
Monday 27 February 2023

The Bicycle Lady!

By Stanley Collymore

I rather innocently and perhaps a
tad naively too, clearly thought
that the localized term “The  
Bicycle Lady”, as I perceived it applied
to your next-door neighbour, did quite
affectionately essentially, refer to her
cycling habits and ambitions, and as
well decidedly too relatively entailed
her physical exertions simply in that
specific direction of hers; bearing in
mind the very generally, well known
and similarly especially widespread
calamitous and actually worsening
situation of the burgeoning obesity
clearly rather prevalent throughout  
the entire United Kingdom. Simply,  
an undoubted state of affairs, that
significantly, and rather injuriously
too, very naturally literally impacts
firmly, on our general population’s
basic health and also additionally
psychological well-being, and not
just that of women and also men,
but markedly irrefutably and very
much so likewise young children.

And so I thought, what a sterling and
an absolutely, rather commendable
example this simply extraordinary
and particularly, basically local woman
was committedly and too, exuberantly
setting to everyone, specifically in her
community and crucially beyond. Yet,
despite what she was so essentially,
committedly and effectively, happily
doing, discernibly other than mostly
predominantly men there was quite
noticeably and likewise notably not
the same significant uptake also by
the other women of precisely what
this woman was quite distinctively,
and evidently fervently doing; well
at least not that blatantly so, from
my uniquely and clearly particular
understanding or of any personal
interpretation of this very literally,
ongoing situation, which actually
as I bluntly deduced it could only
actually be honestly and publicly
described effectively and clearly
personally and likewise logically
speaking very relative to myself,
as at best, specifically middling.

What I didn’t know however, and
most evidently and essentially
effectively and literally didn’t
realize was, that what was basically
happening, rather outwardly, at any
rate, and significantly categorically
and publicly too was a categorical
and fervently, crucially engineered
and likewise, patently concertedly
orchestrated; a specifically totally
blatant, morally dishonest, but as
well quite obviously decipherable
so in this distinctly clear process
of it happening a thoroughly self-
serving endeavour effectively for
their crucial financial but equally
too candidly sexual gratification
distinctively worked out as well! 

Undoubtedly a most thoroughly 
thought out and an effectively 
likewise well-planned public 
deception. Since for these people the 
true concept of bicycle riding, clearly 
had nothing whatsoever at all, to do 
with having the basically numerous 
pounds of human blabber crucially 
accumulated on them now literally 
quite sensibly, meticulously trying 
through earnest physical exercise 
to get rid of it, but instead literally 
and surreptitiously only engaging 
in everything possible, hence this 
canny euphemism of this bicycle 
riding to basically simply acquire 
what they were singularly clearly 
and discernibly specifically after. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
27 February 2027. 

Author's Remarks: 
A euphemism or not significant numbers of females of all ages and backgrounds have profited hugely from being bicycle riding ladies; and irrefutably and likewise incontestably the most single-mindedly in this most pleasurable and aptly financially committed and requisite pursuit requisite to themselves have not uncommonly gone on too to magnificently and splendorously even crown their bicycling activities! 

Sunday 26 February 2023

Actually, Kate's principal work was always to stalk, bed and eventually bag William; which she's done!

By Stanley Collymore 

There's quite a difference between 
honesty and hate. And the honest 
truth is that Kate Middleton has 
never worked a full week in her whole
distinctly, and useless life. Generally, it 
was actually proven several years ago 
that some of these alleged jobs, which 
she had, were basically nothing more 
than solely very fictitious titles, while 
Kate was evidently waiting, to marry 
William. Furthermore, Kate has also 
been shown, to be undoubtedly, one 
of, if not actually, exclusively so, the 
laziest, allegedly, working members 
of the Windsor family and crucially 
what the Daily Mail is very nakedly 
and deliberately lying, obviously in 
addition to plainly rather asininely 
happily scraping the bottom of this 
spurious barrel in its proselytizing 
antics, crucially to Kate Middleton, 
is nothing more, than its very own 
avidly financially inspired agenda 
and plainly too, keenly supportive 
actions actually commensurate of 
this risibly desperate, PR twaddle, 
very ludicrously, emanating from 
Buckingham Palace. Distinctively 
though some of us, still evidently 
have relevant, and totally honest 
memories and naturally do, well 
know that what's solely odiously 
clearly promulgated, about Kate 
Middleton is really distinctively,
disingenously and undoubtedly, 
profoundly dishonest nonsense.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
25 February 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Other than systemically and likewise as well systematically herself, amply and distinctly effectively aided by her mum, stalking and ultimately landing William, who had he been an Asda, Sainsbury or similarly an ordinary Aldi worker neither Kate nor discernibly her keen mother would have been the slightest bit interested in him, that essentially is really the sum total of Kate Middleton's career adventure. 

You only have to generally look at other women who married European princes around the same age as Kate when she married William and automatically see the marked difference in attitude, work ethics and their essentially natural and clearly distinctively professional career behaviour. 

Maxima was a high flying international banker; Letizia was an award winning journalist and top anchor news woman who had covered the Iraq war; basically Mathilda was unquestionably a speech therapist with her own quite successful practice and Mary was in advertising as well as being a Marketing Director. And they all of them successfully managed their own careers and also respectively dated a prince, before marrying around the age of 30. 

Meanwhile, waity Katie was literally falling out of night clubs drunk when she wasn't sunning herself, or else stuffing cheap tat into party bags; while distinctly so delighted to drop everything every time that William was clearly back from seeing his other women and very literally had her happily jump into bed with him! 

So what the Daily Mail is quite asininely but very self-servingly doing is trying to change reality. Since, most undeniably, Kate Middleton has always been a truly bone idle, endemically inured and toxically verminous  parasite! Nice try though Daily Mail, for your intellectually challenged, dimwitted and controlled trolls, showing Kate actually witnessing as a "normal" career job in her previous life before she ever met William, but quite laughably forgetting to remove her wedding ring in that specific PR photo. Accounts for why you lot and your kith and kin kind, rather delusionally see yourselves as the "Master Race". Lol! Pathetically demented and thoroughly sick creatures the lot of you!

Saturday 25 February 2023

Et tu Brute?

By Stanley Collymore

I don’t worry unnecessarily,
if at all, about my crucially
supposed or even literally
my real enemies, as I already know who
and what they are, and that if given half
a chance, what they would distinctively
eagerly and very delightedly harmfully
do to me; and therefore I’m effectively
rather comprehensively, and evidently
punctiliously, well prepared and quite
willing to literally, clearly assiduously
counter the so malevolently inspired
and very egregious, machinations of
such persons as humanly best I can.
What however, I’m staunchly and far
more meticulously concerned about
regarding myself, are those who are
ever willing, publicly and completely
unprompted by anyone, and literally
more so specifically by me, to quite
repeatedly, and clearly vociferously
declare in evident and quite joyous
for them full exultation that they’re
rather absolutely and unrelentingly
my dearest, best, and undoubtedly
basically loyal unswerving friends!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
25 February 2023.

Author's Remarks:
My absolutely brilliant, intellectually erudite and comprehensively, worldly-wise intelligent and sensible Mum the biological mother of 5 children comprising two sons and three daughters, in one of her normal and natural maternal to her offspring candidly and intelligently said this: “When my daughters who I’ve unquestionably biologically conceived and not dissimilarly from you my sons also carried in my womb and given birth to after nine months and two weeks respectively; when any or all of my daughters come to me pregnant and say Mum  you’re going to be a grandmother, I instinctively exult in their joy and happily welcome my upcoming grandchildren by them, because I categorically know that whomsoever the biological father(s) of these forthcoming children are they are and will carry on being my biological grandchildren because I’m unquestionably the biological mother of their own mother(s).” Then poignantly in her ensuing laughter Mum teasingly but also philosophically added: “When, however, you my sons do the same as my daughters have done I’ll simply have to take your personal word for it!” Essentially and unarguably we all of us astutely knew what Mum was saying and actually meant.

True friendship, in my view, neither postulates nor prostitutes itself and moreover instinctively doesn’t demand anything in return for what it has given, while always, at the same time, altruistically prepared and ever willing to freely and beneficially give of itself whenever it’s required and vitally important and necessary; not merely when it’s  convenient possible or flamboyantly so. And from a personal perspective I categorically know the salient differences between these several and often grossly and grotesquely embellished categories. How about you?

Friday 24 February 2023

Why can’t love literally be sensibly straightforward?

By Stanley Collymore

No number of lame excuses nor
serial, evidently unconvincing
explanations are ever likely
now to persuade me towards believing
a solitary word that you’re implausibly
saying for you have simply again and
again and seemingly too significantly
very indifferently also, demonstrated
that you’re totally untrustworthy and
therefore realistically, it’s essentially
very impractical, for me to trustingly
believe anything that you say to me.
A most heart-rending shame which
now completely, crucially envelops
this false relationship which rather
uncomfortably for me, we’re firmly
still regrettably, unquestionably in.

For quite dissimilar to respect,
admiration and even intense
hatred, love clearly doesn’t
have an automatic switch off button,
which, rather essentially, does mean
that the bearer of it, can quite easily
find him or herself in effectively the
most invidious of situations where
regrettably but clearly involuntarily
they are still truly intensely, in love
with the person who's consciously
causing them such psychological
harm and deep physical pain. And
that regrettably, due solely to your
callous and selfish actions, is just
precisely the state which I’m in! A
figure of ribald mockery earnestly
hoping, to break free of your hold
on me; and truly be myself again.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 February 2023.

Author's Remarks:
However much so that deranged minds try to exculpate the offenders and pass off their odious and insulting actions as “no big deal” purposely, callously and fraudulently convincing another person that you’re genuinely in love with them while consciously knowing that you’re not and moreover are equally well aware that you have no intention of ever doing so is, in my estimation and in marked contrast, a very big deal; thoroughly reprehensible and completely unforgivable on the part of the perpetrator! Since no one has the right – notionally or exclusively – in my view to consciously and uncaringly treat another human being with such utter contempt while selfishly and arrogantly employing the most beautiful and effective medium of human communication – the efficacy of love – to falsely do so.

And if literally among the millions of you out there who selfishly and arrogantly can’t see that are basically far too intellectually challenged to cognizant that fact, as you perceive it unrealistically to be by declaring what is the fuss all about, while the rest of you entrenched lowlifes really believe that exercising that sort of control over another person certainly does express “real love” and control over the victim’s welfare and well-being; and that without this arbitrary control, even the victims themselves would be far less satisfactory in their own lives – a classic case of he or she beats me as well as cheats on me contemptuously to keep that person on their toes literally and also because the individual on the receiving end of this deep inside considers what’s being done as an act of genuine caring; then unquestionably both yourself and that sick individual you eulogize, adore and put up on a pedestal seriously need to get yourselves much needed psychiatric help and quickly so! For the only alternative is a wooden box called a coffin with you in it and placed, if you’re not cremated, six feet under the surface of the Earth; which would be far more merciful to what you’re currently enduring!

Wednesday 22 February 2023

A case not necessarily for eugenics but certainly one for the enforced sterilization of discernible idiots.

By Stanley Collymore 

Intelligence most regrettably isn’t
equally dispensed to everyone,
that’s one of the really stark
anomalies of life and there’s crucially
little, let alone significantly, anything
at all, that anybody can realistically
do about that; other than basically
humour, wherever that’s relatively
conveniently possible such clear
outright prats; very alternatively,
they could be legally, medically
sectioned; and, either lengthily
or permanently incarcerate all
the clearly, hard-core lunatics
and distinctly, mind-numbing
psychopaths while evidently,
so distinctly, humanitarianly
medicate and very sensibly,
permanently and decidedly
steadfastly and unfailingly,
conscionably and fittingly,
sterilize the bulk of them! 

For stupidity is too dangerous 
an element of life within any 
progressive and obviously 
meaningful society, since it wholesale 
effectively and equally vastly imperils 
the essentially coherent and likewise 
the cohesive embodiment of each of 
them, and thus consequently should 
therefore not be allowed to asininely 
infiltrate, let alone commandeer and 
effectively persuasively regulate the 
actual means, through which a truly 
beneficial and similarly a relevantly 
discernibly, modern society literally 
and effectively, undoubtedly needs 
to acquire for itself, and ostensibly 
sensibly, clearly, and progressively 
so confidently enhance its future.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
22 February 2023.

Author's Remarks: 
Britain currently, and has now for some time has been injuriously and seemingly inescapably as well been rampantly infested by discernibly dim-witted, patently obvious and deeply ingrained, intellectually challenged, unthinkingly pathetically gullible and very short attention span, easily exploitable and actually routinely exploited morons who aren’t merely monarchical brownnosing serfs but quite evidently also obviously love being arbitrarily characterized by their perceived societal betters as who and what they essentially are and must effectively significantly always remain; notwithstanding that psychologically they’re neither living in the Middle Ages or the 19th Century but actually an unquestionably, modern and progressive 21st Century. 

Stupidity so endemic, deeply ingrained and egregiously rampant that it’s embarrassingly painful to observe and actually countenance; courtesy of the purported Master Race, British and likewise attendantly so their surfeit of likeminded and overseas progeny of genocidal and racially inured bastards, keen to hold on to what they barbarically acquired in places like Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States of America but, all the same, collectively wanting Europe strictly for white Caucasians! So pathetically inane! 

Even Winston Churchill the obsessively arch and deeply inured eugenicist contemptuously abhorred the lot of them as he earnestly and frequently sought to have legally introduced parliamentary legislation that would automatically and drastically reduce the numbers of these intensely perceived as distinctly lower orders regrettably of British society. More than a tad ironic coming from Winston Churchill considering what a prolific and licentiously whoring trollop his own mother, nee Jenny Jerome, was throughout her entire useless life, who palmed him and his brother onto a father, who even Jennie’s own sisters unerringly believed was not these boys biological dad; and considering that Jennie Jerome was already 3 months pregnant when she easily conned Randolph Churchill into marrying her; asininely and wholly unconvincingly, to anyone with a functioning brain, claiming after Winston’s delivery that his birth was premature because she had accidentally fallen during her pregnancy with him – on her back presumably and a position that was for her most commonplace in such circumstances – causing her to have a 3 months early birth of the baby that she was carrying? Give me a bloody break! 

But the white British and their kin are exceptionally gullible and will unquestionably believe any and every piece of shit told to them by their intensely perceived and, accordingly, automatically believed societal betters! In the same way that they have collectively endorsed the said Winston Churchill who summarily wanted to be permanently rid of their sort, as the greatest ever living British person there ever was. No Jane Austen, William Shakespeare or Catherine Cookson for example, mind; but if you’re intensely intellectually challenged as significant numbers of them are, that is undoubtedly bound to happen. Besides, Winston Churchill himself ironically idealized his mother Jennie Jerome who characteristically had had little or no time for him, leaving him exclusively to his nannies; but I guess lying on her back and spreading her legs quite copiously for her myriad and invariably influential lovers was much more fun; as well as indisputably far more profitable, financially and societal wise, in addition to being a lot more appealing for this licentious American and naturalized British whore! 

Then came along Margaret Thatcher who decided to get rid of Britain’s many and quite longstanding mental hospitals, under the lame and unconvincing pretext that in doing so it would save the country’s Exchequer loads of money and instantaneously enable the affected patients , many of whom were legally and mentally sectioned to these psychiatric institutions, to be liberated into their respective communities and accordingly cared for there by loved ones and charitable bodies committed to and likewise experienced in this sort of work. What a financially grasping and avaricious Maggie Thatcher, her supportive Tories and their likeminded champagne drinking Labtories in the Labour Party conveniently failed to and accordingly didn’t tell the general public, but intelligent minds had already adduced what was going on, was that the entire project was nothing more than a commercial scam to close down these mental hospitals and literally not only sell them off but similarly too their myriad and valuable assets to these political scavengers personal commercial friends but attendant to this ensure significant financial kickbacks for themselves. And it worked immensely! 

The detrimental outcome of these purposefully executed and extremely damaging societal consequences are all too obvious and horrifically commonplace across the entirety of Britain with people who ought never to have been conceived let alone allowed to be born, and would never have been if Winston Churchill had had his way; yet are now running rampantly and murderously at large; and with the Home Office, the Crown Prosecution Service, the Magistracy, the plethora of UK courts, at all levels, collectively combined in their unmanageable control of events and not infrequently in unison with each other’s crass inability and even their active encouragement of what’s going on – as they’re very much part of the problem itself – law and order in Britain has become not only a sick but likewise a pathetic and psychopathic joke; though not for those on the receiving end of it. 

Just take a serious and dispassionate look at those who’re routinely, indifferently and callously committing these atrocious murders, and it’s patently obvious to anyone but the obviously blind or likemindedly biased that an increasing number of them aren’t even out of their teens; and effectively these are already hard-core psychopaths that literally should have no place in any, modern, normal and progressive, society. Personally, I’ve always been, very much still am, and will resolutely continue to be against any state wide and statutorily introduced death penalty as verdicts can be rather purposely biased or politically manipulated, but that doesn’t mean that either myself or those I’ve spoken to and who think like me should throw our hands up in the air despairingly and thus indifferently allow things to carry on as they currently are and, what’s more, become even more despairingly for all decent members of our respective society. 

For quite irrefutably these infernally callous murderers and rather uncaring lowlife elements of supposedly Homo sapiens are unquestionably never likely to change in character being the inured psychopaths that they distinctly are; and sensibly the best solution to adopt relative to them and also intelligently and relentlessly carry out is to compulsorily sterilize the least destructive among them so they’re permanently incapable of ever reproducing their own kind , while with the more extreme elements and atrocious lot among them: regardless of their age or gender, utilize the once commonly used electroconvulsive therapy treatment that was prevalent in the past throughout mental hospitals across Britain, but this time massively increase the electrode dosage to that generally used in death row centres across the United States of America  to discernibly and permanently dispense with such likeminded scum. Quite sensibly and effectively, in my estimation, a serious and detrimental problem largely and significantly, even if not completely so, effectively solved. 

Tuesday 21 February 2023

The opaque stupidity of those who delusionally think that they're the Master Race!

By Stanley Collymore

All of your pathetic, quite uncaring
relentlessly scaring and evidently
exploitative life, you've actually
so far very indifferently and tiresomely
carried on as if no one else other than
your utterly selfish, very significantly
and indisputably actual narcissistic
self does effectively matter in this
world, other than those, who very
obviously you plainly, transiently
used, for your own devious and
effectively also, quite cynically,
social climbing and resolutely
hard-core, financial purposes.
Now crucially when factually
and plainly unexpectedly for
you, the tables have literally
turned, and significantly as
well you clearly deservedly
rather uncharacteristically,
do distinctly, find yourself
instead, now basically on
the very receiving end of
the precise things which
you’ve customarily; very
deviously and obviously
so unrelentingly, dished
out to others; you quite,
very literally and totally
disbelievingly to plainly
literal intelligent minds
very belligerently want
people: many of them
characteristically your
natural victims, rather
callously and patently
also, very cruelly iand
similarly, indifferently
used by you, to solely
not simply feel rather
sorry for you but also
likewise, significantly
as well, to voluntarily
also, unquestionably
really commendably,
automatically assist
you in your basically
self mired problems.

Such literally and incalculable
arrogance, and relevantly
too, a firmly ingrained
indifference on your part, coming as
it unquestionably and so noticeably
does, from a basically endemically
fully nurtured, and psychologically
tortured, intrinsically white, Karen.
By no means distinctively unique,
nowadays; essentially, in this the
21st Century and actually, solely
among the plethora of distinctly,
obvious and rather odious, baby
boomers: pre and similarly also
the coterie of post-menopausal
trollops clearly earnestly egged
on apace by their effectively so
likeminded, azoospermiac and
obviously, generally cuckolded,
male Gammons; as the crucial
lot of you rather fatuously and
effectively, clearly collectively,
pathetically and so noticeably
blatantly ridiculously, keep on 
repulsively too, endeavouring
to prove the impossible. That
characteristically, discernibly,
significantly and so plausibly
self-evidently you essentially
aren't part of a Master Race!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
20 February 2023.

Author's Remarks:
What do azoospermiacs and white supremacists have in common? They both asininely, but utterly delusionally, believe in conjunction with their with their clapped out and invariably sterile female old hags that they’ve cleverly created something important and indispensable in their like image, and which crucially and most resoundingly benefits not just themselves but likewise the rest of what they egotistically and dismissively categorize as the inferior elements of supposed Homo sapiens; but a lunatic premise which self-evidently to intelligent and informed minds they most definitely haven’t. Any more than azoospermiacs can biologically sire children or sterile hags can conceive them.

Monday 20 February 2023

Long live our legendary and invaluable Bajan Mongooses!

By Stanley Collymore 

You were expressly and happily both
imported and cheerfully welcomed 
into Barbados where by no means 
whatever you were literally indigenous 
to our Caribbean island; but simply all 
the same, you were urgently required. 
Principally so, as a basic deterrent to 
the bevy of rather lethally dangerous 
snakes that freely perused their way 
across this Caribbean idyll and also      
effectively specifically so within the      
confines of the rather copious, and      
too natural luxurious growth of the      
cane fields that liberally festooned      
it. Snakes, which were very deadly      
predators to the plethora of rather      
skilled cane cutters, quite general      
harvesters; and, as well, the other      
allied artisan workers in the quite     
huge, and very profitable industry.    
All told a brilliant and imaginatively    
superb outcome, following this    
erudite action by the local    
Barbadian decision makers that quite
rapidly, and most effectively induced    
and also similarly saw, the complete
eradication of these very poisonous    
and likewise deadly snakes not just    
simply from the clearly prosperous    
cane fields per se; but likewise too,       
the very entirety of Barbados itself,    
and a task so distinctly, effectively    
and evidently quite brilliantly done    
that these now undoubtedly Bajan    
mongooses had actually, and very    
effectively also made themselves    
clearly redundant. Decisively now    
as it happened, with their distinct    
bountiful and equally natural prey    
gone but significantly no pending    
successors, clearly discernibly in    
the offing; understandably, some    
among the patently adventurous    
mongooses did collectively, and
effectively, imaginatively take to    
actually diversifying their eating    
habits; and, not so unsurprising,    
the eggs, which were laid in the    
cane fields, by those free range,    
domestic hens, now essentially    
crucially became their effective    
targets, literally in tandem, with    
any chicks haplessly born then.  
A state of affairs that didn’t go
down so well obviously with
the owners of such poultry,
notwithstanding the known fact, that
the snakes that the mongooses had
so essentially, obviously eradicated
had themselves previously and too
quite frequently, crucially done the
same things. However quite short  
and very convenient memories by  
these effectively local and mainly  
rural dwellers obdurately refused  
to see the logical irony of what in  
effect, they were quite petulantly  
and equally selfishly demanding,  
namely the complete, wholesale  
destruction of not only the clear  
quite significantly offending but  
basically likewise as well all the  
mongooses there actually were
throughout Barbados, although  
their very undoubted presence,
collectively and quite evidently  
rather effectively on our island  
had unquestionably, saved the  
lives of several human beings!
Predictably, literally Barbadian  
common-sense prevailed, and  
actually with sugar cultivation  
now increasingly minimalized  
by new industries like tourism  
and similarly others very aptly  
appropriate to a modern 20th  
century, and likewise also the  
clearly forthcoming 21st one;  
these Bajan mongooses also,  
haven't only earned their very  
discernibly undisputed place  
in Barbados, but just like the  
quite conic, and so uniquely  
black belly sheep have also  
irrefutably also literally and  
characteristically distinctly  
shaped a quite indigenous  
character truly of their own.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
20 February 2023.  
Author's Remarks:      
In major tribute to the Bajan Mongoose. And our eternal and massive debt of gratitude to you.