By Stanley Collymore
Some bullies do their nasty
work incognito through
social media; others
regularly and malevolently
given both a platform and
the accompanying power
to them, quite obviously
and very irresponsibly,
solely to enhance their
staunch inadequacies
and rabidly festering
insecurities by these
key racist rightwing
owned - thoroughly
managed and fully
authorized, totally
Caucasian driven,
white supremacy
organized media
authorities - and
these power-hungry junkie
morons like Piers Morgan
basically, virulently and
vitriolically then vilely
abuse through their personally
accorded to them uncensored
media bullhorns - notably so
particularly whenever they
are accorded microphones:
and, crucially, become par
for an unbalanced course
by these lunatic believed
vital loss of their clearly
prized societal and now
critically threatened by
simply incalculably so,
in all respects thought
of as 'inferior Niggers'
by white supremacist
believers, in terms of
their own delusional
master race doctrine
a maliciously sick ideology
compounded by the same
vile, entrenched racism
beliefs held by the owners and
CEOs who control and clearly
run these so-called MSM. So
to these wholly inadequate
but nevertheless blatantly
unwarranted and nastily
engaged overprivileged
white, but so cowardly
pillocks, their ranting
perniciously divisive
mantra routinely is:
Don't you trustingly
believe what you do see, or
personally and even quite
objectively, significantly
know to be the genuine
truth; but importantly
and unquestioning at
all times, absolutely,
everything that we
caringly impart to
you, because it is
the reasonably
fair way to go.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
25 February 2021.
Author's Remarks:
Seriouslg, what basically, irrefutably sane, erudite educationally and both very intellectually sound and clearly of a truly sound, well balanced mind would want to utilize valuable living time to kill an irredeemably lowlife, criminally bent, narcissistic, hellishly intoxicated with himself; so petulant and nauseatingly puerile - routinely, as it's very easy to observe, glaringly flip-flopping on every possible issue and markedly thoroughly dependant on which direction the public wind is blowing?
This man-child, Piers Morgan, who is a blatantly divisive, very malevolent, and as such a certifiably mendacious and vitriolically serial bully and also an endemically entrenched, rampant misogynist and virulently toxic racist is no more justifiablly a human being than a visibly frothing extravagantly at the mouth, terminally ill, and very infected with rabies dog is!
And for Piers Morgan to so stupidly even suggest that quite realistically anyone apart from all distinctively similarly likeminded vile trolls that he so effusively attracts and eagerly embraces would logically desire to gratuitously murder him and his so fatuously over-indulgent wife Celia is essentionally equally tantamount to someone like me very irritatingly having a severe bout of constipation, and then when I'd eventually passed my stool instead of flushing it down the loo I hurriedly scooped it out of the lavatory bowl and then instantly rather frenziedly proceeded to very angrily literally knock the shits out of my crap for basically having the nerve to inconvenience me!
It wouldn't happen! Besides I firmly live in the real world and seriously suspect that like your buddy Donald J. Drumpf and his plethora of odious Nazi, far right and other entrenched delusional white supremacist cunts, you Piers Morgan, in running to the police with fake death threats which you most likely crafted yourself, are jumping on this same, mentally sick and twisted American bandwagon to give yourself some undeniably much needed relevance in your and Celia's pathetic lives. For, as I actually see it and fundamentally as well from my honest perspective, the toxic sewer cesspit that you, Celia and the rest of your sort are distinctly and unfortunately still living is solely your concern.
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