
Wednesday 31 March 2021

Genevieve Hansen:"I don't know if you've seen anybody be killed; but it's upsetting!"

By Stanley  Collymore  

The so laudably moral, fully 
empathetic; so perceptibly 
characteristic in a notably
striking, evident and discernibly 
demonstrably humane manner  
and the clearly, commendable 
response to a deliberately so 
racist, dog-whistle question 
pertaining to the critically  
deeply entrenched,and a 
universally believed, by
a multiplicity of whites 
within their peculiarly
non diversified official
establishments taking 
in purported law and 
order and essentially 
likewise, readily and 
also unquestioningly
accepted as the truth 
by a very significant 
accumulation, sadly 
of many whites of a 
nakedly prejudicial
belief that crucially 
forges and, equally  
too, fundamentally
firmly consolidates 
this specific, racist 
catchphrase of the  

perennial angry Black man 
and woman but strikingly 
and admirably too rather  
dismissively and effectively so 
bravely rebutted by a clearly 
and thoroughly courageous, 
totally compassionate, plus 
an absolutely meritorious,
white professional young
lady: a so encouragingly 
charismatic; visibly too 
a moral, so intellectual  
in an individual-mien 
this alert 27 years old 
Ms Genevieve Hansen 

when strictly on account
of her white Caucasian 
complexion she was 
distinctly, racially 
and assiduously 
encouraged to 
buy into this 
utterly vile, 
of Black 

by a white Eric Nelson: the 
stated Defence Attorney
for the barbaric and 
callous killer of George Floyd, ex- 
copper Derek Chauvin; while Ms 
Hansen was giving a first hand 
account from the witness box
during Derek Chauvin's trial, 
of what she'd, so personally 
and quite vividly observed
the day that a white, rogue 
cop: Derek Chauvin freely 
operating as a viable part 
of a fully recognized and 
also an overwhelmingly 
adhered to, systemically  
prejudiced, notoriously 
racist, and purportedly 
law and order system, 
yet again - sanctioned 
another Black killing.  

A truly laudable approach
by Genevieve Hansen for 
which she incurred the
full wrath of white judge Peter 
Cahill that conspicuously, like 
defence attorney Eric Nelson 
purposely and categorically 
wants that this white killer
Derek Chauvin absolutely 
doesn't suffer in the least
as a direct consequence 
of his wilful murdering  
action - any criminally 
adverse-penalty, from 
his current trial; and
therefore, walk free. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
31 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
The American law courts exactly like their similarly and exclusively white  controlled counterparts in Britain are not any, remotely, true reflection of a democratic nation or society. They are essentially mini dictatorships, where all the facts and the full truth are not welcomed. 

Attorneys and judges do invariably go out of their way to rather manipulate how and what information is usually presented in order to actually create perceptions instead of what is reality. Therefore, both the USA and British justice systems are not only blind but also deaf and dumb. 

Not everything is a yes or no answer. And those of us who are moral and also empathetic persons realize that we have to be sensitive to the people  who witnessed this murder of George Floyd.  For that's what it was; and also realize its effects on them also.  

Judge Peter Cahill and similarly also Defence Attorney Eric Nelson had no such empathy, at all, with Genevieve Hansen who is a truly decent human being  and a credible witness. 

Accordingly I dedicate this poem along with my best wishes to and admiration for this remarkable and commendably ethical and empathetic young lady Genevieve Hansen. God forever bless you and stay safe in this pandemic.

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Dan Wootton: Queer wannabe! His misogyny, stupidly and non-masculinity being exploited by Daily Mail's obsession with Meghan!

By Stanley Collymore 

Lasciviously sticking your 
cock up another Queer's 
ass and, additionally, 
most reciprocally 
and quite mutually also avidly 
sucking each other's whether
they're essentially sanitarily 
cleansed or not, is patently
manna from your version
of heaven for the likes of 
yourself, Andrew Pierce,
Philip Scolfield who, so 
cowardly for years, hid 
his twisted perversion 
actually married; and 
too fathered children 
before he was surely  
it's certain, got outed.  

But still there are demented 
Queers who still cowardly 
masquerade as the bogus 
heterosexuals, that they 
patently aren't, and in a country 
where homosexuality has long 
ceased to be an illicit activity; 
even getting married in their 
old age, to dishonestly cover
up precisely who and what 
they irrefutably surely are 
like a certain vain Scot git
Andrew Neil is decidedly 
himself, so risibly doing.  

All of you having the same 
pathetic rightwing views 
on life generally similar 
to your white Karens and their 
plethora of vile, menopausal 
Dykes; you are, undeniably 
entrenched racists; firmly 
warped, and essentially 
sick delusional empire 
loyalists and absolute
purblind cunts, fully 
living, in your own 
alternative reality. 

Critically so because white
nepotism together clearly 
with its evidently odious
accomplice of cronyism, are so 
intrinsically as well as deeply 
ingrained in your inherently  
barbaric, and useless, white 
privileged lives that you're 
fundamentally shit scared 
of genuinely meritocratic 
competition from people 
perceived as nonwhites; 
particularly Blacks and 
even worse a distinctly 
highly intelligent very  
well-educated and too 
a most breathtakenly,
visible; categorically 
ostensibly; mentally  
liberated; gorgeous; 
excellent; exquisite 
naturally- cultured 
Black woman - the 
calibre of Meghan!  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
30 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:   
It must be pretty dispiriting for all you misogynistic white Queers, and your correspondingly embittered and menopausal Dykes, coupled with all you Karens with entrenched Electra complexes and cuckolded partners, rarely husbands, who quite literally see your always taken for granted, delusional reality existence literally  falling to pieces around your rather sick and twisted asses. 

The demographics are changing and you haven't the capacity, or literally the basic commonsense and crucially the necessary intelligence to suitably deal with these ongoing and rather irrreversible changes. But then you never had; for you clearly were not or aren't, the master race that you've  deluded yourselves, and still do, that you are!  

Your problem not Meghan's or people like me. White erectile dysfunctional old men and completely pathetic has beens; menopausal Karens, and their younger slut versions, and all of you in class-obsessed Britain pathetically and desperately seeking relevance.

Monday 29 March 2021

A proud and decent Black person? Then stop Himmah using YOUR race, for personal gain! Atlanta-style bad days should do nicely!

By  Stanley Collymore 

Everyone of us who is a proud 
and decent Black individual 
should tell Himmah: a so-
called charity located in
Nottingham England and that
lyingly claims to be against
racism as well as honestly 
combatting it, should tell
these mother fuckers to
fuck off, and stop using
Black people, for their 
own kiss-me-ass ends. 

If these fucking demented 
Coconut-led, and clearly 
dishonest assholes are 
going to purposely hide the fact 
that Meghan benevolently did
altruistically donate £10.000
Sterling to them, crucially 
because these essentially 
sad excuses, for human 
beings, were quite shit 
scared, of what racist 
clearly judgemental 
media, like the BBC
and UK right-wing
rags coupled with 
manipulated and 
clearly exploited 
delusional racist 
trolls duly think

with Himmah even asserting 
that Meghan is actually like 
"marmite", yet for all that 
still fucking-well taking 
her money! So as Blacks we must 
resolutely and permanently by 
all means in our control both 
dismiss them for what they 
are: kiss-me-ass wolves in 
sheep's clothing; and also 
remorselessly, eliminate 
this Trojan Horse in our 
Black midst: traitorous 
Himmah, by basically 
all possible means we 
Blacks can resolutely  
and fatefully deploy.

Coconut led Himmah can 
postulate themselves as
a charity for whoever 
they want. But Blacks mustn't
let them in any conceivable 
circumstance to cynically,
perversely and basically 
damnably too, carry on 
financially and openly 
discernibly, callously 
misusing our people  
most reprehensibly 
and egregiously as 
well for their sick  
and twisted ends. 
And should they 
asininely refuse 
to acknowledge  
and fully desist
from their evil 
actions clearly
the retributive 
response must 
be calamitous!  

Jimmy Savile is still hailed 
by sick and twisted white 
Brits who aren't merely
just right-wingers and
racists in the UK as a brilliant 
charity organizer and super 
philanthropist despite him
being consistently, during 
his distinctly, thoroughly
too lavishly clandestine
life characteristically a 
vile illicit, sex enabler
and serial paedophile. 

However, his essential 
services, identical in 
their speciality to 
those of Jeffrey 
Epstein were 
for the benefit principally 
of the privileged whites, 
social climbing morons
and those, who glibly 
then as they do now
regard themselves
to be impeccably 
in situ, courtesy 
of a delusional 
belief of their
on Earth.   

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
29 March 2021.  

Author's Remarks: 
I'm British, you're American Meghan, and I'm fully cognizant of how these completely sick and twisted minds of white Britons as well as those of their vile and distincly Coconut and House Nigger Useful  Idiots work. And I will suggest that you have nothing further to do with Himmah or any other sick, twisted and entrenched racist British so-called charity; and that essentially includes all of them. So use your own admirable altruism elsewhere. 

This poem is explanatory and they're  forces afoot to deal rather effectively with these charities that have a death wish and persist in exploiting Blacks as they now routinely do. 

Liberated, obviously intelligent, and proud Blacks are already being quite  widely canvassed through our close networks not to donate contributions to white charities and particularly so  UK ones even when they cynically, as they often do, purposely use pathetic images of Blacks to serve their ends. 

Your sick treatment, and the reaction of Himmah, Meghan is no surprise to any of us, but it is now too all out war against these distinctly odious and so  thoroughly, frankly twisted exploiters cbaracteristically so masquerading as benefactors, when discernibly they're obviously not. 

The very best as usual to you Meghan and your family; and rest assured we are guarding your back! And, clearly, we won't fail you!

Sunday 28 March 2021

Gary Goldsmith: Drug addict, liar and vile wife beater concocts fawning fantasies for estranged niece Saint Waity Katie!

By  Stanley  Collymore 

A serial drug addict; odious
liar and a criminally bent,
vicious, wife-beater 
Gary Goldsmith, must have been 
absolutely high on his regular 
illegal substances when this
pathetic, white scum, pest 
at the behest of the Daily
Mail, still scraping the 
bottom of the barrel
to employ any sick
nonentity, or real 
has-been touting 
and rapaciously 
grabbing every  
opportunity to
grant needed 
relevance in 
their dysfunctional lives,
as well as justify on the 
part of the Daily Mail
its deeply ingrained 
significantly racist,
totally privileged, 
solely white man
entitlement plus 
the misogynistic
obsession drive 
named Meghan.  

Is this the same uncle Gary
who was not invited to 
Kate's wedding? The 
same uncle who although also 
living in England - Meghan's 
father, in marked contrast, 
lives in Mexico while she 
resided in England also - 
has not seen Kate - has  
uncle Gary - for years 
yet consistently, sells 
fictional, fabricated- 
accounts about her?

Funny isn't it, how if Katie 
doesn't want to invite her 
mother's brother or, any 
other family, members
to her wedding none of you prats
bat an eyelid; as it's seen as OK! 
But it becomes a quite serious 
problem, for the same white,
curried-swilling Indian and 
Paki-Coconut, Useful-Idiots 
embedded racist and very 
Windsor fawning moron 
cunts, when Meghan did 
precisely the same with
trash half siblings who 
were rather obviously
distinctly adults, with 
children of their own; 

that, by the way, knowingly, 
undoubtedly have nothing 
to do with their very own
biological parents - when Meghan:
the legitimate offspring, equally 
also of Thomas Markle - but by
his second wife and Meghan's 
biological mother - similarly 
Thomas Markle's second ex-
wife: Black, Doria Ragland, 
was born and is evidently 
in full essence essentially 
and unquestionably also,  
a discernible stranger to 
her clearly envious and 
basically, duplicitously 
too white half-siblings 
plus their families - as 
Meghan transparently 
is to each of them and
relative to her odious 
half-siblings, Meghan 
has neither seen, nor had any 
contact with them for over 
25 years. And taking into
account that Meghan is 
firmly 39 years of age.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
28 March 2021. 

Author's Comments:  
Not at all surprising to anyone with a functioning brain and knows how to effectively use it that you supposedly white Brits, Indian and Paki Coconuts and rather vile, pitiable House Nigger Useful Idiots, who're clearly obsessed with these discernibly quite pointless gongs and titles gratuitously and also grandiosely, in your personally adept and fatuous brownnosing to those that you asininely believe, were installed by divine remit to, in unquestionable and hereditary perpetuity, rule over the likes of you; what a dreadful and intolerable shame this same deity did not also fittingly endow you with the requisite commonsense, to basically  question, even your own selves, why you a supposedly white master race, self-evidently lack the commonsense  you're clearly obviously lacking? 

White Karens; thoroughly embittered mendacious, menopausal Dykes, and their younger white slag equivalents with their plethora of bastard kids - biological fathers not only unknown to these kids but usually the mothers as well; plus the serially persistently white paedophiles cocooned among the evil, well- protected, privileged and hereditarily divine. But they are not the only ones.  

There are also, the basically routinely cuckolded husbands or partners; the  men who blissfully father kids whom they didn't sire; plus the ludicrously ignorant of their azoospermiac state macho white men and competing in their verminous hatred with risibly misogynistic Queers.  And as well those who're adopted and either never know they were or only find out by chance when those they haughtily believed they were related to but clearly weren't kick the bucket  and turn their pompous world upside down.

Just a brief sample of the constantly contemptible mother fuckers, rank Oedipus rex and Electra fixated also complex white cunts who've racially got the bloody audacity to criticize Meghan Markle. Get where I'm coming from Gary Goldsmith and the rest of your pathetic and verminous white scum? 

I know Covid-19 is doing an excellent  job eradicating significant numbers of you but wouldn't it be beneficial to all the decent members of the human race  - of which  you're  just vile and worthless bystanders  and never useful contributors -  if, additionally, a number of UK based figures, Atlanta Georgia and as well Boulder Colorado style, had their own bad days amongst you?

Friday 26 March 2021

Jan Moir: a pernicious, embittered, and a menopausal Dyke egregiously venting her frustrations on what she can't ever become!

By  Stanley  Collymore 

Is it really possible to spew
any more vile venom in
respect of Harry and
Meghan than you're now doing? 
Basically, you're just a typical 
gutter press moron obsessed
with your distinctly puerile
so unseemly, brownnosing
social climbing, and truly 
neither know nor clearly 
respect bugger all about 
even the basic tenets of 
indisputably factual or
ethical journalism. So  
fundamentally, aside 
from your distinctly 
quite dysfunctional
encampment of an 
entrenched stance 
of perversely sick 
bullying, and vile  
distinctly twisted
totally frustrated 
personalized too 
Dyke annoyance 

while toxically, facilitating 
those who are just as sick, 
twisted and endemically
racist as you are: your sex toys not 
giving you the sexual fulfillment 
which you had earnestly hoped 
for Jan Moir - how discernibly 
fortunate, and manifestly too 
are surely convincingly also 
and, similarly, undoubtedly 
in love are Harry and wife
Meghan -  a situation that 
is so laughably affecting 
your injurious life, Jan?  

You seriously do need to step 
back, even in your dried up
and so menopausal years;
and, realistically, look at 
yourself Jan Moir. For you and 
the ignorant clowns who ape 
you, should take a hard and 
objective look at the idiotic 
situation you've evidently 
and most unintelligently 
characteristically boxed
yourselves in. Then ask 
out loud, this question:

A couple of notably 
strangers that you 
will never know 
or meet, distresses you
that much, you rather 
asininely, embark on 
trolling them and as 
well obsessing over 
them. What does it 
actually say, about
yourself, Jan Moir
and those myriad  
of equally odious 
hordes of similar  
other despairing 
gullible, maniacal Daily
Mail rag, intellectually 
challenged braindead 
and trolling wallies?
One guess from me - 
you must be pretty 
sad individuals so
living dead; truly.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
26 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
After the blatantly racist and clearly hate inspired crime in Atlanta where  six Chinese ladies were barbarously slaughtered by a white gunman and the local police captain contemptibly not showing even the least noticeable concern for the Chinese dead, but lots of empathy with the white killer, said these words clearly exculpating him: "He had a bad day!"  

I'm now pleased to say that following that callous remark sources to whom I have close links have opted, clearly unanimously with our American kith and kin to apply the same tenet to the white Karens, their cuckolded Queer,  azospermiac, and beer-bellied white male scum as well as the Coconut and House Nigger Useful Idiots that wantonly abuse our people on this side of the pond. Thus for your damnable sakes, pray that Covid-19 gets you first!

Thursday 25 March 2021

Atlanta and Boulder in gun-crazed America; yet an evil, Karen slapper, Sharon Osbourne still breathes God's wholesome air!

By Stanley Collymore 

Born 69 years ago but looking
exceedingly older: this slag, 
from a violent, criminally- 
bent, Yid-refugee family  
fleeing the Nazis - and, happily 
for them, dumped in Brixton, 
London. Got pregnant, when
17, and at a time when they
were unquestionably quite  
criminally, most distinctly 
and unquestionably also,
publicly illegal; secured
fortunately, an obvious 
backstreet eradication. 
Neither a good relationship 
with her mum, nor father; 
the latter: Sharon relates 
according to a personal 
account, an amazingly  
spurious, assumption  
that her furious dad, 
vainly attempted to 
warn her lover off  
by telling him she 
distinctly, always  
decidedly, had a 
long sexual yen
re her own dad.   

Happens that obviously 
Electra fixated Sharon 
Levy, similarly didn't 
have anything good whatsoever 
either, to say about her mother 
who Sharon, unconvincingly 
says - allegedly set her dogs 
on her when she similarly 
was supposedly pregnant 
with her second bastard 
sprog and readily sadly  
making her miscarry -
If this is remotely true 
what an awful shame  
you unfortunately as 
it sadly so happened  
didn't also succumb 
to the Grim-Reaper; 
like that shit bairn. 

Irony! Distinctly and very 
irreparably, ludicrously
comically, lost on this 
pathetic and demented slapper; 
an absolutely egregious-bully; 
drug addict, and patently too 
a perfectly discernible, and 
an intrinsically irrefutable 
personal uncensored plus 
privately also unchecked 
and a pitifully unheeded 
alcoholic, as one clearly 
can drunkenly become.  

Sharon Osbourne, whose 
turbulent, multiple and 
so reciprocal, physical 
beatings up in her quite torrid 
marriage to Ozzie evidently 
weren't without their own 
complications: Ozzie was
even arrested for trying 
to murder her - that in 
this brutally physical 
and correspondingly 
mental hullabaloo - 
in her marriage as 
was categorically  
so demonstrably 
barbarously the 
situation in her 
parental home 
there was just 
one common 
and that vile 
slapper was 
evil "Karen" 
very Racist-ugly 
Sharon Levy 
R Osbourne.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
25 March 2021.  

Author's Remarks:  
Curious that those who're most evil, toxic, egregious and vitriolic in their condemnation of people they clearly  virulently hate but discernibly have obviously never met, are so unlikely ever to do so, and logically don't even know, rather objectively, on the part of others, do so simply because they they either know from the existence of their quite pathetic lives, or else have looked into a mirror, seen the debased reflection of themselves so horribly staring back at themselves, can't come to terms with what they have brutally and indisputably quite graphically observed and concluded they must offload their undeniably gross inadequacies onto those whom they unwarrantedly hate out of envy, sheer malice and malevolence or else difference, itself so often obsessively compounded by a most debilitatingly cancerous and very ingrained racism that they cantankerously live in great denial of because it's all they actually have to keep their hate alive.  

YId, Sharon Rachel Levy Osbourne is quite staunchly in such a disastrous place and here are some of the many reasons why. 

She's a quite seasoned and licentious slut, a state of affairs she's practised all of her life. Came unquestionably too from a very dysfunctional home in which the aura of criminality and physical barbarity abounded. Never spoke to her father - never mind his claims graphically enunciated by her that she had the sexual hots for him - for almost 25 years; callously refused to let him ever see her children, even rather sadistically purposely lying to them in clearly nonsensical terms by quite bizarrely telling them they had no grandfather as he was dead. 

However, many years later when her and her dad's paths very accidentally crossed in the streets in America and they had a blazing row witnessed by the kids who naturally asked who the man was and why she was violently arguing with him, Sharon Osbourne glibly sought to pass of the row and  the stranger to her kids presence by saying it was the actor Tony Curtis. 

Sharon's marriage was likewise very dysfunctional: rather brutal physical punch-ups and numerous reciprocal attacks being commonplace, with her husband even arrested for trying to actually murder her. A gross pity that he failed to do so! But amidst it all the plethora of drugs and alcohol in this odious slapper's life carried on.  

And to get a gist of what this clearly toxic bitch Sharon Osbourne is like how about this? When she was told by phone of her mother's death, this piece of Yid shit uncaringly replied: "Oh what a shame!"  Then put the phone down. A response she often gloated about. Yet this woman was her mother. 

Notwithstanding all the above this is the prized cunt who attacks Meghan Markle and, moreover, vociferously  praises Piers Morgan another lowlife obsessively bullying one like herself for doing the same. While in tandem all you likeminded white slimeballs with your own pathetic and even non existent lives vent your inadequacies  on a woman none of you come even remotely close to Meghan Markle's ability and integrity and personality. 

What a life eh? Being an exceptional and highly delusional member of the supposedly white master race! LOL!

Wednesday 24 March 2021

R.S.P.C.A - The Royal Society for the Protection of Certifiable Aristocrats!

By Stanley Collymore 

It shouldn't have mattered 
in the least who Rebecca
Sabben, hyphenated Clare is; what 
Oxbridge university she attended, 
what mansion she lives in; how 
much money she has; or what 
privileged position this forty
nine year old woman holds.
But, abundantly, it's rather 
clear the aforementioned
does to the Metropolitan 
Police, and the R.S.P.C.A. 

Her killer dog was clearly 
out of control, evidently 
dangerous, and as such 
it should have been destroyed 
and this, quite ostentatiously 
privileged and distinctly so 
Karen, white woman quite  
heavily fined! Now, let us 
surmise, for an instance, 
that instead of a hapless 
seal, it was a child that  
her clearly, rogue dog,
had mauled to death;  

would - or should - Rebecca
Sabben, hyphenated Clare,
because of her instantly 
and distinctly perceived white 
privileged status and equally 
attendant with it social class 
standing, have superficially 
too purposely gotten away
with what occurred? That 
assumes, intuitively, with 
everyone concerned that 
the rather unfortunately 
and as well dog-mauled 
child, wasn't decisively 
similarly dismissed: as 
undeniably, irrelevant  
both by the Met Police
and the RSPCA largely 
because the evidently 
untoward victim - wasn't 
similarly white or from 
the identical and, seen 
as crucially, essential 
societal background
that this white and
clearly privileged 
rogue-dog owner 
does come from. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
24 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:    
An utterly sad cesspit of a country is Britain where obsessively egregious subservience and clearly calamitous sychophancy to one's very perceived social betters are so deeply ingrained that it would be a worthy blessing if some nuclear entity - I genuinely and personally couldn't care which even if it was someone at the Ministry of Defence (MoD) who quite literally had a bad day - did actually put its personally classified and quite proudly so subjects, never citizens as pertains in all other global countries, out of their utterly embarrassing and too stupid to comprehend it, misery! 

As for the eponymous RSPCA: The Royal Society for the Protection of Certifiable Aristocrats; you evidently do fool a significant body of morons but I'd hazard a guess that no clearly intelligent, sensible and discernibly rational person falls for your scam; which is the same as most charities operating in or out of the UK are all indulging in.

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Wasn't Joanne Lumley last relevant in the 1970s?

By Stanley Collymore  

So awfully shocking! Joanna 
her monarchically fawning 
and rabid, social climbing
Karens loudly moan that several 
producers - but actually clearly 
quite specifically referring to 
only those that crucially are 
associated with the Crown
series who disheartening 
for them distinctly burst 
their delusional bubble 
of this deific-approved 
holy, British kingship; 

can, they clamourously claim
to anyone who does bother 
to listen to them - peddle 
numerous falsehoods, 
assumptions, crude distortions 
and innuendos as facts. Irony 
irrefutably lost on everyone 
of them, that such conduct 
generally, is categorically 
what the Daily Mail, rag
rather routinely, dishes 
out to them; and these
said pathetic, awfully 
fat, very unsightly to
see - quite wrinkled 
and ordinarily in a 
clearly discernible
fashion quite ugly  
and largely white
menopausal moronic
Karens who usually 
fully take on board 
and totally accept 
without question 
or reservations! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
23 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:   
21st Century distinctly dysfunctional,  post-Brexit Britain massively infested with white toxic, verminous Karens and their unquestionably thoroughly useless, beer-bellied and discernibly erectile dysfunctional men; all two of these genders, plus the manly Dykes and feminine Queers in between, and too the plethora of serial and deeply inured paedophiles and sexual abusers, virulently and undeniably consumed with their toxic hatred and endemic  racism: which they starkly, asininely  and  rather pathetically live in denial of; and, of course too, combined with  their jealousy.  

And as your brown-nose to the Kraut Mafia Klan that doesn't give a piece of shit about you, so pleased to see that Meghan and Harry, who obsessively you continue to have living rent free in your very sick and twisted minds are driving you crackers with their ongoing successes. 

Eat your hearts out jealous, racist and pathetic losers! As you blithely carry on funding totally bone idle Bill and waity Katie! LOL: to use a favourite emblem of yours in your markedly puerile Daily Mail rag comments.

Petra Ecclestone: A low IQ trollop, who most of you never heard of; in desperation seeking relevance off the back of Meghan!

By  Stanley Collymore 

What utter crap from an absolute 
pillock calling himself Sebastian 
Shakespeare along with the 
Daily Mail rag he works for, scraping 
the bottom of the barrel and looking 
for anyone who wants to asininely 
accuse Meghan Markle of what  
lies in their own sick and twisted 
mind - where Meghan lives rent
free - get some cheap publicity 
and transient praise from you 
ignorant, and pathetic bunch
of clearly demented, racist cunts 
that in Petra Ecclestone's idiotic 
and characteristically rabidly 
and very perverse, attention 
seeking situation, everyone 
of you until this blatantly 
useless article appeared
never heard of her - enabling
this discernibly low IQ cunt, 
not the least bit dissimilar 
from her Electra-fixated
with, Nazi dad, Bernie - 
to actually, attention 
seeking, milk some 
rather desperately
needed relevance 
for her basically 
irrelevant, self. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
23 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:   
Rather transparently - to anyone with a functioning brain and who actually knows how to use it - a very desperate attention seeking and a pathetic quest for relevance and cheap acclaim from like-minded white racist assholes like herself who previously did not have a fucking clue who this quite dimwitted trollop was. And will certainly just as quickly rather rapidly, slink back into oblivion and the rock she has crawled out from under.

But this irrelevant asshole and the so dubious poor specimen of manhood - not dissimilar from Philip Schofield in several ways - Sebastian Shakespeare the pillock who, as the obviously piss poor case of a journalist he claims to be but evidently isn't, has discernibly  used this patently loose trollop Petra Ecclestone, both know the most rapid way to get cheap attention is for toxic, and verminous prats like themselves to attack Meghan. So purblind cunts like Petra Ecclestone happily jump on that bandwagon to assist in fuelling the Daily Mail rag's quite demented obsession with Meghan. What a sore loser!  

Petra Ecclestone's CV: A very fixated Electra complex with her father. Has never done a day's work in her quite pathetic life. Additionally, had a car crash of a marriage and divorce with an absolute loser - par for the course with Electra-fixated daughters! Can't be easy for weirdos like this shagging with another man when, undeniably, your own dad is quite fixated in your head! 

Is this why so many of you similarly sick, twisted white Karens of all ages and backgrounds traduce Meghan for not having a "close" relationship with her dad?  LOL! When, in actual effect, Meghan's distinctly ethical actions in her obviously estranged relationship with her father are pragmatic, logical and sensible!

Finally, and hopefully expectant, that someone has a " really bad day" with Sebastian Shakespeare and similarly his likeminded toxic and verminous scum! Atlanta - full respect, and also my utmost sympathy, empathy and deepest condolences to those Chinese victims racially murdered by a white man in what's clearly a hate crime in Atlanta Georgia and their families too - but studiously, white Establishment America refuses to call it that as they are not members of their delusional concept of a "master race"  that reserves to itself the unilateral right to tell all Blacks Browns and other nonwhites what is racism and what is a hate crime even when these evils are specifically directed at them and they're personally and fully aware of their utterly egregious and evidently malevolent consequences - and also Colorado, instinctively come to mind, Sebastian Shakespeare and fatuously braindead dimwit, Petra Ecclestone!

Monday 22 March 2021

What next Daily Mail and racist rag chums - wheeling out Ian Huntley to claim Meghan is a Black bitch who controls a weak Harry?

By  Stanley Collymore 

Another insufferable day of 
the Daily Mail's repulsive, 
lyingly, and apparently 
uncontrollable obsession with 
Meghan, while deceitfully so
happily, churning out more 
of its unquestionably quite 
irrefutably too irrelevant 
and racialist speculation. 
Surely William's friends
if you truthfully believe
he does have any; more
a basic issue of willing 
lackies, and consistent
sycophants, who don't
speak to the media or
simply, leak to them? 

Realistically, can you now 
not leave it alone Daily 
Mail? For other than 
with your manipulated trolls 
and quite evidently to those
with functioning brains, in
their distinctly discerning 
heads - very like-minded 
racists - you've certainly 
apparently failed. Quite  
contemptuously, in the 
law courts, to Meghan 
and Harry; and really  
I'd positively bet that 
a huge section of the  
UK's population, are 
very literally fed up 
to their back teeth - 

with fictional accounts of the 
opinions of this irrelevant
and quite dysfunctional
Kraut Mafia family. But if you 
Daily Mail must, obsessively 
and asininely, still carry on  
with your examination of 
this Saxe-Coburg lot then
take an indept impartial  
look at Betty's distinctly 
and, quite undoubtedly
also, beloved favourite 
son, Andrew; who has 
a number of, relevant 
and highly pertinent, 
genuine troublesome  
questions to answer! 

But a subject matter the Daily 
Mail as well as other right 
wing and sycophantic
rags, lavishly berating Harry 
and both racially and in the 
absolute most misogynistic
terms, also dehumanizing
Meghan, are disgustingly  
studiously and callously  
complicitly, discernibly 
dishonestly, refraining 
from all reporting on!
So much by the lot of 
you vile hypocritical 
white scum for your 
professed impartial 
and fair journalism. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
22 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:    
Bigness is not a substitute for brains. And if you brown-nosers grovel any lower, without any help whatsoever from Quantas you'll very easily reach your Antipodean kith and kin in New Zealand and, similarly too, land theft, convict embedded, racially genocidal and contemptibly, fraudulently terra nullius Australia.

Saturday 20 March 2021

Focus on yourself Philip Schofield instead of lecturing Meghan - you lying, dishonest and cowardly Queer!

By  Stanley  Collymore 

It's predictably sick and utterly
sad that some people - largely
white - in order to definitely 
acquire sympathy or much
needed relevance, in their
pathetic and has-been lives need 
to basically, egregiously attack 
Meghan Markle. One, among 
them, is Phillip Schofield. A 
few months ago this evilly 
odious closet queer, who
courted, then married a 
woman without telling 
her of his disgustingly 
and covertly nakedly 
ass-shagging - vilely 
but so sumptuously 
involved in, rather 
unsavoury, sexual 
unhealthy - Queer 
white disposition  
orientation lived 

with her for several years; 
and even had children by
her who are now adults 
themselves; grown up persons - 
however no DNA confirmation
to date that Phillip Schofield 
is actually, their biological  
father and he's not really 
an azoospermiac-man - 
but never the less not 
once divulged to his 
wife or them what 
a dishonest bloke 
Queer Schofield 
very obviously 
discernibly is!

He dishonestly all those years 
was secretly cheating on his 
wife with other men, until 
one of them outed him, and he'd
no option but to publicly admit
that he's a classic example, of
a rather typical white racist
lowlife scum! And, clearly 
unsurprisingly, for Philip, 
the huge majority of Brit 
commentators, deluged 
him unceremoniously, 
with a massive array 
of rightful hate mail. 

However, as soon as this 
despicable and totally 
self-serving, evident 
Queer piece of shit attacks 
Meghan Markle, with his 
clearly contrived, racist
animus; this appalling
lyingly, and cowardly
Queer becomes Saint
Phillip Schofield. To 
which I manifestly, 
categorically, also 
say in reference
to this brazenly 
repulsive, very 
evidently toxic 
as he's clearly  
totally racist;
and a verminously 
inured, distinctly 
personally, also, 
a demonstrably 
and abhorrent 
routine, lying 
white moron 
and you, are
so definitely 
welcome to 
retain him! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
20 March 2021. 

Author's Comments:    
Phillip Schofield knows a lot about living a private life; in fact this lousy and lying Queer was so private with his that his wife, married to him all those years, only recently found out that this pathological and dishonest liar was a very seasoned Queer long before he proposed to her, married  her, and subsequently had and raised a family with her. During which time he never told her, or their children, what he actually is. A situation made clearly worse by his clandestine and odiously, myriad adulterous, sexual affairs with other men; one of whom outed him to the media. 

So first go and get some desperately needed integrity Phillip Schofield: you toxic and verminous slimeball Queer; presumptuous that because you're white - and in your sick, twisted and delusional mind a member of the so-called master race - you can lecture to Meghan Markle on how she should live her discernibly exemplary life. 

I am an avowed heterosexual male, always have been and always will be, but am equally fully cognizant that heterosexual males can be and also are odious creatures as well as non-heterosexual ones. For example: you had Jimmy Savile, Ian Brady, Peter Sutcliffe Jeffrey Epstein, Rolf Harris  and Ian Huntley to name just a few of the many repulsive white men who fall into this category; dead ones as well as those who're unfortunately still alive, and of all ages and social backgrounds, including the likes of those you brown-nosers love fawning to.

So I'm not singling out homosexuals; simply that I have no intention at all of dignifying a discernibly repulsive lying Queer like Phillip Schofield, by decently according to him or his like  the terminology of homosexual. And I've no worry or hesitation in calling this odious bastard what he really is. In the same way I don't give a toss as regards pointing out old, thoroughly  decrepit, white mother fucking has- beens, narcissistic cunts like Jeremy Clarkson rather desperately jumping on the same Meghan Markle bashing bandwagon to get some much needed relevance in his pathetic life while at the same time nauseatingly trying to secure some rather cheap popularity plaudits from dementedly ingrained racists like himself.  

Have any of you actually noticed how this thororoughly vile and very evilly white purblind cunt Jeremy Clarkson and an obsessive toxic social climber specifically refrained from distinctly dishing out any criticism whatsoever towards Harry? Hoping desperately, like all the multiple other old, white has-beens, their Useful Idiots House Niggers and similarly so Indian-sub-continent origin Coconuts, to possibly get gongs through this process just by spuriously attacking Meghan Markle as you all rather decidedly and quite brown-nosingly, then risibly publicly laud the Kraut Windsor Mafia Klan!  

Meghan and Harry have every right to protect their integrity - something  that toxic, white lowlife, racist scum with a markedly rather exaggerated sense of your own quite non-existent importance; pillocks like you Jeremy, Piers, Queer Phillip and the plethora of others living out your old age in a  manifestly dysfunctional and virtual reality existence - and they will do so effectively through their discernibly abundant skills, and innate abilities. Not the decrepit, misogynistic, racist, and basically white old boys network that routinely, odious and verminous sewer rat pillocks very much ike you Jeremy Clarkson, Piers Morgan and a host of others like the very evidently Queer Philip Schofield: every last one of you that very unquestionably with no manifest ability whatsoever used to get where you were. 

Well that privileged white system is on its last legs, and long past its sell by date. Meghan knows that; Harry  knows that; and so too do their very genuine friends and supporters. All in effect that is, other than you rabid dogs in your end-stage death throes.



Thursday 18 March 2021

A spurious PR stunt - to absolve your marital bed-hopping William? How is Rose Hansbury by the way?

By  Stanley Collymore 

Diana's mental health issues 
were callously and deliberately 
ignored by Charles and the rest
of the Windsor Kraut, mafia 
Klan forcing your distraught 
very egregiously wronged
and grossly humiliated
mother Diana in sheer 
and understandably abject 
desperation to throw herself 
down the stairs, when she was 
pregnant with you, William.  
Immensely grateful Diana 
survived - but what an 
absolute misfortune:  
that a toxic piece of
racist, evilly delusional,
white master race shit 
like you, William; so
unfittingly did too! 

You protective of Kate the British 
rightwing rags trumpet today? 
You don't say! So is Harry, as he 
always chivalrously from the 
outset has been of Meghan. 
But you the endemically
ingrained racist that you 
William and those around 
you are - ensconced in your deeply 
embedded, and idiotically state of 
denial of this - quite emboldened
by this very same egregious and 
innate racism levelled towards 
Meghan, by the British, right-
wing rags and both happily 
and obsessively egged on 
personally by you, Kate, 
your personal friends; 
the coterie of classed based 
enthusiasts; toadying, and 
obsessively in their sick 
disposition, avid social 
climbers; linked with 
your brown-nosing 
plethora, of Queer 
and Dyke - white 
inured,  palace 

With your grandmother, Charles 
or anyone ever doing anything
to rebut the vitriolic abuse as
well as the lies against Meghan,
while concurrently having no 
hesitancy whatever in quite 
literally, frantically pulling 
out all the stops to curtail 
distinctly truthful stories
about your own marital 
bed-hopping: just like your dad 
Charles, granddad Philip, aunt 
Anne and numerous others in 
your discernibly lasciviously, 
despicably adulterous, quite 
damnably so intransigently
amoral, avidly incestuous:  

your gran Betty is married to her 
second cousin and Mountbatten, 
Philip's uncle, in close tandem 
with others in this family wanted 
your father Charles, to marry his 
granddaughter, but Charles who 
was being manipulatively quite  
controlled by his own mistress 
Camilla was far too engrossed 
with her since Camilla was no  
less a personage, in this quite 
amoral drama than being the 
great granddaughter of Alice  
Keppel, the married lover of
Edward VII -  a grand-father 
of  Charles' own mum, none
other than, Lizzie Windsor. 

Classic terminology for immoral
and dysfunctional with all the
myriad divorces within this 
Kraut mafia Klan family, 
yet dishonestly and utterly self-
servingly - having themselves
publicly with the avid idiocy
and ingrained sycophancy 
of an aggravated, largely 
white entitlement as the
epitome of virtuous living and 
markedly indisputably totally 
the very pinnacle of earthly 
civilisation, when evidently 
even remotely they're just 
nothing at all of the kind! 

Yet collectively with a very 
subservient media, and a 
similarly so acquiescent
law and order system duly in tow, 
this family headed by Liz and in
solid protection of her beloved 
love child Andrew are, you do 
unquestionably clearly know 
William - are quite certainly  
surreptitiously so shielding  
your paedophile uncle, from his 
deservedly, global ignominy; so 
very unlike Jimmy Savile, and of 
course Jeffrey Epstein for example, 
close friends of your Windsor family 
and his deserved imprisonment in 
the USA where criminally he does 
belong; even going as far as your 
own family, actually petitioning
your Gran's Kraut soul brother, 
Donald J. Drumpf to give Andy 
a secret pardon. Why do so, if 
he has done nothing, wrong?  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
18 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
Harry was born into and raised in a highly toxic, immorally entrenched,  rampantly and nakedly instinctively adulterous, multiple divorced and as well totally dysfunctional notion of a family. 

It was all that he actually knew until his epiphany - his fortuitous meeting with and a reciprocally falling in love with and marriage to Meghan - not unlike Saul's quite epic and very personally transformative journey to Damascus.  

I don't expect an utterly vile bunch of racist ignoramuses, firmly ensconced in their own embedded state of racist denial and furthermore claiming that Britain is a classic Christian country, when none of them ever actually see the inside of a church from one darn Sunday to the next; where concealed paedophilia is a rampant evil among the majority of the white Caucasian clergy; while underage pregnancies, with mothers who're unmarried with several kids by different fathers - and paternity is generally a lottery - with multiple white Britons, and these are the mothers, not realistically actually knowing who did breed them the end result being that the UK is discernibly full of bastards: cuckolding as well as the one night stand ones. And Britain  globally at the top of this well known and undesirable top rating.

Bastards quite literally, as well as also figuratively, to mothers, of all classes; notorious globally for avidly dropping their knickers on holiday even before the've properly managed to unpack their luggage. You clearly  know what I'm talking about as you are one of them. Come on, own up if only to yourself, that you're actually one of them; especially so when you vile slags malevolently and distinctly malevolently and dishonestly set out to fraudulently and unwarrantedly as well vitriolically criticize, and even evily condemn Meghan Markle for things she's not guilty of but are very much routinely so significant parts of your very own slapper and distinctly pathetic lives!  

Perennial sluts invariably fat and so comprehensively as well unlike their chic continental equivalent, and also completely lacking in sophistication and with absolutely vile beer-bellied and routinely cheated on boyfriends and rarely husbands that all the same undeniably, and unquestioning, quite obsessively do distinctly very much love to hero worship the Windsors - a privileged version of yourselves, and why you do so love them - and like them too live in a sick, pathetic and banal existence that comprises a very twistedly sick,virtual reality world of your  own that is discernibly out of cinque with what normal people see and know is reality.

During Harry's enlightened epiphany he walked in Meghan's shoes and de facto also those of other Black and Brown persons and thus experienced a world and life experiences wholly different from the ones he'd always previously known  - life situations that were  infinitely more rewarding  as well as humane and beneficially constructive all round than he'd ever conceivably imagined in his other and previous world could actually exist, and bully for him he disrinctly and voluntarily, commitedly opted to  become a meaningful par of his new existence.  

Meghan a highly intelligent very well educated and a notably liberated Black woman, was never going to become or ever wanted to be the clearly obsessive social climbing, so absolutely dehumanizing Stepford wife and useless  obligingly and dimwitted conforming brood mare that Kate did willingly become. 

White racists seeing their own odious reflections in the mirror and actually  completely unable or unwilling to then come to terms with their own lowlife, immoral selves so instead concertedly embark on transferring these odious defects and deficits in their personal lives onto Meghan, which essentially is a fruitless exercise even for such vile, egregious and utterly braindead morons. In other words YOU who act this way!

Harry and Meghan are in love - so lump it if you can't accept it - something that neither Liz and Philip, nor Charles and most of that Kraut mafia Klan lot can say with absolute honestly in relation to their own personal lives. And perhaps Kate Middleton is quite unexpectedly having her own Diana - reference Charles and his mistress Camilla - serious revelation in respect of William's own marital bed-hopping, and thus accounts for why a very shit scared bald headed Billy has had his palace aides put out to a very sycophantic press where this lot is concerned, this disingenuous and spurious PR crap about William's so-called protection of Kate. Wow! Who would have thought it? Husband is protective of wife! Yet these sick and egregious mother fuckers are the very same ones who, with others like them - namely yourselves - have relentlessly crucified, and still are doing so, Harry for justifiably protecting Meghan against the racism and misogyny your lot have continuously and unwarrantedly directed at Meghan. And not because Harry has found out that Meghan has discovered he's fucking with another woman, as he clearly isn't, as he loves Meghan to bits, that's why he married her and is with her still, despite your wishful thinking and false prophecies that they will divorce!  

Something that your Saint Katherine can't honestly say about William. And perhaps like her late mother-in-law Diana she's getting totally pissed off with it. And that can't do either for William or all of you brown-nosers who've rather asininely set them up as untouchable deities! 

This poem is written in gracious tribute to Meghan, Harry, Archie  and the upcoming baby! God forever Bless You! And stay strong; you're not alone and have dedicated friends out here!

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Pull out your heads you brownnosing sycophants! Your pitiful sycophancy is making me feel queasy.

By  Stanley Collymore  

Omid Scobie is absolutely
right when he logically, 
intelligently and very 
intentionally, points
out that senior members of the 
Mountbatten Windsor family
cannot, as they've regularly
done, and furthermore are 
flagrantly as is commonly
the case with all of them
simplistically, just want
to or else arrogantly as 
is their common remit 
forever, patronizingly
expect to realistically 
still keep on doing so
lyingly, or at its very  
best, disingenuously

brief an evilly complicit 
and pathetic rightwing 
British media, simply 
through their sycophantic
aides; a discernibly very
hard-core brownnosing 
plus - such rapturously 
dedicated, and also the  
egregiously ingrained 
coterie of quite social 
climbing friends; the 
deluge of right-wing 
politicians and even 
family members; and then
publicly and so asininely
moan; when, ironically, 
Harry and Meghan are 
blatantly, dishonestly  
accused of doing the 
characteristic same. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
17 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:   
Systemically and demonstrably using an exceedingly and unquestionably a privileged all of her pampered ife - a so ludicrous state of affairs situation solely attained, through a so massive and risibly obscene status quo, of the exclusively accident of birth concept and no "merit or virtue" attached to it - can only in Britain as it obviously is, be fawningly seen and also regarded as the epitome of modern culture and an enlightened civilisation. 

Let's be blunt here! Liz Windsor and her mafia, Kraut Klan, with the same egregious and self- serving outlook to all of you as their likeminded, fellow Kraut Donald J. Drumpf is to the vile idiots who hero worship him as you do Betty - little wonder that he's agog with her and is essentially her soul mate - don't actually give a monkey's ass about any of you. 

Pathetic prats - who they don't know and care even less about, but totally happy to use you for their notorious ends; and the braindead pillocks and fawning jackasses that you are, you enthusiastically and most excusingly let them. 

All to mask your own inadequacies, unfulfilled, discernibly useless and rank, intellectually challenged plus meaningless lives. A manifestly so,  interminably virtual reality world existence where you assiduously and obsessively set out to live out your miserable toxic and vile existences through the twisted, very perceived achievements: whether real or quite generally fictional, of others you don't personally know and aren't ever likely  to do so. 

Oh the fucking and entrenched irony of the very delusional so-called white master race! Delighted however that Covid-19 has the same perceptions of l you that I do and is not only negating  your obvious delusional assertions of yourselves but also killing you off in hugely significant numbers.