
Sunday 30 January 2022

A free world - that in reality consists of the arms manufacturers, billionaires and their political carpetbagging spivs!

By Stanley Collymore  

Exactly why the Americans do
evidently love war so much 
is distinctly beyond me as 
they clearly haven't won one since 
1945. And then had it not actually 
been for the Russians that rather 
effectively had very discernibly 
defeated the Germans crucially 
and certainly too impressively 
so on the Eastern Front - truly 
the outcome, that undeniably 
drastically changed from the 
Third Reich's own obviously 
quite optimistic perspective 
of their readily, universally 
and intensely thought to be 
the distinct inevitability of 
them quite basically being 
the winners of World War 
II - but largely, because of 
the major role, which the 
Russian Armed Forces, in 
tandem with its civilians 
essentially played losing 
some 24 million citizens 
in the process; crucially 
bringing all those Third 
Reich's vile, aspirations
effectively to an abrupt 
ending, also accurately 
history would likewise 
have recorded that the 
USA had similarly lost 
its war with Germany.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
30 January 2022. 

Author's Remarks:  
Why does the United States of America, just like its pathetic puppet Britain and once its colonial master, consistently have to contrive asininely demented wars that kill loads of innocent people in other parts of the world simply to distract their own obtuse population at home from the predictably, foreseen by any one with a functioning brain and who knows how to properly use it, cock-ups that these incompetent politicians, who'd be hard pressed collectively to pass a rudimentary IQ test, create at home? 

Joe Biden and Boris Kemal/Johnson are both playing up the Ukraine saga to deliberately divert attention away from the abject failure of their own respective domestic policies. And are quite prepared to have people killed in a needless war - civilians as well as service personnel - in a blatantly asinine endeavour to both save their pathetic asses, but most essentially please the billionaires crucially within the 1% of their country's population who are themselves unquestionably the actual financial beneficiaries of these odious scams and similarly too these corrupt politicians paymasters. 

What sort of democratic leadership is this, with such deeply ingrained and quite discernibly obtuse conduct and itself absolutely devoid of even the merest smidgen of basic integrity?

Saturday 29 January 2022

Biden and Bojo - They're simply the Worst!

By Stanley Collymore  

One in classic fictional mode 
generally believes that he's 
John Wayne reincarnated; 
the other, that divinely he's a latter 
day Winston Churchill. Neither of 
their chosen heroes, truthfully in 
reality, being what the distinctly
crucially white and undeniably 
distinctively clearly revisionist 
historians and their absolutely 
credulous and vitally moronic 
readership would dishonestly 
force their world deceptively 
into believing these basically 
erroneously, and supposedly 
so-called global entities into 
these unequivocal certainty 
of especially western icons.  

Two present day buffoons! 
One a 78 year old senile, 
geriatric, President of 
the USA; the other an inured racist, 
most apparently too, a discernibly 
consummate clearly pathological 
liar; obviously, very endemically 
amoral, unashamed obsessively 
cheating adulterer; a noxiously 
rampant notorious prodigious 
progenitor, of several bastard 
progeny; crucially ironically, 
idiotically immigrant hating 
despite irrefutably being an 
evilly noxiously immigrant 
cretin himself, disastrously 
infesting Blighty. Then just 
as scandalous in distinctly 
cesspit, and largely Brexit 
England, very compatibly 
the corrupt PM of Britain. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
29 January 2022. 

Author's Remarks:  
It just goes to show how the USA and their British stooges have lost all credibility on the international stage. They really want to push Russia into starting World War 3, but the Russians haven't fallen for or into their trap: and all this incredibly after the USA and Britain's humiliation at the hands of the Taliban. Some idiots like these two - USA and Britain - never learn do they? Giving credence to the concept that there's no cure for stupidity; and significantly so the delusional white supremacist kind.

Everyone with a functioning brain in their head and who uses it properly knows that what the USA and Britain are doing is a sick and twisted ploy on their part to force the European nations to stop buying Russian gas and purchase the USA's instead. Sorry but it isn't going to happen! 

Principally because most Europeans want to trade with and also have good relations too with Russia. And frankly, as well, the sane and intelligent global world is absolutely sick and tired of these grotesque USA and its puppet Britain's pathetic and discernibly childish manoeuvres. 

The vast majority of the world's population want peace, prosperity and the proper incentives to make a decent living for themselves and their famies; and certainly won't voluntarily back the USA and the likes of its brownnosing pillocks like the British and their imperialistic kith and kin in the Antipodes or Canada when they carry on behaving as they customarily do! 

Hopefully, NATO will disappear soon, and the distinct indicators are that it will. First France and Germany will leave, followed quickly afterwards by the other intelligent and, visibly so, the other non sycophantic or asininely USA aficionado satellites.  And for all you brainwashed and as well braindead, totally manipulated by these rightwing and Nazi rags and their likeminded electronic media, and furthermore imbued with your bogus patriotic rhetoric, World War Two ended almost 80 years ago; and was a war in which Russia played a most monumental role in both liberating Europe and crucially freeing the rest of the world from the kind of again white western Nazism and barbaric totalitarianism that the USA and its most sickening toady Britain seem hellbent on imposing again on the world in the 21st Century. Things have changed since World War Two and the sane and intelligent world doesn't want what the USA and its quite pathetic puppet Britain have to offer today. So please clear off and get lost both of you!

Thursday 27 January 2022

Bogus Patriots - so eager, to cowardly defend their country's egregious atrocities evidently to the last drop of others blood but distinctly never their own!

By Stanley Collymore   

I wonder why all these people 
on the Daily Mail and clearly 
in its disceitful but clickbait 
comments section, and equally
those on similarly likeminded 
rightwing and Nazi rags, and 
evidently also, the wannabe 
taken seriously - electronic 
media outfits, whose, own 
viewing audience is only 
in the trifling hundreds, 
and that is really being 
clearly, magnanimous
to such odious outlets. 
All of them, distinctly 
overtly; distinctively,  
too, malignantly but 
proudly and acridly 
emphatically, claim 
they'd quite readily 
and willingly shoot 
dead any unarmed 
and essentially, all 
refugees found off 
the Kent coast and 
actually desperate 
for them trying to 
be let into Britain. 

However these bogus patriots 
and totalitarian aficionados 
don't with the same racist 
and murderous alacrity, 
readily volunteer to likewise repel 
the Russian Red Army from likely 
invading the Ukraine? Since also 
if truthfully a clearly, rightwing 
proselytized, and especially too 
a rather repellantly conceived, 
Russian attack on the Ukraine 
is naturally, a legitimate war, 
from the West's perspective;
why then don't the bellicose  
and belligerent British MPs, 
along with their own adult 
children and similarly, the 
truly senile, geriatric, and  
rather warmongering, US 
politicians attendant also 
with their Karen spouses 
and generally mistresses, 
lovers; children and also 
of age all grandchildren.  

And let them be the keen 
and willing volunteers 
to fight, on Ukraine's 
behalf, against the Russians.
Thought not! Thus the sane 
and thoroughly intelligent 
occupants of our world or 
others ensconced in their 
sprawling universe - will 
basically, quickly, and so 
distinctly see the inured 
cowardice and odiously
quite self-servingly evil 
protectionism of rather 
vile entitlement cretins.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
27 January 2022. 

Author's Remarks:  
The only ones hugely benefiting from all this wilfully indulged in warmongering are those who actually own and run the armaments industries and likewise their incumbent political spivs in the United States and Britan, and who in actuality they control and essentially manipulate. And everyone else that is inclined to or actually really believe these politicians and their rightwing Nazi rags and electronic media mouthpieces and their odiously, pathologically lying crap, deserve what you get; and a lot more as well!

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Fuck off USA and bloody well grow up! You're nowt else but a kiss-me-ass, egregious bully!

By Stanley Collymore  

If and when Vladimir Putin does 
realistically and sensibly create 
a vitally strategic alliance and 
crucially, a similarly military 
partnership with Cuba, which by the 
way the USA illegally occupies in its 
continuous seizure, and distinctive 
criminally ongoing, quite barbaric 
usage of Guantanamo Bay; clearly 
doing so despite sovereign Cuba's 
repeated, and lawful demands to 
have its unquestionably actually 
distinctively; vitally importantly 
and undeniably also, inherently 
physical territory thus lawfully 
returned to it; but, evidently to 
no avail, on the part of a nasty 
and bullying, quite terminally 
sick; noticeably too a noxious 
recurrently twisted and such 
a thoroughly evil and hugely 
demented USA would rashly 
rather indicatively and also 
very vindictively, be calling 
Russia's action just as it did 
the USSR's in 1962, a wilful 
and intentional act of war. 

But evidently on these asininely 
dishonestly bullying, distinctly 
pathetic US geriatric assholes 
part ludicrously passing themselves 
off most ridiculously, as competent 
politicians or rather indispensaby 
as crucial civil servants that very 
irrefutably they unquestionably 
are not nor discernibly also are 
their surfeit of very braindead 
sycophants; it's absolutely OK, 
for the very same USA and its 
fawningly, fatuous, recidivist
white supremacist, basically 
and, actually ingrained also,  
vilely amoral acolytes, who 
do collectively, constitute a 
markedly pretentious plus 
this brazen, extravagantly 
wholly allegedly, and also 
their cohesively but aptly 
dishonestly self servingly  
totalitarian, so ongoingly 
expanding NATO, and an 
EU with its own dubious 
and visibly expansionist 
federal agenda to do the 
same clearly to Ukraine.  

Why does it always play out in 
the fucking sick, twisted and 
distinctly delusional minds 
of totalitarian westerners 
and similarly brainwashed morons 
overly and discernibly dishonestly 
passing themselves off as fittingly 
democratic, peace loving, human 
beings and actually the altruistic 
defenders, of their so-called free 
world; when self-evidently they 
are absolutely not? That the US 
bully, is never wrong? Bearing 
in mind also, and significantly 
in recent memory, the odious 
catastrophies that the United 
States has both intentionally 
concertedly; manifestly and 
totally wilfully, egregiously 
malevolently, so effectively 
and barbarously expedited 
with such awful, hatefilled 
contempt, in its repugnant
endemic aversion to loads
of Global South countries: 
like Iraq, Libya, and Syria 
for example; and forever 
recollecting Afghanistan.  

While arbitrarily and enforcedly 
holding on to Diego Garcia, the 
principal island of the Chagos 
Peninsula to facilitate a US military 
base in the Indian Ocean; actually 
having with their willing puppet 
the UK back in the 1960s to very 
barbarously, deliberately racist 
and genocidally too effectively 
absolutely liquidate, the Black 
indigenous Chagossians from 
their homeland. A sick racist 
USA so ecstatically gleefully 
at the time did derogatorily 
and clearly, contemptously 
take to asininely depicting 
them really inhumanly as 
savage 'Man Fridays', and 
successfully dictated to a 
toadying UK that neither 
these actually displaced 
and now stateless Black 
people, their biological 
offspring nor basically 
any descendants of the 
Chagossian Nation are 
ever to be allowed, to 
return, to the country 
that quite irrefutably 
is legally their home.  

And despite, the International 
Court in the Hague, lawfully
ruling that the Chagossians 
have all lawful rights to legally  
have their country returned to 
them and additionally as well 
total and unflinchingly given 
compensation automatically 
for the distinctly barbarous, 
more than 62 years, they've  
been ignominiously forced 
to live as stateless persons. 
The USA nevertheless still 
carries on in distinctively 
and prolifically, enjoying 
the absolute benefit of its 
luxury base stationed on 
Diego Garcia, while spiv 
and the crawler, Britain 
takes the USA's largesse 
for obeying its bidding.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
26 January 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
And these pathetic western hordes are the same demented, self-servingly, graspingly avaricious, snouts routinely in the taxpayers funded troughs; glaring examples of sickeningly corrupt malfeasance in public office for the principal benefit of their 1% billionaire and trillionaire controlling puppet masters; who are themselves amoral, pathological liars and likeminded geriatric assholes who when their insidious and invariably predictable cock-ups inevitably become publicly known or can be scrutinizingly seen for what they actually are and have always been, fervently set out to cause conflict or wage wars to distract the attention of their braindead, significantly dimwitted and thoroughly intellectually challenged, discernibly manipulated sycophants and lowlife totalitarian infatuated rightwing and Nazi trolls from the characteristic political and other insidious messes at home that their voted for and manifestly incompetent "leaders" have predictably caused. Asininely claiming as their get out of jail card that they're doing what they're embarking on for the benefit not of themselves but assuredly and distinctively for the safety of your version of the so-called free world and democracy - words that realistically do not feature in your own vocabulary! Really? When in the bloody USA the lying assholes there fully engaged in voter restriction and the negation of Black votes can't even pass legislation to ensure that the USA's bona fide citizens who're not white and in a country with a diminishing white demography are debarred from voting to essentially and most corruptly ensure continued white dominance of the USA? Fucking well get real USA and your demented toadies! Since your free world consists, in reality, exclusively of the arms manufacturers and their political, carpetbagger spivs! 

The last time that a war was fought on USA soil was their Civil War which ended in 1865. Since then the United States of America has most cowardly but nevertheless in its most bullying mindset and fashion made quite sure that its egregious and also thoroughly self-serving wars that it contrives and then wages are always fought in other people's countries and not their own. Even then as was effectively shown in Vietnam and Afghanistan these belligerent but cowardly USA criminals, for all their self hype, are not invincible. That's why Russia, China and North Korea should unstintingly make sure that USA territory this time is not invoilate; and with that firmly in mind hit the arrogant, white supremacist, delusional exceptionalism bastards where it hurts most; at home in the USA. And let's not forget that the Bering Strait that separates now USA Alaska, formerly Russian, and NATO Canada from Russia is just 55 miles wide. 

As for Britain; when I was in the Royal Air Force a dire warning in briefings to my squadron unequivocally indicated that in any serious conflict with the then USSR, all that the latter had to do was drop 4 strategic nuclear missiles on Britain: London, the Midlands,  the North East of England and Scotland, didn't matter whether it was Glasgow or Edinburgh and that would effectively permanently finish the UK off; turning it fittingly into the equivalent of a 1000 year old duration thermonuclear Chernobyl; while at the same time consigning massive areas of this God forsaken, toxic cesspit called Britain that has maliciously, malevolently, arrogantly and thoroughly egregiously, wilfully caused such monumental destruction and misery globally and to so many indigenous peoples there in the process, while most sickeningly and pathologically lying declaring itself to be the epitome of human beneficence and conscionable philanthropy when nothing could be further from the truth where this noxious, wholly unforgivable and maniacally, exploitative predator is concerned, to its rightful place under the waters of the Atlantic and the North Sea. Russia on its own can easily do the same to Britain, frankly should, and quite decidedly so to the eternal gratitude of the Global South!

So go for your Maggie Thatcher, in classic political distraction scenario - I dare you - pathologically lying, discernibly amoral, Turkish ancestry, USA born, UK immigrant and USA toady Boris Kemal/Johnson; Russia isn't Argentina and the Ukraine certainly isn't the Malvinas. But, of course, your back will be stalwartly protected by the "loyal" likes of Liz Truss and the other deluded empire loyalists and patriots; who as these inured pillocks will always customarily do, defend Britain to the last drop of everyone else's blood but never their own. So no one seriously expects to see these cowardly mother fuckers, their Karen trollops and keyboard warriors on the front line!

So stand your ground Russia, China and North Korea, as the sane and intelligent world are thoroughly sick and tired of these insufferable western, delusional white master race supremacists and are supportively 1000% plus totally with you!

Sunday 23 January 2022

Sidney Poitier - Not just an iconic Black Figure but also a genuinely relatable to Human Being!

By Stanley Collymore  

A true gentleman who was fully 
cognizant of and similarly too 
absolutely confident with his 
distinctlyphenomenal capabilities
but never once, not even remotely 
so, ever felt a need, to arrogantly 
or despicably be exploitative of 
them. Crucially importantly, as 
well, absolutely and positively 
confidently enchanted proud   
of who he basically was and 
consequently, never likely in 
the least to stupidly seek to 
disdain or be disrespectful  
of where he actually came 
from. Honourably, as well, 
a definitively, distinctively 
clearly mentally liberated 
Black man, that basically 
and most admirably was 
without any modicum of 
doubt, rather undeniably
visibly proud of his race.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
22 January 2022. 

Author's Remarks:  
Sidney Poitier - The epitome of gentlemanly behaviour; erudite and the consummate embodiment of the very best aspects of humanity. A thoroughly selfless individual who, in spite of his numerous and phenomenal skills; his evidently accompanying and discernibly accomplished success, never forgot his origins, ever sought to distance himself from them, nor conveniently overlooked the travails that his Black Race was routinely and most insiduously so, forced to endure. 

Nevertheless, in spite of all this, did everything that he humanly and effectively could in a concertedly persuasive and constructive manner to positively assist in the permanent alleviation of these racial, thoroughly egregious and racist disparities. 

Thus becoming through his discernibly commendable efforts a fully fledged iconic figure for many who saw in him and his quiet, steely determination to make society generally a much more equitable and meritocratic place for everyone to live in, the genesis of a new beginning that was wholly and distinctly different from the perniciously selfish, corruptly self-serving, immorally decadent and the financially obsessive culture that many of those with economic power and political influence wanted to be the ongoing status quo. 

Our Sidney Poitier: a Black brother, husband, father, family member and friend, the loss of whose presence amongst us will be sorely missed; but, nevertheless, whose commendable and enduring legacy to humanity generally and our Black Race in particular, will live on indefinitely.  

And now that your life and work on Earth and amongst us have inevitably ended, we thank you immensely Sidney Poitier for all that you've most honourably and beneficially done; and as such our gratitude is limitless. So rest in eternal peace with the Heavenly Angels - of whom you're now one of them - my Black brother, in the full and sincere knowledge that you'll never be forgotten!


Friday 21 January 2022

Without the virtuous, truly endangering and altruistic sacrifices of our women, we Blacks would still be enforcedly enslaved.

By Stanley Collymore  

Women have always played a 
crucial and enduring role in 
the very literal survival of 
our Afro-Caribbean Black race, so 
enforcedly and rather massively 
profitably for the sole exclusive 
benefit of the barbarous, white 
and supposedly the owners of 
their routinely commercially 
enslaved, and attendantly so 
the brain-washed, and even 
not uncommonly generally 
male; evidently braindead 
House Niggers. Clearly; so 
actually cognizant of just 
how vilely, our men folk
universally, were rather 
inhumanly barbarously 
massively emasculated.  

While women themselves were 
vilely, evilly and egregiously, 
sexually violated by these 
very sick delusional and allegedly 
paragons of white supremacy. So 
our Black women courageously 
over multiple generations and 
several centuries and equally 
with their purity undeniably 
viciously and so recurrently 
violated by such barbarous 
activities: the evil courtesy 
of white men and actually 
even lesbians that clearly 
and effectively benefited 
from and fittingly made 
full use of, the apt legal 
immunity, so naturally 
affordedly awarded to 
each, and everyone of 
them for each of their 
effectively, obviously 
malevolently doings. 

Callously infusing their evilly 
and racially assisted, white 
male Y chromosome into 
our Black DNA system. And to such 
a massive extent, that there isn't a 
solitary person, that is genuinely 
of Afro-Caribbean origin who is 
not quit genetically polluted by 
their toxically, injected semen. 
Nevertheless, these brilliantly 
courageous, truly and clearly 
praiseworthy; unmistakably  
absolutely and distinctively 
so naturally commendably, 
Black women clearly were 
and still evidently are, the 
very stalwart progenitors 
of precisely what we as a 
people have, and readily 
clearly specifically so in 
Barbados' actual case: a 
very proud, discernibly 
democratic, an actively 
distinctly, fully fledged
fervently meritocratic;  
and fittingly, the twice 
land slide, Republican 
Nation, aptly become.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
21 January 2022.  

Author's Remarks: 
This poem was penned on behalf of and similarly in commensurate devotion and eternal gratitude to every female, past as well as present, of Afro-Caribbean origin globally; as well as their likewise Transatlantic Slave Trade equivalent descendants throughout the Americas.  

All House Niggers and equally the insidiously white brainwashed, noxiously and sycophantic morons who've no pride in their Black heritage, see everything positive solely through a white prism and conversely everything that's distinctly inimical as specifically Black oriented and fostered, and whose dimwittedly ensconced brains are fittingly cauterized by their perceived white superiors, effectively making them even more intellectually challenged than they previously were - are not mentioned far less so eulogized in this or any work of my own.  

But, of course, and quite naturally the core interest of my thoughts focus on our own exceptional Bajan women, two of whom are legends in their own time: Mia Mottley our quite phenomenal Prime Minister and Sandra Mason our President. Even so, among the several Black women, past and present, that I eternally revere, there are three that I'll like to make reference to here. 

There are: Shirley Chisholm, born in the USA of Bajan mother and actually educated in Barbados; her  outstanding resume and political achievements in the USA speak for themselves. And, of course, Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman! 

God eternally bless our women; and thank you all for the massive contributions and sacrifices you've courageously made on behalf of our Black Race. We salute you; are forever grateful, and it's so inspirational to see Mia, as we Bajans affectionately call her, firmly and proudly seize the baton of progress in our national quest for greater and instinctive greatness.

Thursday 20 January 2022

Evil only prospers when good people do nothing to stop it!

By Stanley Collymore  

NATO is a wolf in sheep's clothing! 
It's supposed to keep the peace 
not surround any country it 
doesn't like or is envious of, as it's 
vigorously, and obviously clearly 
endeavouring to do with Russia, 
with its guns, and a multiplicity 
of missiles. This very evidently 
has been NATO's vile, and also 
evilly sick, and thus naturally 
totally twisted mission creep 
since 2016; and distinctly an 
action that's deceitful, quite 
dishonest, and equally also 
rather publicly thoroughly 
disingenuous, for NATO to 
very asininely place all of 
the then clearly resulting 
tensions it has itself very 
egregiously and actually 
essentially malevolently 
engineered; actually on 
an odious Russia's part.  

Really? A truly ludicrous and a 
basically, pathologically lying 
and western pot pathetically 
and laughably actually calling the 
Russian kettle black! Where then     
the supposedly claimed Russian 
irrationality? Russia protecting 
its literally rather distinctively 
inherent sovereignty, and also
its security? And, particularly 
so since every attempt on the 
part of Russia for any clearly 
prerequisite and discernibly 
meaningful dialogue, rather 
frequently is so egregiously 
and incessantly; arrogantly 
and most definitely lyingly 
irresponsibly, stonewalled 
by NATO's entrenched and 
nonsensical intransigence.  

Nothing whatsoever on NATO's 
part to do with world security 
but unquestionably however 
and also indisputably the massive 
and general incompetence by the 
useless, so-called leaders both in 
the bullying USA and, evidently  
too, its distinctly embarrassing 
and apparently decisively also 
a vilely, sickeningly amenable 
puppet Britain! Consequently 
as is so readily with all these
distinctively barbaric, white 
western scum and allegedly 
leaders; their odious fellow 
political and self-conceited 
singlemindedly, repulsive;
clearly also, self-servingly 
and unrepentantly, evilly 
and such implacably vile  
naturally and graspingly   
avaricious likemindedly 
compulsively monetary 
fixated, avid billionaire 
and financial enablers. 

Collectively and rather selfishly 
engineering either a conflict 
or an actual war to rather 
intentionally and very deceitfully 
deflect their basically dimwitted 
plebeians, plausibly brain-dead, 
crucially manipulated moronic 
inhabitants, and easily gullible 
quite thoroughly intellectually 
challenged, from simply what 
their self-servingly, lying and 
sickeningly avaricious, evilly 
lying bastards, are distinctly 
quite illicitly doing at home. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
20 January 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
NATO - everything that these clearly warmongering Tories, including the actual immigrant and evidently non British ones, specifically like Turkish ancestry and similarly too irrefutably USA born, UK immigrant Boris Kemal Johnson, most ironically an egregious immigrant bashing plus a thoroughly sleazy, unquestionably pathologically lying and a deliberately irresponsible serial adulterous, discernibly bastard progeny producer; unbelievably very fatuously moronic Prime Minister of Britain, in conjunction with other stupid empire loyalists, could ever hope for! 

Maybe if NATO didn't put soldiers and weapons on Russia's borders the Russians wouldn't feel the just and understandable need to defend themselves! So fuck off all you bloody hypocrites, bearing in mind what the world knows and saw in 1962 when the USSR wanted to legally place missiles in Cuba, a military ally. The USA went ballistic as did its tame puppet Britain, yet Cuba has no land border with the USA. But the Ukraine, formerly part of the USSR, as it was in 1962, does have such a land border with Russia!

Tuesday 18 January 2022

Operation Red Neck - more fittingly Boris Kemal Johnson; Turkish, USA born, UK immigrant!

By Stanley Collymore  

Ah! Caught out in sleaze; so I 
suppose we'll actually have 
to act, as if we're basically 
a competent government. Entirely 
appropriate then the euphemism 
or actual code name Dead Meat - 
so decidedly and quite logically 
sensibly far removed, from the 
distinctively Turkish ancestry, 
essentially irrefutably, United 
States of America born safely 
by any definition, immigrant 
to Britain UK prime minister 
Boris Kemal-Johnson's, dozy 
definition of "Red Meat" but 
feel free, to call it what you 
will - as both he, the Tories 
basically, their undeniably 
brainwashed, gullible and 
discernibly very blatantly 
unmistakably undeniably 
intellectually challenged,
and invariably distinctly 
thoroughly manipulated 
British supporters; even 
themselves, are actually 
though very reluctantly 
forced, to come around 
to the sober conclusion 
that they'd so foolishly, 
inflated a corpse as PM.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
18 January 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
All that these Tories, including the actual immigrant and clearly non British ones like Turkish ancestry and USA born Boris Kemal/Johnson - and most ironically as an immigrant bashing and a thoroughly sleazy, pathologically lying and an immensely imorally, egregious moronic PM of Britain could possibly be - together with their thoroughly perverse, deeply inured racist, delusional white master race supremacists and distinctly pathetic Little Englanders can see, is their own unquestionably terrifying stereotypes confronting them. 

Self-evidently so, since their baggage from the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Britain's own rather egregiously barbaric and genocidal treatment of indigenous peoples globally are truly a hidebound spectre of fear that's very deeply entrenched in their own DNA systems!

Sunday 16 January 2022

Duty? Damage limitation more likely - brownnosing Sara Vine!

By Stanley Collymore  

Liz Windsor's duty? What utter
and such predictable rubbish 
coming from an egregiously 
inured social climbing and 
brownnosing, royalist scumbag like 
you Sara Vine. Basically do outline 
and also meticulously explain, for 
those of us who missed it, clearly 
what duty Liz Windsor precisely 
both moralistically and likewise 
altruistically really assiduously 
engaged in. Liz Windsor's, only 
real focus is manifestly to stop 
the obvious, crucially lavishly 
taxpayers, copiously financed 
money train so unfortunately 
for them essentially crashing 
into the buffers. So, what Liz 
Windsor has done, is clearly 
a devious act of desperation. 
The family motto after all is 
to self-servingly survive, at 
any cost, and one can aptly 
see why; as it's the solitary 
thing which familially the 
Windsors creatively have 
in their collective favour. 

They're not a particularly bright 
lot and incestuous inbreeding 
hasn't helped their situation 
any.  I don't know of any doctors, 
lawyers, distinguished scholars, 
engineers, renowned scientists 
or, basically, world renowned 
academics, of any specialised 
genre seriously come to that, 
that the Windsors have ever 
produced; so quite logically 
if they don't then, distinctly 
protect, their unwarranted 
quite distinctly hereditary 
throne coupled with their  
birthright privileges, and 
with actually, everything 
that they've distinctively 
unworthily got; sensibly 
what else do they have? 
Basically truly nothing!  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
16 January 2022. 

Author's Remarks:  
All of Liz Windsor's children and most of her grandchildren are a disgrace no matter how laughably, were it not so bloody pathetic, their discernibly and rather expensively produced PR is quite assiduously but pathetically trying to make them and their clearly obsessively, assiduously engaged in social climbing, Stepford wives and broodmares into ludicrous saintly figures; which they distinctly are not! 

Bluntly put if Liz Windsor: the very archetypal lousy mother, were not who she evidently is, exclusively so on the asinine premise of birthright,  and were a council estate dweller, it is a sure bet that decent folk on that estate would basically be earnestly campaigning to have her and her self-evidently dysfunctional brood permanently evicted. 

So please! Spare the few intelligent and sensible people who're actually left in Britain all the dishonest and disingenuous crap about duty by Liz and her odious family. incidentally, but significantly I think, no one was more "dutiful" allegedly than Jimmy Savile, who the idiotic brownnosers similarly had as their poster boy, and who had the full run of Buckingham Palace and, similarly, the other royal households. And was unquestionably Charles' very own personal friend for over 36 years. 

Yet the said Charles is making judgement ostensibly and publicly on his younger brother Andrew's questionable behaviour. You couldn't make stuff this up and take it to Hollywood for transition into a film as no one would believe you. Fact decried as "too farfetched fiction".

What I intelligently know and see are white, thoroughly delusional master race, racist supremacists who need to get a real grip on life, even if you do think it's still feudal Britain; which it isn't, but effectively the 21st Century that the rest of the world is living in!

Saturday 15 January 2022

Clearly the brownnosers and intellectually challenged are impressed and taken in; the sane and intelligent aren't though!

By Stanley Collymore  

A sensibly dignified and actually 
intelligently voiced outcry has 
ostensibly forced Elizabeth 
Windsor's hand and also 
that similarly, and unsurprisingly 
likewise belatedly, of Liz's oldest 
child Charles, his very own son, 
and predictably, Liz's grandson 
William; the two of whom are 
fervently, eager under studies 
in waiting of that discernibly 
quite plainly coveted British 
hereditary crown. However, 
no sane or any distinctively 
conscionable, individual is 
likely to be convinced that  
unusually, very laughably 
and purportedly Windsor 
morality, has realistically 
been responsible for this.  

Not a hapless snowflake in hell's 
chance, of that ever happening! 
Very unquestionably so, as Liz 
Windsor has routinely, rather 
fatuously, and immorally too
very knowingly enabled her  
younger son, and love child
all of his brazen, egregious 
and spoilt life in whatever 
he distinctly literally took 
to doing and, undeniably, 
is herself a most cardinal 
ingredient of just exactly  
what Andy malevolently
is regarded as, generally.  

And were Elizabeth Windsor 
not the outdated hereditary 
birthright, very privileged 
and the basically entitled monarch 
of a still crucially unquestionably 
distinctively, clearly pathetically 
demonstrably characteristically 
and also a sick, psychologically 
ingrained feudal Britain this is 
what everybody including the 
rightwing trolls, would vilely 
and publicly be saying about 
private subject, Liz Windsor 
as a failed mother; but aptly 
in class infested cap doffing 
to one's intrinsically rather 
socially regarded, and also 
ridiculously divine betters 
there is no accounting, for 
rapt British brownnosing. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
15 January 2022.  

Author's Remarks: 
Done for their own selfish and self-serving benefit, of course! Liz's very famous phone calls to allegedly get people off the hook are well known in proper investigative journalistic circles. Seemingly, didn't work this time for Liz Windsor however. 

Anyone with even a half functioning  brain, can readily see that they're all evidently protecting their money, and for all their repulsively, disingenuous PR claptrap, and distinctively also the brazenly attendantly, unsurprisingly brownnosing sycophancy; distinctly proselytizing, rightwing dishonest crap that Andy is being thrown under the Windsor bus; in reality nothing of the sort is really happening or ever likely to occur. Just a cynical ploy to keep you brownnosers happy and callously garner your sympathy. 

There's no moral guilt coming from any of them; and there simply won't be any whatsoever. Put bluntly, you thoroughly dimwitted pillocks have most egregiously been had! 

It's long been basically known about the so-called "Firm's", multi-million Pounds investment in the USA which comprise massive quantities of land, ranches, farms and real estate in Park Avenue, New York. This case is being held in the USA and Andrew is a part of that privileged firm. Now go work out for yourself the quite categorical reasoning for the ostensibly bogus distancing from Andrew by his mum, assuming of course you dimwtits can.

Thursday 13 January 2022

Barbara Taylor Bradford revisited!

By Stanley Collymore  

Her grandmother spent some 
time in the work house, but 
Barbara hasn't, nor would 
she have apprised you of 
that fact would she? And the rather 
sickening irony! Happily shagging 
rather effortlessly, and whoringly 
with the self entitled recipient of 
a minor gong holder necessarily 
came rather easily to gran, who 
discernibly was only rewarded 
for her set on fruitful devotion 
to him, with his avid bastardy 
progeny, yet did categorically 
refuse to spend even a penny 
to prevent the ignominy that 
was the work house and the 
distinct consequence, of her 
financial poverty. The clear 
embodiment, of what truly 
is the essence of an inured  
obviously too, and plainly
the consummate, pitifully
thoughtless; so ingrained 
evilly, white sycophancy.  

Another clearly made up story 
by the Daily Mail, courtesy of 
Barbara Taylor Bradford, to 
feed the haters of Meghan 
and likewise also, satisfy the Daily 
Mail's own voracious appetite for 
its clickbait advertising funding. 
For clearly, and rather logically 
how ever would this distinctly 
unquestionably, very vacuous 
and undeniably also wizened 
old cow that most effectively 
is the odious embodiment of 
Barbara Taylor Bradford, an 
egregiously noxious pillock 
who's obviously essentially 
more than twice, Meghan's  
age; has crucially not even 
once actually met Meghan 
Markle; truthfully, doesn't 
know her, far less so have 
even the most vague idea 
of distinctively just what, 
at each given moment in
time Meghan is thinking.  

Egregiously, and evidently so 
Meghan Markle is the Daily 
Mail's cash cow. Crucially 
ensuring for this Nazi rightwing rag 
that its distinctly perniciously avid 
and instinctively, robustly racially 
encouraged, earnestly and clearly 
financially, self-servingly, simply 
manipulated trolls; distinctively 
rather naturally being the same 
constitutional lowlife bastardy 
exemplore, braindead and too 
the distinctly, unquestionably 
also irrefutably intellectually 
challenged pillocks basically 
likemindedly, in all respects 
to those, who write for, run  
and control, the Daily Mail: 

delusional white supremacist 
morons essentially but well 
complemented equally by 
ignorant, fully brainwashed, Useful 
Coconut Idiots and House Niggers, 
post the same rather repugnantly 
and repetitvely so unfathomably 
unenlightened, rather fancifully 
farfetched remarks, specifically 
over and over again relative to 
Meghan; even when obviously 
the articles, they're scribbling 
on about have no perceptible 
relevance clearly to Meghan; 
and for the prats involved is 
nowt but a pitifully pathetic 
pursuit after very earnestly 
required, and much craved 
after personal significance.
Yet, indisputably, these are 
the same evilly dimwitted 
racist morons that overtly 
routinely and implacably 
caustically, rabidly adore 
living in their delusional 
and myopic world; from 
where they aggressively 
but also unconvincingly 
claim, they're not racist.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
13 January 2022.  

Author's Remarks:  
Ostentatiously and crucially, lyingly claiming to know the real motives of people who you've distinctly actually never met and obviously don't know, is patently a prerequisite for fanciful fiction; as was your doltish discourse in the Daily Mail Nazi rag on Meghan Markle, Barbara Taylor Bradford!

Tuesday 11 January 2022

Born a slag; ever a slag! Isn't that so Barbara Taylor Bradford?

By Stanley Collymore  

Is there actually any point in
Meghan even contemptibly 
effectively considering, to
reciprocally despise you Barbara: 
as evidently repulsive an odious 
individual as anybody basically 
could possibly be? Realistically 
why crucially utilize, precious 
energy, valuable time fittingly 
with rapt exertion wastefully 
being expended on a fatuous 
dead beat; repulsive old hag 
asininely craving relevance 
as the clapped out has been  
that you quite repugnantly 
and aptly pathetically are? 
The archetypal pernicious 
lowlife scum distinctively 
and endemically, suitably 
fittingly like you Barbara 
Taylor Bradford - odious, 
and so characteristically 
the evil embodiment, of 
everything, which aptly 
and thoroughly, clearly 
encompass the distinct
barbarity, of humanity.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
11 January 2022.  

Author's Remarks:   
Being an assiduous brownnoser and therefore instinctively defending all aspects of the pernicious British so-called hereditary system evidently poses no problems for inured and equally thoroughly brainwashed and braindead sycophantic morons like an old, post menopausal, clapped out and has been hag like Barbara Taylor Bradford.

More particularly so as this wizened old cow is essentially herself a direct result of the adulterous bastardy that is so rather commonplace among this lot. Her own whore of a grandmother quite used to willingly spreading her own legs for the pleasurable pursuit of her clearly and literally perceived social betters having happily spewed out three bastard sprogs of her own for a minor gong bearer in Ripon Yorkshire that this trollop worked as a housemaid for; although clearly that wasn't grandma's only duty in this household where she was a menial servant. One of these bastard sprogs was Barbara Taylor as she previously was, own biological mother. 

What Barbara Taylor herself did to get where she eventually arrived at I shan't waste time or energy outlining here; suffice to say that the apple in such cases never falls far from the tree where it was produced. What concerns me though is that this wizened old hag who has never met Meghan Markle, clearly doesn't know her or anyone who is essentially remotely connected to Meghan, nevertheless like all white Karens and distinctly the specifically and disgustingly repulsive, sagging vaginal trollops, in order to secure some much needed relevance in her pathetic and has been old life, felt it necessary to vitriolically speculate in the Daily Mail - where else? - on what Meghan's reasons were for marrying Harry and therefore "choosing" to be in the Windsor family.  

More pertinent and relevant Barbara Taylor Bradford would be your own reasons for marrying the husband you have; why you had no children - sterile perhaps or hubby being azoospermiac - and enlighten those who are interested in what you say - I'm a qualified journalist so I have no personal axe to grind where you are concerned other than to call you out for the repugnant old racist that you are - on these and other issues like your whoring slut of a grandmother for example. Rather than expose the odious skeletons in you own disgusting family cupboards, you resort to taking a cheap pot shot at Meghan in your additionally sick and twisted quest, as the warped has been that you are, for much craved after relevance, put out to pasture old cow, Barbara Taylor Bradford.


Sunday 9 January 2022

Integrity, is a quality that's honestly instilled and solidly sustained not financially paid for and falsely rewarded.

By  Stanley Collymore  

The differences between Jake Skuse, 
Rhian Graham, Milo Ponsford and 
Sage Willoughby, also damnably 
barbaric, unquestionably murderous 
completely detestable, inhuman and 
distinctively so, egregious scum like 
Edward Colston, simply couldn't be 
more different. Actually, not Black 
yourselves; nor, were any of your 
individual ancestors, the hapless 
and enforcedly barbaric victims 
of the Transatlantic Slave Trade 
egregiously, firmly and lavishly 
financially engaged in by quite  
arrogant, actually self-entitled 
toxic scum as Edward Colston 
who, as a prominent member  
and participant, in the rather 
superciliously named, Royal 
African Company: distinctly 
owned, patronized and also 
controlled, by aptly chosen 
agents of the rather odious 
ilk of Edward Colston was 
unquestionably so clearly 
the barbarous creation of 
as well as financially too, 
an undeniably beneficial 
milch cow, of what quite 
aptly then, and certainly 
to this actual day within 
the 21st Century, clearly 
still is a most damnably 
toxic, British monarchy.  

Wantonly and obscenely 
so fulsomely enriching 
themselves routinely 
and barbarically at the egregious 
expense of my own, and equally 
other Black descendants, of our 
clearly hapless and enforcedly 
enslaved ancestors. Spitefully 
and viciously treated victims 
all of them, who truly didn't 
matter in the least really, to 
any of these white savages, 
rather ludicrously passing 
themselves off as the very 
epitome of humanity and 
deceitfully too in tandem 
with their distinctly sick, 
sinisterly twisted and so 
patently vile; noxiously 
and intrinsically rather  
delusional, duplicitous 
and exclusively, white 
master race, distinctly 
of Homo sapiens; and 
unevitably the actual 
nucleus of humanity.  

A concept that is still quite 
injuriously, egregiously 
and so self-servingly 
readily utilized by those who duly 
benefit distinctively, handsomely 
evidently financially; societally, 
or else as the vile lowlife trolls 
they crucially are, really have 
nothing noteworthily to truly 
show for their pathetic lives, 
and pitiably, fatuously cling
on to everything that might 
very delusionally for them, 
remidy this conundrum of 
theirs and egregiously too
has disgustingly, liberally 
wormed its harmful way 
very surreptitiously into 
the core fabric of what's 
clearly the 21st Century.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
9 January 2022.  

Author's Remarks: 
Personally I simply cannot gratefully and basically wholeheartedly enough fulsomely so earnestly and dutifully so, unequivocally and rapturously thank the brilliantly formidable Jake Skuse, Rhian Graham, Milo Ponsford and loyally with Sage Willoughby rather enough for their knowingly conscious, totally unquestionably outstanding, fittingly commendably, and quite thoroughly collective action which they morally and thoroughly courageously did, in rather brilliantly, tearing down that statue of the racist most murderously white barbaric veneration, vulgarly  arrogantly and aptly perversely also, callously erected, quite regardless of whenever this was duly conceived by whomesover that it was, then finally essentially done, to a distinctly evilly, distinctively brutally, vile inhumanly demonic egregious, and a repulsively, financially self-serving plus basically a lowlife scum, Edward Colston.  

An earnest thank you too to the brave supporters of Black Lives Matter; the  conscionable folk of Bristol and most  applausively, the empanelled jury at Bristol Crown Court for so creditably and courageously, doing your sworn duty and not allowing yourselves to be swayed by outright racist and Nazi rags like the Daily Mail, their equally likeminded manipulated racist trolls, attention seeking has-beens, their so pathetic Useful nonwhite Idiots, and the plethora of snouts in the troughs  and criminally bent MPs discernibly and earnestly endeavouring to evilly deflect attention from their crucially recurrent and also criminal activities directly connected to their ongoingly  malfeasance in public office. 

I personally respect the jury any day over an ostentatious, self-serving MP or Nazi rightwing rag with their own racist agenda. The Bristol jury heard the evidence, were independent and duly gave their verdict; a pertinently honourable state of affairs distinctly and unquestionably rather different from the aforementioned racist ogres now making the verdict outcome into a political vendetta. 

On the 30 November 2022, the first anniversary of our accession to our becoming a Republic, the Barbados Government has authorized the commencement of the construction of the world's first ever museum to the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Fittingly so, as it was in Barbados that the egregiously barbaric Transatlantic Slave Trade began. 

And since it was I who initiated the national debate, over 30 years ago, about Barbados becoming a Republic, I've naturally decided to request the incumbent government,  on the actual completion of the said Transatlantic Slave Trade Museum, and with its several millions of archive materials - Barbados has the largest such archive collection anywhere in the world,  the UK the 2nd largest - to include the heroes of the toppling of the Edward Colston statue in Bristol, England, as fitting recipients of the honour of having them honourably included in the Barbados National, Transatlantic Slave Trade Museum.