
Sunday 29 May 2022

Thomas Markle Snr - the pathetic attention seeking plonker!

By Stanley Collymore  

Thomas Markle has realistically 
gotten far less than what he 
truly deserves! Effectively 
have any of you vilely, racist morons 
and discernibly obsessive haters of
Meghan just the once ever actually 
seen any pictures whatsoever of a 
Thomas Markle Snr, literally being 
with, or else for that matter rather 
most effectionately, cuddling any 
of his clearly other grandchildren 
even when they were themselves 
small children? Actually, his own 
biological grandchildren who for 
several years, and crucially even 
so as adults basically and most 
studiously, quite conspicuously 
decisively of their very own free 
volition literally have absolutely 
nothing actually to do with him. 
Thomas Markle of sorts raised 
two white children, long before 
he crucially met Doria Ragland: 
Meghan's future mother whom 
he married and, as is generally 
well known, subsequently very 
mutually had their one child, a 
daughter Meghan! Essentially 
and basically unquestionably, 
a third offspring from him, by 
two distinctly separate wives 
even racially, and whose own 
evident marriage to Thomas 
Markle Snr ended in divorce!  
So try spotting the common 
denominator; all of you who 
are very conveniently taking 
to idiotically eulogizing this 
odious man you don't know 
but evidently so on the sole 
basis of your truly pathetic, 
sick and utterly entrenched  
racism directed at Meghan 
are perfectly happy, to very 
readily accept, and equally 
believe every vile spurious 
accusation re this woman.  

Roslyn Loveless Thomas Markle's 1st
wife and who was married to him for 
eleven years self-evidently knows 
him better than all of you, his fake but 
rather convenient heroes and not just 
was she quite glad to see the back of 
him but likewise, significantly openly 
exhorts Meghan, not to let him near 
any of her children. Even so though 
Roslyn Loveless is relevantly white 
she's none the less literally openly 
rather perniciously castigated by 
Britain's Daily Mail actually all of 
these other Nazi and right-wing 
rags, their distinctive coterie of 
discernibly semi-literate hacks 
and their financially, profitable 
clickbait commenters; simply 
because, totally aware of her 
former husband as she truly 
does and rather intelligently 
refusing, to essentially sing 
from this evil, orchestrated 
and fabricated racist song 
sheet against our Meghan 
Roslyn Loveless has to be 
automatically villified and 
condemned! Distinctively 
as truth evidently doesn't 
concede to racist bullies.  

Both of these white offspring of 
Thomas Markle Snr along with 
himself have essentially from 
the very start, literally sought to make 
a lucrative financial living distinctively 
so off Meghan's obvious marriage to 
Harry. While for Meghan herself she  
was the solitary one of Thomas's 
children that worked and helped to 
supplement his income. Never the 
less, you racist lowlifes that know 
absolutely nothing whatsoever of 
the genuine story as it irrefutably 
truly pertains, to Thomas Markle 
Snr together with his vilely, older 
children; none the less basically 
so, due to your own entrenched 
and compulsive racism choose 
to puke up, at each opportunity 
afforded you by a likewise fully 
committed, and likewise racist 
MSM the identical vitriolic bile 
and crucial verminous toxicity 
levelled against Meghan. This 
when your very own pointless 
and essentially quite pathetic 
lives aren't worth mentioning. 

C) Stanley V. Collymore 
29 May 2022.  

Author's Remarks:  
Out of hospital in 5 days? Obviously not a major stroke then! 

As strokes go it was a miraculously fast recovery. Perhaps Thomas Markle Snr was told by the Daily Mail and others that are pulling his financial chain that with Harry and Meghan actually invited to the jubilee celebrations and therefore quite literally going to be in the UK, that his compulsive mischief-making would not now be so racially welcome or even appropiate after all as it perhaps might have been were both Harry and Meghan, in effect, absolutely going to be absent; and accordingly rather than upset the powers that be by being a dimwitted spoiler of the jubilee while similarly making himself look a complete ass, he should basically stay away. 

Consequently, the stroke scenario just like the heart attack one before Meghan's own wedding was again  literally MSM conceived and put to him as a face saving way out for a very gullible and malleable attention seeker, evidently with no scruples at all about odiously, egregiously and obviously financially clearly exploiting his well known daughter Meghan from whom he is discernibly, logically and to all sane and intelligent minds fittingly and sensibly estranged!

Thursday 26 May 2022

Auschwitz - Jedes zivilisierte Land sollte eine gegen Zionisten haben!

By Stanley Collymore 

Was fuer eine schreckliche
Schande, Tom Bauer, Michael Hirsch 
und ihresgleichen die 
in Grossbritannien 
Zufluchtsuchten und 
dort mitfuehlend wurden, 
dass die Deutschen in ihren 
jeweiligen familiaeren Faellen ihre 
relevante Arbeit nicht angemessen 
vor Europas zweitem Major 
abgeschlossen haben 
Der Vernichtungskrieg 
endete 1945!  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
26 May 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 

Was fuer eine schreckliche Schande, Tom Bauer, Michael Hirsch und alle ihre abscheulichen, hasserfuellten Typen, die in Grossbritannien  Zuflucht suchten und denen sie mitfuehlend Zuflucht suchten und denen sie mitfuehlend Zuflucht gewaehrten: ein Land, zu dem sie keinerlei Verbindung hatten oder spaeter dort hervorgebracht wurden; das in Ihren jeweiligen Faellen die Deutschen ihre relevante Arbeit nicht angemessen beendet haben, bevor Europas zweiter grosser Vernichtungskrieg 1945 endete!


Auschwitz - Every civilized country should have one against the Zionists threat!

By Stanley Collymore  

What an awful shame to the 
entire world - Tom Bauer, 
Michael Hirsch and also 
your odious, hateful ilk who sought 
and were compassionately happily 
given sanctuary and, likewise also 
necessary support in Britain or in 
addition to these were those who 
were liberally and subsequently 
spawned there - even though as 
was quite significantly the case 
you basically, weren't any part 
of our British Empire and also 
previously to your essentially 
indisputably and so enforced
arrival in Britain clearly had 
no connections not even any 
vaguely of any remembrance 
with the UK; which distinctly 
and equally crucially in your 
quite undoubtedly particular 
familial and likewise as well 
your very own subsequently 
solely ungrateful and rather 
toxically, racially motivated 
and purposely, perniciously 
egregious cases; quite sadly 
then, that rather fittingly the 
Third Reich: as had initially 
been meticulously planned, 
did not then accordingly so 
singlemindedly, effectively 
finalize their crucial work, 
prior to the apt conclusion 
in 1945 of clearly Europe's 
second principal civil war. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
26 May 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
An inconvenient truth! If you marry six times, each of these marriage ends in acrimonious divorce; none of your separate spouses ever met or knew each other, the fault has to lie solely with you, as you're the one common denominator in all of this and your own ensuing tragedies. 

Pogroms carried out over multiple centuries from within Russia, the Baltic states, across the entirety of Europe: north, south, east and west, right down to the Iberian Peninsula and beyond, and subsequently attendant with Europe's holocaust, and all this principally directed at the same people by others who are as diverse from each other as is humanly possible and essentially also unknown to each other as those six spouses mentioned earlier, leaves any intelligent and rational mind to question: what is the common denominator? A conclusion that is pretty obvious to an unblinkered mind!

Wednesday 18 May 2022

What's your excuse for you willingly being a House Nigger and a white Caucasian's handy dross, Diana Ross?

By Stanley Collymore  

Why does a Black woman or man 
whose forefathers and mothers 
were rather barbarically kept 
for centuries in obviously the worst 
forms of enforced slavery possible 
evidently by truly vile white men 
and women; the essentially very 
same distinctly toxic, Caucasian 
vermin, that were so massively 
compensated for the pertinent 
loss to them, of their allegedly 
invaluable properties: clearly 
meaning all those Black men, 
women and several children 
they undoubtedly owned, as 
slaves, when most critically 
for them, plus unpallatably 
so, slavery distinctly began 
becoming increasingly, for 
them, rather worrisomely 
economically unviable. A 
situation quite perceived 
as literally untenable for 
them but seemingly also 
in their sick, and wholly 
twisted minds also their 
generations of basically 
unborn future typically 
evidently descendants? 

Who to this very day, as did their 
barbarous ancestors, still carry 
on getting literally millions of 
Pounds Sterling or US dollars for the 
loss of their Black human property, 
while the actually enforced slaves, 
together with their own offspring, 
and descendants, distinctively got 
and discernibĺy totally ongoingly 
as well, in the most perniciously, 
racist terms also still offensively 
literally get nothing whatsoever 
in terms of reparations. Even so 
none the less, actually mentally 
restrictive Black House Niggers 
do feel it their bounden duty to 
characteristically and likewise 
too, instinctively hero worship 
their white Caucasians and the 
massive beneficiaries of a vile 
and plainly evil, Transatlantic 
Slave Trade in innocent Black 
lives in this the 21st Century?  

If slavery conveniently is dead 
and over as far as whites are 
concerned never mind that 
what most of them crucially have is 
due entirely to it; why then are you 
Diana Ross among numerous other 
pathetic Blacks, clearly honouring 
a woman who is the very epitome 
of every thing that has been quite 
malevolently and effectively also 
continuously done to undeniably 
numerous generations haplessly  
of Black people for clearly some 
four centuries? To emphatically 
be lauding such people and also 
ironically, doing so by virtue of 
the talent and true abilities that 
they so evilly and continuously 
sought to snuff out completely; 
but in spite of this assiduously 
employed and those egregious 
efforts of theirs didn't manage 
it! Talent and several abilities 
which irrefutably you clearly 
acquired as a consequence of 
that enslaved Black ancestry! 
So realistically what actually 
then is your explanation, for 
being basically, an evidently 
damaging House Nigger and 
the willing dross Diana Ross 
to Elizabeth Windsor and as 
well her likeminded coterie 
of supremacist Caucasians? 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
18 May 2022.  

Author's Remarks: 
Centuries ago peasants were unwashed, illiterate and didn't have a clue about what was happening even 20 miles away from where they themselves were living. Additionally, they hero worshipped their kings and queens unrelentingly! 

Fast forward to the 21st Century and quite undeniably, clearly nothing has actually changed in what, as far as Britain is concerned, is still largely a feudally perceived and undeniably as well to its peasants their discernibly hereditary and in situ ostensibly by divine writ their clear unchallenged betters, a most ludicrously and very laughably, brownnosingly fawning country. 

Two hundred and forty five years ago on the 4th July 1776 what were then the British ruled American colonies, having fought for and effectively won their fight against Britain, became the United States of America and significantly so a republic. Slavery of Black men, women and children in tandem with grotesquely and continuously ongoing barbaric racism were and still are essentially endemic elements of the USA's integral composition. 

No reparations either on America's part, that of England or else for that matter its later formation the United Kingdom, have ever at anytime in the past or the present been forthcoming for the very barbarously exploitative treatment of centuries long, distinctly enforcedly made slaves out of Blacks by Britain, the USA and others. 

And with clearly not even so much as an apology by any of them for what was done by their ancestors and that they're still massively profiting from, why then, in all honesty, are so-called Black celebrities actually taking part in this specific farce of a jubilee, from every self-respecting angle where us Blacks are concerned, to this woman, whose own ancestral family owned the Royal African Company, had the monopoly of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and also with the likes of their agents like Edward Colston and also Tobias Rustat wreaked indescribable havoc on Black men, women and also young children; literally thousands of whom were evidently quite callously killed on their commands. 

And this is the type of shindig which you distinctly want to participate in Diana Ross? As a mentally liberated Bajan myself, you thoroughly disgust me Diana Ross. As I find your behaviour, as an African American  woman, quite revolting!

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Piers Morgan unbounded and uncensored! Isn't insanity wonderful!

By Stanley Collymore 

Piers Morgan is undeniably an 
inured fantasist, perniciously 
a quite rabid misogynist; an 
endemic racist who distinctively is 
effectively, a crucially self-serving 
and very unmistakably the rather 
typical, basically unquestionably 
fatuous, conceited populist, who 
likewise unquestionably clearly 
and distinctly quite egregiously 
is unequivocally, the demented 
egoist that's rather contentedly 
permanently ensconced in his 
selfishly spuriously contrived 
but patently, unmistakably so 
quixotic, delusional world of 
fantasy while avidly, feeding 
off his predictably ludicrous 
and egomaniacal hypocrisy! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
10 May 2022.  

Author's Remarks: 
The vagaries of human nature! Toxic and rabidly verminous dogs - dogs in Britain being supposedly man's best friend - are quite understandably and additionally also rather humanely and so distinctively pragmatically put down. Markedly in contrast, however, similarly infested human beings are essentially clearly preposterously liberally permitted to evidently, at ease, walk the streets of Britain unmolested; and repulsively also, are even pathetically eulogized by those whom they've undoubtedly distinctively managed to brainwash!
Isn't British insanity therefore just as equally and obviously distinctly also, absolutely rather wonderful and clearly makes you so blissfully proud?

Sunday 8 May 2022

How can you modernise something that has no place in a modern, democratic society?

By Stanley Collymore 

What an utterly ridiculous notion 
that you're literally indulging in 
and likewise too very stupidly 
pushing William, risibly pretending 
that you're effecting changes; when 
in reality, you actually aren't doing 
anything of the kind and it's solely 
disingenuous, and fundamentally 
so basically egregiously indulged 
in dishonesty. Since distinctively 
you're clearly not relinquishing 
any of your crucially, unearned 
wealth: unquestionably visibly 
non-meritocratically but never 
the less, clearly phenomenally 
acquired plus unquestionably 
those unwarranted privileges 
liberally granted, very avidly 
hosted, while sociopathically 
indulged in and too retained. 

Therefore when, and until truly 
intelligent people - not any of 
those discernibly routinely 
distinctly fawning serfs and pitiable 
brownnosing plebeians - genuinely 
observe you credibly, and likewise 
effectively, categorically evidently 
and basically distinctively, clearly 
and quite publicly physically and 
appropriately offloading many of 
the several mansions, helicopters 
and large, gas-guzzling Mercedes 
Benz vehicles - quite irrespective 
of your true Germanic biological 
connections - and likewise begin 
cutting down drastically on your 
surfeit of non-diversity servants, 
stooges and the sad, burgeoning 
quagmire of essentially feudally 
mindset asinine advisors whom 
you William and Kate distinctly 
like having around both of you. 

Perhaps then, and only then - Wills 
and Katherine - will your evident 
and currently bogus words and 
rather fatuous proselytizing gestures 
to basically attain that much needed 
relevance which you're so evidently 
after will begin to actually generate 
some essentially desired credibility 
with persons like me who see your 
existence currently as one literally 
ignorantly but discernibly happily 
ensconsed in a medieval mindset!
William and Katie: harbingers of 
of a Dark Ages history very aptly 
far removed from this era we're 
realistically living in which is a 
modern, informed 21st Century.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
8 May 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
This contemporary poem was written purely from the perspective that I'm a bona fide, qualified journalist, not a hack, and the subject matter that I've commented on is a news story. Other than that what this utterly fatuous and uninteresting couple, their family members, likeminded friends and brownnosing fawners do with their discernibly pathetic, wholly meritless and thoroughly unfulfilling lives is a matter entirely of their own choosing and will only draw appropriate interest from me if their actions seriously, and also invariably with lives like their own, impact egregiously on the values that I distinctly fundamentally have and likewise attach great importance to. 

That said, if clearly for self-evidently spurious, wholly self-servingly, quite liberally augmented with PR reasons William Windsor and his wife Katherine Middleton want to debunk the credibly plausible notion that the both of them are quite manifestly so,  essentially elitist, racist and actually self-entitled, but none the less clearly want to quite disingenuously portray a bogus image of themselves for those who're evidently gullible enough to take that patronizing assertion of the two of them and avidly run with it; that's not a matter for me to grapple with but most categorically one for all their legions of idiots who're involved! 

However, I'm most happy to literally accord to Kate and William their very fraudulently but purportedly earnest wish, as I regularly do with everyone who is legally married, their accurate and proper designation, that in their case as they allegedly want to be ordinary folk without their absurd titles: Mr and Mrs William and Katherine Windsor! 

As for the poem itself, it's pretty self-explanatory; and if your literacy skills and intellectual acumen aren't actually up to scratch, that's really your problem and not mine! As I most emphatically so, concentrated on my education and didn't pointlessly waste my time and energy patently pathetically, fawning over Medieval mindset nobodies!

Friday 6 May 2022

Britain - The societal equivalent of Harold Shipman advising you how to care for the elderly!

By Stanley Collymore  

The one thing in Britain that isn't 
stolen or otherwise criminally 
and barbarically acquired is 
the Magna Carta document; all else 
very lawfully, belongs to countries 
elsewhere, particularly so, within 
the Global South. Since Britain, is 
in reality distinctly a macrocosm 
of Jimmy Savile and should very 
justifiably adjudged as a blatant 
fake globally! For it was exactly 
this same, exploitative mindset 
which is still replete nationally 
that undeniably accounted for 
why it was evidently basically 
so easy for Jimmy Savile to so 
obviously, naturally get away 
with his repulsive behaviour 
all of his life, be even lauded 
and eulogized for it; and too, 
so unwarrantedly even after 
his death and unmitigatedly 
universally awful exposure  

still most incredibly commands 
a surfeit of prominent, highly 
influential establishment 
figures and hereditary longstanding 
friends together with still distinctly 
enthusiastic, fervent admirers plus 
this ardent plethora of established 
apologists inside the putrid arena 
obviously of Oxbridge Academia; 
evidently parliamentary life and 
a diversity of corporate fields all 
of them patently eager; likewise 
studious in their crucially, quite 
serious and very willing means 
to privately and happily render 
excuses for a totally repugnant 
paedophile and a most prolific, 
assiduously callous, predatory 
sexually abusing, vermin; just 
because, so essentially, they're 
noticeably precisely like him! 

Just take an earnest look at the 
hereditary House of Windsor, 
Britain's distinctly laughably 
quite pathetic, and incumbent Prime 
Minister; those crucially controlling 
the allegedly flagship Metropolitan 
Police; paedophile and other vilely 
evil, distinctly predatory, sexually 
abusing and fittingly customarily 
law breaking, and demonstrably 
so unconcernedly transgressing 
with dismissive impunity, drug 
using politicians, that are both 
in and out of office. Those sick 
and indubitably malevolently 
ecclesiastical demons clearly 
not just in the RC but equally 
also undeniably the national  
and very clearly established 
Church of England. Collated, 
distinctly, with all the other 
delusionally, fake paragons 
within the realm of Britain.  

All that said, where does one 
really begin when it comes 
to the so-called MSM and 
its burgeoning legions of feudal serf 
and aptly thoroughly manipulated, 
literally intellectually challenged, 
highly toxic, deeply inured racist 
and quite ignorant xenophobes? 
Obviously, bearing in mind that 
vast hordes of them plainly are 
themselves clearly, irrefutably 
escapees to Britain from those 
severally, ongoingly executed
and notably, fellow European 
pogroms, and subsequently a 
holocaust also, either against 
them, or their vain offspring. 

And thus accordingly, with the 
vast majority of them are the 
actually customarily amply 
name changed bearers asininely and 
distinctively, ludicrously portraying 
themselves literally audaciously, as 
the truly quintessential epitome of 
an unquestionably, very authentic 
Englishman or Britisher; when in 
actuality they're not, but literally 
and most obviously a Stockholm 
Syndrome type that's effectively 
quite hypocritically, and clearly 
delusionally plainly irrefutably 
essentially immigrant indebted 
population dwelling in Britain! 
What a country! What weirdos 
for people! Similarly too, what 
a typical example Britain is, of 
a distinctly verminous cesspit!  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
6 May 2022.  

Author's Remarks: 
When self-centred, rather privileged, amorally lascivious, sexually abusing, self-entitled and truly, self-promoting but previously in absolute desperate necessity as petrified refugees seeking necessary admission to a country like Britain that accordingly accords them their wish and lets them in. 

Then on being humanitarianly settled with other elements of their own kind in that specific country; unrelentingly, contemptuously and most assiduously thereafter, distinctively intentionally, quite pretentiously and also callously take on the very worst aspects of the country that they're in, to the asinine extent of even actually believing that they clearly have an inalienable right to be there! 

But when subsequently to their very initial admission and ultimately also their distinctly, virtual take over of the county which they're allowed to be in, they manifestly so arrogantly behave as if their adopted country was actually indigenously their own. Then rather dastardly in the process, racially and effectively so ironically xenophobically refuse valid entry to bona fide refugees, which their very imperialistically contrived and also financially exploitative illegal wars and heinous war crimes undeniably caused.  

Then it's high time that all such egregiously inhuman bastards and discernibly likeminded bitches be summarily sidelined and equally permanently disposed of!

Monday 2 May 2022

Diversity, democracy, meritocracy and equality aren't medievally mindset, or feudally sycophantic necessitates!

By Stanley Collymore 

So Elizabeth Windsor might not 
show up on the Buckingham 
Palace verandah for what 
basically and essentially is her much 
hyped platinum jubilee evidently by 
pulling a sickie. How convenient for 
her these noticeably selective, bouts 
of illnesses, randomly appear to be! 
Anyway, any average person would 
certainly most preferably choose to 
die of shame with such a decisively 
unenviable, 70 year-old irrefutably 
meaningless very non-meritocratic 
quite hyped, track record like hers. 
To be truthfully honest just look at 
the current vile state of the British 
population; the country's, literally 
disastrous, economy and crucially
its widespread and discernibly so, 
distinctly endemically lax morals 
or more fittingly put, the relevant 
abrogation, of all unquestionably 
appropriate behavioural decency. 

And I'm not even specifically
referring to the antics of the 
hereditary Windsor family. 
Nobody - and I avowedly, truly don't 
actually care who they literally are, 
much less so who they egotistically 
see themselves as - essentially, and 
naturally automatically; distinctly  
or evidently naturally discernibly 
respectfully qualifies deservingly 
for manifestly, unearned respect! 
And undeniably cringeworthy is 
the avid enormity of people, not 
only in Britain but similarly too 
those genocidally acquired, and 
barbarically retained countries 
that their likeminded distinctly 
dementedly mindset expatriate  
kith and kin globally do totally 
now fully control and selfishly 
quite distinctively and racially 
run - worship these hereditary 
types too, as though they were 
infallible Gods and Goddesses. 

And principally so, because these 
hereditary types quite purposely 
act as though they're superior to 
everyone else. A view which people 
quite ignorantly, believed centuries 
ago when universally they actually 
didn't know any better. But clearly 
this is most irrefutably so the 21st 
Century that we're literally in not 
the Middle Ages! And supposedly 
as such, an age of enlightenment 
reinforced effectively, by means 
of a credible democracy, factual 
meritocracy, and most crucially 
warranted equality! Not odious 
acts of cronyism, nepotism and 
rather sickeningly pathetic too, 
totally meritless, brownnosing 
sycophancy! Making this clear 
and instantaneously rendered 
very fawning abeisance given 
to this essentially entrenched, 
basically feudally indifferent, 
staunchly in situ hereditarily 
Windsor family, a manifestly 
and distinctively repulsively 
to all genuinely enlightened; 
crucially mentally liberated, 
and similarly contemporary 
modern minds literally and 
unacceptably, unnecessary! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
2 May 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
There's no feasible or distinct rationale that says, and particularly so in the 21st Century, that one particular white entrenched family that would be most at home amongst the KKK: without discernible merit, any exceptionally outstanding qualities; a paucity of morals that would make the most licentiously shag-happy alleyways Tom cat blush profusely with embarrassment but more likely would be rather incensed with fury if labelled in the same category as this Windsor family - should indefinitely, unaccountably and incestuously hereditarily be accorded any notable recognition - other than a prison one - in any society however laughably democratic that said society, as Britain does, claims to be!  

And to add appalling insult to an already egregious injury have in perpetuity the professed offspring of that said family consistently and quite unchallenged live in unseemly, wholly unwarranted and by no stretch of even the most fanciful of imagination, in what can't even be remotely classified either personally or even collectively among the lot of them, as work related luxury; since irrefutably it isn't! 

A situation grotesquely compounded by the vainglorious assumption on the part of this obscenely indulged family and its plethora of discernibly brownnosing, utterly self-serving and intellectually challenged sycophants and nepotistic advisors, that the avid fawning and feudal mindset of those in Blighty, likewise quite keenly  aped by the surfeit of their expatriate kin in the unconscionably barbarically, genocidally acquired countries like the USA, criminally entrenched, delusionally Terra nuliius Australia, Canada and New Zealand, automatic endorsements by these distinctively brainwashed and utterly braindead peasants crucially make this hereditarily monarchical, Mafia Klan family somehow rather delusionally and evidently ongoingly divinely in situ God like characters to be worshipped unquestioningly and emphatically as automatically rather superior to everyone else; and not as what they realistically are - a clearly hyperbolically inflated and distinctly by no stretch of any rationality at all, a pathetically mediocre, unpleasant family! 

A monarchy and family fully steeped in bloodshed, plunder, violence, domestic murder and the most egregiously and self-serving forms of the intentionally brutal and rather callous exploitation of others; most notoriously so the Transatlantic Slave Trade! So essentially, high time then that this distinctively outmoded institution was permanently got rid of! And while you're at it, how about giving back to Nubia, South Africa and India those Crown jewels which you barbarously took from them!