the Rolf Harris and Establishment protective right-wing media PR, and their lame excuses for what this discernibly quite repugnant man did happily surrounded by his monarchical and aristocratic friends and equally too his many celebrity supporters and you as well his surfeit of fans who even after he was exposed, convicted and jailed still refused as you still do now to accept reality, simply because of who he was and the very high powered friends he had. And accounts for why he’s being treated so leniently by all of you! 

Wilfully throwing a spanner into the works; just imagine what your reaction and evilly vile comments would be if instead of this man's name being Rolf Harris and with all of his monarchical, hereditary and "posh" celebrity friends as his comfort zone, it was JEREMY CORBYN! You sick bastards and bitches! As it is, it's a sick Britain and its overseas genocidal kin definitely hailing their own!

Friday 26 May 2023

Is Britain turning into some kind of a theme park?

By Stanley Collymore

Every time I see the perverse,
self-entitled and avid social
climber woman, the totally
in my estimation of her, undeniably vile
Waitie Katie, plus that dumbo husband
of hers and their three sprogs it simply
rather starkly reminds me, of the quite
charming and outstandingly exclusive  
London “official residence” situated in
Kensington Palace which they equally
have allocated as one of their several
homes. Kensington Palace - that was
actually acquired as a direct result of
shares in the notorious Royal African
Company and evidently in which, the
British monarch, and their perceived
royal family quite indisputably had a
monopoly and was actually secured
through their agent, Edward Colston
the infamous nefarious slave owner
from Bristol plus a principal director
in the same Royal African Company.

The luxurious lifestyle of this family:
William, Kate and their sprogs, has
irrefutably come about as a direct
result of the enormous and blood soaked  
profits made through the evilly, abhorrent
Transatlantic Slave Trade and the odious
human suffering of significantly, millions
of black people over several centuries. A
monopoly which the British Royal Family
luxuriously basked in and attendant with
the privileged consequences the likes of
William, Kate and their offspring lavishly
happily luxuriate in, notwithstanding the  
truly evilly consequences of Kensington
Palace's terrible legacy; that still lingers
on most excruciatingly painful and also
rather enduringly for countless millions
to this very day within the 21st Century.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 May 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Whether it’s accepted or not the overwhelming majority of white Britons, plus their Coconut and House Nigger Useful Idiots, are brainwashed into thinking that the UK’s monarchy is such an indispensable part of British history, culture and the country’s continuing future that it must be retained at all costs and quite ludicrous as well virtually unchanged.

So here’s my solution to this impasse as far as those who do not subscribe to the idea that a Middle Ages mind-set monarchy is relevant in the 21st Century and also well aware that there’s not going to be any referendum on this matter.

Turn the entire monarchy status quo into a London type Pearlie King and Queen ongoing celebrity showcase with the firstborn of the Windsor family, as is the present case: and whether male, female or transgender, appointed monarch for life, or unless he or she chooses to retire or abdicate, and on their departure whether through death, retirement or abdication, the relevant successor takes over, assuming of course, and why not, they want the job.

Meanwhile the palaces, stately houses and huge multiple estates enjoyed exclusive at present by the Windsor family could be turned into posh financial entities: hotels, recreation areas, whatever that brings in the money and makes them all a massive Disneyland type affair. In addition to all that the really prized assets with their longevity could be turned into 24/7 museums manned by members of the Windsor family as paid employees; enabling them to get off their lazy asses and do some real work for a change, and in the process of so doing pay their taxes like everyone else.

As for the UK’s real political situation, those daft enough to could carry on striving for a fairer voting system coupled with true democracy, equality and meritocracy. But why would idiotic Brits go for any of this when the aforementioned systems that I pointed out is making them all money, whether they’re actually working or on the dole and these ingrained morons can still carry on being the plebeians, serfs, call them what you will, to their perceived societal better.

Wednesday 24 May 2023

Cursed with lousy parents Charles needs a nanny not a wife and Camilla exploits that obsession of his!

By Stanley Collymore 

If Diana had lived and not 
been conveniently and 
actually, egregiously 
and malevolently murdered the 
Windsors wouldn't have gotten 
away with repulsively treating 
Harry and likewise Meghan as 
they've obviously, vilely done! 
And William surely would not 
have needed Ma Middleton as 
a substitute mother, and most 
certainly would definitely not 
now be rather ridiculously so, 
married to Kate her daughter. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 May 2023. 

Author's Remarks: 
Taking TEN years to decide whether or not you want to, or actually will marry a woman who from the get-go has very obsessively been stalking you to simply clearly achieve for herself that identical aim isn't love William. Nor is adultery! 

It also essentially accounts for how and literally why Charles who desperately all of his life has wanted to be monarch of the UK finds himself in the evidently ironic situation where Camilla having very connivingly, odiously and rather evilly played the long game, is now in all reality the UK's new monarch and it is effectively Charles who's actually her King Consort.

For anyone with a functioning brain and knows how to essentially use it, knows full well that it's evil Camilla that is calling the shots and who gets her equally odious hack friends in the rightwing media to determine at her behest the sick and contrived agenda she obsessively wants to proselytize. The classic control freak. Great grand mother Alice Keppel from her lair in Hell must be smiling proudly from ear to ear.

Privilege and Status should be earned not decreed by supposed birthright!

By Stanley Collymore 

I've  rather reluctantly come 
to the conclusion that it's 
absolutely terrible in 
the UK how some working class and 
likewise also, clearly disadvantaged 
non-white people distinctively have 
naturally outlandish ideas crucially 
above their station by crazily doing 
absolutely weird things, essentially 
like creating names and money too 
for themselves, effectively through 
their own talents and undoubtedly 
too, other diverse abilities; equally 
as well, crucially sheer hard work. 
Instead of by actually winning the 
birthright lottery! Quite obviously 
though to the rampant vile surfeit 
of quite sycophantic monarchical 
morons, who literally, irrefutably 
as they most clearly and toxically 
infest Britain, the latter evidently 
is rather unquestionably, a much 
more prestigious status to the lot 
of these solely dimwitted cretins. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 May 2023. 

Author's Remarks:
In Britain the legal procedure is that a dead person's body cannot or shouldn't be in anyway either released for burial or cremation until the actual cause for that person's death has been medically certified, and subsequently to that the appropriate death certificate has been issued. Until such time the body simply shouldn't be released. 

Notwithstanding the above and the fact that numerous people in the UK have thus been forced for ages to have their nearest and dearest not buried or else cremated because that requisite death certificate is very much outstanding, how come then that the rules were very summarily broken for Rolf Harris with his death certificate issued only on the 23 May 2023 but his cremation having taken place TWO weeks earlier? 

Was all this done and in this fashion to actually stave off public criticism, and as well acute embarrasment about Rolf Harris' exceptionally close relationship as was equally per se with Jimmy Savile and Bishop Peter Ball for instance, with undeniably, distinctly senior members of the Windsor family that included the late Liz Windsor with whom Rolf had an exceptionally close bond? Research the empathy between them when in the full glare of the TV camera he painted that portrait of Liz at Buckingham Palace. Where is it now and is it on very prominent display?

Which poses the obvious question: if Rolf Harris' death and cremation can be occasioned much earlier than was publicly and very officially stated; what other quite prominent death for PR and conning of the UK's unquestionably so, quite gullible, intellectually challenged masses was likewise implemented? 

Dead bodies unless embalmed quickly start rotting and stinking awfully and can't be carried around anywhere for two weeks and not be publicly noticed whatever your elevated status was in life before you died. So the Rolf Harris' situation isn't the only one where the gullible prats specifically in Britain and amongst their kin in the distinctively genocidally acquired white controlled countries have basically been taken for a ride. Lol! Go work it out and why you were!

Tuesday 23 May 2023

Double standards plain and simple!

By Stanley Collymore

Toxic, thoroughly dim-witted,
quite verminous scum, also
odiously clickbait morons;
unless quite racist rags, and distinctly
right-wing media clearly like the Daily
Mail very distinctly, do instruct them
all to act otherwise, just won't resist
from clutching their neck chains, or
posh pearls firmly; also undeniably
Camilla-like generally adulterously
and similarly racist Karen trollops
too, evidently in tandem with their
undoubtedly cuckolded Gammon
passively accepting what's being
done to them; yet ridiculously, all
clearly, taking personal umbrage
at all regarded slights, no matter
how pathetically, and delusional
these really are that they take to
regard as being directed at Kate
Middleton while basically at the
same time very ludicrously and
purposely, dishonestly blaming
all such “assaults” on Meghan;
regardless of who or what, the
authentic source is, assuming
that irrefutably there was one!
Or likewise that those actually
and very castigatorily blamed
were linked to Meghan, in any
intelligent, or perceptible way.

Yet these pathetically sad losers
and very irredeemably moronic
lowlife scum have no problem
whatsoever both simultaneously and
quite recurrently releasing a tsunami
of effectively, publicly, vitriolic abuse
towards Meghan herself and equally
rendered every opportunity afforded
to them. Basically double standards
pure and simple, and purposely and
racially instigated by solely pathetic
very dismally low IQ hacks, but with
usually steep mortgages, to pay off
among them; coupled also with the
stupid beliefs of sycophantic serfs,
Brexiteers, the imbecillic coterie of
little Englanders and dumb empire
loyalists, who oft-times repeatedly
rather delusionally kid themselves
that they’re effectively the notably
and tenacious defenders of a still
and evidently discernible to them,
quite enduringly so global Britain.

(C) Stanley V.  Collymore
23 May 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Stupidity which was always a core element of widespread British behaviour across the entire spectrum of UK society is now quite unquestionably so, for all but the ingrained stupid to see, a deeply intrinsic and even a compulsory component of what Britain as a society realistically is in the 21st Century, along with those who run, as well as quite noxiously infest it; and is quite undeniably what the country sadly but categorically is essentially all about.

Likewise the Australian networks and the surfeit of lowlife scum, genociders and convict descendants that infest that Aborigine stolen country. Every chance you lot get, usually wilfully contrived, disingenuously and dishonestly likewise to lambast Meghan Markle, you fully and invariably exaggeratedly deploy it and do so most scathingly. Now you odious mother-F are absolutely silent over Rolf Harris.

Conscionable and moral journalists as well as ordinary human beings would clearly be impartial and report the proven truth, supported by irrefutable facts, about what this evil ogre, in total conjunction with his likeminded friends and his royal enablers, recurrently and perniciously did. But you haven’t nor have you any interest at all in doing so; because the vast majority of you: hacks as well as the scum that evidently infest the land you’ve stolen are no different from Rolf Harris; and truth be told you can’t see or ever envisage that what this supposed specimen of Homo sapiens did recurrently do constituted anything wrong. And in tandem with you Aussies your vile and equally evil British kin are discernibly engaging in a plethora of excuses for this disgustingly repugnant man.

But guess what? Had this been Jeremy Corbyn: a most reputable man you couldn’t actually ask for or hope to meet, both you hacks as well as you equally lowlife scum of sycophantic and intellectually challenged morons would have had a rampant field day. That’s the kind of odious and evil lowlifes that you effectively are!

But could it also have much to do with, as quite intelligent persons like myself have already deduced, with the fact that Rolf Harris was a personal buddy of the equally now late Liz Windsor and the entire surfeit of the Windsor family and undeniably too their closest friends? Who with a discernibly functioning brain in their head, and one doesn’t need a Mensa IQ to ascertain the accompanying fact, can forget the equally and distinctly close and intimate empathy between Liz Windsor and Rolf Harris as he worked on that portrait of hers at Buckingham Palace in the full glare of the television cameras? Then there was Jimmy Savile and Bishop Peter Ball, all close pals of the Windsors and all odious paedophile. While to save your public blushes and you had Mountbatten murdered because his multiple paedophile activities were themselves becoming too dangerously explicit and similarly far too uncomfortable for the distinct and lying public persona of your so-called royal family.

What a smart move, on the part of Harry and Meghan, to escape from the repulsive environs of you lot! And is it any wonder that you scum are so hypocritically and too most vitriolic and recurrent in your lambasting of them!

Monday 22 May 2023

Oh how the high and mighty has fallen, Angela Kelly!

By Stanley Collymore 

Angela Kelly is acting like 
she deserves a medal or 
such like! Significantly 
so for what? Literally 
putting the knickers 
of her undoubtedly 
and very distinctly 
overtly privileged 
employer, having 
surely kicked the 
bucket Elizabeth 
Windsor regina;
on? Go get a life 
you odious, WC 
and ludicrously 
puerile, moron! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
22 May 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Liz Windsor was a multi-billionairess who could have quite substantially set you up for life had she wanted to and if you alleged personal relationship with each other was as you and those who are using you for their own ends are both disingenuously and dishonestly claiming. But Liz Windsor quite clearly didn't! Because she cynically used you to dishonestly convey to the surfeit of serfs that proliferate and infest the UK how inclusive a monarch she was. A state of affairs that didn't exist; as Liz Windsor was both an entrenched snob relative to Britain's so-called working class and that you emanated from Ms Angela Kelly, as well as a very distinctly hardcore racist, but in class inured UK was able to egregiously conceal it quite well. 

You served Liz Windsor's purposes well and she USED you; because your sort Angela Kelly readily, stupidly and very intellectually challenged style readily and happily buy into the system; and no one did that more asininely than yourself Angela! An odious social climbing prat to whom the pretended favours and adulation of your rather fatuously believed social betters really do matter emphatically and distinctly significantly far more, or ever will do, than genuine equality of all peoples, meritocracy or democracy. I shan't call you a sell-out as that would indicate that you have the intellect to make an informed choice, which odiously vile sycophants like you Angela don't have the capability or the integrity to comprehend or utilize. 

Liz Windsor instead chose to leave her multi billions to the Firm ensuring that the toxic deals she made with previous UK regimes excluded her and them from inheritance tax. And besides she owed you nothing as you were legally an employee and was paid. But the prized cunt you are Angela you even considered yourself more "royal" than the royals themselves; at least those you took to despising like Harry and Meghan because Harry in your sick and twisted mind had the audacity to shame this family of which you stupidly considered yourself to be an integral part, by marrying someone that Karens like yourself regard as a "NIGGER". Someone who brought cultural shame on your precious "royal" family and whose perceived half-breed kids would contaminate them. 

Now the classic Stockholm Syndrome prat that the intelligent world sees you as Angela Kelly, bearing in mind your own Liverpudlian- background, don't expect any sympathy from the likes of me, a thoroughly mentally liberated Blackman and have been so all my life. 

Most intelligent and sensible people prepare for their own retirement and if fortunate to be paid well and have the money to do so provide their own living accommodation; they don't delude themselves that they're special, an extension of a Middle Ages mindset and thoroughly outdated system that accords those who constitute it still and like yourself a prized prat that has engrossed herself fully into it, regards as fine. 

Go and provide your own home, you can afford it, instead of still tenaciously and idioticallyy clinging to a delusional aspect of what you perceive real life is or should be all about scouser Angela Kelly! Liverpool, whether you like it or not, the backwater entity that became a major British city based exclusively on the Transatlantic Slave Trade industry! 

In all honesty Angela Kelly vividly and nauseously reminds me of the racist brother in Catherine Cookson's quite brilliant novel "Colour Blind", which in its dramatized version is periodically shown on British TV, as it was last Sunday and is most definitely worth watching and not only from a truly moral perspective but likewise a most distinctly humanity one.

Alternatively, this pernicious specimen of supposed Homo sapiens could quite permanently get lost or other than that top herself and hopefully for her in the after life - she's Irish after all and most possibly Catholic - expectantly link up for eternity with her previously earthly superior leader, Elizabeth Windsor - ensconced as she most certainly is in Hell with her equally dead familial lot - as no genuine, intelligent person would actually care! I know that I won't!

Sunday 21 May 2023

The low IQ Brexiteers are so easily pleased!

By Stanley Collymore

I will never understand all the 
pathetic fawning over these 
so-called "royals” as if they 
belong to a proven superior species 
that is distinctly apart from the rest 
of us. In reality, they’re distinctly no 
different whatever, to anybody else 
other than they simply, just happen 
to have been born or else evidently 
apart from that have been actually 
quite fortunate to otherwise marry 
into a most fantastically, fabulous 
lifestyle of immense luxury but as 
is crucially typically characteristic 
with their sort and discernibly too 
very ironic; wealth that they didn't 
create nor really earn themselves. 
So essentially to anyone that isn't 
intellectually challenged, patently 
and thoroughly dimwitted or very 
incredibly fatuous and irrefutably 
gullible; quite bluntly, what these 
so-called “royals” represent is all 
outdated nonsense and crucially 
so irrelevant, in this day and age. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
21 May 2023. 

Author's Remarks:
Evidently you intellectually challenged ignoramuses are quite happy at seeing extremely wealthy people enjoying the profits which they uncaringly and rather barbarically quite deliberately cheerfully made on the backs of the immense and contrived suffering of unfortunately so to us moral human beings, ordinary men, women and childen; but who quite evidently do garner the same sentiments in these allegedly superior beings. .

It’s supposedly easy, I imagine, for those who can’t think for themselves to not realize the artificial environment in which these sprogs of William and Kate’s are raised. A weird environment no less. For how balanced a childhood are they ever going to get or crucially are likely to have, when rather blatantly they’re incessantly surrounded by people whose own jobs depend on telling these obnoxiously, unwarrantedly privileged kids how special they are?

What is it King Consort Charles? Guilt or the daunting fear of thieves and murderers not trusting each other?

By Stanley Collymore

Give over will you, you fatuous 
sycophantic morons! A risibly 
supposed, love-matched duo 
who even after Diana’s untimely death, 
that they occasioned, and subsequent 
to their own marriage together exactly 
18 years in total, literally still not living 
with each other! Sure! Let’s face really 
hard and undiluted facts! Camilla was 
and still is a keen hard drinking, chain 
smoking, quite knowlegeable woman, 
of the world; as she characteristically 
quite distinctively was when she first 
started seeing Charles. Diana though 
very significantly and also effectively 
in marked contrast who Charles was 
actually, by the immediate members 
of his family forced to marry as they 
had unquestionably, and predictably 
quite hypocritically rejected Camilla 
notwithstanding their own, immoral 
lives, distinctly due to her notorious  
lascivious reputation, clearly aware
that Diana was a vulnerable and an 
indisputably naïve 19 years old girl. 
So essentially, Camilla now stands 
on the bones of a once gorgeously 
beautiful woman whose death she 
caused together with Charles; and 
like him was greatly and gratefully 
relieved, when Diana actually died. 

Therefore, should someone like myself, 
enforcedly British born but ethnically 
and saliently culturally, despite my 
intensive British background, a thoroughly 
mentally liberated Bajan, precisely like all 
my fellow Barbadians, with a distinctive, 
very staunch, impeccable, and likewise 
an implacable, moral conscience; just 
because we’re similarly so voluntarily 
members, of this Commonwealth of 
Nations and effectively additionally 
in Barbados’ case, pertinently also 
the wealthy realm, whose profuse  
blood, sweat and tears, obviously 
and undeniably were themselves  
largely amplified by our massive 
financial wealth transforming i
excess of four centuries a once 
effectively backwater, offshore,
European island, named Britain 
into the global empire it clearly
quite ruthlessly, so genocidally 
and barbarically, then became. 

Consequently, very thoroughly  
indelibly, and fundamentally 
characteristically, actually 
and morally steeped, as I undoubtedly 
quite obviously assuredly am relative 
to our very intrinsically ethical, Bajan 
principles, how could I then possibly 
or expediently overlook them; much 
less so idiotically and hypocritically 
also, pretend otherwise than what I 
essentially am by quite egregiously 
foreswearing those said principles, 
which encompass, and distinguish 
my very life? Basically, to celebrate 
a most terribly expensive, taxpayer 
funded coronation: this, in spite of  
those personal, billions of Pounds 
Sterling that Charles and similarly 
too, an extended privileged family  
impudently tax-free have hoarded 
away, yet didn’t cough up a single 
penny relative to their own prized 
money stash for this distinctively 
unnecessarily, undoubtedly quite  
expensive vainglorious jamboree 
ostentatiously very spectacularly 
obviously for the 'Queen' Camilla 
Parker Bowles: also indisputably 
her favourably prioritized family; 
and pertinently keeping with the 
new order of things Charles too, 
whose coronation it undeniably 
ought to have been pathetically
present to pay his obeisance to 
Britain's evil calculating Queen! 
Nothing obviously, remotely on 
offer from me; nor would there 
ever likely to have been or ever 
distinctly will, from my cultural 
Bajan or British citizenship too 
perspectives to a murderously 
adulterous ignoble pretension. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
21 May 2023. 

Author's Remark:
It’s virtually impossible for a country like Britain that despite the countless millennia that have unquestionably demarcated the differences in gender between the identical species, have serious problems actually recognizing and likewise accepting this demarcation, even when the specific functions of both are evidently delineated.

Frankly, the bulk of the British people and their globally genocidally, convict inured and multifariously barbaric kin are a fucking joke; and as such it’s best to leave them to themselves, for as night follows day they’ll eventually destroy themselves, and with a positive outlook for the rest of the world that can’t come soon enough! 

How any set of people can be so bloody stupid, accept information doled out to them that's obviously blatant lies, never bother to check it, accept it unthinkingly and literally adjust their already pathetic lives to accommodate the crap they've been malevolently and likewise clearly avariciously and financially been fed and not suss out they're being used and quite perniciously so is totally beyond any kind of rational comprehension. 

And the really ludicrous and stark irony in all of this, is that these intellectually challenged, quite dimwitted, incredibly gullible, absolutely toxically verminous scum go around with their multitude of bastards who glaringly, most pathetically themselves don't for the most part don't even know who their own biological fathers are and significantly too likewise neither do most of their biological mothers, not only have the sheer audacity to show horn Harry, Meghan and their own children into every bloody click bait Daily Mail story released to them and whether it has any relevance or even mention in it relative to Meghan and Harry - so utterly compulsively obsessed are these sad losers in life!  

Yet the inured fawning to their risibly monarchical: Queen Camilla and King Consort Charles, as well as other quite obviously hereditarily perceived social betters that their deeply class entrenched classism envelopes them in aside, further delude themselves that they're all of them quite irrefutably members of this pathetically insane white master race. Dream on controlled losers!