
Monday 30 November 2020

Gina Martin - The true epitome of virtuous morality and logical commonsense in vile, sick, twisted and delusional Brexit Britain!

By Stanley Collymore 

You've shown real bravery 
Gina Martin, well done! 
And full credit to you
for sticking to what
you personally, consciously 
and passionately believe 
in. Dissimilar to those, 
who willingly accept 
these meaningless 
and categorically
so distinctly too 
to each person 
capable of, or
wants to see
them as the 
vile gongs

as supposedly worthy 
awards; buying off
and, gullibly also, 
getting their obviously 
deceitfully and rather 
cynically completely 
tricked recipients to
stupidly pressurize   
themselves just to
very conceitedly 
and discernibĺy 
so desperately
avidly in dire 
need of some kind of 
relevance basically 
to their pompous,
narcissistic egos. 
So proud - Gina 
Martin - you're 
manifestly so
crucially too 
from this
F- Scum! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
30 November 2020.  

Author's Remarks:   
I wholeheartedly agree with the film maker Ken Loach, who in 1977, most admirably, dismissively and, equally too, brusquely, from my oww perspective,  quite morally turned down the similar offer of one of these meaningless and highly irrelevant OBE, so-called awards. 

At the time Ken Loach publicly said, and I quote him: "It's all the things I think are despicable, patronage; deferring to the monarchy, and the name of the British Empire which is a monument of exploitation and conquest. I turned down the OBE because it's not a club you want to join when you look at the villians who got it!"   

To which I unapologetically add, the odiously reprehensible lowlife scum among the monarchy, palace cronies,  politicians and their vile, hedonistic and nepotistic chums that hand out these useless gongs!

And let me put this blunt question to  all of you brown-nosed, sycophantic, monarchical fawning assholes, rapt Little Englanders and obtuse Empire Loyalists who see absolutely nothing at all wrong with England/Britain's utterly vile, totally repulsively exploitative and, as well, sick genocidal past - just take a long hard look at racist created Australia which you lowlife scum so thoroughly relish as just one such example of the latter category - so how dare you discernible, verminous pond life then bloody well have the sheer audacity to basically, vitriolically castigate Gina Martin for taking the morally sound, principled and totally courageous stance, which she did in sensibly and logically rejecting this shit of a useless and meaningless gong, regardless of who was offering it to her, or the clearly narcissistic reasons that they were actually doing so; namely Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor's birthday.

And isn't it odd with irony totally lost on all you sick, pseudo-white- Brits most of you, in bastardy-entrenched cesspit Britain, that don't know or even have the faintest clue who your biological fathers are; the rest of you being in Britain principally because of the identical Nazi rampage across Europe of the 1930s directed at your lot coupled with the numerous pogroms before that, and which you nevertheless see absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever in gratuitously indulging yourselves in, in the 21st Century, and not just in the UK. 

Telling those people who don't think and act like you, they should leave the country that they have more right to be in than the  plethora of dimwitted pillocks and benefit scroungers - like the horde of you - that in all reasonableness won't ever be as morally entitled to live in as they are!

And how sickening too from those of you who relish jumping on your very decidedly weaponized and repulsive, bogus anti-semitism bandwagon, yet having no empathy with the evident descendants of the vile Transatlantic Slave Trade whose many hundreds of millions of biological ancestors, in every conceivable regard, were quite ruthlessly, and very murderously too, exploited for first England, and after the formation of the UK Britain's sole benefit. And of which you're the very ignorant, thorougly barbaric, deeply racist ingrained, and the immensely  uncouthed, xenophobic beneficiaries.

Britain had the full monopoly of the Transatlantic Slave Trade that was structurally organized through the Royal African Company (RAC) which was solely owned and controlled by the British monarch with completely willing and so devotedly thoroughly cooperative surrogates, like Bristol's Edward Colson cheerfully doing their dirty work for them. So little wonder then that the plethora of present day British monarchical so fawningly ass-lickers don't want statues to the likes of the reprehensible Edward Colson pulled down and thus fittingly put in museums. And to all who outrightly lyingly or else disingenuously say or claim that it's yours and also British history, where then, pray tell, are the equivalent statues of Herren Hitler and Goebbels, for example? After all, you never ever shut up about World War 2 that you claim you won, and even suggest you singlehandedly did so; and to quote you lot these figures are distinctly a crucial part of British history just like Napoleon Bonaparte is! How quite twistedly selective you can be, eh?   
Which begs the inevitable question, how many of you fawning pillocks - despite this current monarchical lot's German roots - would be delighted if  Frau Angela Merkel: the German Chancellor, as well as the German Parliament, with popular public approval, do decide to award Nazi-era type awards to German citizens, and residents alike that they deem to be worthy of them?  Similar to your lot self-servingly dishing out your bloody OBE, CBE, MBE and the rest of them; all of these worthless gongs most absolutely tainted with racist and global exploitation, systemic and systematic, barbaric genocide, and yes the Transatlantic Slave Trade Holocaust, that unlike Europe's much commemorated SIX years one, lasted for several centuries! Yet is distinctly deliberately and dismissively treated by you; and clearly unlike Europe's is not compensated for! No need, at all, to have a Mensa IQ, which obviously none of you have, to fathom out why!

Just like I thought, no takers for that idea among you hugely nauseating, hypocritical, British scum! Yet you asininely reserve the right to quite unilaterally, you think, dictate not only to Gina Martin but equally as well other genuinely commendable individuals like her, how they should live their personal lives!  While you take to vitriolically abusing them for ignoring you and making discernibly well-informed and intelligent choices of their own, entirely different from the entrenched bigoted ones that you pathetically hold.

Und bestehen Sie darauf, dass sie, wenn sie angeboten werden, die britischen Nazi-Aequivalentpreise erhalten!

Sunday 29 November 2020

The Crown - Too close for "royals" and their brown-nosed sycophants comfort!

By  Stanley Collymore 

White British, but chiefly 
the white English: even 
if they're not actually 
what they all claim
to be, but in the aftermath 
of their avidly purposely 
adopted name changes
to deceitfully disguise 
and also lyingly hide 
an acute immigrant 
and also a familial, 
ancestry status - are you 
basically attentive thus
far, Fraulein Margaret 
Oppenheimer, ga gen- 
waertig Hodge, Boris 
Kemal, Nigel Farage, 
Michael Hecht, and
the horde of them?

And repulsively deluding 
themselves that they're 
more British than the
Celts who're genetically of 
North African origin, are 
deeply shocked at how 
the real world clearly 
and very impartially 
sees Britain. And so 
for those appalled 
by this it's simply 
a natural and as 
expected a very  
logically done,

Just as this pathetic coterie
of pseudo English and the 
other British are equally
dismayed that none but 
themselves, the brown nosed 
and hopelessly out of touch 
Captains Birds' Eye put in 
charge of it, ludicrously 
think that what risibly 
passes for the British 
Navy, is realistically 
the most powerful 
one, in the world!  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
29 November 2020. 

Author's Comments:   
These deeply inured, social climbing and brown-nosed prats: Admiral West and Rear Admiral Chris Parry both of whom allegedly "fought" in the Malvinas' War and are asininely between them criticising the Netflix Crown series - did either or both of them get all those medals they're narcissistically wearing by actually fighting on the frontline and, accordingly by example, leading the pillocks they were in control of?  I thought not!

Or as is most likely the case, get them from sitting on their privileged white asses in absolute safety, and so totally out of harm's way, and from there giving out orders from these positions of absolute safety. 

For like all these war mongering and highly delusional scum, exactly like their World 1 counterparts in all the branches of the UK Armed Forces, this lot, retired or not, are nothing more than armchair belligerents sending the cap-doffing, ignorant and fawning plebs unconcernedly to their deaths! 

And the only reason prats like these and other delusional empire loyalists pillocks are up in arms - figuratively the status quo for cowards - is because the Crown has massively and painfully obviously struck very sore nerves with all these imbecillic and educationally challenged morons. And from my own perspective, long may Netflix and the Crown continue to do so!

Saturday 28 November 2020

Morals are for the plebs apparently; not any so-called royals or other bogus elites!

By Stanley Collymore 

In sickeningly fawning and 
profoundly class-obsessed
Britain the vast majority 
of white Brits, and their
non-white, very Useful Idiots 
customarily put supposedly 
posh people - they stupidly 
perceive as 'social betters'
with a specific, hallowed 
status normally granted 
to all of them, basically 
through their accident 
of birth and similarly  
too, lots of dubiously
personally acquired 
essentially through
inheritance solely, 
tax-evading lolly -   

on completely undeserving 
pedestals then laughably 
conjure up the fanciful 
notions that these contrived 
idols of theirs neither can't 
nor, similarly, would they 
ever do anything, which 
is remotely immoral or  
criminally wrong. The 
stark reality however
is that these bogusly 
assumed, paragons 
of virtue are in actuality 
no more or any less so 
human beings - with 
critically good and 
also similarly too 
discernibly evil 
elements that   
can plague  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
28 November 2020. 

Author's Remarks:   
The Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsors are an interesting test case of dirty "royals", who undeniably are as common as muck in actuality. And most categorically so, not the worthy role models they, their fawning social climbing cronies, and systemically in every regard too inured scycophantic serfs and at best subjects - never ever citizens - like to pretend they are, and have rational people think the same. 

Has anyone ever thought to seriously  test the distinctive - no joking - Palace water supply? As quite self-evidently this familial lot's overall clandestine, rampantly adulterous, care-free love child begetting offspring and the rest of it are rather mindboggling clear. Also, when one realistically factors into this quite disgustingly lascivious equation Porchey, Betty and Andy for example and rather similarly too the summation of Mount-Bottom nephew Philip's remark reportedly about his own daughter Anne, to the effect that: 'If it doesn't eat oats and farts, Anne isn't interested!" Probably Peter Cross did both of these things!  

A guy, rather evidently, looking for a stable relationship and clearly ended up with a horsey mare.

Thursday 26 November 2020

Chrissy Teigen you're an absolute Gem! So my sincerest thanks for your support of Meghan!

By Stanley Collymore 

Cue the hateful responses 
regarding miscarriages
because of the person
Meghan Markle who had one! 
These pathetically vile trolls
are so patently predictable.
Your individual comment,
Chrissy, is precisely how 
clear, intelligent people
do see these malicious 
trolls, who have been 
abusing Meghan and
Harry ever since the
couple got married.  

The trolls true reasons for
spewing such hate day 
after day, week after 
week repeatedly online is 
sickeningly obvious. But 
the sole and redeeming  
factor of all this is, the 
vicious hate that they 
spuriously, spew out 
will circle back and 
take out their very 
dark and entirely 
evil hearts. Thus 
all these lowlife 
scum relishing 
life more than 
everyone else 
on this Earth 
will suitably 
and finally 
succumb to Covid-19. 
Blissfully ignorant, 
since they have 
no morality,
that God 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
26 November 2020. 

Author's Comments:   
My deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to you Meghan and Harry; so sad to hear of your personal loss. 

And thank you enormously Meghan for having the courage and the moral  fortitude in your altruistic endeavour of helping others in a similar state of affairs as yourself. 

God continuously bless you Meghan, Harry and your cherished son Archie.

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Terminally dimwitted, very delusional and drearily anachronistic!

By  Stanley Collymore 

What a sad bunch of sick,
twisted and delusional 
Brexiteers! Just a few  
weeks ago it was all
about how a fantastic trade
deal engaged in with your 
like-minded, Nazi, racist, 
xenophobe and entirely 
insanely, psychopathic 
Donald Drumpf solely 
in collaboration with 
their imbecillic, and
the Donald Drumpf 
disturbingly gains
critically derived 
with the twisted 
assistance from 
a brown-nosed 
clown: a Turkish, USA 
born, obsessively too 
and, most ironcally 
a discernibly non-
white, migrants 
hating, British  
PM: the quite 
vile cretin,
one Boris 

with both sides jubilantly, 
randomly, publicly and 
emphatically lyingly 
that a Brexit Britain had no need 
whatsoever of a clearly useless 
European Union. But with Joe 
Biden very soon to be in full 
control, as the President of 
the United States, and the  
British Brexiteers' Kraut 
and supposed, Svengali 
champion and clearly 
too, Nazi embittered  
compulsively racist 
Donald Drumpf on
his deserved way;
all these tangibly 
dimwitted, moronic and
specifically undeniably
notably intellectually
challenged Brits are 
predictably taking 
to hating the USA. 
Who's next, one 
wonders! Base
toxic and vile
lowlife scum 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
25 November 2020. 

Author's Remarks:   
Everyone well knows where exactly these verminous specimens of highly risibly purported human beings live. And I fully know from my voluntary service with the Royal Air Force that it would necessarily simply take no more than two nuclear armed aircraft to effectively wipe this loathsome, dispensible and toxic lot together with their basically infested locations entirely off the face of Britain and indeed the world. 

And with such USAF military aircraft legally based in the UK wouldn't it be most beneficially expedient were two of them on a quite seemingly routine training exercise, as happened in my day and still presently occur, to quite accidentally but purposely drop their nuclear payloads on these Brexiteers' cesspits?  

Covid-19 will inevitably kill many of them but mendaciously sick, twisted. racist and xenophobic as this lowlife Brit scum are, incinerating them in an 'accidental' friendly fire attack will certainly, I do honestly and entirely unapologetically believe, be justice fully and justifiably meted out to these pathetically poor excuses for human beings! And therefore well served! 

Friday 20 November 2020

How the Crown's portrayal is self-servingly and callously being used to deflect attention away from Diana's murder!

By  Stanley  Collymore 

Just ask your dad Charles and 
stepmom, Camilla what did 
happen then William. And 
perhaps you'll be lucky that they 
won't lie to you as they actually 
obviously did to your mother 
Diana! For this crap of yours
is nowt more than a classic 
Buckingham Palace trick.
Trying, to very cynically 
deflect attention totally 
from an outstandingly 
poignant, but equally  
major embarrassing 
Crown's unleashing 
and focus attention 
instead, on Martin
Bashir - and also the BBC. 
Completely dishonestly, 
and odiously publicly 
so, lyingly inventing 
your scapegoats for
what happened to
a corralled Diana 
then blaming all 
on them, not on 
your damaging 
wicked selves!    

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
20 November 2020. 

Author's Remarks:   
The Martin Bashir interview was 25 years ago! Why the furore now over it Buckingham Palace? As if the non-fawning, discernibly intelligent too, and conscionably moral residents in the UK - and ourselves very much in the minority in 21st Century Britain - aren't actually aware of what you're doing, and why? This dishonest crap of yours will undeniably be music to the ears of intellectually challenged, manifestly obsequious Little England  Brexiteers and manifestly delusional psycopathic, obviously wannabe USA dictator Donald Drumpf, aficionados but no one with a functioning brain! 

Did Diana want to do the interview? Yes! And for quite good reasons too! Furthermore, she was an adult, not a child, and had freely not only made up her mind but also fully given her adult permission to do it. There was no coercion of her by Martin Bashir and in legal terms that's irrefutably informed consent! 

Also, it gave Diana the valid right to tell the public at large about the farce of a marriage she was most cynically conned into from its very outset and also disastrously, most adulterously by her husband Charles - even on the night prior to their marriage the next day - and similarly dehumanizing for her and likewise routinely carried on throughout that bogus marriage that she was trapped in. Summed up quite succinctly when Diana unequivocally and painfully declared that there was always 3 persons in her marriage! 

A public acknowledgement that both incensed and totally embarrassed the Palace, and a principal contributory factor why Diana had to be got rid of, and was murdered! A sickening state of affairs condoned by totally inured toadying royalist and idiotically post menopausal; delusional, dim-witted, braindead and purblind cunt, Ingrid Seward - who recently hinted, in that sycophantic toadying of hers, that an identical fate - ie her murder - should similarly befall Meghan Markle! 

My instant riposte to that was swift,  decidedly uncompromising and also unapologetic in a poem I wrote then about Ingrid Seward, and remains so. That poem can be found on this site. Meanwhile, I do recommend and also earnestly wish that those who vilely desire to exploit Diana for their own nefarious purposes simply leave her be, to rest in peace. And that's a clear exhortation, too, to her moronic, not too bright, racist, elder son William! 

Diana was neither worldly wise nor sexually experienced when her own sister Sarah that among others in her  personal repertoire of lovers had had a sexual fling with Charles, then also subsequently introduced the literally innocent Diana to her previous lover, was quite expediently proposed to by Charles at the staged behest distinctly of the complete Windsor and Spencer families.  

Not least because Diana, in their sick and twisted notions, had all the right qualities: clearly her youth, a distinct medically proven virginity and also a bioligical link to the English nobility. Love, most definitely, was not a part of the equation; basically as the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor family don't do love! Their obligatory concerns being the absolute retention not only of the familial Firm but also  the profitably ongoing, sickening and essentially fictional notion of exactly who and what they really are!  

Besides in classic incestuously inbred
fashion with this lot, Charles had also previously, at the concerted behest of his family, been coerced to propose to his second cousin Amanda: the grand daughter of his great uncle; similarly biologically too his dad Philip's uncle Mountbatten, that practicably refused his offer of marriage, stating that she didn't "want to surrender herself to a system." Now contrast her reasonable explanation and its MSM acceptance with the odious vitriol mendaciously  and quite racially speciously levelled and blatantly still is, towards Meghan and Harry basically saying and doing the same thing relevant to this rather noxious Firm. 

Conspicuously,  in her case, marrying for love Diana quite naively expected her husband to reciprocate, if not all, at least some of that love. To her utter horror and chagrin Charles didn't! As he wasn't, nor ever had been, in love with Diana, and Camilla the woman whom he loved, and still does, he'd crucially been stopped from initially marrying. As such, Diana eventually  painfully and humiliatingly realized she was nothing more than simply a publicly glorified broodmare, merely to further consolidate the Windsor's family Firm! Disgraceful and cynical behaviour in extremis! And who but manifestly obsequious brown-nosers to these medieval, Dark Ages mindset scum can quite honestly blame Diana for how she reacted? 

You, William, very much alike your lascivious, serially adulterous grand father Philip and your father Charles, conjoined with likeminded members of both sexes inside the Windsor and Spencer dysfunctional families, may well be delightfully happy, in spite of your own discernible bed hopping, to settle as you've done for Catherine as the compulsively Stepford type social climbing wife and, characteristically, the reliable broodmare that lazy and waity Katie is transparently delighted to be; but the naked and blunt reality is, that your mother Diana wasn't! So my candid suggestion to you William is unapologetically this - sensibly get  yourself a worthwhile life, generally grow up, and logically move on!

Thursday 19 November 2020

Boris Kemal/Johnson and Keir Starmer: Tory and Labour Parties - complicit Crony viruses public scam!

By  Stanley  Collymore 

Dangerous, deranged and
utterly delusional! And 
clearly their criminal 
desperation, just like their 
narcissistic and evil egos 
quite evidently to every 
sane and moral person 
don't acknowledge, in 
the least, any legal or
essentially practical
bounds. So astutely 
what competently  
should be, settled 
for? An enquiry? 
Will any money 
be wholly paid 
back? Will any 
criminal spivs
or their bent politician 
benefactors generally 
go to prison? Or is it 
merely business as 
usual; just the old
scam - when MPs 
who're publicly  
too, criminally 
found out - of 
lessons, to be  
fully learnt?  

You were told repeatedly 
what the innate, odious 
lascivious scum Boris 
Kemal/Johnson the Tories
Zionist-loving, aficiondo 
and significantly too, a
financially beholding 
'secular' - his word - 
and a mendaciously 
evil and so twisted
Yid, Herr Starmer 
were. You rather 
evilly chose not 
to listen and so 
absurdly then
clearly voted  
for a wholly 
and odious 
surplus of  

Smiling malevolently 
along the way to the
voting booths then
back again. And you won! 
So why moan? As you're 
the ones realistically to
blame! For these kind 
of endemic, criminal
and odious, ongoing 
behaviour by Boris 
and Keir will aptly
continue for quite 
some time longer
and disastrously 
too, indefinitely  
were, the same 
Tories and Keir 
Starmer's discernibly 
Tel Aviv-controlled  
British Zionist, Yid 
Labtories to ever 
win again. Then
most naturally 
amongst their 
so obviously 
fixated and
money grabbing 
selves, entirely 
develop a way 
to change the
old electoral 

C) Stanley V. Collymore 
19 November 2020.  

Author's Remarks:    
The Tories and their discernibly quite odious and hugely complicit allies in multiple acts of gross malfeasance in public office and routine criminality: Keir Starmer's resurgent and strongly Yid, massively financially supported  Labtories are unquestionably skilled  con men and con women, and that is what con men and con women do! 

They typically brainwash people like you before they then rather callously and self-servingly destroy them. 

And, therefore, in every conceivable regard one can realistically imagine the discernible embodiment, in the 21st Century, of organized political scum.

Monday 16 November 2020

Congratulations Lewis Hamilton! And, by the way, you don't need any useless British award to certify your worthy accreditation!

By  Stanley Collymore 

You are, Lewis Hamilton, a
genuine record breaking
and, preeminently too,
the world's most successful 
and similarly, irrefutably
also, regardless of who 
likes and approves of 
this reality or thinks 
differently a hugely 
brilliant, F1 driver 
that attained your 
superior success, 
compounded by 
an outstanding, 
discernibly, as 
well clear cut 
approval too
of an ethical 
approach to
hard work, earnest 
enterprise; a deep
and strong ethic
of morality and 
similarly your 
many proven 
innate, fully 

Natural and inspirational 
qualities, which nobody,
however mendaciously
they might try, can take any 
of that away from you! So 
why would you sensibly 
desire to tarnish all, or 
any of these things by 
you accepting a very 
disingenuously, and
equally grudgingly 
dispensed with so-
called, UK award 
from a distinctly 
ingrained racist, 
quite dishonest 
and, callously, 
a remorseless 
as per norm
with a reprehensibly 
unrepentant, vilely 
delusional, British 
regime; and, also
likemindedly in 
all instances, a
truly obliging 
Labour Party

Or a hereditary monarchy, 
with similar views; shit 
scared that with her 
soul mate Donald
Trump, whom she eagerly 
wanted to again win the 
US elections; and, this
time round, happily
for her arbitrarily 
prevent her love
child serving an
extensive bout 
in a US prison  
for his largely believed 
criminal paedophilia 
participation. Now, 
though, following 
Donald Trump's
precious loss to 
Joe Biden, can 
no longer be 
carried out.  

And notice, too, the colour
of those people who are 
winning the most, but 
equally, and so ironically too, 
are getting trolled the most! 
You can readily see this on
every post, which clearly 
relates to all individuals 
of colour. And honestly 
I emphatically tell you 
that were our firstrate
Lewis Hamilton very 
white instead of him 
being a genuinely, proud 
and conscionable Black 
man, every individual  
along with collective 
comments tailoured
about him by a vile, 
sick, quite twisted 
British electronic 
meda, MSM and
their imbecilic 
trollers would
be bellowing 
his admired
name fully, 
and firmly

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
16 November 2020. 

Author's Remarks:   
Clue all the dumb comments in the clearly mendaciously evil rightwing rags like the British Daily Mail, Daily Express and others whose owners, as they always were longterm and still persistently so, are serial tax-evaders, by their brazenly manipulated, quite distinctly and discernibly so losers in life, benefits beneficiaries, and dumb keyboard trolls, living in their odious sociopathic, wholly verminous, vilely psychopathic and a clearly rampant delusional denial of all reality that's coupled with a severely and plainly obviously incurable endemic racism, plus the embittered hatred of Black people; and most particularly so all those who have liberated, mentally empowered and, crucially also, self-confidently through their very own industrious volition, made a notably remakable success of their own life.  

And I, for one, would be enormously saddened and similarly disappointed were you Lewis Hamilton, or for that matter, any similarly liberated Black person of either gender, to basically gratuitously acknowledge, far less so, accept any of these meaningless and truly Dark Ages, plus barbaric British colonial awards, either directly from Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor or in essence any of her so similarly racist British regimes, whatever their own publicly purported, and proselytized political colours are; when, as far as Blacks are concerned, their ingrained mindset is quite dishonestly and very unalterably the same.  

I'm sure Lewis Hamilton you really don't t want to be lumbered with or have dumped on you, by accepting a British gong, and find yourself in the very same verminous, racist cesspit that thoroughly envious and lowlife  racist cunts like Jackie Stewart, John David Taylor and the clearly clapped out, post menopausal, shrivelled up old cow, Lucy Scott-Moncrieff, among all the others, are happily ensconced in. 
For in my mind, such a step, on your part Lewis Hamilton, with your Afro-Caribbean background, and its aptly analogous link to the Transatlantic slavery Trade, would be very akin to someone whose own family was very routinely and savagely ravaged by hereditary and elitist paedophiles, being cynically offered the repulsive equivalent of a Jimmy Savile type 'family' award. And being earnestly unapologetically blunt and unafraid Lewis Hamilton, these British gongs: whether they're hereditarily or else politically dispensed, are clearly no different! 

Sean Connery: wife beater and also a major tax evader, liberally lived in countries that readily facilitated his tax evading capabilities but none the less this Scot was happily lauded and received a knighthood. Similarly the same odious and racist Jackie Stewart who is very critical of Lewis Hamilton lived in Switzerland for 52 YEARS. Lewis Hamilton by the way is only in his 30s. In discernible contrast too our beloved and cherished MR LEWIS HAMILTON - who all of his genuine supporters, fans and admirers want to stay as he is - is among the very top 5,000 taxpayers in Britain. And also notwithstanding that, he doesn't use any of the British services, for which he's paying through his taxes, for he  doesn't live in Britain. Furthermore, ALL the F1 drivers do live in Monaco as it's precisely where these drivers' workplaces are. Additionally, too, the Mercedes Formula 1 cars  Hamilton and Bottas drive are built in NON-EU BRITAIN, a process providing crucial work and also taxes, ironically, for its Brexiteers and delusional Britain!

Finally, and this would not surprise me one bit, all you dimwitted, racist and xenophobic; very intellectually challenged morons quite idiotically trolling Lewis Hamilton can always  ask Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor, to whom you relish fawning, to give  Donald Trump/Drumpf, instead, one of her many obviously meaningless awards/titles. After all, they both had odious Scottish mothers and German paternal ancestry; as well as sharing the same barbarous, medieval, super exceptionalism and an unchallenged divine right mindset!



Saturday 14 November 2020

It's sickening. And whether you admit it or not it is rabid racism!

By Stanley Collymore 

To accuse Black women of
the obvious intelligence,
manifestly intellectual 
acumen and clear-cut moral
calibre of Michelle Obama, 
Meghan Markle and also
Kamala Harris of being 
born angry says more 
realistically about all 
of you actually, than 
any amongst them;
but basically too a
completely white 
society that you 
most definitely 
and so keenly 
were happily 
raised up in; 

coupled with its systemic, 
relentlessly mendacious
and totally embedded, 
repulsive racism which from 
your birth you were taught, 
fervently nurtured in, and 
correspondingly likewise 
thoroughly emphatically
encouraged and equally  
emboldened to happily 
and assiduously yet so 
idiotically as you still 
are, instinctively too  
implement at home.

Defamations which from your 
childhood, and continuously
so throughout your earliest
schooling and fully buttressed 
recurrently in its supposedly 
British, educational system
you repeatedly perpetuate 
with the most vitriolic of 
poisonous venom, to all 
those whom you vilely 
denigrate as basically 
and also biologically 
lastingly inferior in 
every aspect of life 
to your estimably
significant selves. 

Who brand as different
and most instinctively
likewise think and as
well earnestly believe without  
any proven scientific basis or 
even the minutest modicum 
of any reliable, intellectual 
acumen on your incessant 
accusatory part - that this
sick and entirely twisted 
process callously meted
out to them by you will 
irrefutably make them
totally undeserving of 
all refined treatment. 

My simple suggestion to 
the lot of you, is - look 
honestly at yourself 
in the mirror; and
sensibly, astutely  
re-think again!  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
14 November 2020. 

Author's Comments:   
It's a well established practice of all totalitarian regimes to fervently seek to and similarly assiduously ensure as well that significant numbers of their countries population persistently stay largely uneducated and basically very attendant with that, most thoroughly and equally deliberately uninformed as regards the political realities which affect their lives and similarly as well what their concertedly mendacious rulers  dishonest, evil, self-serving and lying regimes are up to and actually doing. 

This is every bit as true of the current inept Boris Kemal/Johnson UK regime avidly supported by the Keir Starmer Labour Party supposedly, but risibly so, official parliamentary opposition, as it is of the Donald Trump/Drumpf clearly likeminded to its discernibly toadying British Fascist regime, and with all the barbarous hallmarks, in both instances which were evidently  distinctly characteristic of the 1930s Nazi Germany. Even to the very point of their wholly obtuse fan base! 

And why it is that Blacks like me that happily and conscionably grew up in female empowered homes: the direct and deliberate consquence of the sick and thoroughly callous emasculation of Black men throughout slavery and its delusional, white supremacist and other sickeningly twisted aftermath, are not only eternally grateful to all these countless but never ever to be forgotten Black women but similarly too, fervently laud their modern day counterparts like Michelle Obama, Meghan Markle and Kamala Harris,  who I've mentioned by name in this poem.  

And an appropriate addendum to all empowered and mentally liberated Black women and girls globally! I'm so enormously proud of all of you!

Thursday 12 November 2020

Donald Trump - Vain, Lame and a Pain!

By  Stanley  Collymore 

Donald Trump is a man of 
contradictions! One day 
he says Covid-19 will 
just disappear. Another day and 
Trump informs his supporters 
and gullible idiots who listen 
to and unquestioningly still 
believe him, to use bleach 
or UV lighting and Covid 
19 will, most definitely,
then be so irrefutably 
and aptly ineffective, 
against everyone of 
them trusting him!   

Another day; and Donald 
avidly subscribes to the 
herd immunity theory, 
while contradictorily
and recklessly holding super 
spreader political events at
which he contemptuously 
dismisses the wearing of
face masks, as naturally 
unnecessary. However, 
in the wake of Pfizer's 
impressive advances:  
in creating a clearly 
viable vaccine that 
could successfully 
fight, and equally 
destroy Covid-19  

one, which at Trump's own 
behest, with him publicly 
stating the Coronavirus 
was a Democratic Party hoax 
and his administration very 
purposely didn't contribute
a single dime, any kind of
positive encouragement, 
or official endorsement 
to the Pfizer's research 
Donald now asininely
states: that Joe Biden, 
Kamala Harris along 
with the other Dems 
are denying him the
vaccine credit that's 
justifiably his own! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
12 November 2020. 

Author's Remarks:  
Neither Donald Trump - despite his German heritage - nor his discernible Nazi, Fascist and authoritarian, ultra- rightwing, KKK tendencies, racist and xenophobic regime, committed any funds towards the development of Pfizer's vaccine, or any other vaccine come to that! 

Whatever this rather psychopathic, lying, wholly demented and clearly delusional; bereft of every aspect of moral rectitude, and an indisputably bullying, misogynistic, narcissistic, moronic LOSER currently ensconced in the White House thinks.

As, quite irrefutably, Pfizer's funding was by the German Government!

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Sore loser and K.K.K Kraut, Donald Drumpf - the wannabe dictator of the United States of America!

By Stanley Collymore 

My intense thoughts and
their attendant prayers 
go out to Herr Donald 
Drumpf: aka Trump
who has been forced against
his innate will to interrupt
his daily golfing duties to 
go to Remembrance Day, 
but what both he, and 
his abhorrent coterie 
of truly dependable 
arselickers always 
dismiss, as Losers  
and Suckers Day.  

Herr Donald Drumpf's
rather brave gesture 
of him personally 
taking time out from his 
essential undertakings  
to crucially improve 
his quite important 
golf handicap will 
most certainly be 
remembered by
identical mind-
set lowlifes in
America, UK, 
Saudi Arabia, New 
Zealand, Canada,
Israel, Australia 
Russia and the 
Ukraine; and 
proudly too
Nazi Brazil.
And vilely
as a true 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
11 November 2020.  

Author's Remarks: 
You're not only an utter and rather reprehensible disgrace to the United States of America and your ancestral homeland of Germany,  Herr Donald Drumpf, but also to the whole world and the entire species of humanity to which, thankfully, you only vaguely belong. 

A cowardly bully and a mendacious Loser! 

Sie sind nicht nur eine voellige und zieimlich verwerfliche Schande fuer die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und Ihre angestammte Heimat Deutschland, Herr Donald Drumpf, sondern auch fuer die gesamte Spezies der Menschheit, zu der Sie zum Glueck nur vage gehoren. 

Ein feiger Tyrann und ein verlogener Verlierer!

Tuesday 10 November 2020

There is no special relationship between the United States of America and Britain. So get over it delusional Brits.

By Stanley Collymore 

All Britons need to get off, 
and practically so, their 
rather asinine high 
horses! You have delusions 
of grandeur; but they are 
evidently yours, no one
else's! Since in reality 
yours is a very small,
irrelevant off-shore 
European country!
And each day that 
passes becoming
hugely, more so.
So guess what? 
Brexit: and its 
so embedded, 
attitudes - rather sick, 
immensely pathetic,  
constantly twisted, 
inimical political 
stances patently 
only assist, and 
markedly also 
anchor these 
nasty trends. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
10 November 2020. 

Author's Comments:   
I have to laugh out loud; not with but discernibly at what I'm observing in the UK and which realistically could rival the best of the late Benny Hill's comedy scripts. The principal difference being that I liked Benny Hill!

This shambles though of a UK government conjoined with the official political Opposition equally displaying incompetence at every conceivable level genuinely beggars belief. And atop of this shambles is an hereditary monarchical system just as vile and evidently out of touch with reality, headed by a characteristically 95 year old nonengenarian dim wit with clearly no discernibly outstanding personal or intellectual capabilities. 

Other than, that is, firmly ensconsing herself, even increasingly so in her old age, in a mendaciously embedded Dark Ages, distinctly non-democratic, hereditary bubble, where fawning to her in the most obsequious manner, of the most sickeningly odious kind, is an essential prerequisite for that supposedly societal advancement.  

An unremarkable, to say the very least, old hag who doesn't have the intelligence or the basic, requisite adaptability to recognize and accept that this is the 21st Century that we're living in. Not medieval Britain, as she and her rather incestuously inbred, serial adulterous, devoid of all moral rectitude, incredibly dysfunctional and a Nazi, racist encased, Germanic family assume that it is. 

And consequently in hers and their own utterly sick and twisted minds, that personal status and purportedly self-worth are themselved measured only by one's unqualified sycophancy to her and the rest of her white tribe. And not least so because of their sole distinctive, basically inalienable and unquestionable divine right through birth to be who, what and where they are. 

Well, sorry to dent your narcissistic ego Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor, but your views of the world, as well as those of your endemic sycophants couldn't be more wrong! And let's not forget that the French monarchy and equally so France's aristocracy, as indeed your own husband and close biological cousin Philip's very own relatives in Tzarist Russia, also idiotically believed the very same. And, alas, history tells us what so graphically and contemptously happened to them!

Sunday 8 November 2020

Naturally, you won't forget them while their odious deaths serve your white supremacist delusions and evil, self-serving purposes!

By Stanley Collymore 

No British politicians' 
names ever appear
on a Cenotaph! 
Simply because they're 
the ones too busy and 
so bloody-mindedly 
despatching others 
to their barbarous 
deaths - while, as  
the obvious fake
patriots of their
country, rather 
self-servingly as the
cowards who they 
most discernibly 
and sickeningly 
are, constantly 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
8 November 2020.

Author's Remarks:  
For all the Black and other non-white servicemen and women globally who either voluntarily or otherwise found themselves directly involved in these rather barbarous, totally internecine, unwarranted, white European wars - triggered and undeniably prosecuted on the basis of nothing other than the wholly contemptible, unquestionably corrupt, discernibly sick, completely twisted and self-indulgences of white monarchical and hereditary elites in Europe but particularly so in Britain and Germany - and so vaingloriously passed off as 'world wars' when they clearly weren't! 

Black and other non-whites, who for all their contributions in these totally pointless wars and ultimate sacrifices have never been recognized by these same white supremacists and master racist specimens, who every year on so-called Remembrance Day, like the sick and psychopathic narcissists that they are, like to take centre stage.

Not with me you won't! So up yours! And with my full compliments as an ex-serviceman - voluntarily so - and with several relatives on both sides of my family who altruistically took part in your absolutely barbaric and evil wars:  1914-1918 and 1939-1945. 

So many people in the UK are living in the past; yet your past glory days are so long gone. You are just a small country, with no power or influence on the world stage. What does it take then, to make people like you realise and accept this irrefutable fact?