
Wednesday 31 March 2021

Genevieve Hansen:"I don't know if you've seen anybody be killed; but it's upsetting!"

By Stanley  Collymore  

The so laudably moral, fully 
empathetic; so perceptibly 
characteristic in a notably
striking, evident and discernibly 
demonstrably humane manner  
and the clearly, commendable 
response to a deliberately so 
racist, dog-whistle question 
pertaining to the critically  
deeply entrenched,and a 
universally believed, by
a multiplicity of whites 
within their peculiarly
non diversified official
establishments taking 
in purported law and 
order and essentially 
likewise, readily and 
also unquestioningly
accepted as the truth 
by a very significant 
accumulation, sadly 
of many whites of a 
nakedly prejudicial
belief that crucially 
forges and, equally  
too, fundamentally
firmly consolidates 
this specific, racist 
catchphrase of the  

perennial angry Black man 
and woman but strikingly 
and admirably too rather  
dismissively and effectively so 
bravely rebutted by a clearly 
and thoroughly courageous, 
totally compassionate, plus 
an absolutely meritorious,
white professional young
lady: a so encouragingly 
charismatic; visibly too 
a moral, so intellectual  
in an individual-mien 
this alert 27 years old 
Ms Genevieve Hansen 

when strictly on account
of her white Caucasian 
complexion she was 
distinctly, racially 
and assiduously 
encouraged to 
buy into this 
utterly vile, 
of Black 

by a white Eric Nelson: the 
stated Defence Attorney
for the barbaric and 
callous killer of George Floyd, ex- 
copper Derek Chauvin; while Ms 
Hansen was giving a first hand 
account from the witness box
during Derek Chauvin's trial, 
of what she'd, so personally 
and quite vividly observed
the day that a white, rogue 
cop: Derek Chauvin freely 
operating as a viable part 
of a fully recognized and 
also an overwhelmingly 
adhered to, systemically  
prejudiced, notoriously 
racist, and purportedly 
law and order system, 
yet again - sanctioned 
another Black killing.  

A truly laudable approach
by Genevieve Hansen for 
which she incurred the
full wrath of white judge Peter 
Cahill that conspicuously, like 
defence attorney Eric Nelson 
purposely and categorically 
wants that this white killer
Derek Chauvin absolutely 
doesn't suffer in the least
as a direct consequence 
of his wilful murdering  
action - any criminally 
adverse-penalty, from 
his current trial; and
therefore, walk free. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
31 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
The American law courts exactly like their similarly and exclusively white  controlled counterparts in Britain are not any, remotely, true reflection of a democratic nation or society. They are essentially mini dictatorships, where all the facts and the full truth are not welcomed. 

Attorneys and judges do invariably go out of their way to rather manipulate how and what information is usually presented in order to actually create perceptions instead of what is reality. Therefore, both the USA and British justice systems are not only blind but also deaf and dumb. 

Not everything is a yes or no answer. And those of us who are moral and also empathetic persons realize that we have to be sensitive to the people  who witnessed this murder of George Floyd.  For that's what it was; and also realize its effects on them also.  

Judge Peter Cahill and similarly also Defence Attorney Eric Nelson had no such empathy, at all, with Genevieve Hansen who is a truly decent human being  and a credible witness. 

Accordingly I dedicate this poem along with my best wishes to and admiration for this remarkable and commendably ethical and empathetic young lady Genevieve Hansen. God forever bless you and stay safe in this pandemic.

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