
Thursday 4 March 2021

Clearly! Still no visit I see Philip, from your supposedly loving and devoted wife Lizzie!

By Stanley Collymore 

I see that the fawners, and
sick sycophants are alive
and very well. But what 
has Kraut Philip Mountbatten 
ever individually, much less 
so collectively, realistically 
done for you? Yet so, here 
comes the solid Nazi and
Third Reich-supporting, 
Daily Mail's readers, to 
demand, the rest of us  
just leave supportive 
comments, distinctly 
always individually 
pertaining, entirely
to someone simply 
through an odious  
medieval mindset  
of monarchy, still
alive and kicking 
in a 21st Century 
Britain, is risibly 
a special person. 

Irony completely lost on 
the same Daily Mail rag 
and its sad plethora of  
cynically manipulated, rather 
toxic and quite evidently too 
lowlife morons. For clearly 
these vermin are the very 
same odiously vindictive, 
malevolent and vitriolic
Freedom of Speech vile  
scum cowardly hiding
under their decidedly 
deceitful, anonymity 
are very repellantly 
requiring and even 
asininely insisting
that just admiring 
remarks are fully  
stated, relative to  
Kraut Philip else  
those that aren't 
will stringently 
be sent, to their  
'British police'.  

However when it comes 
to Meghan Markle and 
the obviously blatant 
lying, smearing and 
malevolent Daily Mail and the 
other rightwing rags' articles 
and their allegedly freedom 
of speech - so endemically 
racist - aficionados solely 
directed at her; then it's 
crucially, for everyone 
of this basically white
scum, a splendid free 
for all you see. Since 
to all of these: quite  
toxic and seriously 
so in sick denial of 
this, odious, racist 
lily-livered cunts; 
in their brazenly 
demented minds 
their freedom of 
speech is strictly 
a one way street.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
4 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
Hurry up Philip and kick the bucket,  assuming you haven't already done so; and bloody well take your lying and sickeningly dishonest, allegedly  besotted with you - Oh really? Surely only in your duly publicised PR and dishonest bulletins to disingenuously so keep your plethora of sycophantic toadies happy that you're abiding by your perceived by them divine remit to rule over them. Nothing to do with the multiplicity of serial, adulterous affairs that you've both individually and separately customarily indulged in over the years, notwithstanding a routinely and very public portrayal of a blissful and warmly celebrated marital union cemented in the close and incestuous, characteristically so bonding that was par for the family until the ravages of totally rampant inbreeding - you yourselves are 2nd cousins  - forced upon you the clear necessity to allow outside blood lines but only minimally so -  Lizzie with you! 

Interestingly so, how much time and energy the Palace, its nepotistic, paid help, and  characstatistically as well your reliable media sycophants, are all of you, concertedly and brazenly too assiduously trying to covering up Andrew's quite discernibly improper sexual activities while distinctly and deceitfully, purposely lyingly, rather evily and malevolently, discrediting Meghan and Harry. 

But on the other hand consciously so, undeniably and bigotedly immorally keeping absolutely quiet, about Liz's  favourite son and similarly her love child Andrew and his unquestionably close and personal links with a serial paedophile, and a thorougly intimate bossom pal Jeffrey Epstein, in tandem with Epstein's, currently held in a US jail, licentious and equally disgusting trollop mistress and a fawning pimp Ghislane Maxwell: an underage girls trafficker, entrenched sexual services of them provider, and a disgustingly mendacious sex abuser herself. 

But none of this concerns Liz and the rest of her Kraut Klan with their own odious sexual perversions other than keeping up dubious appearances and rather cynically doing so deliberately for public consumption, while doing  their utmost to guarantee that one of their own doesn't justifiably literally end up incarcerated in a US jail.  For as anybody with a functioning brain well knows in class ridden and social climbing Britain, where useless titles mean everything and signify to these brownnosing serfs everything - think for a moment of the utterly imbecillic and very monotonous obsessive calls  from cunts like John Humphrys, Piers Morgan, Robert Hardman et al and of both sexes so vociferously calling for Liz and even Boris to strip Harry and Meghan of titles, which lawfully only were granted to Harry as of right and not to Meghan, so actually Meghan at whom this vitriol is directed, doesn't really give a fuck: liberated Blacks of both sexes quite seriously don't need such actually useless medieval gongs of the kind that the likes of Hardman, Humphrys and Morgan are after. 

And rather bluntly, the likemindedly brownnosing and sickeningly British police like the scycophantic cowards they obviously are, when it comes to this patently evily disgusting, odious medieval monarchy are actually like  the majority of brainwashed of Brits totally obsessed with class and social climbing.

So how then can anyone realistically take away from someone, something that they didn't have in the first place you dimwitted assholes? And crazily  how about this? Andrew Windsor is innocent until proven guilty, say the repulsively fawning and perversely toadying social climbing pillocks to their very perceived social betters. 

Yet Meghan, whom they've likewise never met, and don't know, is to all these endemically racist and inured assholes indisputably, and similarly quite guilty of whatever they rather bigotedly, dishonestly and perfectly unjustly, blatantly and malevolently unwarrantedly decide to level at her. 

And here are just 2 comments from correspondents in heated denial of their own racism:  "Christ, I didn't realise she [Meghan Markle] was so dark [skinned]. Thankfully she isn't coming back to Britain, or anymore hobnobbing with our royal  family."  

The second requesting that Harry as long as he stays married to Meghan should be stripped of his titles and right in the line of succession - but must have these totally restored to
him if he were to then subsequently choose to marry white woman. But either way, Harry's own children with Meghan must permanently be removed from the line of succession in order to "to prevent them from contaminating the royal blood line."


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