
Sunday 28 February 2021

The obsessively racist, Nazi enthusiast Daily Mail rag, click baiting for its exploited white bottom feeder trolls!

By Stanley Collymore  

Meenakshi Ashley Harris: an 
American woman of colour 
that notably stems from a 
discernibly distinguished family of 
outstanding, university graduates
and distinctly skilled academics
who, generally, encompass not  
simply Meena's parents, since 
her own mother, Maya Harris
is fundamentally and clearly 
undeniably, a most notably, 
superbly outstanding very 
successful lawyer, plus a 
comprehensively, wholly 
committed and, a most 
talented, policy expert!  

The undeniably very impressive
CV of her aunt Kamala Harris, 
currently the Vice President 
of the USA, clearly speaks for itself. 
Similarly, Meena's late, and Indian 
American, grandmother was too 
a notably brilliant scientist and 
likewise a discernibly dilligent 
cancer researcher, who freely  
and visibly, very unstintingly  
likewise committed herself  
most earnestly and totally  
morally as a staunch and  
active, civil rights fighter 

meanwhile Meena's Jamaican
American grandfather totally
in this regard identically so 
to his late wife and Meena's devoted 
grandmother a staunch Civil Rights 
activist is himself additionally too 
a notably renowned Professor of 
Economics at the USA Stanford 
University. Rather unsurprising  
that with such an outstanding
established, familial pedigree 
Meena Harris is substantially 
already a very accomplished 
lawyer, a crucial prosperous 
writer of children's books; a 
producer and uniquely, too,
the singular founder of her 
own successful company, 
Woman Action Campaign.  

And all this quite obviously long 
before Joe Biden even won the 
Democratic Party nomination 
for the Presidency of the USA far less
so had essentially quite literally even 
contemplated having Kamala Harris 
as his choice, for Presidential pick! 
All this bearing in mind it was only 
on the 3 November 2020 that Joe 
Biden and equally Kamala Harris
were both officially and likewise 
duly elected to the campaigned
for offices they ran for; and the
20 January 2021, they actually 
were personally sworn in; first 
Kamala Harris, and then after 
her Joe Biden - authentically
legally instituted as the new 
Vice President and likewise 
a correspondent President 
aptly, of the United States!  

So how the Hell then can an 
already evidently truthfully 
successful Meena Harris: 
somebody who has clearly always 
had an especially close bonding 
and personal relationship with 
her family members, and that 
obviously includes her Mum 
and also her maternal aunt
Kamala, ever seriously far 
less so quite realistically 
be responsibly accused 
of financially exploiting 
her aunt's newly come 
by Vice President role, 
for viable recognition.   

This perversely and idiotically so 
with basically brain-dead White 
House jobsworth prats openly
and fawnngly in Trumpanzee
America and most conveniently so 
wholly and arrogantly oblivious to
the fundamental fact, that it was
undeniably the votes of millions 
of Black plus Brown Americans 
who so successfully, launched 
Joe Biden, rather impressively 
into the White House and not 
white supremacist ones, and 
why it is that the Republican 
GOP, Trump-cult, alternative 
universe and inured racists
really don't want to accept 
the legitimately held 2020  
US presidential elections:

a process that was reliably far
more certifiable, in fact, than
their very own questionable 
personal conceptions - supported by 
them cheerfully jumping on this far  
right-wing bandwagon, in order to 
grant themselves some crucially
needed relevance in their rather 
sad and pathetic lives, through
falsely denegrating Meena for 
something which realistically  
she clearly didn't or wouldn't 
have had any sane purpose 
considering her manifestly 
already successful career,  
in risibly embarking upon.   

Yet in a total and noticeably 
marked contrast to Meena
Harris's clearly principled
behaviour, on the very same day 
of Joe Biden's inauguration as 
the 46th President of the USA
the fittingly, Florida based  - 
is there seriously any actual 
concern, or a truly shocked 
surprise, by this especially 
significant information in  
its distinct correlation to 
this appropriately made 
known revelation? - law 
practice of Joe Biden's 
brother, Frank publicly 
touted his close links 
to the new, American
President. Never the  
less, there definitely 
was neither rebuke  
nor any vitriolically 
driven criticism in 
Frank's case from  
the White House; 

nor the multiple millions 
of tax free dollars that
Donald J. Drumpf's 
sprogs, their Klan members 
and his deeply entrenched 
racist, avid, brownnosing 
Useful Idiots, have vilely 
and selfishly during the
last four years derived 
from this avariciously 
deranged, Nazi Kraut 
former White House 
occupant! Candidly
why am not in the 
least even slightly 
a tad astounded?  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
28 February 2021. 

Author's Remarks:   
Scraping the bottom of the barrel is precisely what the Daily Mail and other likeminded, British rightwing rags have a natural forte for. And seriously what else can one truly or realistically expect from any of them when neither the owners of these rags, those that run them nor the dimwits, who laughably see and call themselves journalists when, in effect, they are absolutely nothing of the kind, and the manipulated trolls they  rather cyncally and routinely control all have the identical factors in common - they're all of them irredeemably and irrefutably toxic sewer rats. 

Trying to continually, and miserably failing in the process, to permanently offload your myriad and debilitating inadequacies onto others, whom you then hate because you envy them and also know that you'll never be able to emulate their endemic and totally awe inspiring qualities and brilliant successes and thus become like them; and, principally so, due to the utterly nasty person that you essentially are, and must therefore be excruciatingly painful for you; I gleefully surmise!

Thursday 25 February 2021

Piers Morgan: An odious cowardly bully and a racist misogynist; belatedly and justifiably getting his comeuppance!

By  Stanley Collymore 

Some bullies do their nasty
work incognito through 
social media; others
regularly and malevolently 
given both a platform and
the accompanying power 
to them, quite obviously 
and very irresponsibly,
solely to enhance their 
staunch inadequacies
and rabidly festering
insecurities by these
key racist rightwing
owned - thoroughly 
managed and fully 
authorized, totally 
Caucasian driven,
white supremacy
organized media 
authorities - and 

these power-hungry junkie
morons like Piers Morgan
basically, virulently and 
vitriolically then vilely 
abuse through their personally 
accorded to them uncensored 
media bullhorns - notably so
particularly whenever they 
are accorded microphones: 
and, crucially, become par 
for an unbalanced course
by these lunatic believed
vital loss of their clearly 
prized societal and now 
critically threatened by 
simply incalculably so,
in all respects thought 
of as 'inferior Niggers' 
by white supremacist 
believers, in terms of 
their own delusional 
master race doctrine 

a maliciously sick ideology  
compounded by the same
vile, entrenched racism 
beliefs held by the owners and
CEOs who control and clearly
run these so-called MSM. So
to these wholly inadequate 
but nevertheless blatantly 
unwarranted and nastily 
engaged overprivileged
white, but so cowardly 
pillocks, their ranting 
perniciously divisive 
mantra routinely is:  
Don't you trustingly 
believe what you do see, or 
personally and even quite 
objectively, significantly 
know to be the genuine 
truth; but importantly 
and unquestioning at 
all times, absolutely,  
everything that we 
caringly impart to 
you, because it is 
the reasonably 
fair way to go. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
25 February 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
Seriouslg, what basically, irrefutably sane, erudite educationally and both very intellectually sound and clearly of a truly sound, well balanced mind would want to utilize valuable living time to kill an irredeemably lowlife,  criminally bent, narcissistic, hellishly intoxicated with himself; so petulant and nauseatingly puerile - routinely, as it's very easy to observe, glaringly flip-flopping on every possible issue and markedly thoroughly dependant on which direction the public wind is blowing?

This man-child, Piers Morgan, who is a blatantly divisive, very malevolent, and as such a certifiably mendacious and vitriolically serial bully and also  an endemically entrenched, rampant misogynist and virulently toxic racist is no more justifiablly a human being than a visibly frothing extravagantly at the mouth, terminally ill, and very infected with rabies dog is! 

And for Piers Morgan to so stupidly even suggest that quite realistically anyone apart from all distinctively  similarly likeminded vile trolls that he so effusively attracts and eagerly embraces would logically desire to gratuitously murder him and his so fatuously over-indulgent wife Celia is essentionally equally tantamount to someone like me very irritatingly having a severe bout of constipation, and then when I'd eventually passed my stool instead of flushing it down  the loo I hurriedly scooped it out of the lavatory bowl and then instantly rather frenziedly proceeded to very angrily literally knock the shits out of my crap for basically having the nerve to inconvenience me! 

It wouldn't happen! Besides I firmly live in the real world and seriously  suspect that like your buddy Donald J. Drumpf and his plethora of odious Nazi, far right and other entrenched delusional white supremacist cunts,  you Piers Morgan, in running to the police with fake death threats which you most likely crafted yourself, are jumping on this same, mentally sick and twisted American bandwagon to give yourself some undeniably much needed relevance in your and Celia's pathetic lives. For, as I actually see it and fundamentally as well from my honest perspective, the toxic sewer cesspit that you, Celia and the rest of your sort are distinctly and unfortunately still living is solely your concern.

Tuesday 23 February 2021

Daily Mail and other UK shit-rags brownnosing to Betty and her deadbeat family, again!

By  Stanley  Collymore  

Actually it's sensible people 
who're driven to breaking
point by all this pointless 
ire and vile obsession of 
Meghan and Harry by rabidly
odious braindead, and racist 
whites; themselves happily  
aided and enthusiastically 
abetted by very fervently 
supportive surrogates of 
totally bleached skin so 
Subcontinental, Indian
coconuts: the evil sort  
that purposely, solely
obsessively and very 
emphatically, firmly 
quite freely but also 
rather weirdly then 
cheerfully so breed 
out in their twisted 
choice of children -  

through eagerly sought after 
just white only marriages -
their own birth ethnicity; 
combined in this with the same 
identically toxic, so rampantly 
blind ignorance, and a visibly 
distinctively sickening, quite 
slavishly and an irrefutably 
conclusively, white-driven 
compliance by totally vile 
so mentally deficient and 
absolutely, brainwashed 
fawning House Niggers -  
evilly and very predominantly 
Nigerians; and who myself as
an unquestionably and, very  
similarly too, a functioning 
clearly intrinsically proud 
from my birth a distinctly
mentally liberated, Black 
man I absolutely despise 
and wish that the whole 
tribe of them; callously,
definitively and firmly 
was subjected to a full 
blown holocaust-type
genuinely terminally 
Final Solution, and a
genocidal extinction. 

So my full congratulations 
to Harry and Meghan for 
sensibly, brilliantly and 
unreservedly, cleverly  
extricating themselves from the
control of these quite medieval 
mindset relics, rather liberally 
and clearly self-servingly too 
unapologetically corrupting 
the 21st Century with their 
divine right, so privileged 
white monarichal insane  
stupidity disingenuously 
and rather routinely too 
fundamentally, passing 
themselves, religiously  
off as carimg relatives
and dedicated dutiful
public officials solely 
for the rank purpose
of their calculatedly  
engineered con of a 
crucial, financially  
supporting, totally  
obsequious, dense 
in its encouraged
cap-doffing - and
class entrenched 
craven moroms! 

Which prompts the obvious 
question: if your justifiable 
actions discernibly, Harry 
and Meghan, to all these patently 
racist, inferior complex clowns 
ludicrously to them, constitute 
poor judgement by you, what 
about Liz's own and those of 
her awful, second son Andy
and obviously, coupled too 
with his besotted mummy 
rather assiduously hiding 
him away quite blatantly 
from FBI justice? Plainly 
supportively assisted by 
the Metropolitan Police 
and Britain's, distinctly  
entrenched racist, also
pathetically vile; such
brownnosers, to their  
so revered hereditary 
divine rulers - media
rags sorely attendant 
with their trolls keen 
to kick the hell solely 
out of Harry and wife Meghan; 
and we know why, it's clearly
them! In a word Racism! But 
Andy and the rest, all secure 
a free pass and aptly a case 
of poor judgement - if ever 
there was one; to morally 
mull over, Mrs Elizabeth 
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and

C) Stanley V. Collymore  
23 February 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
How very "Christian and moral" the actions of Lizzie, forced presumably  by uncontrolled circumstances into publicly showing her true colours. 

Fair play though to resolute Meghan and a loving, supportive Harry, I say, for independently, courageously and  crucially, intelligently leaving this so obviously and distinctly toxic family!

Saturday 20 February 2021

Anne as new Captain General of the Royal Marines? Goody! And thank you, Mummy!

By Stanley  Collymore 

With all due respect to the
Royal Marines I honestly
don't think you need a 
Windsor as your figurehead.
Basically, your outstanding 
members have over many 
generations, proudly and 
honourably served their  
and your country quite 
honourably; and their 
achievements, are far 
above those, loosely 
overstated, usually 
liberally spawned  
crassly increased
then vilely cited
as this Windsor 
genre of earlier 
listed and sure 
assets of their
own - to then 
move them
on, clearly 
driven by 
a wholly
relevant studs and 
the avid Stepford  
honed and truly  
obediently also
quite obliging, 
so purposely 
accepting as  
fully ceded
white and
high hat 

Their multiplicity though, 
so vital for the ongoing 
preservation of, such 
an exclusively white - that both 
they and their fawning brown
nosers fondly see themselves 
as - privileged monarchical
Firm; however much stark 
reality and, findamentally 
so, commonsense rightly 
stipulates the Windsors, 
whose solitary claim to
a critically, disputably 
legitimate and clearly  
unearned, bestowed  
privileges obtained  
directly, from their 
birth only, is truly  
unquestionably a 
dismal medieval 
evil throwback; 
unethically too 
so inexcusable 
quite obscene 
and patently,  
in any type
of equality 
society, or 
an ethical  

That's why, if you really do
need a figurehead, Royal 
Marine, why not select
one of your own? Someone 
who has clearly provided
exemplary service, both 
to the UK and crucially 
yourselves - and truly
deserves the honour
that they have fully  
earned? Surely there are 
several such persons in 
your ranks that satisfy 
these crucial criteria! 
Not some nepotistic,  
privileged and very 
self-entitled, white 
indolent Windsor  
family member! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
20 February 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
Liz - if this time she really must and, not invariably, egotistically, as is her  natural wont and as she always does refuse, but should clearly preferably this time, step back from what she is obviously planning on doing. All the same, as I suspect, she will absolutely controllingly not do so, and feels that she must carry on with this dreadful, asinine action of hers, as she stupidly grandstands, relatively to Harry who actually did serve in the Army for 10 years - (incidentally, which branch of the British Armed Forces or crucially any Commonwealth Forces - for that matter, has your wearisome sourpuss daughter Anne ever served in Liz?) - and likewise to her fawning cohorts; then Liz should pick someone for the job that truly deserves the honour. 

Not ridiculously plump for one of her bone idle sprogs, their totally useless offspring or other, similarly and also thoroughly likeminded in a medieval mindset, relatives whose solitary and ludicrous claim for such jobs is solely that they are part of Liz's own clan. 

Titles and honours should be earned directly through merit, not privileged birth and its dreadful associated self-entitlement. And another thing Betty, not all honourable, truly valiant and courageous members of these British Armed Forces only have discernibly pink coloured skins, just like you Liz and your Clan members. Neither past nor present ones! Your oft employed, spurious, alleged and fabricated duty to Britain should fundamentally have taught you that Liz! But were you and your thoroughly sick, clearly twisted and entrenched racist, brownnosers - bogus patriots, who cowardly always eschew ever enlisting in 'their British Armed Forces' themselves but, never the less, are crucially forever keen to  vigorously and unrelentingly defend their insanely delusional version of a still perceived but quite non-existent Great Britain to the very last drop of someone else's blood, however never their own - not quite sure about that?Then Google the REAL participants in World Wars 1 and 2, and who hugely and altruistically contributed to your close GERMAN relatives, losing those two major European wars, Liz.

Incidentally, the gaudy display, quite attendant with the very compulsive and obsessively wearing of military uniforms so ostentatiously weighted down by unearned medals, is rather discernibly so a Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor medieval and a distinctly Kraut thing!  

Thursday 18 February 2021

The Tories, Racists, Nazis and Fascists war on "woke" - a word they didn't create and whose real meaning ignorantly escapes them!

By Stanley  Collymore  

Woke: a hypocritical attack 
on an exaggerated enemy
that's pereceived largely  
as Black and which is clearly 
riddled with contradictions, 
malevolent hypocrisy, and
"no platforming" at all on
every, British university 
campus condescending 
and, falsely, derisively
raised again, coupled 
with their assuredly
staunch promise of  
uncensored and as
well the staunch pledge 
to these demonstrably,
staunchly outlandish,
tangibly malevolent,
Tory, right-wingers
collaboratively, as
it quite obviously 
is, in clear union 
with supportive 
and likeminded 
inanely fixated
endemic racist 
sewer rats - to 
totally ensure 
crucially and 
platforms at 
for all right
wing scum.  

So how would these Tories
et al truthfully react were
a student union or even 
a university department invited
any IRA member, al-Qaeda, or
ISIS operative to give a talk
entitled: why terrorism is
actually fully justified to 
totally eradicate unjust 
issues like white, plus 
Asian, aptly bleached
Coconut entrenched
and sickeningly too 
Anti-Black Racism; 
Europe and North
American, horrid 
toxic antipodean
and other, evilly  
very unworried  
white, recurrently; fully
delightedly engaged in 
largely barbaric; such
a purposely tiresome 
racist, and similarly 
their premeditated 
indifferent, Global 
South malevolent 
white purported
master race and
rightly justified 
exclusively too
world control!  
Properly, and quite morally 
too, rigorously challenged
by these said previously 
mentioned, in this candid poem, 
protagonists in order to justify 
and, likewise, endeavour also 
to suitably acquire their own 
charted goal, of a justifiably 
welcomingly permanently
installed, and entrenched, 
equitably just and a truly 
accountably, democratic 
plus a most discernibly
veritabe, suitable to be 
fortuitously living in;
Meritocratic World? 

Instantaneously there'd be 
quite virulently foaming,
mendacious outrage, as 
the Tories and their numerous 
scycophant-allies, in the UK's 
media, wildly screamed that
this allegedly, but never the
less scandalous and clearly 
offending woke university
should not only be swiftly  
closed down but likewise 
irreversibly as well. And 
with the Tories daringly 
having already warned
all nationally run state 
schools solidly against 
them ever objectively 
familiarising those of
their students, about 
anti-capitalist views. 

Therefore the very fortunate 
few intelligent ones among 
you now noticeably living 
in a markedly terminally 
seriously intellectually challenged 
and a majority sewer rat infested
Britain will very astutely, I hope, 
realise where I'm coming from.
So much then for the constant 
vilely abused and a blatantly
lying mantra, of supposedly 
free speech readily coming 
from their risibly believed 
social betters - these toxic 
white privileged; equally 
wealthy elites: randomly  
labelled as monarchical 
or the odious nepotistic
eagerly social climbing 
clones compounded by
a likeminded intensely 
entrenched, rabidly racist and 
sycophantic, generally obese
numerically, all-biologically 
bastard birth cretins! Quite 
ludicrously claiming to be 
staunchly for free speech.
Obviously! Theirs alone - 
while 'altruistically' too,
keenly proseltysing the
free exchange of ideas. 
Really? So very noble! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
17 February 2021. 

Author's Remarks: 
The praiseworthily excellent and also thoroughly justifiably too, from every logical perspective and truly mentally liberated Black minds, inspirationally constructive word "Woke" is in every exact sense of the word, both literally and as well figurativel, an exclusively BLACK American concept; impressive creation; and a thoroughly, brilliantly, formulated and unquestionably too, a skilful and positively utilized unique terminology. And is as distinctively Black in all positive respects as jazz, soul music, fist-bumping, high fives, rap music and a plethora of other things that whites have repetitively grossly appropriated and the deluded elements among this risible master race like to kid themselves they created. 

Mentally and educationally liberated Blacks like myself don't really care in the least what these toxic, lowlife and verminous specimens masquerading as human beings think. But for Blacks who are unaware of these things and the term woke in particular it's why I've written this poem.  

Way back in 1860 when Abraham Lincoln was running for the presidency of the United States, he and the then Republican Party to which Abraham Lincoln belonged, borrowed this Black term from its associated Black movement to campaign for the liberation of Blacks who were still barbarically held by whites as slaves. Abraham Lincoln won his presidential bid and abolished slavery.  

However the USA didn't become the equitable society that Abraham Lincoln envisaged, and today in 2021 still isn't where Blacks and other minorities are concerned. So in the 1940s the terminology WOKE was coined by mentally liberated Blacks to advance and put in the public spotlight and consciousness a number of social and racial issues. Among them feminism, LGBT rights, environmentalism and crucially RACISM against Blacks and Civil Rights issues of all kinds denied to Blacks across the board, from law and order matters; police brutality; and the arbitrary violations of Blacks voting rights of the kind that Donald Drumpf and his treasonous, lawless, insurrectionists, and blatantly lying 'stop the steal' predominantly and delusional white supremacist scum the whole world saw on the 6 January 2021 when they stormed the USA Capitol in a premeditated coup attempt, was and is still all about. 

A criminal, Nazi, KKK, Mafia don, Fascist and inured narcissist Donald Drumpf knew then and still does now that he significantly legitimately lost the 2020 election, and the entrenched racist that he and his sycophants in Britain are then calculated rightly that it was legitimate Black votes that were responsible for catapulting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris into the White House. So what better way to rile up his illiterate and severely too educationally challenged white scum sycophants  in the USA and Britain - even though Brits don't have a vote in any US elections - that were it not for massive fraud by all those Niggers in predominantly Black areas - note no supposed fraud neither in any individual state nor nationally by white voters that Donald Drumpf won - he Donald Trump would still be President of the USA. 

And not only the white scum across the USA but also their likeminded lot in Britain, and distinctively so from Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor downwards, the fucking Tory mafia empire loyalists masquerading as politicians and white master race supremacists; the cunt Labtories lot in the allegedly Labour Party under Yid Keir Starmer, and naturally the so-called MSM, significantly nothing more than virulently mendacious, rightwing propaganda rags, all for similar racist reasons, willingly bought into Nazi Kraut, Donald Drump's narrative. 

Easy to see why Liz Mountbatten-Windsor easily and readily bought into it, as she and Donald have much in common with each other. Racist Scottish mothers and entrenched Kraut ancestry. And from my trusted American sources - I am a qualified journalist - Donald Trumpf had promised Liz to pardon her paedophile and paedophilia fascinated son after embarrassingly for Liz her son's nefarious activities had become publicly known and he was wanted for questioning by the United States FBI, something Liz has done everything in her power, and Andy as well, to avoid. And who in an incestuously inbred, adulterous and a massively dysfunctional family it's widely believed to be her illegitimate love child. But who actually with a functioning brain in their head and knows how to properly use it really cares? 

The quid pro quo was for Liz and her lot to throw Meghan and lesser so Harry to the wolves to deflect from rampant and vile paedophilia in her own family, and all the more so because of Meghan's caustic and prescient minded condemnation Donald Drumpf long before she even met Harry. So how the fuck can anything that Meghan has done, notably sensibly walking away from this tiresome, mediocre and medieval family she married into, compare to Andrew's close associations with a convicted paedophile, or Charles' own close and long term friendship with UK bishops of the Church of England of which his own mother is fucking well the head and he'll inherit that after she's croaked it, who were convicted of paedophilia in British courts, even though they got a mere slap on the wrist for their sick and extensive depravity, unlike what plebeian ones would have got, 

And look how mute the well-heeled and political cunts across Britain are. Where are you? Cat got your tongues? Nigel Farage and Co and the other effusive buddies of Donald  Drumpf! 

 The stinking hypocrisy of QAnon trumpanzees, their likeminded British and utterly delusional monarchically fawning assholes and delusional white supremacists  - never mind their well documented lowlife, deeply intellectually challenged, bastardized, significant numbers of them don't even know who their biological fathers are just as many of their biological mothers don't know either - is rampant and deeply entrenched. Toxic, lowlife vermin, highly gullible and what's more constantly accusing others of the very things they're repeatedly engaged in and consistently doing. 

And to Liz Mountbatten-Windsor get a fucking real life. Only brain dead cunts give a fuck about you, the out of touch lifestyle that you and your incestuously inbred, addictively adulterous and transparently hugely dysfunctional live, and in the most fawning manner give their constant and unquestioning approbation to. 

You are nothing special Liz, either educationally, morally or even in physical terms. And had it not been for the contrived circumstances of your birth and the perverse situation that catapulted you to where you are, you'd be like all the fucking useless and as well nondescript, white old hags that infest the UK, having contributed little or next to nothing to humanity generally or even British society in particular. In short a total waste of space, and someone who has never done a proper job in in your kiss me ass life. 

White privilege and nonsensical circumstances alone are what have catapulted you into the life you acquired Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor. You are a narcissistic nerd of the Donald  Drumpf variety, who thinks that everything and everyone should and must absolutely revolve solely expectantly and exclusively, around you. You were intensely jealous of your sister Margaret who I met socially in Barbados my precious ancestral homeland that bankrolled the English industrial revolution and massively as well financed in a multiplicity of way white, delusional master race pillocks like your lot over several centuries, that Margaret, never mind her trips to neighbouring Mustique, often visited when she was frequently in the Caribbean. Basically you were and still are Liz a fucking lousy mother. And  it's only cynically brain dead cunts who think and buy into the load of crap that your utterly crass and inexcusable neglect of your conceived sprogs after you had quite objectively conceived them in total compliance with the egregiously avaricious demands of the Firm to which you more importantly belong is otherwise than what you claim your so-called public duty and civic commitments were. 

 And other than in Britain any family that had that vast number of divorces and break-ups as you've had and continue to in yours Liz, the social services authorities would long have investigated and harshly sanctioned you Eizabeth Mountbatten Windsor. And we even have some of your staunchest supporters in rags like the Daily Mail openly calling for you to do to Meghan what you did do to Diana, they confidently assert. So even among your fervent plebeian toadies they know what a nasty piece of work and a selfish, self-serving, vindictive cow your are Liz MounbattenWindsor.  

Head of the Church of England, quite laughable ethically, when the morals of you and your family are akin to the non-existent ones of sewer rats. Living in a medieval and wholly inappropriate make believe world in the 21st Century. Obsessed with your handling out meaningless titles and medals to your family members and social climbing sycophants. I myself voluntarily served in the RAF, but NOT for so-called Queen and country, nor because I desperately needed a job; but I don't wear any service ribbons, and for you to think I should be pleased to do so, is just fucking well idiotic. The same goes for several of my Barbadian, other Caribbean and USA relatives who likewise altruistically served in both these two European internecine family wars closely connected with your family lot that you grandiosely refer to disingenuously as World Wars 1 and 2; when essentially they were your family wars.

So having your own family members weighted down with medals they didn't earn and prancing about in stupid military uniforms as well, while publicly acquiescing to the likeminded Fascists like yourself and serial adulerous husband, 2nd cousin and Kraut Philip Mountbatten - his sisters were all married to very high ranking German Waffen-SS killers and genociders during g World War 2 - rightwing British rags like the Daily Mail, what convenient memories, that supported not only Oswald Mosley's Nazi lot but the Third Reich as well, but Harry who actually served in a combat role in Afghanistan and was in the Army for several years, will nevertheless be barred by YOU LIZ from rightfully wearing his legitimate  military uniforms if he so chooses, and just goes to show what an ignorant, vindictive, old cow you actually are Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor!

Anyway it beats me why anyone would want to wear a military uniform when they're no longer in the armed forces. Earlier in my life I trained as a psychiatric nurse in the NHS but wouldn't be seen dead now in such a uniform! And as for removing Harry's Sussex title, who sensibly really fucking well cares. Curious that a paedophile son can retain his but a grandson who married a mentally liberated and well educated BLACK woman - a NIGGER to you and your likeminded racist lot - who naturally refused to put up with your infantile, mendacious and narcissistic crap should lose something she never asked for and clearly doesn't want! SO I DARE YOU LIZ, REMOVE THEIR TITLES, which they don't use and quite clearly don't need. Since Meghan, unlike Kate Middleton is NOT a Stepford wife and broodmare and crucially has no intention of ever becoming one! 

Finally, I seriously suggest Elizabeth Mountbatten Windsor and the whole plethora of likeminded racist cunts like yourself across Britain and who toxically infest it that you Google and read the genuinely brilliant Guardian Newspaper article: Why is the UK government suddenly targeting "critical race theory", by Daniel Trilling. Dated October 23, 2020. 

And you don't need me to tell you Liz where, solely relevant to Meghan and Harry, you can rather forcefully and 
irremovably, shove your absolutely fucking useless, meaningless, totally medievally irrelevant and in the 21st Century pointlessly awarded titles. And were you not 95 I would also add get a kiss me ass Useful life - but alas it's far too late for a wizened prat like you, Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor.

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Low IQ ex USA President arrogantly defended by an even lower IQ son!

By  Stanley  Collymore 

Donald J. Drumpf's two boys 
are obviously petrified of 
him. And, as such, they
will simply stupidly and very 
pathetically, try anything in 
a desperate attempt, to try 
and please him; but even
so, routinely always fail 
to generally obtain, far 
less so manage to ever 
continually maintain 
his genuine blessing.  
Dissimilar from his 
treasured daughter
Ivanka! Then, note  
an all compelling 
and distinctively,
very identifiable
difference quite 
clearly in train. 

So clearly characterized by 
a sickeningly incestuous 
and weirdly nepotistic 
infatuation amorally and so 
disgustingly coupled with 
the heinous obsession of
a definitivey hardcore, 
not outgrown, Electra
Complex fascination
of a keenly, spousal
daughter and, this 
markedly, omnipresent   
and sick consolidation 
of her own biological
father's twisted and, 
acutely so, nakedly
intense, perverted 
but irrefutably so 
a quite mutually 
freely indulged
in cooperative 
coital acts, of

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
16 February 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
IRS - Don't go getting too comfortable Donald Drumpf junior. And that goes for the rest of your evil and criminal family!

Monday 15 February 2021

A malevolent, mendacious, national and self-serving GOP conspiracy!

By Stanley Collymore 

America's appalling medieval
justice system is discernibly 
significantly overtaken, as 
well as obviously overseen, by 
quite organized crime. For in 
that pitiable country money
rather distinctly, certifiably
buys and ensures you your
innocence whether you're 
undeniably so irrefutably 
guilty or unquestionably 
in likely circumstances, 
rarely innocent, or not! 
Demonstrably obvious 
to everyone equipped 
with a working brain 
this deliberately and
rather duplicitously  
praised, and visibly 
arrogant posturing 
to the whole world 
by the very USA of 
its public claim to 
moral supremacy 
legally, as well as 
clearly societally; 

and all this rank dishonesty 
replete across the United 
States, starkly coupled
with the totally mindboggling 
double standards, and rather 
patently clearly egregiously 
and entrenched hypocrisy, 
so very characteristically 
endemic of that country;
and sadly portrays it as 
demonstrably a firmly 
purposely, disgusting
country. Entitling all 
those who, whether 
willingly, foolishly,
cowardly or worst 
still subserviently 
back and happily  
facilitate all this;
fittingly deserve
their delusional 
and vile society. 

Herr Donald J. Drumpf's: the 
wannabe, American Kraut, 
distinctly hardcore Nazi-
KKK-Fascist and rather 
ludicrously so with his nakedly 
very discernibly, so markedly  
deficient IQ, aptly delusional
white supremacist, likewise 
risibly master race; clearly 
a wannabe, indispensable 
irreplaceable Fuehrer of
the United States whose 
political problems may
apparently seem to be 
at last decidedly over.  

However, his universally  
personal and distinctly 
so engrossed familial 
legal problems are 
only just starting!
An undeniably inept defence 
team, with the corrupt and 
complicit assistance of 43 
Republican senators, did 
successfully but crassly,
fully, and shamelessly, 
succeed despite those 
majority of senators - 
all 57 of them to be 
precise - voting to
impeach this vile
and sickeningly 
so disreputable 
Orange Moron 

did actully succeed in getting
an acquittal for this lowlife 
specimen; rather banally,
fraudulently and gratuitously 
liberally passing himself off 
so significantly dishonestly
as a genuine human being. 
Unhappily bearing that in 
one's own mind Donald J.
Drumpf even so had this 
relevant factor going for 
him and in his personal 
favour. Fundamentally, 
that unlike in his own specific 
case, whilst most criminals
could simply only dream 
in their evidently guilty 
state of an improbable 
acquital- he Donald J.
Drumpf was totally
cognizant, that for
him, full acquital
by a dishonestly 
embedded jury
of Republican
villians, plus
ie senators - 
would save 
his clearly 
guilty ass! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
15 February 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
America is so fundamentally busted! And the Republican Party, still rather idiotically and chillingly grandiosely calling itself the GOP,  well long prior to the discernibly disgraced Donald J. Drumpf's second impeachment, plus manifestly and distinctly sickeningly so directly after his quite undeniably fundamentally corrupt, criminal and unethical acquital, leaves me only to categorize these now notorious, GOP letters to equate to and similarly also indisputably too literally mean: G.O.P = Gain Over Principles! 

Mitch McConnell always to be evilly remembered as the man who then as leader of the Senate purposely and as well equally mendaciously refused to hear as he so arbitrarily delayed and also prevented the Senate from quite lawfully hearing the impeachment trial of Donald J, Drumpf - to accord to him his proper Kraut Nazi name - who was obviously still very much in office, until after  Mitch McConnell's own inflexible stipulation that the aforementioned impeachment trial be held over until the Biden/Harris  inauguration, scheduled for January 20th 2021, when Herr Donald Drumpf would no longer be in office! 

At the subsequent trial hearing on the 9th February 2021, as was evidently, publicly and very crucially mutually agreed by the Senate and the House of Representatives, directly prior to the trial's commencement the Senate by a majority vote firmly stipulated that the about to be commenced trial was constitutionally in order and so the actual trial could and should go ahead; as it was essentially LEGAL to do so! And that as several millions of you both in the USA and globally too  folks is precisely what happened! 

The tally of the votes after the end of the trial was 57 in favour of a guilty verdict and 43 for acquital. In a very bipartisan act 7 Republican senators voted with 50 Democrats for Herr D.J. Drumpf: a member of the Republican Party and the USA President who was on trial, to properly and justifiably as well convict this terrorist instigating and coup plotters' campaign seeking to illegally and bloodily overturn a democratically held election that he'd comprehensively lost and, as a result, unlawfully remain as US President. 

Among a host of specious, quite lying and a plethora of disingenuously sick very mendaciously evil and distinctly repugnant excuses the 43 Republican  senators: comprising collectively and individually, a truly repulsive bunch of white, ingrained racist, sewer rats;  but characteristically delusional and so thoroughly endemically embedded in their outlandish, white supremacy and white master race fantasies very asininely and totally unconvincingly - but that didn't matter to them  - that it was "unconstitutional" to impeach a president who wasn't any longer in office and was now a private citizen. 

This notwithstanding the formal and legally binding ruling the Senate had made to the contrary previous to the commencement of the impeachment trial and therefore every senator was on oath and honour bound to uphold.

Among those who took this deceitful and abhorrent stance and very much so calculatedly voted to acquit Donald J. Drumpf was Mitch McConnell, who is the Republicans' Senate leader but  became the ex Senate majority leader after the Democrats gained control on the 20 January 2021 and therefore assumed control of the Senate. 

And not only did Mitch McConnell use his individual vote to acquit Donald J. Drumpf, doing so on the unbelievable argument that this repulsive criminal Donald Drumpf either couldn't or else shouldn't, as far as he was personally concerned, be convicted primarily as he was out of office and, accordingly, a private citizen! And who was it that created the situation which prevented Donald J. Drumpf's trial from actually being held when he was very much in office? The said Mitch McConnell then Senate majority leader and equally so head of the Republican caucus! 

And as if that wasn't enough, this evil moron immediately after the acquital of his criminal Republican Party boss and in his distinctive official position as Senate minority leader went to the podium directly after the Democrats' majority leader had made his speech following the Senate's inability to get a two thirds majority vote in order to convict Donald J. Drumpf, and where Mitch McConnell using the very same totally compelling arguments that the impeachment managers had cogently used in this trial, publicly declared in effect that he personally thought that Donald J. Drumpf was unquestionably and decidedly overwhelming GUILTY of all the impeachment charges which were levelled against him! Even so, he - Mitch McConnell - still actually voted to acquit Donald J. Drumpf. Farcically, a hugely toxic and nastily egregiously  disingenuous Mitch McConnell voting effectively against his very speech!

What an incisive insight into the quite sick, and thoroughly twisted minds of entreched white privilege, delusional white supremacy and, similarly too, mendaciously sick,  and endemically white master race fantasies!  So absolutely grateful and delightfully pleased that I was quite proudly born BLACK and still firmly remain in that frame of mind!