
Friday 30 October 2020

When a proposed murder like that of Ingrid Seward is entirely, understandably and most unapologetically justified!

By Stanley Collymore 

This is what Ingrid Seward
publicly said in the wake 
of Princess Diana's vile  
murder in Paris, that 
each moral person living on 
Planet Earth and distinctly 
with a functioning brain 
within their head sadly 
knew was no accident: 
I've never, perceived 
Diana as any victim, 
and undeniably so,  
have been proved 
discernibly right.
Also at the end of the day, 
given the constitutional 
ramifications you have 
to sensibly follow the 
royal blood. Charles 
will be king; Diana 
just the ex wife of 
a man born to be 
king! Therefore 
worthless, and 
a deservedly 
nobody, by
of royalty. 

Zero constitutional role 
also for Diana, Ingrid 
Seward, so proudly
gleefully went on 
then to publicly 
gloat. Now this sickeningly
delusional, demented old 
tart, and inured pathetic
social climbing, clearly 
psychopathic fawning 
old bitch is obviously 
at her distinctly sick 
enterprise again by 
suggesting in clear
in her published 
crap offering in 
October, 2020 - 

the sad schism: between 
Harry, William and his 
wife Kate will only be 
resolved if an "awful 
tragedy" - specifically of the 
kind, Ingrid Seward vilely 
and clearly passionately 
believes that purposely 
and delightedly for her
rendered the Princess  
Diana properly dead, 
were similarly, to be
dealt too to Meghan. 

A distinct incitement to
murder - if ever there  
was one - of a proud 
innocent, highly intelligent 
well-educated, a mentally  
liberated, modern Black 
woman - whose major 
crime, in the eyes of
fawning and racist 
arse-lickers, to so-
called royalty by
discernible low
life scum - cue 
totally odious 
slappers like
scum Ingrid 
Seward; is that Meghan 
Markle is clearly very  
personally and most 
absolutely opposed 
to courtseying in a
totally abject and
sycophantic way
to any one - and 
not so, persons
fuelled, avidly 
with obvious 
so medieval 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
30 October 2020. 

Author's Remarks:  
The first and utterly dishonest line of defence by all sick and totally twisted Nazi, fascist, plus the overabundance of other rightwing and racist scum in Britain when they're openly and very fearlessly challenged on their clearly mendacious outpourings is instantly to claim they were legally expressing their right to free speech and equally so freedom of expression. Something they rather disdainfully assume is an  inalienable, exclusive right of theirs in all circumstances and at all times. 

Or when obviously their crap doesn't work because intelligent people see it for what it actually is, this verminous scum the very loudly and adamantly repeatedly dishonestly take to vilely claiming that their sick words were purposely, spitefully and maliciously taken out of context.

But emphatically utilize the identical tactic against them and the first thing  these vile lowlife cowards ever do, is to run to or else call the police, who in many cases are simply no better than they are! 

So this is me, Stanley Collymore, fully expressing my similar freedom both of expression and freedom of speech, and you can bloody well involve the police, or whomsoever else you care to, as far as I'm concerned! As frankly I don't give a damn.  

Your noticeably rather hubristically publicized and also published "Awful Tragedy" supposition Ingrid Seward, coupled with your odiously offensive remarks about Princess Diana, do not relate to Nazi Marie Christine Hedwig Ida von Reibnitz, another racist cow like yourself but in her case married to Michael of Kent, losing her valued blackamoor, racist broach which she deeply knowingly and conspicuously insulted Meghan Markle with on the very first meeting she ever had with her or, for that matter, the FBI finally and quite properly managing, at long last, to get their hands on Andrew for criminal accusations of paedophilia. 

As it's clearly about the premeditated and rather callous killing of Meghan Markle that you're advocating Ingrid Seward, just as you then rapturously  gloated, and have carried on doing so over Princess Diana's death.

Well guess what? Others can and are most willing and similarly viciously prepared to play that identical game Ingrid Seward with you and equally so Arabella. Moreover, having been a longstanding and dedicated English Language Specialist for most of my Academic life I'm fully cognizant of what a hyperbole is but personally eschew using them; for what I do say is what I mean and intend to happen, and do not need to exaggerate it. 

Curious that a tart married to a three times married husband, ludicrously claims after his death you only found out your husband, Ross Benson, was a demented serial adulterer; and vilely you publicly, liberally milked all the sick pathetic sympathy that the Daily Mail and its likeminded, manipulated trolls could garner for you.

Yet the prized cunt that you are and a dysfunctional life of your own in the bargain, you never the less asininely  and blatantly, subjectively assume to yourself the categorical role to vainly meddle in the personal lives of Harry and Meghan who you blatantly don't  know; and, moreover, have Meghan murderously erased on the distinctly racist altar of your sick and twisted, royal sycophancy.  

Personally I can't wait Ingrid Seward to gleefully read your obituary! And having reliably been informed there  are no shortages in London of razor sharp and quite glistening machetes there, the encouraging prospect of your demise looks to be exceeding great! And Incidentally in case your insufferable arrogance blinds you to it Ingrid Seward, France where the latest beheading occurred, thankfully and truly gratefully also, where you are concerned Ingrid Seward, doesn't have a monopoly on beheading!

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Melania Trump - the robotic First Lady to a narcissistic and rather dangerous too, delusional United States President!

By  Stanley Collymore 

You know that Donald Trump
is desperate when he sends 
his hooker wife - 20 plus 
years residence in the 
USA and still butchering the 
English Language to speak 
politically, on his behalf! 
This by a female whose 
singular, questionable 
appropriateness lies
crucially in the one
reality which very 
much is - Melania 
has plainly been 
bought, and too
totally paid for 

However, for numerous 
Americans it is totally 
disgusting and also 
excruciating to watch an 
illegal immigrant trash
the USA! So whatever 
happened, Melania
to your statement 
on TV to readily 
provide actual 
approval of
your valid
US settler

Curiously, Melania quite 
idiotically slating Joe 
Biden: one of the 
most rightwing members 
of the USA's Democratic 
Party as a hard nosed
socialist, when your 
very own dad was 
simply not only a  
staunchly proud 
and an actively 
aficionado of 
Party; who  

also profited enormously 
from being so; liberally 
acquiring an array of
so expensive Mercedes cars
and for good measure too
an impressive luxurious 
Maserati! Hypocrisy or 
what Melania Trump? 
Also getting yourself 
a Green Card, when 
clearly your stated 
US trip was solely 
on a tourist Visa!  
But your choice 
was to illegally 
work; and it's  
much known
the pattern Melania.
Woman - Zero USA
born ancestors; a
perceptibly, also 
debauched old 
as husband, 
in his case  
with only  
the One!  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
28 October 2020. 

Author's Comments:  
Melania: a trophy arm candy! Bought and paid for. And you basically know Donald Trump is in desperate trouble when he sends his hooker wife, who despite living over two decades in the United States still manages to butcher the English language, to rather risibly  "speak" on his behalf. 

Incidentally Melania vocal recordings of what one actually says, irrespective of whether such recordings are done openly with the recorded person's full knowledge and permission or carried out surreptitiously, don't, as you now  embarrassedly and idiotically state on being rumbled for what evidently you are, constitute a pack of lies!

Monday 26 October 2020

Stuff your meaningless and useless titles Liz Mountbatten; Meghan Markle neither needs nor wants them!

By Stanley Collymore  

When the United States does
dump you Donald Trump - 
real surname Drumpf - 
you can always try your luck 
with Britain, that the Daily 
Express so categorically 
states that in excess of
two thirds, of the UK 
population - rather 
gratefully I'm not 
counted among
them, as I was
distinctly not 
asked about 
my opinion 
relating to
this issue;
so keenly

Basically Donnie boy 
you've obviously a 
lot in common, as  
it's widely known, with 
the upper echelons of
those who routinely 
and birthwise very 
conspicuously too
zealously preside 
at will, over this 
vile verminous, 
so deliberately
systemic and racist  
honed; a virulent
and fitting also
of a Dark-Ages
mindset, with 

Furthermore, your own 
tart of a mother Herr 
Drumpf, scarcely 
dissimilar in behaviour 
from the multiplicity  
of dodgy mistresses 
and all the similar
wives roped into 
your so pathetic  
life that you so 
sexually used,
was likewise 
on her part 
a twisted 

Not so uncommon this 
sort of racist conduct 
among the horde of
white supremacists, sick 
dimwitted master race 
morons - notoriously 
among them clearly 
in actuality simply 
not purely for the 
logical reason of 
keeping record 
to fully, assure
one's self that  
another vile 
Scottish git:

Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons
that discernibly, had
similarly for basic 
financial and rigid social
climbing reasons begat 
her own two sprogs.
First Liz and next 
sister, Margaret. 
The younger to 
then publicly  
promote her 
and quite proudly 
so with all traces 
of vilely for her 
tersely stifling 
and so stuffy
put away. 

While Margaret's older 
sibling: a discernibly 
delusional, far from 
what any sane and rational
person would objectively 
denote as bright, far less  
state was outstandingly 
so, Dark Ages mindset 
prat; ensconced from 
the outset obviously 
in a bogus, loveless 
marital union; but
state subsidies as
usual constantly 
in their twisted  
grasping mind 

vilely keeping up their 
affected appearances 
and false, spurious,
rather blatant self-servingly 
sourced public assurances
that theirs is a marriage 
made in Heaven. No it 
sorely isn't Elizabeth  
Mountbatten! Even
when facilitating 
the grisly set of
fabricated lies
pertaining to 
the fall guy 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
26 October 2020. 

Author's Remarks:   
There are no more vile assholes than constantly pampered and thoroughly delusional ones - cue Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor  and Donald Trump! Both of these two unfortunately born and irredeemably racist themselves to vile, endemically inured Scottish, racist mothers added in this white supremacist mixture to a paternal genealogy that comprised the worst aspects of a now obviously thoroughly democratically outlawed  by the Bundesrepublik Deutschland -  but then an invasive, destructive and a wholesale, repulsively murderous master race ideology quite fervently subscribed to by the overwhelming majority of Britain's 'elites' including  its monarchical Germanic family and the British aristocracy. 

Repulsive, self-absorbed charlatans that they clearly were, when Nazism was officially defeated in Europe this "British" scum disingenously quickly and publicly changed their tune and conveniently jumped on the winning bandwagon, where, with their brood, they still are; but inwardly nowt has changed, for they're still odious Nazis cum fascists and entrenched racists. 

So Liz Mountbatten-Windsor and the Donald Trump - real Germanic name is Drumpf - are ideologically similar. In fact, they're soul mates! Accounts too for why Liz wants Donald to be re-elected and is idiotically blasting Meghan Markle, an authentic familial and a birth US citizen who has voted in her country's elections before, for getting involved in 'foreign' politics and supposedly tarnishing the image of Britain's allegedly apolitical royal family. 

No intelligent person could talk shit like that and seriously get away with it. But Liz does - as she mendaciously sets the agenda for all the likeminded racists inside the panoply of fawning plebeian subjects and serfs whom she  manipulatively controls and, identically like her, can most vilely and quite unwarrantedly use Meghan Markle as a convenient diversion from their own sick agendas. In Liz's very own case, rather determinedly deflecting and influencing necessary criminal and vital public scrutiny away from the basically and rather universally believed, sexually predatory, illegal actions of her love child Andrew.  

And as for the Windsor family being apolitical - what a bloody sick joke that is! Liz and son Charles gave the OK for Australia's then Governor General - nowt but a figurehead in reality - John Fraser to very illegally on 11 November 1975 oust the obviously democratically elected Labour Party government of Gough Whitlam and instantly replace it with an unelected rightwing regime; as they felt Whitlam wanted Australia to become a democratic republic and was also keen on having more immigrants to Australia - all white of course - but who weren't of British Isles stock. And predictably neither Liz, Charles nor the fawning monarchical Antipodean elite nor their like in Britain could ever countenance that, handle it, or worst still for them all, accept it. So Gough Whitlam and his government had be be got rid of. And for Liz, Charles and the rest of the Windsors, then as now, the FIRM is everything; and fuck everyone else who doesn't agree!

Recently Liz interfered in Scotland's independence referendum but as the High Commissioner of Barbados to Britain very succinctly pointedly out - the day the Windrush Report came out was also the day the Commonwealth members had their scheduled meeting, and Liz was in attendance as the titular head of the same Commonwealth, that she obviously perceives as the British  Empire Mark II. But despite the quite shocking, disturbing and sickening  details in that Windrush Report and fully known to Liz, this insensitive and heartless cow studiously ignored it! Blacks self-evidently didn't matter to Liz, other than her in her rather delusional, white master race and divine ruler presiding over them as their head of state! Not any longer with Barbados though, Liz!

As regards stripping Meghan of a title that she was never awarded? Try this one on for size! Ian Botham and several others were awarded titles, not their wives, but convention clearly allows their wives to courteously be classed and also be referred to as ladies, whether these women etymologically match the actual requirements of that term or not.

Even that braindead and manifestly demented, attention seeking - to hopefully she thinks stay relevant - cunt, the so-called Lady Colin Campbell whose weird marriage lasted only 5 minutes before her titled husband dumped and divorced her, and is on public record as saying he thoroughly despises this vile, social climbing piece of work - still, despite an acrimonious divorce, tenaciously clings on to the lady bit, knowing that if she were to remarry - but who intelligently would have this grisly shrivelled up, truly old cow - she would forfeit the lady bit. Yet most ironically this wizened git wants Meghan's non-existent and non awarded Duchess of Sussex title to be stripped from her by Liz! You just couldn't make shit like this up and be really taken seriously by people with functioning brains in their heads! 

Liz can strip Harry of whatever titles  she gave him but it won't ever, in the least, affect our Meghan, who is very clearly identical to the outstandingly formidable likes of Lewis Hamilton, Serena Williams, Kamala Harris, Oprah Winfrey, Barack and Michelle Obama, Usain Bolt and also the late and great Shirley Chisholm, Muhammad Ali, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman and Malcolm X - among several others - who never ever sought nor required the white man's praise, permission or his approval to confidently confirm and establish their innate greatness! 

So do what you like with your rather meaningless and useless titles Liz Mountbatten-Windsor - and if asked my opinion I would happily suggest one place where you and your very dysfunctional and thoroughly racist family could firmly and permanently shove them - and additionally, too, demand that you stop your demented obsession with our Meghan Markle - our much preferred name for her, as it's hers and not a made up one - who we deeply love and admire as she naturally is, always was and will obviously carry on being so!


Saturday 24 October 2020

When morality comes up against profit, it is seldom that profit loses!

By  Stanley Collymore 

British rightwingers have 
a massive problem with 
money being sensibly  
spent to stop children from 
pointlessly ever starving, 
but unsurprisingly are
amazingly okay with 
practically multiple   
billions, of Pounds  
Sterling, literally 
spent on dodgy 
contracts with 
Tory donors - 

like those, purportedly, 
making Covid-19 PPE  
that obviously don't 
work. Or huge pay
rises for indolent
and thoroughly useless MPs.
And comparably too Boris 
Kemal-Johnson's vanity 
projects when he was 
London's Mayor and
similarly uncaring 
as Britain's lately 
installed, and a 
visibly ineptly 
basically out 
of his depth 
UK Prime 

However, any public 
suggestion of help 
for the poor and 
truly vulnerable solicits 
nothing, but a frothing 
fury from these same 
intensely obnoxious
quite patronizingly
too, irrefutably as
well, sickeningly 
self-absorbed as
a proud coterie 
of thoughtless,
so manifestly 
haughty and 
toxic Tories
of a country totally 
occupied by nasty 
persons - whose 
sole role in life 
other than to
make loads 
of money;
is hating 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
24 October 2020. 

Author's Comments:    
The title I've given to this poem, and that appropriately I honestly do feel suitably fits this subject matter, does come from a discernibly inspirational quote by the late Shirley Chisholm.

Shirley Chisholm - now permanently ensconced as expectedly so with all the Heavenly Host - was an American born and dynamic lady of Barbadian  extraction whose parents ensured she had the precious twin advantages of a thorough Barbadian upbringing and its full attendant formative education that Shirley herself always lauded in her native born USA.  

An American politician, educator and author Shirley Chisholm became the first African American woman to be elected to the US Congress, serving 7 consecutive terms from 1969 - 1982. 
In 1972 Shirley also became not only the first African American of either gender but also the first woman ever, and equally so for a major USA party - the Democratic Party - to run for USA presidential nomination. Remarkable  achievements, these, by any objective and rational analysis! 

In marked contrast I will also borrow from the words of William Hoffmann to cogently summarise my opinion of Britain and most of its inhabitants. 

You ever get the sinking feeling that Britain is fast filling up with bastards of both genders - not only biologically but also immorally too? I do! What I really want to know though, is what happens when all these bastards run out of people to crap on?  

What happens when all that's left in Britain are nasty bastards  - not only Tory but also Labour, Lib-Dems, SNP and the other political nonentities? 

My heartfelt humorous apologies to William Hoffmann - A place for my Head.

Friday 23 October 2020

Mirror's Reflection Hurting Your Noodle?

By  Stanley Collymore 

Only in the USA and, of
course, its discernibly 
so vilely sycophantic 
toady Britain, is liberal, per 
se, seen and quite nastily 
derided as a pejorative 
term. Usually, as it so 
happens, by clearly 
very intellectually 
challenged, quite 
dim-witted, also 
disturbingly as
well, in this so
brazenly sick
and actually 
twisted in a 

in an obvious process
by knuckle dragging 
and very certifiable
idiots who are themselves 
amply complemented by 
verminous fascist, Nazi 
KKK, ingrained racists
and xenophobic low
life morons across 
all sections - and 
distinctly in the 
case of Britain 
discernibly -
of the two 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
23 October 2020.  

Author's Remarks:   
There's an old and deeply cherished Barbadian saying, which truthfully from my earliest childhood I happily, blessedly and am eternally grateful for, was devotedly inculcated in me by my parents, grandparents, other elders within my extended biological family, their own wider community, and likewise too, in a multiplicity of  other meaningful ways, the broader Bajan society.  

Basically it firmly revolved around the local tenet that if someone is as outstandingly good or talented as he or she thinks, then they should quite demonstrably so unquestionably and logically prove it; allowing others in the process to objectively scrutinise and similarly decide for themselves the viability of the claimant's rather  assertive claims.

Not consistently and completely ad nauseam persist in proselytizing the assumptions pertaining to one's self that realistically you neither haven't proved nor are capable of doing so! Seems logical to me still, as all these Bajan conclusions have throughout the years. 

So why then do white supremacists and similarly supposed master race propagandists ludicrously persist in their racially and so xenophobically mendaciously motivated humiliation of other people stating they are better than everyone who isn't like them? 

While most assiduously - would you believe it - not providing a shred of unbiased and verifiable evidence that they are what they claim to be! One example on each side of the Atlantic - Donald Trump and Nigel Farage. 

Thursday 22 October 2020

Other than British stupidity nowt else on Earth but Death is permanent, Geoffrey!

By Stanley Collymore 

Geoff Boycott is a typical
control freak, a sinister
and rather proud of it 
manipulator and similarly 
too a firmly unrepentant
bullying, missogynistic 
coward. Basically also 
the steeped narcissist  
for whom nothing is 
obviously never his 
fault and therefore 
he's immune from 
responsibility for 
everything. But then
why should he not 
be? When in his 
mind he is the 
ideal human

Never, according  to 
him, in his perfect 
life having done 
anything wrong. Never 
the less, it seems that
this unquestionably 
rather impeccable 
behaviour, of his,
didn't prevail in 
preventing our
Geoffrey from 
being a focus 
generally, of
as wholly 

and consequently too
a most unflattering 
controversy - its
attendant and obviously 
disturbingly profound
upset, and enduring 
outrage constantly 
levelled at others
carrying on as a 
pungent odour.
Queer that; so 
typical of the 
aged drivers 
who risibly 
claim they
have never been 
involved in an 
accident but, 
crucially so
and sadly,  
lots, of

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
22 October 2020. 

Author's Comments:  
Oh for the days - bemoan the rather virulently misogynistic, totally feral but really insecure and completely so,  dimwitted cowards - when men were proper men; women were only seen but never heard unless spoken to, by men of course; had no independent or any positive opinions of their own that were ever worthy of listening to; quite inevitably had the specified children that their men wanted and, characteristically understandably for everyone concerned, discernibly and respectfully knew and understood at all times, their rightfully nominated position in life: this very unalterably, and exclusively so, within the designated precincts of the kitchen and likewise, as and when required, the bedroom. 

Ee ba gum lad, it were reet grand then!

Wednesday 21 October 2020

The wilful demise of the British NHS!

By Stanley  Collymore  

Try getting an appointment,
however urgent that your 
condition might be, with
a doctor these days. Not
 a chance! And Covid-19 is the 
lame, dishonest and, at best, 
disingenuous explanation 
you will routinely hear. 
A bloody lie of course, 
since the patent and 
rigidly established  
commercially too
and secretly also 
plan is honestly 
to crumble the 
NHS, and then 
openly lie by 
claiming the
all doctors 
and other

basically can't cope, since 
they're all of them quite 
literally in this rather 
devastating situation, now 
created by all of this, and
naturally submerged by 
pressing duties. Believe 
that lying rubbish and 
unsurprisingly you'll 
certainly believe, all
else you're likewise  
sadly, untruthfully 
and contemptibly  
wholly cynically 
directed, to then 
very charitably 
fully accept as 
the rightfully 
created plan.

By a bunch of unfeeling, 
generally significantly 
privileged white, or 
fundamentally too
their sycophantic
most shameless, 
in full cahoots 
of their patently dodgy 
financial associations  
plus significantly, as 
well, a multiplicity 
of other relatedly 
linked activities 
and decidedly 
and nakedly
held; from 
all public 

scrupulously sustained by 
these charlatan bastards, 
bitches and their non-
white, Useful Idiots 
morons. Willing elements:
the patronizingly rather 
arrogantly, decadently 
too a rampant surfeit 
of them and in what 
undeniably to each 
individual person  
who is distinctly 
in command of
a viable brain 
to discern an 
all inclusive 
platform of  

the cynically pre-set 
disinformation by 
lazily cowering 
behind clearly and very 
purposely locked shut 
surgery doors. But if 
you are either well-
heeled, or strictly 
rather fortunate 
and possess the 
money to pay; 
these so evidently 
grasping, and all 
rather typically 
very seriously 
so capitalist 
fatcats will 
see to you 
same day.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
21 October 2020. 

Author's Remarks:     
The British National Health Service (NHS) - born on the 5 July 1948, now in a terminal coma and imminently expected, in such dire circumstances, to die; RIP!

Monday 19 October 2020

Not at all exciting; but captiously scary at the same time!

By  Stanley Collymore  

Yet another spoilt, clearly 
unintelligent, and quite
perceptibly totally out
of touch discernibly dense
advantaged, entitled, rich 
white boy with mummy 
and daddy's money to 
literally fall back on 
should anything go
wrong  -  which is 
a likely certainty  
with the reality 
so self-evident 
in the twisted
unsound too, 
most infirm 
mind that's 
a noxious 
carrier -

and, of course, the sole 
property, as ever, of 
one Laurence Fox:  
rather risibly but most 
repugnantly likewise 
also, ostentatiously 
claiming to be the 
designated Brit, 
white, master 
race saviour 
of indelibly 
Aryan elite 
cultural values; and  
so fully endorsing 
him undeniably 
as the suitable 
person to set 
and clearly 
direct this 

And naturally you racist,
so acutely xenophobic
and tranparently too 
nonentities will initially and 
fervently support him, just  
as you similarly, joyously 
and previously did with 
Nigel Farage other vile 
diehard Fascist, Nazi, 
white supremacists  
and solidly inured 
poisonous lowlife 
irrefutable scum.  

Totally ignorant - as basic 
intellect, nor reasoning 
generally, aren't your 
forte - that what Laurence
Fox just like Nigel Farage 
and the rest of their ilk 
truthfully mean when 
they dishonestly talk 
of ingrained British 
values, is basically
the old soundbite
con towards the
sad, customary 
deceitful ploy 
to cunningly

stubbornly of right 
wing populism 
appropriately with its
salient ingredient of 
toxic nationalism, 
that always goes 
down specially 
well as a treat 
with each of
you cruelly 
most pathetic 
and gullible 
morons, to 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
19 October 2020. 

Author's Comments:   
Let's cut to the chase; right! What Laurence Fox and his intrepid band of hardened cowards and pseudo-patriots: who'd be loathed to risk their pathetic lives to defend Britain militarily, want is a country where their utterly inept and useless sort with nothing neither constructive in thought nor action to positively offer, can nevertheless quite blatantly, and at will, ride roughshod over others as they likewise unencumbered happily parade their endemic and essentially deeply entrenched, systemic racism, xenophobia, untmmelled hatred and mendacious populism, while vilely masquerading them as "traditional" values.  

Values which contemporary Britons should aspire to and futhermore also readily inculcate in their daily lives, under the clearly dishonest guise of a purportedly fair and just system where allegedly we're all of us equal, but in actuality those born with pink skins are inherently, automatically and must forever too, be more equal than everyone else! 

These observations from people who knew what they were talking about I now praiseworthily share with you: 

1. Racist thoughts and actions say far more about the person (s) they come from than the person (s) they're directed at - Chris Critcher.  

2. Never trust anyone who says they do not see colour; this means [that] to them you're invisible - Nayyira Waheed.  

3. Race doesn't exist for you [whites]  because it has never been a barrier. Black folks don't have that choice - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.  

4. You can't hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree - Malcolm X. 

5. The white man's happiness cannot [or must never] be purchased by the Black man's misery! - Frederick Douglas.  

Prompting one to fulsomely agree that those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad! 

Sunday 18 October 2020

The Perceptible Machinations Of Acid Reign!

By Stanley Collymore 

Aren't you like me totally 
pissed off - and if not, I 
think you ought to be - 
by those who flamboyantly, 
patronizingly, dishonestly 
and quite hypocritically 
from atop their totally 
fraudulent pedestals 
of white supremacy 
on which similarly 
likeminded rather 
incapable of ever 
thinking, far less  
so, to positively 
be realistically 
expected ever 
from actions 
distinctly of
a reputable 

to do anything at all of 
their own volition or 
thinking but, all the 
same, the odiously fawning
plebeian serf morons that
they unquestionably are, 
have thus emphatically 
installed them! Where 
upon they embark on 
arrogantly lecturing
sane and intelligent 
elements, unasked, 
across our diverse 
global population 
that to safeguard 
our Planet Earth 
and inhabitants 
from extinction 
they must all of them 
desist entirely from 
either having any
children, or else 
failing that not 
produce such 
of similar

Yet these privileged and
lecturing clowns like 
William Windsor 
and Kate Middleton - et al
too in their families still 
keep on breeding, as if 
this millennia, rather 
enduring, biological 
facility is itself in a
perilous danger of 
an imminent and 
naturally honed
and credibly 

And why so, when with
three brats already of 
their own choosing, 
are the basically not very 
bright William and his  
Stepford-type spouse 
and very compliant 
broodmare, waity 
Katie discernibly 
and most keenly 
promoting, this 
very dishonest
and at its best 
diktat of theirs - as 
they avidly, none
the less, embark 
upon breeding 
yet more state 
provided for 
offspring of
their own? 

Thus Harry, Meghan and 
Archie readily come to 
mind in all of this, so
sick, twisted and certifiably 
also, purposely concerted 
and perversely engaged 
in strategy, perversely 
contrived in the evil  
deductions of Katie 
and Wills publicly 
to then guarantee  
as certainly as it 
was discernibly 
ever probably 
likely to then
be achieved 
and swiftly
carried on  

through the one process
that they actually have
physical control of - 
the breeding one - 
that William's Spencer and, 
of course, Catherine's very
own maternal, biological 
Goldsmith bloodlines in
unison with each other 
will inevitably jointly 
and also numerically
in fixed conjunction 
with a Saxe-Coburg
monarchical, Dark 
Ages, medievallly 
with hereditarily 
imbued mindset 

and consequently firmly 
retain an intrinsically 
unaltered, decidedly 
prestigious position in the 
21st Century and beyond. 
Blissfully, permanently 
and, appropriately so,
uncontaminated and
commendably both
in the conclusions 
of William and a,
similarly, joyous 
Catherine juxta-
posed with the
ingrained and 
stupid racist
deductions - by any
trace of inferior, 
Black African 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
17 October 2020. 

Author's Remarks:  
Totally paranoid, are William and Catherine, with absolutely nothing worthwhile to say, and much less so that's deservedly worth listening to. Summed up perfectly, I believe, in the words of William Shakespeare. 

"Life is like a walking shadow; a poor player that struts and frets his [her] hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more." Essentially a tale of two unwarrantedly white privileged idiots: William and Kate - Geography and History of Art, respectively, Uni-soft options graduates - full of sound and fury and signifying nothing that is ever noteworthy. 

So your rather biased, very snobbish and totally endemic racism towards Meghan Markle do not make them, in the least, facts. And all they simply do is, to essentially unoriginally on your part, idiotically regurgitate evidently known nasty,  extreme and rightwing opinions!  

Criminally, convict inured and a most discernibly entrenched, plus brutally barbaric land usurpers of the Black Aborigines who'd continuously lived unmolested on that island continent for in excess 600,000 years, until the white man arrived; likewise New Zealand in the case of the Maori nation; and Canada as well relative to the identically, odious usurpation of its indigenous population in every conceivable way, are quite reliably the only countries expected to retain the toxic British monarchy - and you William if it still exists then - as their putative head of state. All because like their white British purported kith and kin, you're all of you as the irrefutable scum you obviously are, literally and liberally drawn from the same verminous swamp! And as such no veritably self-respecting and genuinely independent nation will want anyone remotely like you William to  be their head of state. 

So start getting used to it, and realize that sane people throughout the world categorically know why your antipathy and the stinking hypocrisy of both yourself, Kate and likewise discernibly twisted elements within your respective families are so distorted against Meghan who just wants to be who she is - a proud, self-confident and a highly intelligent Black woman; when in comparison no such vitriolic abuse is ever levelled at your uncle Andy - who the FBI would very much like to speak  with, and we all know what for - or Kate's own misogynistic, multiple married boor; a vicious and sadistic, serial wife beater, convict, alleged drug user and trafficker whose money was purportedly made from that trade -  uncle Gary Goldsmith! Who quite recently had the bloody nerve with his criminal and unsavoury behaviour and background to wilfully vitriolically and essentially nastily, mendaciously in his alcoholic, drug induced, typically bullying, clearly desperately, pathetically and so very obviously attention-craving- seeking, vile, hostile ranting - hypocritically and ludicrously sound off about Meghan and Harry!

Friday 16 October 2020

Fake Democracy; No Equality; And even bloody less Meritocracy!

By Stanley Collymore 

This is what basically happens 
when a huge element within 
an obviously quite ineptly 
educated nation, happily 
falls for mendaciously contrived, 
and enacted populism, together 
with thoroughly meaningless 
political slogans. Clearly for 
all these ingrained morons, 
it does not matter at all, if 
the users are themselves 
essentially pathological 
and insanely historical 
liars, or totally useless 
and fully, self-serving 
politicians - all these 
vile charlatans have 
to characteristically 
do, is put on a plummy over 
done British accent, quote 
Winston Churchill; say 
something disdainful 
about the European 
Union - and bang
they are elected 
and in power. 

And rather ironically it
was visibly the North 
of England voters in
firmly constrained lockdown 
now who most ludicrously 
and risibly, too, awarded 
the quite self-evidently 
dishonest Tories with  
their overwhelming 
majority in the last 
General Elections, 
when simply the 
same, odiously 
uncaring and 
Tory elite 

and endorsed by a twisted 
grovelling, sick plebeian,
discernibly dimwitted, 
fully uncomplaining
servile bag carriers 
have traditionally 
and consistently 
shown nothing 
but instinctive
contempt for
this masochistic, 
evidently quite 

And I'm earnestly wishing 
that Covid-19 manifestly 
and emphatically does 
succeed in fundamentally doing
what Winston Churchill rather 
unfortunately failed in his so
regrettably at the time of its 
suggestion parliamentary 
censored eugenicist and 
fittingly so obligatorily 
national, sterilization 
programme soundly 
meant for the likes 
currently, of these 
similar northern 
England variety;
and effectively
wipe out millions of these 
intellectually challenged
and quite endemically
ingrained but rather
pathetically, living 
in total denial of 
their vile racist
and sinisterly 
assertions -

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
16 October 2020. 

Author's Remarks:  
It's neither exclusively, nor even just the North of England with me - since Wales and Scotland, and particularly so the verminous cesspit of Glasgow, all fall squarely and equally, as far as I'm personally concerned, within the very same milieu that I am earnestly hoping that Covid-19 will effectively and interminably carry out its most deadly and thoroughly commendable worthwhile work!

Those of you who're fully conversant with my work will already know that unlike the overwhelming majority, if not all of the verminous scum whom I am most categorically referring to here and who are petrified of dying - Death, in marked contrast with me, neither holds, nor does it provoke or engender any phobias or concerns, of the least interest, in me. In fact, I very much do personally regard Death as an indomitable and a truthfully close friend whom I shall wholeheartedly welcome whenever and wherever it arrives.

So seriously do save both your breath and any reciprocal compliments that you may malevolently wish to direct at me! As quite truthfully they will be thoroughly futile, as an exercise of any kind, on your part! I just thought I'd let you know!


Wednesday 14 October 2020

How to spot virulent idiots and avoid them; and why Britain is so replete with them!

By Stanley Collymore  

Stupid people usually blame 
others for their mistakes as
well as the failure of their 
contrived actions. Stupid
people in rampant delusions  
of theirs pertaining to their 
unwarranted self worth,
must always be right. 
Worst still, stupid
people forever 
react to dire 
conflicts of 
their own

with vitriolic anger plus
mendaciously created 
aggression viciously, 
spitefully, unjustly and also 
quite obviously routinely 
directed at anyone other 
than the guilty persons 
evidently responsible:
crucially themselves. 
Basically so because
stupid people quite 
wilfully, do ignore 
the needs of those
they subjectively 
hate and clearly 
disseminate no 
empathy with! 

Indefensibly too very stupid 
people idiotically believe  
they're far better than 
everyone else. And 
with significant numbers so
evidently included of such 
virulently infectious and 
low life scum: the Daily 
Mail, Daily Express, in 
co-operation with the 
similarly despicable
bogus news Rupert
Murdoch vile rags
readers; endemic 
sociopathic, sick 
in the brain, so
undeniably in
the basic mix  

compulsive social media 
trolls and the diehard 
entrenched, empire 
loyalists - sickeningly, as is 
their robustly committed
and strong contribution 
in all of this, effusively 
fawning to a tangibly 
dysfunctional, quite 
useless, manifestly
visibly Dark Ages
and significantly 
too 21st Century
very outmoded 
state sponging,
so incessantly 

it's rather unsurprising, 
therefore, to discover 
that an exceedingly 
extraordinary number, 
globally speaking, of 
all such sociopathic 
and irredeemably, 
properly classed
as the rightfully 
human vermin 
they hatefully 
are - actually 
dwell inside 
and readily
infest your 
fragile UK 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
14 October 2020. 

Author's Remarks:   
Normality is the cherished and often used notion instinctively employed  by all reprehensible charlatans and the rather cynically manipulated Dummkoepfe that they ruthlessly exploit for their very own personal ends; patently aware that it is effectively in their particular cases a distinct situation of not being good at anything. 

Hence in the very self-evident case of many white Britons, their thoroughly rampant, coupled with their equally obsessive, tenaciously clinging on to of a demonstrably rather delusional fiction of what, and even who, their supposed ancestors realistically were and, most crucially, themselves are in the 21st Century!


Tuesday 13 October 2020

Categorically, and most unapologetically so - up yours!

By  Stanley Collymore 

What makes any of you 
think that Meghan 
Markle gives a
toss about Kate Middleton? 
Meghan quite voluntarily
left this dysfunctionally
toxic family as did her 
husband Harry, and
of which the waity 
Katie is currently 
its Stepford wife 
and broodmare
entity - and so 
patently isn't
in having 
more, to
thus do 
with it. 

And you ingrained racist, 
sexist, vile misogynistic, 
snobbish and moronic 
trolling lot consequently do 
need to get that into your 
stupid heads, and thus 
concentrate instead 
on your very own 
debilitating and 
aptly endemic 

Since your very persistent 
social climbing and itself 
coupled with the most 
ludicrous and quite 
risibly fawning, boot licking 
to the Windsors is not only 
discernibly, pathetically 
embarrassing but also 
likewise, sickeningly 
rather nauseating! 
As even endemic 
rightwing white 
cum criminal
KKK loyalist

of Donald Trump - who 
wholly from the case 
of you sycophantic 
Britons relative to
an imposed and 
so hereditary 
family - they 
chose their 
democratically but 
don't kiss his butt 
in this servilely
sickening and 
rather, quite

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
13 October 2020.  

Author's Comments:  
As with the vast majority of Britain's wealthy elites: hereditarily so as well as new money ones, both sets of them quite asininely glibly perceived as the aristocracy and therefore in complete concert with their rather abhorrently fawning, puerile plethora of plebeian sheeple; gild them all with whatever you wish - the inherently and rabidly, contagious poison of their virulently decadent, insatiable and privileged white entitlement remains staunchly embedded just beneath the surface.  

As is clearly, self-evidently obvious throughout the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor family.  And it's my staunch, diligently observant and unapologetic view that Meghan and Harry - comprehensively so, if only for the permanent retention of their own personal sanity - are most intelligently quite well out of it, and infinitely better for having done so!

Sunday 11 October 2020

Give your unconfirmed brain a rest William - as it's not Duracell generated!

By Stanley Collymore 

Amidst the cacophony 
of all the rabid and
evidently vicious 
speculation regarding the 
obvious schism between 
Harry and William and
why precisely it is that 
Harry wants nothing 
to do, with his racist 
sibling; one thing is 
absolutely certain!  

When a delusional and 
asininely convinced in 
his own inalienably 
perceived, privileged white 
moron entitlement - never 
mind his own repeatedly 
indulged in, odious and
discernibly repugnant, 
concertedly occupied 
with sensuously bed 
hopping jaunts pre 
and following his   
very constricted 
marital choice, 
confinement -  

never the less, arrogantly 
and quite patronizingly 
dictates to his younger
brother solely on racist and 
snobbish grounds that the 
latter should summarily 
dump the woman he is 
immensely, genuinely 
and unequivically so 
reciprocally in love 
with and therefore 
not wed her, ever. 

Omitting the discernible 
fact that this bullying
dictator of an older 
brother, realistically knows 
nothing about the woman
who his younger sibling 
intends on marrying or 
even logically tries to 
acquaint himself, as 
a clever individual 
would sensibly do 
with trustworthy 
facts relevant to 
this taken to be
quite unusual 
type woman!  

Other than she's decidedly 
Black, African-American 
and, inexcusably, quite  
irrefutably in a snobbishly 
twisted, contagiously sick 
and racist mind, wholly 
unsuitable, ever to be 
an accepted member 
of a truly thorough-
bred Saxe-Coburg-
Gothe - and also 
a similarly too 
re Windsor  
family; as she's
clearly not, at
all, white or

But then, on top of all 
that, for William to 
cynically but also 
very typical of his rather 
indulgent, pretty nasty
and evilly contrived  
behaviour, to aptly 
then deliberately 
recruit the help 
of other dregs
on both sides 
of his racist 
family; all

including Diana's brother
Charles - to then parrot
William's, in addition  
to their own entrenched 
racism against Meghan
quite dishonestly and 
repulsively publicly 
disguised as simply 
concern for Harry, 
was not merely a 
case of bad form 
but discernibly  
the true intentions of 
inimical racist toffs
quite hellbent on 
stopping Harry 
and Meghan's 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
11 October 2020.

Author's Remarks: 
Snobbish, racist, judgemental and an arrogant bully is William Windsor! For on what planet, other than the delusional Dark Ages one that he pathetically dwells on, does anyone else, with a working brain in their head, appreciate their sibling interfering to such a degree in their personal relationship and, moreover, has the temerity and sheer audacity to recruit other relatives to try and stop him or her having a mutually happy and a genuine, reciprocally loving, personal relationship with the partner of their choice? 

Harry and Meghan's marriage  - God's continued blessing be permanently upon them - will last! Of that I have no doubt. But conversely wouldn't it be the height of irony if that of serial bed hopper William's - stalked into a rather convenient marriage by waity Katie - ended in divorce?