
Saturday 27 April 2024

Screw that notion for a start!

By Stanley Collymore  
In the wake of the increasing murder  
statistics in the UK with some very  
particularly heinous and vicious  
murders across the whole panoply of  
age ranges there are vocal calls that  
our country should, unquestionably,  
be given legislative powers, to thus  
specifically determine, who should  
therefore be basically permitted to  
have children, and very conversely  
those that shouldn't be allowed to.  
As I see it, there's a crucially large  
hole in this discernibly barmy, but  
supposedly basically sound logic  
that the British state must clearly  
determine who obviously breeds,  
either by essentially, distinctively  
awarding, refusing or undeniably  
subsequently, actually removing,  
given permits, evidently from its  
own citizens and similarly those  
non citizen residents that chose  
to make Britain their own home!  
Essentially, how can any sensible  
person think let alone conclude  
that any society, should have  
both the indispensable and irrefutable  
right to rather undoubtedly determine  
who it really, unquestionably permits  
to breed? Should wealth: essentially  
earned or actually inherited, as well  
as societal status be also included  
in this equation of who simply can  
or cannot generally have children?  
And simply where does education  
or basic commonsense, come in?  
Realistically as I effectively see it;  
any such arbitrary system clearly  
would undoubtedly be wide open  
obviously to unquestionably very  
recurrent abuse and exploitation  
and evidently quite expeditiously  
become this implacable societal  
pestilence - and I naturally, really  
couldn't resist this, lol - evidently  
in a very obviously Reform Party  
administered, and Brexiteer UK!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
26 April 2024.  

Author's Remarks:  
We're all  rather entitled to our fancies I suppose but having very undoubtedly in my case quite unquestionably done my own legitimate siring, I must confess to my not having any worries at all on that score!

Friday 26 April 2024

Banning marches you prejudicially don't like? Get real!

By Stanley Collymore

In a genuine democracy, you just
can't allow, nor should anyone
ever be actually able to pick
and choose which or simply what kind
of truly peaceful, democratic protests
are allowed and purely so on a whim;
clearly irrational, undue or concerted
pressure by significantly well-heeled
other actually influential persuaders
or for that matter rather strictly as a
consequence of the really ingrained
biases against those simply hoping
to obviously participate, in any kind
of march, linked naturally and quite
self-evidently too with the requisite
antipathy of those bodies, crucially
and simply, unquestionably tasked
quite obviously authoritatively with
the distinct mandate to grant such
permission for marches generally!

Since to accord such biased and
crucially detrimental treatment
to any group, or organization
really; and, prospectively, of a peaceful
disposition would distinctly, and most
ironically, very specifically discernibly
go against every significantly worthy
thing that simply actually effectively
and most crucially evidently, Britain
stands for, and most ironically also
all those quite arbitrarily calling for
those bans openly but purportedly
claim, that they rather tenaciously
do really vigorously stick to these
simply democratic notions which
however, from a simple objective
perspective, on the part of a very
neutral observer, they apparently
simply want, to naturally deny to
all those that they discrimatorily
hate! However, notwithstanding
that! Quite bluntly, honestly and
simply objectively, who'd be the
moral adjudicator effectively of
what was allowed and crucially
what wasn't? The same people
who're obviously, complaining?

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
An Israeli government agent and ardent provocateur is Mr. Falter who is clearly well known for his sick exploits to gain attention for whatever he is up to at that specific moment in time.

On the day of this specific march against ongoing Israeli genocide in Palestine and his encounter with that admirable police officer from the Metropolitan Police Force, Mr Falter was no simple religious devotee walking home after a service at the nearby synagogue. So it's no coincidence that he was there. There's also simply, irrefutable evidence that Mr Falter had reconnoitred the area and also the known route of the march long before the latter took place and was clearly seen doing so, and also crossing the same stretch of road without any hindrance to himself.

So by no stretch of any imagination other that a malignantly egregious and a clearly discernibly sick and self-entitled one can it rationally be thought, said or claimed, that this guy was a target of anyone other than his pathetic self.

The asininely perceived and mercenary exploited perennial victims Mr Falter's sort who conveniently forget that it was they who started the TransAtlantic Slave Trade in my ancestral homeland of Barbados, and that lasted considerably longer than the period they like to highlight in 1930s Europe, and where allegedly 6 million of them were said to have been killed; no mention on their part of the millions more, the Gypsies and the derogatorily referred to Rhineland Niggers, who unlike Mr Falter's Zionist Yids and evidently genocidal lot are repugnantly ongoingly receiving billions in Wiedergutmachung Compensation simply from Germany, that none of the other real European holocaust victims or simply their relatives have to this day receive a solitary Deutschmark!

Not dissimilar from the TransAtlantic Slave Trade where my ancestors and clearly also other similar victims likewise got nothing. But there are Yids to this day, who like all the ones that got billions for enforcedly giving up Slavery, get compensation still. Like David Cameron and his own wife for instance, who're by no stretch of the most vivid imagination the only ones.

Perfectly alright for these very generations down the line of slave owners to be rather handsomely compensated at the time, and while the freed slaves and essentially their offspring got nothing, for all those of these descendants to be so financially rewarded but it's undoubtedly taboo to even suggest that reparations should simply be made to genuine victims and not simply mercenary Zionist Yid ones, who obviously make the Third Reich's 1930 activities compared and contrasted with the barbaric theft, and the vile, apartheid genocide of the Palestinian people look like child's play. And yet clearly your sort Mr Falter do still asininely in your sick and perverted self-entitlement wonder why discernibly conscionable people of all walks of life and ethnicities, are obviously marching and equally protesting on behalf of the Palestinian people being effectively genocided before our very eyes!

Long live Palestine and the highly commendable people who are its rightful and very evidently indigenous citizens! And God bless all those across Britain and the wider world communities who altruistically and morally do also, commendably support you against your genocidal mass murderers! 

There must never ever be allowed to consolidate in Palestine the asinine, contemptuous and toxically egregious, malevolent and ludicrously delusional notion of Palestine either being or ever was a Terra nullius entity as still dementedly pertains quite flamboyantly in that Antipodean country, arbitrarily renamed as Australia and with similarly like-minded white racist supremacist lowlifes in Israel requisite to their attitude to the Palestinians, who perceive the indigenous Aborigines as non-existent, even though they've been living continuously for in excess of 66 thousand years before the white man and woman even knew the place existed, and shouldn't even be dignified with the courtesy of being called human beings. No way must this be allowed to happen a second time and most ironically be a people who like quite mercenarily none the less to portray themselves as the perennial victims. And if it needs World War 3 to finish off what the Germans admirably started but did finish in the 1930s; then so be it!

Thursday 25 April 2024

Have a heart! The serfs do need to be entertained!

By Stanley Collymore 

The fact that two people from this
dysfunctional Windsor family of
unaccomplished individuals
might actually like each other, and giving
one another medals is considered to be
news tells you all you basically need to
know! In actuality it is not distinctively
discernibly vitally important, let alone
compulsory, to simply have a special
relationship with an inured adulterer,
or someone, whose essentially best
mates were obviously, paedophiles:
as were crucially Jimmy Savile and
Bishop Peter Ball! However though,
when clearly the specific individual
in person, is basically the monarch
and you're an inured social climber
and mercenarily avid gold digger it
effectively does help. Furthermore,
white Britons very apparently have
obviously short memories; always
thinking about, and equally saying
and doing what's very convenient
for them beneficially, at that time!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
25 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
These Windsors live in a bubble and don't have the slightest idea actually about the real world the rest of humanity obviously lives in. Nevertheless, the serfs, peasants, plebeians and subjects - call yourselves in essence what you will - are thus expected to see them as infinitely than the rest of us who actually do reside in the real world!  

Attendant, at the same time, very evidently with all the problems we have to face and effectively contend with, to be discernibly kowtowing over two individuals with clearly, and significantly, zilch personality jointly between the two of them!

Personally, I'll never bow to them; nor will I ever very supposedly, expectedly know my place where they're personally concerned, or regard them as anything more, than an effectively outdated, requisitely obsolete entity, discernibly tarnished by recurrently innumerable scandals! That's evidently my honest opinion; you, of course, are clearly, undoubtedly as I am, entitled to your own and whether it tallies with mine or not I'll wholeheartedly respect it, even if I don't agree with it!

Kate Middleton's porno friend Emma Sayle, raking the dosh in!

By Stanley Collymore

Emma Sayle and Kate Middleton
both attended the same private
school and were close friends
there; a friendship that carried on after
they left school and intensified in their
adult relationship. Kate ultimately did
marry William, and Emma undeniably
also married and began a still clearly
ongoingly to this day, a very lucrative
pornography business, that naturally
specializes in running orgies, for the
Middle Classes, and that ilk who are
themselves, rather crucially married.
Kate is simply actually cognizant of
this, but her clearly close friendship
with Emma is as simply steadfastly
enduring as ever. Rather funny that,
in a quite peculiar sort of way! Now
just stop, think, and simply imagine
for a moment, that Meghan literally
had such a friend that undoubtedly
was basically doing precisely what
Kate's obviously really close friend
Emma Sayle is doing. Get crucially
where I'm obviously coming from?
Yes, I quite imagined, that the very
intelligent ones among you would;
as the obviously blatant hypocrisy
from Kate's sycophants is literally
staggering, but actually expected!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
The classic case obviously of birds of a feather flocking - feel free to substitute your own actually descriptive word - together! And don't they half do so!  

Lechery, promiscuity, unceasing adultery and rampant paedophilia are undoubtedly consistent, salient and quite thoroughly entrenched behavioural patterns of conduct amongst the aspirant Middle Classes, as well as the assiduously committed, social climbing elements of Britain’s self evidently fixated class embedded societies; quite coupled, of course, with the same aspirant requirements of the said UK’s hierarchal and hereditary purported elites, and most naturally also quite widespread across the British monarchical family!

Unquestionably though in all of this, the aforementioned behaviour is also evidently, quite appealing to significant elements within the British lower classes; but while the activities of their societal betters are unquestionably heralded and lauded as fun and obviously requisite inducements to be wholeheartedly and gaily engaged in, these similar acts of behavioural conduct indulged in by the sycophantic serfs, plebeians and the fawning social climbing gullible, subject elements involved are undeniably very instantaneously dismissed out of hand as common, and actually demeaning, coarse acts of behavioural conduct by these distinctly same purportedly upper crust and quite hypocritical deviants.

Basically what Emma Sayle and her husband are running and that Kate Middleton is fully cognizant of is effectively a whore shop; but as brothels are officially illegal in Britain this is a circumvention of the law and self-evidently a distinct way of avoiding this specific legislation; and it clearly works! Principally so, because both the tacit and open support accorded to such enterprises, and most specifically this one, by high profile figures as well as monarchical family members, and just as equally so the nudge nudge, wink wink mindset of hypocritical, mercenary inured rags that see nothing wrong with the rich and influential behaving both badly and immorally, and clearly getting away with it, would be the very first to most scathingly and derogatorily be have a go if some Blacks or even white working class  members of the public off a council estate were doing the same thing!

Why are so many British people, and mainly whites, in such a pathetic state of denial?

By Stanley Collymore 

If you're going to bullshit people
William at least be original in
your actions. This photo of
Louis, allegedly currently taken on his
6th birthday, was distinctly shown on
Good Morning America: distinctively
on the 24 April 2022 - obviously two
years ago - so, it's rather discernibly
literally not a current, or even a very
recent birthday photo really, simply.
But what the heck, you know those
sycophantically kissing, your really
over privileged ass based stupidly
on achievements you quite simply
didn't earn and really are basically
too thick to discernibly personally
acquire yourself are quite like you
obviously unquestionably literally
therefore, simply rather evidently,
not even quite distinctly remotely
among the sharpest implements
literally there, in the cutlery box!

And as for the Daily Mail, you
purport to be a newspaper,
so why don't you publish
what sensible people logically regard
as news; or at least, try to effectively
acquire the habit of simply doing so
rather than quite consistently being
the populist shit stirrer and actually
unquestionably mercenary maniac
I clearly half-expected that William
had seen sense, literally bearing in
mind the Windsors’ clear personal
connections with discernibly quite
wholesome moral figures actually
like clear favourites Jimmy Savile,
Bishop Peter Ball, Jeffrey Epstein,
and Rolf Harris, very undoubtedly
amongst several others and thus
had morally, sensibly chosen not
to simply use his son Louis, as a
PR prop; and, thus, consequently
refrain, from using Louis' picture
as evidently queer bait for those
with a strange fascination really
with other people's kids. Clearly
I was wrong! For either William,
you actually bowed to pressure
or just obviously couldn't resist
the opportunity - being the lazy
work shy bastard you evidently
undeniably are for more media
coverage, which you obviously
see as your indisputable right!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
My readers will notice I've clearly made no reference to Kate Middleton which is rather deliberate; as Kate is distinctively and most unquestionably, very crucially and significantly quite essentially out of the equation! Obviously you’re rather at liberty to make of that what you will!

There's a specifically, and very evidently also a logical and distinctively poignant Barbadian saying that significantly says those whom the Devil literally envisions himself destroying, or has already quite surreptitiously done so he deceitfully as well as deceptively publicly and actually ostentatiously heaps great praise on!

I've already written my promised article on this Windsor saga but have decided not to publish it yet. Clearly, not for any legal reasons - in this scenario I simply don't give a fuck about those a clearly my research and sources are evidently impeccable.

Three copies: legally witnessed and, as well, countersigned are discernibly now in the "custody" of trusted associates in 3 distinct countries, while we obviously, very patiently wait for the Palace's most interesting explanation, of quite current events. No hurry on our part! As clearly, we'll be proven right. And besides, with my Bajan sense of humour, why spoil it for the self, and brainwashed plebeian, monarchical sycophants? Lol!

Wednesday 24 April 2024

You're simply taking the piss, Charles Windsor!

By Stanley Collymore

Don't get me wrong mate; in your evidently deeply inured and quite delusional, most thoroughly risible and discernibly feudal mindset you're perfect, from my obviously normally indifferent perspective, rather idiotically in your birthright but commonsensically to any intelligent and functioning mind essentially defunct, unelected Head of the British State position, simply entitled to obviously award whatever preferential and equally nepotistic gongs you care to, attendant with their daft, Disney-esque uniforms and likewise pathetic medals, to whomsoever you generally like.

But to endeavour to obviously insult my intelligence as a coherent British citizen, and unquestionably doing so with your very latest and most prurient endeavour relative to Kate Middleton is, inexcusable from my perspective, distinctly actually taking the piss! For most categorically this undeniably bone idle, utterly work shy, thoroughly narcissistic; specifically and very endemically a most inexorably, Karen racist; plus being as well clearly an obsessive and quite intractable, evident social climbing aficionado; this woman is likewise discernibly the epitome of an interminable, stalking gold digger.

Having for 10 years rather literally, and most assiduously stalked William who she ultimately secured after this clearly perspective Philip Schofield replica was twice turned down by two women he'd asked to marry him, during her 13 years of marriage to William, Kate did virtually bugger all; and pre the arrival of Meghan Markle, who the press could obviously vent their endemic racism on for having the audacity to marry into this pristine white supremacist Windsor family as they saw it, Kate was widely dubbed as thoroughly bone idle; but a situation that was now quite conveniently overlooked with Meghan to simply racially piss on!

But nothing changed basically on Kate's part nor William's for that matter. Except that they now had an African American woman through whom they could, and still do, curry favour with the UK media by literally passing made-up stories to them which fit perfectly into the media's racist mindset, and simultaneously take both criticism and similarly pressure off themselves. After Liz kicked the bucket and Harry and Meghan had voluntarily left the UK for the USA, Meghan's birth country, it was thought that Kate would step up to the plate and do some actual work. But, oh no! With her usual modus operandi it got even worse. Now the lazy bitch has been gone AWOL for 4 months and ongoing!

Initially patronizingly not even bothering to say why, then when she was partially rumbled with those two lying episodes of hers: the made up photograph and the supposed shopping trip, along obviously conveniently came Charles conjured up and pathetic scenario that they both of them simply miraculously have cancer. Put very bluntly by me Charles and most certainly NOT Kate no more have cancer than I quite personally have VD, syphilis, gonorrhoea and for good measure the bubonic plague rolled into one! It's quite clearly a fucking scam and a con trick by the UK's monarch and his lazy daughter in law with whom he has a grotesque fixation - unsurprisingly so considering Charles' over 23 years rather intimately personal relationships with the likes of Jimmy Savile and Bishop Peter Ball, for example.

And the mind boggles as to what awards Charles, had he actually been king when these two entrenched and clearly odious evil perverts were alive, would have very personally given to them. And basically Kate frankly no more deserves this quite recently given and pathetic feudal gong than many others who are nepotistically given theirs. And for what in Kate's case? Service to the British public? Like what? These last four months she's been quite absent with her bogus cancer, and really no one other than her brainwashed and gullible sycophants have missed her, and even in their case, the simply rather vast majority of them use these racist media platforms to actually quite routinely and ludicrously have a go at Meghan, even when the pathetic subject being aired has nothing to do with Meghan.

That's their obsession with her, which I find rather hilarious really! For other than these basic lowlife clowns no one misses Kate, and I haven't noticed that the world has come to a standstill because in her sick endeavour - there's a pun there for those of you fawners with an adequate comprehension of English - to really milk public sympathy, Charles and Kate quite LYINGLY and most conveniently so, have CANCER! Lol! It simply wouldn't actually be heeded of course but there's another Barbadian saying for you: "Don't tempt God!" Self-explanatory actually! Sensible and quite intelligent people know what's wrong and it's to do with Kate's dead, as a dodo, relationship with William. Simply go work it out! My article on that subject matter stays put until the actual "official" explanation from the Palace! Don't rush lads and lasses, it's only the sycophants you need to placate; and you and I know they don't matter.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 April 2024.

Author’s Remarks:
Often incandescent and petulant with a penchant for personal vendetta Charles is evidently a man with a tenuous grasp of reality!  

As for Kate Middleton, I personally can't see any difference between her personal aspirations and those unquestionably of Christine Keeler. Kate's own sycophants will very much, of course, disagree with that objective analysis. But in the rather immortalized words literally, evidently of Mandy Rice Davies: "They would say that wouldn't they?"

Please Parliament! Make St. George’s Day our English National Holiday!

By Stanley Collymore

When you are very fortunate to be
born a truly genuine Englishman
you've actually won the lottery
of life, proclaims a regular commenter
in the Daily Mail rather exultantly as it
happens actually quite vaingloriously
and literally, egotistically utilizing the
pseudonym "Another Englishman" to
distinctly expound, his differentiation
not just simply from the wide melee
of those calling themselves Britons,
but actually of course, and crucially
also, specifically globally, everyone
else! And really don't the rest of us
and specifically conscientious and
discernibly undeniably quite moral
and very undoubtedly distinctively
hardworking Brits literally know it!

For basically in the case of odious
and obviously, rather highly toxic
scroungers specifically like this
"Another Englishman", it unquestionably
very assuredly means, getting massive
amounts essentially, of social security
payments, and regular dole handouts,
essentially for life; and most crucially,
for never working; and moreover, not
even having to generally submit, any
speciously lying and obviously lame
excuses for not doing so while also,
exponentially and rather facetiously
bragging about how literally great it
is to be actually this quite purebred
white Englishman or woman! Quite
attendant, all this of course, clearly
with the customary very expedient
contingency plan and the requisite
supplementary additions basically
of the usual plethora, of inherently
bastard children! Salutations then
all you so obviously conscionable
and hard-working British morons!
And unquestionably too our quite
enduring thanks and gratitude for
sustaining this super, status quo!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
23 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Symbols are important obviously where they're undoubtedly absolutely, crucially and naturally very important to people's own lives as well as actually discernibly their societal cohesion. But distinctively what's undoubtedly clearly, and actually more important and relevant in people's lives is what's naturally crucially in their hearts and minds and how they actually apply to characteristics to other people, outside their family members, evidently their friends and those that clearly look and think like them!