
Thursday 29 February 2024

Why bother with masochistic, monarchically inured serf Brits? The cretins aren't worth it!

By Stanley Collymore

Trying to altruistically as well as
ethically help these obviously
white morons undoubtedly
distinctively clearly attendant with their
genocidal overseas kin, is significantly
simply essentially, unquestionably the
equivalent, however goodnaturedly of
trying to do so, of essaying to literally
put a ruddy great, blazing inferno out
with the contents, of a watering can!
So here's my main discourse on this
topic! William Windsor quite literally
that all of these like-minded, racists
worship is both unwarrantedly, also
immorally and unjustly a billionaire;
unequivocally so, as he hasn't for a
single second, very lawfully earned
the money, that he abundantly has;
and furthermore having acquired it
is clearly biasedly, obviously unlike
everyone else basically outside his
actual hereditary and feudal family
totally exempt, from simply paying
Inheritance tax on these billions of
Pounds that he has safely actually
wantonly, but crucially been given!

So William simply ostentatiously
spending three million Pounds
Sterling for literally hyped up
accommodation for a thoroughly paltry
few quite randomly selected homeless
persons is the actual least that he can
do; and in reality, is undeniably merely
loose change to him, just as far as he
himself, or any generally, distinctlvely
sensible, and really intelligent person
is really concerned. But all the same,
in an evidently inured irrefutably serf
mindset and an unquestionably also
feudally entrenched country, exactly
like Britain, this rather puerile risibly
patronizing gesture of William buys
him excellent publicity, and actually
that's clearly all that does matter to
William and his crucially effectively
veritably essential, and very Middle
Ages mindset but simply fatuously
implanted nevertheless in the 21st
Century, hereditary family dynasty!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
29 February 2024.

Author's Remarks:

This monarchical family should be rather sensibly abolished with the equally quite useless and unnecessary House of Lords, as they're simply remnants of an outdated, class infested, non-meritocratic and a very corrupt feudal system whose totally rather noxious presence does not quite remotely so belong in a genuine democracy!

And what's equally baffling is that you very prized idiots clearly avidly supporting both of these societal obscenities are evidently irrefutably some of the worst critics of the Russian President Vladimir Putin that very obviously in marked contrast was elected, just as Joe Biden was. Doesn't necessarily mean, that either of them are actually any bloody good at what they do or try to, but, at least, they're there because the national electorate voted them into office. Evidently something that can't be said for the British monarchic system or the House of Lords.

Yet while you inured serf idiots are literally actually to a man and woman distinctively lambasting Putin or Biden you quite clearly and unquestionably rather idiotically allow an unelected man/woman to be obviously Head of State of the UK; a rather sickening state of affairs based solely on who he or she was born to. Utterly, and pathetically, most ridiculous! Yet additionally in the very apt and most puerile manner do amazingly quite ludicrously see yourselves, especially rather delusionally, despite your rampantly, obviously glaringly, distinctly intellectually challenged inabilities, as undoubtedly the sole members exclusively of some white master race entity. Lol!

No wonder you lot essentially do prefer an unaccountable, feudal and very controlling dynasty ruling over you as you quite clearly can't bloody well think for yourselves; and moreover conspicuously simply daft as pig shit; you evidently, naturally do prefer your obviously perceived as, societal superiors to literally do your thinking for you and as well determine the opinions that you most definitely must have!

Hong Kong and the defunct British Empire nostalgically revisited!

By Stanley Collymore 

The Daily Mail rather expectedly
very vaingloriously eulogizing
naturally about immigrants
of whatever status or category and doing
so most specifically if they're discernibly
Aryan white and essentially British, who
often, usually inevitably and enforcedly,
literally unlimited and uninvited clearly
essentially migrated to other people's
countries, which they very summarily,
arbitrarily, and not infrequently, really
barbarously and equally, specifically
racially clearly took over unilaterally
irrefutably without local indigenous  
consultation or general permission
and simply distinctly commonly so
across the non-white Global South.

Yet ironically, most audaciously
and specifically hypocritically,
crucially odiously, distinctly
malevolently egregiously and discernibly
undoubtedly quite toxically verminously
and equally, thoroughly unquestionably
essentially rather vitriolically verbosely
and mostly too diametrically opposed
to all non-white immigrants obviously
even rabidly so from those previously
subjugated countries; and effectively
too those made hapless refugees as
a direct result, of Britain's barbarous,
illegal wars, and equally avariciously
Immorally vast wealth expropriation
ever literally setting foot, even in the
most pressingly deserving cases of
evidently compassionate migration,
in reverse, humanitarianly in the UK.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
29 February 2024.

Author's Remarks:

Oh, the good old days when Britain ruled the world automatically, never mind that it was quite invariably without the consent of those countries indigenous peoples; but in essence what the heck! As those wantonly carrying out their quite barbaric atrocities and absolutely clearly routinely purloining other peoples' natural resources and very immense wealth were simply Aryan white Caucasians, so that was logically fine! 

So fine in effect that these odious, simply toxically verminous exploiters could even blatantly and rather brazenly very openly delude themselves convincingly that this  evidently very massive country which they arrogantly renamed Australia and actually where the indigenous Aborigines obviously have literally been living for in excess of 65 thousand years, was a Terra nullius entity, as were other countries very self- evidently to these barbarous white interlopers, like New Zealand, Canada, the USA and even South Africa where the quite similarly butchered and marginalised indigenous populations didn't matter in the least. 

And what a terrible disgrace for this white master race that within the 21st Century it is now expected to think of Blacks and, as well, other non-whites as human beings; if at the same time, still simply quite inferior to whites, but in doing so expected as well to simply and actually, evidently naturally, very distinctly share crucially and logically also perceived white living spaces with all of those, who wish to irrefutably, obviously significantly freely avail themselves of this rather honoured privilege. A gross tragedy and innovating insult if ever there was one! 

Essentially, what obviously has the world come to when in addition to quite actually having to acknowledge these very inferior specimens as human beings we the quite obviously master race elements of a clear Aryan white Caucasian earthly population must enforcedly be obliged to specifically share our living spaces, with these clearly inferior specimens of supposed humanity.

To which I enthusiastically add: "Dream on whitey!" As crucially evidently apart from everything else, Blacks were quite the first ever Homo sapiens to obviously emerge on Planet Earth and whites the very last!

Wednesday 28 February 2024

You're spouting a load of utter crap Harriet Harman! Get real, woman!

By Stanley Collymore 

No way should our MPs ever be
allowed to work from home or
anywhere else, come to that,
for that matter as many of them clearly
and quite unscrupulously already do in
the latter case. We quite literally, elect
our MPs, in this here United Kingdom,
to effectively unquestionably actually
readily, and professionally; physically
and accountably, significantly deliver
themselves quite accountably within
the House of Commons, and literally
crucially as well actually take part in
debates and informatively, distinctly
vote on issues of the day! Obviously
and naturally too, really significantly
like all other essentially responsible
and, undoubtedly crucially, mentally
mature individuals - prospective, as
well as clearly, literally successfully  
elected MPs should really, from the
very outset distinctively know what
that specific job, they're essentially
after logically entails, its obligatory
responsibilities; rather significantly  
also the stated salary obviously on
offer and, quite crucially, attendant
with all that, the evidently requisite
working conditions very irrefutably
and basically, naturally associated
with that actual job, itself; whether
the very discernibly enquiring after
it individual actually takes it or not.
And if the distinct requirements of
that specific job on really naturally
thoroughly well informed and also
indisputably quite similarly logical
and essentially, intelligent scrutiny
don't at all really satisfactorily suit
you as that prospective employee,
then quite simply, and intelligently
don't apply for that job. Obviously! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 February 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
What next will you be fatuously advocating Harriet Harman? That requisite to our NHS, effectively the entirety of the NHS medical staff: consultants, doctors of all grades as well as specialities, along with nurses and other similar backup staff be all allowed to work from home and the only contact they do obviously have with all the patronizingly perceived as, quite effectively ordinary and discernibly insignificant plebeian, serf and subjects of this here UK realm is distinctly by video link.

The patients would naturally, of course, at their very own expense make their way to the appropriate hospital and the necessary medical staff member would diagnose him or her quite obviously naturally from home through that video link and thus effectively direct them through that link on the clearly actually necessary steps they distinctively needed to take including actual operations on themselves!

A state of affairs, of course, that our quite divine monarchical lot in tandem naturally with those who could afford to pay, would not be subjected to!

Or if likemindedly you're a member of the British fire services and similarly choose to work from home, you essentially direct all emergency callers who're very desperately reporting that their homes are distinctively and seriously on fire and thus very inimical to their lives and therefore as a significant consequence of this they actually urgently need help; only to be informed not to really worry as the fire officers will most crucially direct them over the phone, how to literally put that fire out! What could be simpler?

Tuesday 27 February 2024

This sham, self-serving and unending cry of anti-Semitism should be firmly and contemptibly ignored!

By Stanley Collymore 

What right did the UK and USA
actually have to distinctively
and literally give someone
else's land quite obviously freely away
to others, who crucially, basically had
no right what ever, to be really there;
and who evidently, if truth be simply
and honestly clearly told neither the
United States nor essentially Britain  
effectively, naturally wanted any of
this lot inside their own, respective
lands. And this really 80 years ago!
So, while you're effectively honing
your evidently lame and distinctly
discernibly dishonest supposition,
for the existence of this genocidal
travesty, perhaps you'd obviously
similarly care to likewise explain
and please, simply feel free to do
so quite openly and bluntly even
if with your literally very odious,
lying and dishonest track record
not truthfully necessarily but all
the same simply convincingly, if
you can, and a question that I'm
also openly directing to the USA,
Britain and their plethora of toxic
thoroughly brainwashed morons.

How did the size actually of this
very self-evidently, terroristic
and barbarically acquired
and also attendant with its distinctly
quite from the outset, South African
style infested apartheid system and
unquestionably really similarly too
essentially secret nuclear weapons
creation ongoingly complemented
illegally, both by the USA, and also
Britain and rather crucially as the
pariah rogue state which it is; but
actually not classed as such really
because these mass killers and as
well those rampant genociders of
the several thousands, of actually
very undeniably simply innocent
Palestinian civilians, and literally
likewise, babies in hospital cribs;
are like yourselves, imperialistic,
white, and Caucasians! So tell us,
as if intelligent folk, simply don't
already know, how this basically
literally artificially made, Zionist
cesspit rather risibly posing as a
civilized country, quite distinctly
obviously could, from its savage
and terroristic origins; crucially
could have essentially, basically
normally grown in size quite so
exponentially, and significantly.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 February 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
Good on you Charlotte Church, and much respect to you! As distinctively and unquestionably there is no shame whatever in being anti-genocidal and, furthermore, conscionably letting your views on it be honestly, courageously and similarly, publicly known!

History and manifestly so undoubtedly future generations of clearly creditable worth instinctively and praiseworthily distinctively lastingly remember moral and outstanding intelligent individuals like you; the actually brainwashed and distinctly also intellectually challenged are interred unforgotten, and rather thankfully so, with their vile discarded bones!

Where's the beef then? Where's the quite absolutely, incontrovertible DNA proof, and in an era of modern technology not wanton bloody superstition, to categorically prove that these quite rabid, mercenary, Zionist Yid fakes are actually Semites?

Monday 26 February 2024

Those who idiotically only see themselves as the real British have an inured capacity for hypocrisy! Don't they?

By Stanley Collymore 

Maybe Judge Tan Ikram was being
unfortunately, simply temporarily
unconsciously biased like all of
these routinely customarily so so-called
indigenous, multiple white members of
British society, whose unquestionably
racist actions are never ever second
guessed far less so aptly subjected
to quite objective scrutiny! Actually,
I don't see the problem, with these
images. These lawfully protesting
ladies, having their valid opinions
just as you truly abhorrent haters
and entrenched racist always do.
And basically while a majority of
decent people irrefutably realise
that what you actually obviously
and very unquestionably crassly
say and do is rather abominably
wrong, they're naturally likewise
fully aware, the interested ones,
that they can't, or shouldn't pick
and choose free speech! Since,
you either have it or you do not.

The real problem actually is that
you odiously vile and evidently
quite evilly inured, rightwing,
Nazi; racist, laughably delusional white
supremacist, fatuous, empire loyalists,
and unquestionably, rather sickeningly
genocidally loving, toxically and rather  
verminous pillocks actually think, that
just what you clearly illogically simply
believe and say must undoubtedly be
universally accepted, and applauded!
While every opinion which is contrary
to your own - irrespective of however
realistically intellectual or just - must
instantaneously and likewise as well
unequivocally, publicly and naturally
brutally condemned and demonized,
along with their advocates as wrong.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 February 2024.

Author's Remarks:
According to British law the use of Nazi symbols is not a crime; and why should it be in hypocritical Britain, absolutely bearing in mind that the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten - and undoubtedly purportedly Windsor -  assemblage, is unquestionably the actual monarchical, and quite hereditarily unelected family rulers of Britain; and whose evidently, self-entitled, unwarrantedly rich at the absolute expense of their British serfs, subjects, plebs and likeminded fawning and brownnosing flunkey servants, and all this in the 21st Century, is clearly the sole family outfit, whose dysfunctional and significantly, massively; obviously distinctly incestuously inbred members sprogs can quite idiotically but literally exclusively ever become Head of State of the United Kingdom; and guess what they're biologically German!

Additionally too, but unsurprisingly so are all those, as is the case normally in Britain, those with literally convenient memories about who actually saved the UK's pathetic ass during World War 2 from the Nazis and the sick genocidal throngs of Ukrainian Waffen SS units working assiduously in Auschwitz, in Belsen Bergen, Dachau and other death camps to effectively eradicate the then branded as Untermenchen that simply were deemed to contaminate allegedly Aryan white, Supremacist Europe.

But most sickeningly in all this are you literally inhuman bastards some of you quite actually knowing what Britain did and knowingly so to the Palestinians, in unquestionably sequestering their own longstanding and distinctly undisputed homeland and handing it over to those who obviously have no legitimate right whatever to be there! And they know it but simply like the bogus Semites they claim to be will never admit it. Semites they rail but rather crucially in the 21st Century and with DNA technology very much available resolutely refuse to put that bogus claim of theirs to the test!

Ask yourself this simple question and try and do so honestly. Let's effectively for argument sake assume that you're living with your family in a substantial house for some time, then one day this guy shows up and says it's really his; in effect it's been in his family for years but his family mysteriously either died or were killed off and he is now simply the sole direct descendant alive; so he wants you out and clearly the recovery of what's lawfully his. You undoubtedly seek legal advice but at each approach by your lawyers this bogus claimant at all times refuses to effectively provide any convincing or irrefutable proof of who he is or that he has any links, even the most tenuous ones to the property you're lawfully living in; would you in all honesty happily, meekly hand over your home to this fraudster? And quite honestly if he then with odious friends of  his use brute force and because he's well connected to drive you and as well your family out of your home, wouldn't you retaliate accordingly as the heroic Palestinians and Hama are doing,

These Zionist Yids are no more genuine practitioners of Judaism, as discernibly William Windsor is an avid, practising Christian and regular Church goer; yet he's hypocritically slated to be the next actual Head of the Church of England after his serial adulterous dad Charles, and also similarly, marital hypocritical gran, Liz!

These Zionist Yids are undoubtedly in Palestine because quite frankly all the white western nations evidently didn't want them relatively en masse in their own countries and which also included the USA; because although being whites themselves they were universally hated by other whites and in 2024, quite long after their multiple inflicted, centuries old pogroms by their own kind, as well as the European holocaust, one simply honestly understand why they're really very detested! For they hubristically do  instinctively have this rather delusional notion clearly pertaining to themselves in every regard; a situation abhorrently compounded, by the simply undoubted  fact that their actually naked obsession with and avid, compulsive hoarding of money, which they treat as a god, can and will achieve for themselves really whatever they want. And in a basically fucking greedy white driven world that is too daft, brainwashed or plain stupid their assumptions are usually spot on!

Malevolently and egregiously evil they are no different from the Nazis whom they supported by initially hoping to actually benefit financially. The literal evidence is simply there in the German contemporary archives but is evidently inconvenient for all those in positions of power to raise or point out, in really the same way as whitewashing the so-called and non-existent, but very avidly all the same proselytised perfect marital union between Philip Mountbatten and Liz Windsor.

Let me put a simple scenario to those of you with any truly viable brain matter inside your head. If someone, whether a man or woman marries and that very same marriage fails, observers literally might attribute that failure to being the fault of both partners. Now let's assume that just one of these divorced spouses remarried 7 times to people who didn't know each nor the first spouse come to that, but every one of these marriages, with this initial divorced person clearly ends in disaster like the first marriage, you'd have to be a perfect, brain dead cunt not to fathom out that there is a common denominator. Obviously the person who married 8 times. Exactly with all these European pogroms, in essence carried out at different times across the entirety of Europe simply by different Europeans and similarly also the European holocaust itself and done effectively to simply obviously just one group of people, evidently Kharzarian Zionist Yids, one will have to be clearly thick as pig shit not to see that there is and was a common denominator. If for argument sake left Barbados, because, as I claimed, everyone there was vilely always picking on me, left England too and subsequently Germany for simply the same alleged reasons, I would be categorically told by everyone that I complained to and had a functioning brain to fucking well shut up and very curtly told, have you ever thought that your problems are all your fault and of your own making? Not apparently so with kiss-me-ass, a nice Bajan turn of phrase, Zionist Yids with money, and the Wiedergutmachung compensation exclusively to their odious sort and in 2024 from Germany still running into the multiple billions to burn, and sick, greedy, cunts to be financial bought!

The Palestinians who're genuinely and biologically Semites didn't execute any of these Yid pogroms nor did they start or carry out, Europe's internecine war that whites basically and especially Brit ones, genuinely so or undeniably make believe ones, like Boris Kemal Johnson, Tom Bauer, Sarah Vine and other quite sick and odiously evil Yid scum, love to proselytize as World War 2, when in all actuality it obviously had fuck all to do with the non-white world and crucially the Global South, notwithstanding the indisputable fact that in excess of one million Asians, likewise the very same number of Africans, literally hundreds of thousands of Afro-Caribbeans as well as Black Americans altruistically risked and even courageously, sacrificed their lives to quite significantly save Britain's Dunkirk Retreat type, clearly cowardly ass, with the Russians heroically doing the same in Eastern Europe! Obviously what a really noxious, very sickeningly quite odious bunch of ungrateful cunts you are!

Palestine effectively, simply wasn't the only post-war homeland which Britain, the other European run countries and the USA along with others like Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and clearly, and both naturally, Australia wanted to shove these post-war Yids into; basically any place their very own. Kenya and as well places quite distinctly as far afield as South America were considered but Britain decided surreptitiously to hand them Palestine. Don't just take my own word for any of this, just actually do get off your brainwashed, stupid asses and research the facts for yourselves as the information is all there.

Yet these are the very people that really in customarily, discernibly very rabidly proselytizing their bogus anti-Semitism to drag in the billions which they of all the European holocaust victims clearly exclusively get, behave quite far worse towards the Palestinians that they very obviously want to genocidally get rid of and pretend as the Australians did with the Aborigines and obviously their very own indigenous population, deceitfully pretend as they believe their own, sick and convicted lies, quite essentially that Palestine was Terra nullius and as such no so-called Palestinians ever existed.

That's why conscionable minded people globally, and similarly in Britain also, in their considerable numbers are making their feelings known and rather openly protesting in numerous ways to simply show their support for the Palestinian nation! And their revulsion at the evil, vile, markedly toxically verminous Yid genociders!

And, amidst all this, we obviously have the Daily Mail and other right-wing rags in tandem with effectively likeminded racist media that during World War 2 were active cheerleaders and advocates as well as keen supporters of universal Yid extermination, and their very easily bought Yids distinctively demanding all sorts of iniquities to be rained down on those that quite essentially in their own sick minds have the audacity to literally support and openly so, the Palestinians and their legitimately just cause.

So 3 British, pro-Palestinian women on a lawful pro-Palestinian demonstration shouldn't simply be arrested, promptly too charged as well, for actually having a picture each actually, respectively of purportedly Hamas paragliders on the back of their attire, but similarly when they're discernibly, ludicrously fucking well fatuously found guilty for basically offending it would seem, the very racist sensitivities of clearly hypocritical Yids, and a jury of undoubtedly, distinctively discernibly, undeniably likeminded Yid sympathisers and supporters of Zionist Yid Israel; but a judge, who happens to be non-white: unquestionably, a rarity uniquely throughout the entirety of the British judicial system - professionally, ethically and logically, naturally simply refused to incarcerated them by giving them lengthy jail sentences undeniably so for their clear freedom of expression that quite ostensibly offended all these odiously vile Yids and predictably their very brainwashed surfeit of supporters these very same sickeningly abhorrent mother fuckers then turn of the judge in tandem with the right-wing press and electronic media along with their white as well as Useful Idiots non-white usual moronic mouthpieces literally turn on this commendable judge accusing him most idiotically and hypocritically of racial bias - obviously distinctly akin to a situation for instance where Andrew Pierce, an inured homosexual, were to ludicrously, in order to effectively score cheap and meaningless points naturally for him but fatuously, took to branding the fully heterosexual Jeremy Corbyn a Queer, because he doesn't like this very  honest and absolutely quite discernibly as well crucially commendable human being; something which Andrew Pierce quite the odious mouthpiece boy of the Daily Mail and a Lord right-winger isn't, never was and undoubtedly never will be.

A most ridiculous case then of all these Yids demanding that Judge Tan Ikram be investigated for bias and should clearly be sacked. Interesting that the very few, totally minuscule in number non-white judges in the very entirety of the British judicial system were only appointed in this 21st Century and we're essentially only 24 years into so. So all those Blacks and other non-white defendants clearly finding themselves in court and before all white judges, juries, magistrates etc. and being given lengthy jail sentences for "crimes", often fitted up, that real white criminals were either set free or given vastly reduced sentences by all these supposed impeccable judges and magistrates, who were simply pristine white, that was fine and resplendent of the good old days. Now not so. Because there are judges like Tan Ikram that do take their jobs seriously and know also from personal experience and being a minority themselves what racial bias actually is, and don't nor will they ever be a part of it!

From my personal perspective and, as well, actually aware how white British judges and the then CPS vilely colluded to stop the family of murdered Stephen Lawrence, as well as Stephen himself, get justice, it's discernibly nice to see a departure, albeit a miniscule one, away from those inhuman and overtly racist days!  

And to want to have 3 ladies arbitrarily jailed for offending odious Yid and very racist sensitivities by justly supporting the Palestinian cause when any actual noxious cunt can wear Nazi insignia in Britain clearly offending the non-white veterans who voluntarily and similarly altruistically fought and died to clearly and actually save the pathetic ass of the UK sickens me very immensely as some of those volunteers were close relatives of mine!

Having thoughtfully quit the so-called British educational system and moved to Germany as I realized how education was about to be dumbed down the UK and wanted no part of it, a situation on my part that I've never regretted, I do categorically know from my in-depth research as well as my experiences in Germany, far more beneficial than they ever were in Britain, that having really invented the Atomic Bomb, Germany could have used it as Herr Adolf Hitler's closest advisors literally wanted him to but he resolutely refused on principle; yes principle! I wish he hadn't because there wouldn't now be a sickening and ongoing genocide of the Palestinians.

Hitler's refusal meant, that the USA did eventually get its grubby hands on that German technology, and distinctively as an unquestionable result, there literally was Hiroshima and Nagasaki, showing the true face and rabid barbarity of the USA.

Under internationally, generally agreed convention those countries that did not have nuclear weapons when it actually came into effect got financial relief, on the strict condition that they essentially clearly compulsorily joined the Nuclear Non Proliferation Pact. Israel obviously as was apartheid were not members, for obvious reasons. The ANC had from the outset made it actually abundantly clear that if they ever did become the legitimate government of South Africa that literally all nuclear weapons held there would be instantly given up. This against the backdrop of the USA and as well Britain, publicly and very simply, obviously castigating the ANC for truly saying apartheid South Africa actually had nuclear weapons and with the full blessing of Britain and the USA.

However, on the ANC having gained its own political power in South Africa the same USA and Britain were demanding even before a formal government was created by the ANC that they gave up South Africa's nuclear which these said lying white, racist British and likewise USA barbaric cunts were vociferously, prior to the ANC suddenly coming into power, telling the entire world actually didn't exist. Brilliantly and similarly too with the true contempt these odiously noxious mother-fuckers deserved the ANC delightedly and contemptuously sent these nuclear weapons to the USA and Britain. Brilliantly done ANC I truly thought at the time; and up yours both Britain and the USA.

But Zionist Yid Israel still has its full plethora of nuclear weapons thanks to the USA, Britain and even Germany. In the USA's case despite a law enshrined there that specifically bars the USA - go check it out and not just take my own word for it - from giving financial aid to any country that refuses to join the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons pact. The consensus between these two very bullying bastards being, that as long as Israel denies it has nuclear weapons the USA will likewise pretend that it doesn't while annually forking out billions of USA's tax dollars along with Britain to what is effectively a rated No.5 global nuclear entity but most insidiously a fucking rogue state that makes Nazi Germany pale into obvious insignificance!

British born but with a very distinctive Barbadian and Christian culture, my Bajan culture instilled in me from my birth as it is automatically in my fellow Bajans is to fear no one, fear nothing and respect death but never be afraid of it as it's inevitable and there's life after death. To respect those that are deserving of that respect and never to hate or envy others maliciously so. To not be afraid to speak the truth to any one and most specifically so to power. So there's not a solitary one of you that I despite - not hate - which I'm afraid of. A thorough Bajan fully cognizant of so-called British culture, I'll tell it as it is, and that's part of what I am doing here.

My sympathies are with the Palestinian people, as they were with Blacks in also USA, Britain and the white West's evilly supported apartheid South Africa. And as such my conscience is clear; and my question to you is, how do manage to actually live with your own? Think on that!

Saturday 24 February 2024

Why on Earth would Meghan ever again want to step into a veritable cesspit called Britain?

By Stanley Collymore 

Another so-called expert and as usual
always anonymous; could be the
tea lady for all we truly know
voicing her personal opinions or actually
more likely, obviously sick speculations.
How nice! Fully aware, that if it's clearly
anything discernibly nasty about Harry
but, actually, distinctively Meghan and
their children; the racist Karens, along
with their quite likeminded Gammons
avidly putting aside, the ramifications
of their egregiously ongoing, pathetic
and biologically too bastard lives will
respond expectedly; and accordingly.
What sends me though, in justifiable
bouts of total derision, at their really
undoubtedly quite fatuous antics, is
that with so many experts allegedly
in Britain our country has invariably
all the same nevertheless evidently
gone to pot, with not simply the EU
but similarly too the vast multitude
of very sane individuals across the
world basically literally laughing at
you rather demented, and deluded
cunts happily ensconced and with
your impeccable and undoubtedly
obsessively monarchical fawning,
as unquestionable serfs, subjects
and toxic, brownnosing plebeians
that you evidently relish, being so
much as in your simply disturbed
version sickeningly manifestly, of
the feudal Middle Ages and quite
distinctly never the 21st Century! 

What the hell is this puerile cunt
of an anonymous and actually
cowardly prat talking about?
Prince Harry didn't need your permission
to walk away and evidently neither does
he need it, to ever come back to Britain,
which I personally doubt, he wishes to;
and the truth is, you and your plethora
of whipped up haters, truly know that,
but as the prime toxic and demented
idiots you are, can't bring yourselves,
to effectively acknowledge that your
rantings are simply the fantasies, in
your very, sick minds. Get real man!
Harry and Meghan very realistically
truly sensibly, logically, intelligently
or in any other really pertinent way
give a shit about you and your vile
fantasies, are all pathetically, sick
creations your vile twisted minds.
What is quite clear though is that
the Palace flunkies are obviously
basically determined still as they
have from the outset; to actually
and also crucially for them drive
a wedge very harmfully between
Harry and Meghan totally egged
on, by these rightwing extremist,
and Nazi media. But it's a losing
game, which these inured racist
but also, very effectively in clear
denial, of their deeply ingrained,
racism scum actually can't see!

What intelligent person would ever
be inclined to, let alone actually
distinctly blame Meghan for
literally, sensibly not wanting to basically
really reside in Britain? A country, where
sick vitriol, of every kind, has be thrown  
at her from day one, and exclusively so
because Harry didn't essentially marry
a purportedly, "English Rose" - the vile
equivalent really to very miraculously
simply expecting, to amongst all the
whores in an established brothel, to
effectively find an untouched virgin.
The same supposed English roses,
of all classes and very well known
universally on holiday globally, for
so enthusiastically dropping their
knickers really avidly, long before
they've even distinctly, unpacked
their luggage then fatuously and
rather hypocritically on returning
home afterwards; simply, crazily
doing so, as they then board the
plane on the homeward journey,
with those simply disingenuous
and dishonest impressions too,
on their smug faces as if butter
would not melt in their mouths!

Ring any bells with you lascivious
whores? Lol! Frankly and simply
unquestionably, white British
women are simply categorically known
and actually very realistically regarded
as the easiest fucks, of all other white
Caucasian women, when basically on
holiday overseas; really regardless of
their age; marital status or none and
social standing! Improper behaviour
very literally indulged in at home, as
well; since these rabid, significantly
hypocritical and dishonest trollops,
simply can't keep their knickers on.
So obviously Harry quite genuinely
and reciprocally too, falling in love
with a thoroughly, visibly mentally,
quite liberated and well educated,
distinctively, ethically work-driven
African American woman; clearly
not a discernibly, very repulsively
work shy cum sickeningly, social
climbing undeniably obsessively
stalking, and a characteristically
damnably, most unquestionably
too instinctively gold digger Yid
trollop like Kate Middleton who
even now, bloody well naturally
sits on her obviously quite lazy
ass and, essentially, can't even
be patronizingly that bothered
to essentially tell you ignorant
fawning assholes distinctively
conjoined with the plethora of
prized prats, asininely making
fucking idiotic and very risibly
pathetic, excuses for her; just
what's allegedly, her problem;
as if shrewd folk, didn't know.

A woman who William married
after 10 years of badgering
from her - because Kate
was keen for the role and he himself,
the closet Philip Schofield figure he
himself sexually is, under pressure
from his grandmother Liz Windsor
clearly obligatorily, needed to add
to the Firm's necessary heirs and
spares so William simply gave in.
Now, he fucking-well, can't stand
this wife of his, and why fittingly,
you the discernibly brainwashed
serfs are having, all this actually
melodrama crap regarding Kate
yet saying nowt, that's concrete
about what's simply, a fictitious
illness and the genuine ailment
effectively is, that Kate's clearly
superfluous, to William's actual
requirements; in essence she's
simply really redundant to him;
her Stepford Wife and likewise
broodmare activities obviously
at an end clearly as his mother
Diana was to his father and all
these rather puerile, Harry and
Meghan stories - a distraction
to conceal Waity's inevitability.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
23 February 2024.

Author's Remarks:
So Harry does not get to do something he has not asked to do and clearly does not want to do! I bet he's crushed. Lol. You totally ignorant cunt Richard Eden. As for William, he's as big a buffoon as his clown of a father, Charles. So what is really the point of your arse licking story - since it's quite reliably known that you just love that posterior part of the human body Richard Eden - the receipt of a gong from the heir to the British throne and the equivalent of a simply cowardly Philip Schofield, exactly like yourself Richard Eden. You make up stories about Harry and Meghan, but just for once you might like to enlighten your readers about your Queer/paedo self! Loser! No genuine intelligent person I would imagine cares about your twisted views Richard Eden; so just stay out of other families business and sort out your own!

Harry and Meghan apologize for actually telling the truth? No way; Richard Eden! And William knows it!

There's no logical or realistic reason that Harry and Meghan would offer to return to so-called royal duties which they both of them voluntarily quit! So this crap from you Richard Eden is nothing but dishonest and shit speculation, which your own evidently Queer/paedophile activities aren't! Go sort those out buster!

Enforcedly born British but hardly in the country and then so only specifically at my convenience; for all of you real British, as well as Pogrom and likewise European Holocaust escapers, quite make believe and proselytizing ones, so vaingloriously asserting in your condescension that the entirety of humanity, and especially if they are effectively non- white and specifically Black have one major ambition in mind and that's to come to Britain, live there and be overwhelmingly catered for; simply do ask yourself this obvious question, why would they? To be amongst scum like you? I don't think so!

Until Britain along with the USA and the rest of NATO, started to genocidally as is the white man's custom, barbarously and likewise illegally invade their countries, kill millions of their inhabitants, and similarly turn millions more of their population into both internal and external refugees while pursuant with this white savagery literally outlining their wealth and massive natural resources for the invaders and their own countries benefit; causing these refugees to flee eventually to places like Britain, as they knew full well that although not ever wanted there, they were relatively safe, since Britain and the likes of the USA just weren't or aren't going to bomb the shits out of their own country because these man made refugees were there!

So shut your fucking mouths up, and stop deluding yourselves that these refugees generally want to be in places like Britain because they love you, actually relish your supposed country and distinctly adore living among scum like you! Get a life if you think that for you're fucking wrong as your sort are on most things!  And if Brexit champions like Nigel Farage and Andrew Neil along with others feel it necessary to permanently hold on to their EU passports and citizenship as well as carry on living in the EU along with other British experts who can afford to do so and discernibly take the opportunity to fuck off from cunts like you, that should tell you all you need to know, but you're too dumb to see and analyse real facts are you? As racism and delusional fabrication are jointly your own thing!

So against that backdrop why would Harry but specifically Meghan taking into account your orchestrated racism against her actually under any kind of circumstance whatsoever want to live among you lowlife, toxically verminous scum?

So to return to you again Richard Eden, with Charles Windsor seemingly about to kick the bucket any time soon and a facsimile but cowardly William “Philip Schofield" Windsor effectively about to constitutionally take over from him, what are you really aspiring for Queer boy Richard Eden? To be the Palace and hopefully as well, William's personal equivalent to what Jimmy Savile was to Charles for in excess of 25 years, just like the Bishop Peter Ball, Jeffrey Epstein, Rolf Harris and the several others were, as longstanding chums of all the Royals, and most specifically the very senior ones, or as your sort Richard Eden will now asininely classify as working ones. Paedophiles quite extraordinaire who not only had the full run of Buckingham Palace and in accordance with that all the residential homes of this most dysfunctional Windsor family and their more than willing plethora of Queer, Dyke and paedophile flunkies who still infest these monarchical residences, and are specifically there because that racist bitch Liz Windsor personally torpedoed the UK's Race Relation Act of 1965 because she didn't want any Niggers or other non-whites working in the proximity of herself and her family. An exclusion stipulation that's still in force in 2024. But these 'royals' too love, like the rest of you, to live in their fucking racism state of denial.

So every one of these royal flunkies aren't chosen on merit but their skin colour, racism adherence and their eagerness to supply these key royals with their sexual preferences. A bunch of Queer and Dyke scum who felt quite inviolate until Harry brought Meghan into this monarchical family. And although it's quite apparent to anyone with a functioning brain that Harry and Meghan reciprocally love each other, Liz only publicly gave her assent because she knew she was fucking well dying, wanted Charles to be succeed her as titular Head of the Commonwealth, a position voted on by the actual members and not in the dictate of Britain. But having Charles there, as he is now, allowed Liz and her sort across the UK to delude themselves that Britain is still a global power, which it isn't.  As Liz saw it as the British Empire Mark 2; and she's not the only one. But realistically it's not. It's a voluntary organization of independent states that were formerly British colonies but are independent countries, some of whom are Republic, and likewise, like Mozambique and Angola for example never British colonies but joined the Commonwealth because they're close neighbours of South Africa and Zimbabwe for example.

So Liz only gave her permission to Harry to marry Meghan because she feared that if she didn't she'd be publicly seen as the racist she was, just like her odious mother and estranged husband who she didn't live with for 33 years, Philip and who in spite of the serial adulterous bastard he was died in the arms of his mistress. So while publicly these oaf were giving the dishonest impression Meghan was welcome, privately they were working as they still are with the British media to break that marriage up. For in marrying Meghan and having kids by her, this fucking dysfunctional, serial adulterous and paedophile Windsor family, aka Saxe Coburg gothe Mountbatten was being contaminated with Nigger blood!

It's my honest belief and I speak only for myself as I always do, however well researched my information is or my well trusted sources and others, that had Liz sought to block Harry's marriage to Meghan he would have told her what to do with herself and gone ahead and married Meghan! And what's causing ructions in the UK media is that they know the marriage between William and Kate is over and now effectively a sham. I couldn't give a fuck what's wrong with this Karen racist gold digger, but all this mystery around her so-called operation, is nowt else but a diversion. After all having sanctified this stalking trollop and made her a SAINT, these media cunts and their trolls can't admit they're wrong can they. So carry on bashing Harry and Meghan and hope for the best! Your fucking problem assholes, not mine!

Finally a piece of advice to Richard Eden. All those now lauding you were once massive supporters of Jimmy Savile. And as sure as Hell awaits you Richard Eden, they'll turn on you too. Preferably before then, go have a fatal accident of some kind!