
Thursday 18 March 2021

A spurious PR stunt - to absolve your marital bed-hopping William? How is Rose Hansbury by the way?

By  Stanley Collymore 

Diana's mental health issues 
were callously and deliberately 
ignored by Charles and the rest
of the Windsor Kraut, mafia 
Klan forcing your distraught 
very egregiously wronged
and grossly humiliated
mother Diana in sheer 
and understandably abject 
desperation to throw herself 
down the stairs, when she was 
pregnant with you, William.  
Immensely grateful Diana 
survived - but what an 
absolute misfortune:  
that a toxic piece of
racist, evilly delusional,
white master race shit 
like you, William; so
unfittingly did too! 

You protective of Kate the British 
rightwing rags trumpet today? 
You don't say! So is Harry, as he 
always chivalrously from the 
outset has been of Meghan. 
But you the endemically
ingrained racist that you 
William and those around 
you are - ensconced in your deeply 
embedded, and idiotically state of 
denial of this - quite emboldened
by this very same egregious and 
innate racism levelled towards 
Meghan, by the British, right-
wing rags and both happily 
and obsessively egged on 
personally by you, Kate, 
your personal friends; 
the coterie of classed based 
enthusiasts; toadying, and 
obsessively in their sick 
disposition, avid social 
climbers; linked with 
your brown-nosing 
plethora, of Queer 
and Dyke - white 
inured,  palace 

With your grandmother, Charles 
or anyone ever doing anything
to rebut the vitriolic abuse as
well as the lies against Meghan,
while concurrently having no 
hesitancy whatever in quite 
literally, frantically pulling 
out all the stops to curtail 
distinctly truthful stories
about your own marital 
bed-hopping: just like your dad 
Charles, granddad Philip, aunt 
Anne and numerous others in 
your discernibly lasciviously, 
despicably adulterous, quite 
damnably so intransigently
amoral, avidly incestuous:  

your gran Betty is married to her 
second cousin and Mountbatten, 
Philip's uncle, in close tandem 
with others in this family wanted 
your father Charles, to marry his 
granddaughter, but Charles who 
was being manipulatively quite  
controlled by his own mistress 
Camilla was far too engrossed 
with her since Camilla was no  
less a personage, in this quite 
amoral drama than being the 
great granddaughter of Alice  
Keppel, the married lover of
Edward VII -  a grand-father 
of  Charles' own mum, none
other than, Lizzie Windsor. 

Classic terminology for immoral
and dysfunctional with all the
myriad divorces within this 
Kraut mafia Klan family, 
yet dishonestly and utterly self-
servingly - having themselves
publicly with the avid idiocy
and ingrained sycophancy 
of an aggravated, largely 
white entitlement as the
epitome of virtuous living and 
markedly indisputably totally 
the very pinnacle of earthly 
civilisation, when evidently 
even remotely they're just 
nothing at all of the kind! 

Yet collectively with a very 
subservient media, and a 
similarly so acquiescent
law and order system duly in tow, 
this family headed by Liz and in
solid protection of her beloved 
love child Andrew are, you do 
unquestionably clearly know 
William - are quite certainly  
surreptitiously so shielding  
your paedophile uncle, from his 
deservedly, global ignominy; so 
very unlike Jimmy Savile, and of 
course Jeffrey Epstein for example, 
close friends of your Windsor family 
and his deserved imprisonment in 
the USA where criminally he does 
belong; even going as far as your 
own family, actually petitioning
your Gran's Kraut soul brother, 
Donald J. Drumpf to give Andy 
a secret pardon. Why do so, if 
he has done nothing, wrong?  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
18 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
Harry was born into and raised in a highly toxic, immorally entrenched,  rampantly and nakedly instinctively adulterous, multiple divorced and as well totally dysfunctional notion of a family. 

It was all that he actually knew until his epiphany - his fortuitous meeting with and a reciprocally falling in love with and marriage to Meghan - not unlike Saul's quite epic and very personally transformative journey to Damascus.  

I don't expect an utterly vile bunch of racist ignoramuses, firmly ensconced in their own embedded state of racist denial and furthermore claiming that Britain is a classic Christian country, when none of them ever actually see the inside of a church from one darn Sunday to the next; where concealed paedophilia is a rampant evil among the majority of the white Caucasian clergy; while underage pregnancies, with mothers who're unmarried with several kids by different fathers - and paternity is generally a lottery - with multiple white Britons, and these are the mothers, not realistically actually knowing who did breed them the end result being that the UK is discernibly full of bastards: cuckolding as well as the one night stand ones. And Britain  globally at the top of this well known and undesirable top rating.

Bastards quite literally, as well as also figuratively, to mothers, of all classes; notorious globally for avidly dropping their knickers on holiday even before the've properly managed to unpack their luggage. You clearly  know what I'm talking about as you are one of them. Come on, own up if only to yourself, that you're actually one of them; especially so when you vile slags malevolently and distinctly malevolently and dishonestly set out to fraudulently and unwarrantedly as well vitriolically criticize, and even evily condemn Meghan Markle for things she's not guilty of but are very much routinely so significant parts of your very own slapper and distinctly pathetic lives!  

Perennial sluts invariably fat and so comprehensively as well unlike their chic continental equivalent, and also completely lacking in sophistication and with absolutely vile beer-bellied and routinely cheated on boyfriends and rarely husbands that all the same undeniably, and unquestioning, quite obsessively do distinctly very much love to hero worship the Windsors - a privileged version of yourselves, and why you do so love them - and like them too live in a sick, pathetic and banal existence that comprises a very twistedly sick,virtual reality world of your  own that is discernibly out of cinque with what normal people see and know is reality.

During Harry's enlightened epiphany he walked in Meghan's shoes and de facto also those of other Black and Brown persons and thus experienced a world and life experiences wholly different from the ones he'd always previously known  - life situations that were  infinitely more rewarding  as well as humane and beneficially constructive all round than he'd ever conceivably imagined in his other and previous world could actually exist, and bully for him he disrinctly and voluntarily, commitedly opted to  become a meaningful par of his new existence.  

Meghan a highly intelligent very well educated and a notably liberated Black woman, was never going to become or ever wanted to be the clearly obsessive social climbing, so absolutely dehumanizing Stepford wife and useless  obligingly and dimwitted conforming brood mare that Kate did willingly become. 

White racists seeing their own odious reflections in the mirror and actually  completely unable or unwilling to then come to terms with their own lowlife, immoral selves so instead concertedly embark on transferring these odious defects and deficits in their personal lives onto Meghan, which essentially is a fruitless exercise even for such vile, egregious and utterly braindead morons. In other words YOU who act this way!

Harry and Meghan are in love - so lump it if you can't accept it - something that neither Liz and Philip, nor Charles and most of that Kraut mafia Klan lot can say with absolute honestly in relation to their own personal lives. And perhaps Kate Middleton is quite unexpectedly having her own Diana - reference Charles and his mistress Camilla - serious revelation in respect of William's own marital bed-hopping, and thus accounts for why a very shit scared bald headed Billy has had his palace aides put out to a very sycophantic press where this lot is concerned, this disingenuous and spurious PR crap about William's so-called protection of Kate. Wow! Who would have thought it? Husband is protective of wife! Yet these sick and egregious mother fuckers are the very same ones who, with others like them - namely yourselves - have relentlessly crucified, and still are doing so, Harry for justifiably protecting Meghan against the racism and misogyny your lot have continuously and unwarrantedly directed at Meghan. And not because Harry has found out that Meghan has discovered he's fucking with another woman, as he clearly isn't, as he loves Meghan to bits, that's why he married her and is with her still, despite your wishful thinking and false prophecies that they will divorce!  

Something that your Saint Katherine can't honestly say about William. And perhaps like her late mother-in-law Diana she's getting totally pissed off with it. And that can't do either for William or all of you brown-nosers who've rather asininely set them up as untouchable deities! 

This poem is written in gracious tribute to Meghan, Harry, Archie  and the upcoming baby! God forever Bless You! And stay strong; you're not alone and have dedicated friends out here!

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