
Sunday 31 May 2020

If Black Lives don't matter then neither should white racist ones, nor their owners' properties!

By Stanley Collymore

If you're upset at how Blacks and
their likeminded conscionable
and non-Black supporters
are jointly, morally and
laudably protesting
at the deliberate and callous murder
of George Floyd than why they're
rationally protesting; then, like
these racist and killer cops,
you are a key part of the
same abiding problem.
For the police do only  
get away with what
they illegitimately
and homicidally
cogitate about
and precisely 
decide to go
and clearly 

that they're fully aware citizens like
yourselves will consistently cover
up for, or else make outlandish
and pathetic excuses on their
behalf  while casually, totally
unconcernedly and utterly 
cooperatively, in your deafeningly and
approving silence of their barbarous
actions, unquestioningly and most 
supportively allow them to carry
on executing their evil actions
as before! While studiously
turning a blind eye, as all
of your degenerate and
barbarously criminally
disposed sort - who
clearly, even now, 
in the reaction to
George Floyd's
racist, murder

are either sickeningly doing; or
else for good measure most 
brazenly and incautiously
sanctimoniously, quite
patronizingly, but oh
so disingenuously
in your deceitful,
lying and racist grandstanding,
soap-box-adopting stances,
from where in your holier-
than-thou assumptions
you proceed to voice
your indeterminate 
and very phoney
distress for the 
where any
protest is

And amounts to nothing more than
your odious attempts to deflect
attention from the real issue, 
which unquestionably is 
the deliberate killing of George
Floyd; as you equally in your
characteristically repulsive
manner subliminally, as
well as rather publicly, 
disregard everything  
bigots; senseless
imbeciles and of
course, clearly
heartless cop
killers totally 
alike racist
PO Derek 
have for
over a century now quite 
consistently and rather
callously been doing
to all Blacks: men,
youths and also
women with a
derisory and

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
31 May 2020. 

Author's Remarks:
Anyone who is saying that the calculated murder of George Floyd doesn't matter to anyone in the UK is clearly part of the same racist problem. Of course it matters to every single human being, on this planet earth. Until the colour of a man, woman or a child's skin is of no more importance to any other person than the colour of their eyes, it has to matter! And less you forget it the same attitude does persist in the UK. police forces. And we haven't, nor will we ever forget what happened to Mark Duggan or the several others murdered by them in police custody. Go check the figures. They run into the hundreds. Wilful murders for which no UK cop has ever been charged, prosecuted or has done time for. 

And how sickening, and unsurprisingly so, of you white British, entrenched racist lowlifes. Dominic Cummings, the rather boorish and compulsively bullying clown who was a principal architect that helped devised the lockdown laws breaks them; doing so in the most arrogant fashion and what's even more egregious contemptuously on his part gives an  insultingly implausible explanation for an excuse that no intelligent 5 year old would want to use and thus humiliate himself in doing so; but he did nevertheless, did Dominic Cummings, simply because he evidently knows, as does everyone else, how bloody dim-witted, gullible and clearly intellectually challenged your verminous, white scum are. Even so, you and your manipulative MSM were instantaneously up in arms because sensible and honest people said that he should have be sacked. But oh no!  Since you lowlifes defending him don't really give a monkey's ass about his gross and callous infringement of the identical rules he designed for others across the nation or, come to that, have any semblance of what's right and what's wrong; and, furthermore, taken to baying expressly and rather publicly for the head of the BBC's Emily Maitlis and anyone else in public life, come to that, who had properly and conspicuously sensibly pointed out the stark illegality and the rank hypocrisy of what Dominic Cummings did, on a platter.

Yet with the lockdown finally being eased in the UK here again we have these same dim-witted clowns shouting, that the Black Lives Matter protestors, in London and also elsewhere across the UK who're commendably demanding justice for George Floyd and his family are irresponsibly and illegally in their irate and sick opinion breaking the same lockdown laws and rules that those whom these mainly white racist and lowlife scumbags favour, have routinely, along with themselves, been flouting with cavalier impunity, should - Surprise! Surprise! - ruthlessly, and unhesitatingly, have the full weight of the law dumped on them for breaking lockdown rules. No one could make such stupidity up; just vermin like this lot! And, by the way, we certainly don't require your fucking bogus sympathy or any RIP either for George Floyd, as we know there are not genuine. So just piss off you kiss-me-ass lowlife losers!

To those of you who quite condescending say that violence doesn't solve anything, with one sickening Scottish woman arrogantly and pathetically stating that in a few months time no one, even in the USA, will even remember who George Floyd was - well speak for yourself and other lowlife whites like you, and how brave of you to so cowardly hide behind a non de plume, why don't you reveal who you are? Because you know you wouldn't last very long after that. And we also know that those who collectively are pushing your sick argument do so as you see Black lives as cheap and so expendable! What do you think World War II was? Violence to stop the same Nazi and Fascist barbaric attitudes then that routinely  meted out to Blacks in the USA and UK. And I deeply regret that my Dad and others of my family, on both sides, plus  hundreds of thousands of other Afro-Caribbeans, African-Americans and Africans courageously and nobly fought and risked their lives (some of them actually dying) in World War 11, as their predecessors did in World War 1 in matters which were none of their business and had nothing to do with them; just as many of you are asininely claiming in your utter disregard for George Floyd, saying his murder by a white cop, and quite routine in the USA, has nothing to do with the UK. While you and your repulsive sort - who wouldn't be here were it not for the courage and altruism of these Black men in arms - keep persistently in milking the aftermath of Europe's holocaust for everything you get, and have been ongoingly doing so for the last 75 years!

And the only real issue at stake here is that even though these barbarities do, and have previously happened in Britain, whites like yourselves, with your warped sense of entitlement - from Windsor Caste, Buckingham Palace, Sandringham estate right down to your crime-infested council estates neither empathize with nor even care in the least about what happened to George Floyd since you don't see an issue with what is being protested about. But if George Floyd were a YID, who had been murdered in like fashion by BLACK cops, it would have been an entirely different matter! And your sort sickeningly see yourselves, as superior beings and, accordingly, special elements of your rather twisted and demented concept of a master race. Give me strength dear God! Rest eternally Brother George Floyd.


Saturday 30 May 2020

Too stupid even to learn from the mistakes of your own white and barbaric history!

By Stanley Collymore 

The premeditated and quite ruthlessly
enforced slavery of several millions
of thoroughly hapless African men,
women, young children and even
babies; the customarily unmistakable 
and, distinctively, unique barbarism
endemic of white Caucasian men
and women, which among other
heinous and obviously ungodly
crimes morphed into the most
iniquitous and open barbaric 
introduction and, thereafter,
the murderous and wilfully
dehumanizing imposition
of the characteristic and
particular embodiment
of the repugnant and,
also equally globally
recognized and as
well approbatorily
regarded as the
quite villainous
Slave Trade -

whose odious inception ignobly 
at the hands of white Iberian
Sephardic Jews summarily
kicked out of Brazil and afterwards
refused sanctuary by every other
regional country, and the wider
so-called New World that did
deliberately and collectively
block their entry, and also
in addition refused them
assistance of any kind,
as the refugees which 
they were; with only
Barbados: bucking
this resolute, with
its categorically
emphatic and discernibly 
non-humanitarian turn
rather unconditionally
and most humanely
letting these same
Jewish refugees
and their Dutch
supporters in. 

Only for these odiously treacherous and
manifestly ungrateful fiends - when the
sugar cane plants which they'd taken
with them, in their exile from Brazil, 
proved ideally appropriate for the
Barbadian environment and, as
well, helped enormously in the
massive and highly profitable
transformation of the already
highly prosperous economy
that Barbados clearly was;
and specifically too, as was constantly
and very uppermost in their grasping
minds, attaining even much greater
economical rewards and leverage
privately to petition, albeit rather 
unsuccessfully as it happened, 
the self-governing parliament
of Barbados to let them with
the avid assistance of their
Middle Eastern and long-
standing, Arab friends,

whose physical knowledge and basic
awareness of the African continent
and several of its sub-Saharan
countries and communities
exceeded by far that of
any European man or
woman, to organize and fully
implement what would after-
wards heinously become
the involuntary removal
and unpaid for labour:
slavery in actuality,
of those millions
of abducted Africans taken
from their countries and
involuntarily shipped
to Barbados, there
to ameliorate the
shortfall or the 
casualties of 
working in
the sugar

Having, accordingly, absolutely as well
as dismally fail to convince Barbados'
autonomous government to accept,
far less so endorse their repulsive,
self-serving and, unmistakeably, 
financial plans, these basically 
narcissistic and quite money-
fixated, Sephardic Iberians
completely miffed by their
cursory rejection turned 
their narcissistic intent
speedily to the much
more amenable for
them: the London
based and aptly
named, House
of Commons -

there was no United Kingdom then -
and thus graphically and suitably
enticingly, spelling out to these
barefacedly corrupt, obviously
undemocratic and clearly likeminded
white MPs the enormous profits to
be quickly and effortlessly made
with no fuss by the ambitiously
far-sighted among them; the
English aristocracy; equally
the privileged elite among
the Church of England's
diehard sanctimonious
oligarchy - and hugely
appreciable, also the
country's monarchy
and acquiescently
avaricious family;
nothing it seems
has changed attitudinally since
then - from this proffered plan
to introduce wide-scale and
involuntary African slavery
on the sugar plantations
of Barbados was fully 
welcomed and also
sanctioned in law
by an approving 
English House
of Commons. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
17 May 2020. 

Author's Remarks:  
This poem was obviously inspired by three distinct issues, which although seemingly unrelated I none the less do feel they aren't as unconnected as one might casually assume. The first of these is Brexit with its idiotic and so pathetically held imperialistic within the 21st Century delusions by people whose manifest lack of intellectual acumen, their marked inability to think for themselves and who evidently relish nothing better than having others do this for them, plus acquiring a rather fixatedly, discernible attention-seeking penchant to sickeningly, fervidly brown-nose their endemically perceived social and hereditary betters questionably raises a number of conundrums as to whether they do actually qualify to be labelled as human beings.

The second distinct issue is the so-called Covid-19 virus that's being systematically and most brazenly used to create the worst aspects of a Nazi-Fascist-cum-Police State, and the kinds of diktats beloved by the aforementioned Brexiteers and as well their likeminded dim-witted ilk. Too obtuse, of course, to recognize far less so ever acknowledge that Covid-19 is in reality the customary western laboratories  resurgence from its enforced slumber of the South African apartheid, designed to kill only Blacks virus which scientists and molecular biologists, from the several and closely collaborating numbers of white western countries in exceedingly close conjunction with their SA apartheid counterparts very diligently worked on, during South Africa's apartheid-epoch and post the latter's demise was conveniently held in abeyance, until the right conditions re-emerged across the white west generally, and enabling this deliberately created virus: SA apartheid Mark 1 to re-emerge as the Mark II version of itself; and, as such, now wheeled out as a "Covid-19 pandemic" and therefore employed in all its vengeance.

And across the entirety of the white-run west which includes Britain and the USA, with Nazi, fascist and right-wing regimes evidently in the ascendancy and crazily, amply supported by their supposed political opposition parties, the time is fittingly perceived by these obviously wannabe despots, to sinisterly roll out the SA apartheid Virus now labelled as Covid-19 or the Coronavirus - so take your pick! 

During the British, but mainly English, participation in the patently barbaric, Transatlantic Slave Trade: the other major contributors being Portugal, Spain, France, Holland, Denmark and Sweden, that lasted for over half of a millennium; in excess of 50 million Africans were brutally kidnapped from their African homes and countries, enforcedly taken from Africa and shipped mainly to the Caribbean, but also the rest of the so-called New World. 

However, in the routine process of this happening some 14 millions, of these enslaved Africans, lost their lives on the journey, many of them ruthlessly thrown overboard so that the slave ship they were penned in, could more easily outpace pirate ships or competitors keen to steal their human cargo or to simply outrun a threatening, tropical hurricane. So utterly devastating was this customary state of affairs that it was contemporaneously, and widely recorded that the predatory sharks of the Atlantic dramatically changed their pattern of hunting and so rapidly and prodigiously commenced following the slave ships from the waters off Africa to those of the Caribbean, knowing that they would always be guaranteed an excellent and bounteous meal. 

As the purported, but all the same, legally regarded properties of their white enslavers, from their debut Blacks were determinedly and most premeditatedly dehumanized by those who allegedly owned them. Black women and girls of any age were constantly raped and otherwise sexually abused in the certain knowledge that these very unfortunate victims had no recourse, whatsoever, to the law against those who'd sexually abused them - with even charlatan scientists and evidently corrupted, medical doctors publicly adding gross insult to the physical as well as the intense psychological injuries sustained by these hapless Black victims in claiming that Black women couldn't be raped, because their vaginas were essentially physically different from those of all other women, and particularly so white women, determining as a direct result these Black women to be regularly in oestrus and in dire need of sex, which if not had would literally drive them insane. So in the natural and understandable interest of them protecting their human property white men having sex with enslaved Black women whether mutually so, or by virtue of actually raping them, were simply doing these females a huge favour. 

White men, and particularly those obsessed with their very deluded notions of white privilege, have always been misogynistic bullies even to the white women they married and who themselves, as the effete, vapid and distinctly broodmare morons that these sorts of white women clearly were then, and still very much are in the 21st Century, happily and uncomplainingly provided these self-absorbed and pretentiously narcissistic white men with their heirs and spares. Therefore, their wilful mistreatment of Black women on the slave plantations as they did was very much in character with these abhorrent, white creature, as they similarly had no respect for these Black females whom they equally despised and abused but had no fear of, which was in total contrast to the intense fear that they had of Black men and still do to this day. Therefore, Black men per se had not only, in these sick and twisted white minds, to be humiliated and barbarically brutalized but also completely emasculated. And these white barbarians did a pretty good job of that! 

But rather grossly and also quite contemptuously underestimating the capabilities of Black women, these ludicrously white, and purportedly superior members of the human race most ironically didn't have the rudimentary common-sense let alone the basic intelligence to discern let alone protect their Achilles heel. A situation that these Black women collectively, assiduously, clandestinely, efficiently and expertly thoroughly exploited. Their purpose? To redeem themselves and save their Black race.

And so began the Black-Empowerment Movement with the highly commendable and immortal likes of Harriet Tubman; superbly, most supportively and, as well it must be said, is gloriously carried on with Black female contemporaries like Meghan Markle! So, please, eat your hearts out: all you pathetically, disastrously dim-witted, obviously commensurately intellectually challenged, endemically and idiotically fawning, grotesquely social climbing; transparently  workshy; comparatively very easily persuaded and readily convinced, to be comprehensively useless but nevertheless suitably, decorative effete, vapid, broodmare females - quite in line with maintaining entrenched hereditary and social-elitism so-called protocols of behaviour - invariably disgustingly fat and ugly female cretins and your likeminded male racist morons; significant numbers of whom don't even know, and are highly unlikely ever to do so, who your biological dads - or more fittingly sperm ejaculators - were or are, and similarly so neither do your useless and sexually facilitating mothers!  

Little wonder then that you need someone to off-load all your white, self-loathing venom on. And in your sick, twisted and delusional white superiority minds who better to discharge all your rancour on than an exceptionally outstanding Black woman - Meghan Markle - who is effectively the complete antithesis of everything which you, your hereditary lot and the others perceived as your social betters actually are, or could realistically, even in this the 21st Century, aspire or hope to inspirationally or morally be. And it's really good to see your envy and endemic racist stupidity tearing you apart!

Thursday 28 May 2020

The Stinking Quagmire of Britain's hereditary monarchy!

By Stanley Collymore 

Must be absolutely great to get a publicity
funded job for your entire life and have
it reserved for you even before you
were born. No need for realistic
experience, or any authentic
qualifications. Simply the accident of
your birth the sole recognition that
you will ever require to attain a
position, which honestly was
already outmoded even in
the last century; and, as
well as judiciously, has
no place whatsoever
in this the 21st one! 

Just invented titles glaringly emblazoned
with perks and cynically dressed up as 
duty so you'll never ever have to find
proper jobs, and therefore naturally
and realistically earn your rather
over-privileged and pampered
keep through genuine hard work and
unambiguous honesty. Because, in
reality, you are the same as most
everyone else in Britain: oddball 
people with oafish delusions of
grandeur but in your particular
situation ancilliarily posturing
behind formulated titles and
honours daftly perpetuated
by cretinous, fawning and
credulous plebeians. For 
it is these sheeple, who
put you on top of these
bizarre pedestals, that
any truly intelligent or
astute person would
never have desired
you jumped up on! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
28 May 2020. 

Author's Remarks:
This unapologetic exercise is called democracy, free speech and freedom of expression; and, as such, it's your problem and not mine or will I ever make it so, if some of my comments don't meet with your approval. As, in your case, it might be useful to recognize that not everyone in Britain is by any senseless imagining a grovelling royalist; and, accordingly, do believe in elected heads of state that are removable if they cock-up! As this hereditary lot of yours has unquestionably, and repeatedly done so; and, indifferently, persist in doing as they bloody well like!

Furthermore, the people who hate Meghan are appallingly and rather dense! And will pluck out their eyes as well as critically and unequivocally puncture their eardrums rather than acknowledge the obvious. And what we're consistently having are idiotic Daily Mail and discernibly far-fetched stories to tear down Meghan Markle and elevate the pretentiously ultra-lazy, manifestly effete and vapid, broodmare Kate Middleton.

And do note that while the so-called royals headed by their 94 year old nonagenarian, Mafioso leader, firmly ensconced in her ludicrously perceived and, of course, divine but patently, Dark Ages bubble - and doing so quite nicely, contentedly and brazenly financially secure in the 21st Century - have never once corrected the numerously ridiculous but also scandalous stories planted, invariably by them and their palace stooges, they are ass-in-hand, all the same, doing everything that they can to refute the stories, right or wrong, that they obviously feel will tarnish the innately workshy and endemically lazy, just waiting to be queen "waity Katie".

And in reality - not just conjecture, what the M.S.M have manipulated you unthinking twerps to think or just simply grovelling sycophancy - just tell me, of any job that this asininely and grandiosely labelled "Catherine the Great" : I seriously do suggest that you conscientiously and properly research who the real Catherine the Great actually was and then try comparing this Kate Middleton to her. As frankly it would be pathetically synonymous to comparing a fat and unhealthy Boris Kemal/Johnson with a lithe and athletic Usain Bolt.

Monday 25 May 2020

Definitively Meghan Markle - So either like it or lump it!

By Stanley Collymore

Meghan, you're beyond question the
epitome of everything that a highly
intelligent, modern, inspirational,
well-educated, naturally caring
but a no-nonsense, mentally
liberated, devoutly proud of
who and, noticeably, what
you are; and additionally
to all that, an obviously 
proficient worldly-wise
21st Century woman
and quite fittingly so 
as you ought to be.

A true and detectable lady by any
objective and rational definition:
and someone who, quite like
me, sensibly, dismissively,
thoroughly and plausibly 
superior, with an innate
poise, suaveness and
the utmost dignity, rather dauntlessly
advises the cowardly, intellectually
challenged, rather compulsively 
hereditarily fawning, markedly
lacking in every conceivable
bit of self-worth and utterly
fixatedly, class-disposed,
derogatory morons and
begrudging marital in-
laws, aptly aware in
unguarded fashion
that your name is:
Meghan Markle - 

and to aptly counter this dim-witted
plebeian, Daily Mail, Express and
other purportedly M.S.M driven
toxic hassle will, accordingly
and most happily, rework
this notorious English phrase well
known to all of you in common,
I'm sure; that this particular
African-American lady is
most definitely as well
as permanently not
at all for turning!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
25 May 2020.  

Author's Remarks: 
There is an old, touching and very true Barbadian saying, rehearsed several times to me during my formative upbringing but principally, and formally too, initially taught to me during the first years of my early childhood by my Maternal Grandmother with whom I've always fortunately and delightedly had an enthrallingly beautiful and an exceedingly close personal relationship. Fortunately, she too had a similar relationship with her own maternal grandmother. The principal difference being that while my Grandmother was born at a time during the British colonial system in Barbados, her very own dearly beloved, maternal grandmother was born into and distinctly during the infernally and barbarically enforced slavery, which was visibly and in numerous other deplorable and heinous ways throughout Barbados, the other Caribbean territories and the Americas characterized by the Transatlantic Slave Trade that first England and after the creation of the UK, Britain had a virtual monopoly on. 

So I don't need any revisionist history books, that are rather dishonestly and intentionally so, risibly written by white, discernibly self-privileged and so-called historical academics to tell me what slavery was all about and the so-called beneficial results that it had for Africa's enslaved generations. For I know from my Maternal Grandmother - who was personally told first-hand by her own barbarically enslaved maternal grandmother, and as well from my other grandparents and others like them with similar experiences - Barbados has the greatest number of live and active centenarians nationally throughout the world - the utterly grotesque then and still lingering in the 21st Century deleterious effects that Slavery and Colonialism have jointly had on my Black people and their mutual African ancestors is unquantifiable. And that indisputably includes Doria Ragland and Meghan Markle's as well as my own.

And to fittingly employ a truly caustic Barbadian put down here - as it was irrefutably Barbadian money, blood, sweat and tears, which financed the English Industrial Revolution (no United Kingdom then) and hugely transformed a backwater, perennially damp, cold and pathetically miserable off-shore European island (not a lot has changed since then I see) into the origin of the empire, it subsequently organized and rather superciliously deluded itself that it ran - mentally liberated Black persons, whether myself or Meghan Markle, don't require your kiss-me-ass useless and totally meaningless titles doled out by a nonagenarian old fart inseparably ensconced in her antiquated, unrealistic, and pathetically out of touch Dark Ages bubble to quite patronizingly and illusionarily seek to confer on us what we already, and in manifest contrast from them, know that we genuinely are. Namely, decent human beings! So while you besotted sycophants desperately need these baubles self-evidently the likes of Meghan and me don't! 

So instead of constantly and idiotically baying that Meghan be stripped of those she clearly didn't ask for or duly want; why on earth don't the sick coterie of you collectively take them, and with our blessing happily and quite firmly shove them up that area of your body where the sun doesn't shine? 

And finally that Barbadian saying which I promised you at the commencement of these remarks: "Only idiots, the gullible and the sick, bullying narcissistic cowards who manipulate them, like doing the same stupid and pointless things. That's why they're who they are!"

Saturday 23 May 2020

Callous selfishness, cynically touted as altruism!

By Stanley Collymore 

Hello there all you self-isolating and royal
highnesses - not forgetting, of course,
the fulcrum of it all: your controlling,
nonagenarian, Mafioso leader,
decades long in the job and,
still clearly, is redoubtably
of the impregnable notion while likewise
ensconced in her earnestly perceived,
and not only by her but equally so
her multiple legions of fawning
sycophants and quite risibly,
credulous and dim-witted
plebeians, given demi-
goddess repute and
oafish, Dark Ages
accreditation, to
bestride what's
evident to all 
but them is
the - 21st

A genuine but sadly too a despairing
greeting from us the calamitously 
underpaid but still massively
overworked care workers,
who are nevertheless
hypocritically and
deceivably too 
both publicly and nationally, and most
deceitfully by you as well, your royal
highnesses, and the rest of your
perniciously likeminded British
establishment that insolently
evil-mindedly, calculatedly
and hatefully surcharges  
the principally overseas
and crucially essential 
non-white personnel
serving in the NHS: 
were they or their
families, health-
wise, to make
critical use of 
services, for
which they
have paid
in tax for

and comprises the same NHS that
the evidently sickening lot of you,
disgusting and as the revolting
reprobates you transparently
are - notoriously hereditary
as well as the vehement brownnose
and toadying kind - ostentatiously,
pretentiously; conspicuously in
your attention seeking, self-
aggrandizing and grossly 
devoid of variety public
relations aspirations 
position, are most
barefacedly and
quite cynically,
on Thursday
evenings at
8 PM duplicitously in your
self-righteous and very
tawdry exhibitionism
favouring on these
same despised
care workers; 
of all things,
an elated 

But seriously why should any of you
fawning Brits care; living out, as
you patently are, your pathetic
lives through the purported
but, in reality, fantasy and non-existent
achievements of your perceived and
divine, social betters!? Not least so
two principally and grossly over-
privileged parasites taking to
condescendingly lecturing 
you on everything under
the sun but which they
rather unsurprisingly
have no experience
or put bluntly any 
enlightened kind
of involvement
whatever and
embracing a
so similarly
non working ethic - cowardly
hiding out from the Covid -
19 virus in their affluent
20,000 acres and 2nd
home, Sandringham 
estate; the size of
Manchester and
bursting with a
superfluity, of
servants and

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
23 May 2020.

Author's Remarks: 
So much wealth, so little work (if any at all); so many opinions and with so much entitlement.

The most unexciting, non-enthralling and, quite predictably, dangerous place that any mentally liberated, highly intelligent, and sensible Black person - regardless of whether or not that quite exceptional individual is, in effect, the similarly dauntless Meghan Markle or someone like me; unhesitatingly we'd everyone of us intentionally embark on doing our very utmost best by every rational means at our disposal, so as to eschew not being any part of the utterly sick, thoroughly twisted and equally so the delusional fantasies, impressions and opinions of white, Caucasian minds! 

And Meghan Markle - God eternally bless, and protect her - has unsurprisingly exemplified this procedure remarkably well!