
Wednesday 30 June 2021

Stupidity and Prejudices - Not an inspirational combination!

By Stanley Collymore 

I've taught for decades 
at every conceivably 
academic, and also 
extra-curricular level and have 
literally within Britain come 
across some right dopes in 
my time, but never never 
experienced or heard of
anything as daft, as this  
one! A British teacher, 
and the school which 
she works at, risibly 
reporting a 1st year 
11 years old pupil
to the serious, UK 
counter terrorist
avoidance body 

for openly saying during a 
class room discussion, in 
which he was evidently
a part of, that on growing up, he 
so much wanted to assist in the 
organizing and distribution of 
alms to the very poor and the 
deservingly needy. However, 
most unbelievably, and also 
directly in dire response to 
this very altruistic remark 
his undeniably, imbecillic 
and so ludicrously called 
female teacher evidently 
unaware of and likewise 
pig ignorant of precisely 
what alms are jointly in 
her rapid collaboration 
with this idiotic school, 
their evil ignoramuses 
assumptions distinctly 
and quite subjectively 
thought by each other, 

then shockingly, ignorantly; 
totally horrendously, and 
ill informed set this in a 
racist mindset. This 11yr pupil
is unquestionably British but 
Muslim in faith; and clearly 
alms giving is a distinctive 
tenet of Islam though not 
singularly, as it crucially 
happens, to its religion;
as Christianity likewise  
adopts its terminology.   
How poorly informed 
and clearly, asininely 
inept also, that living  
in a white, European 
country, so routinely 
given to egotistically 
quite superciliously  
very vaingloriously 
ostensibly boasting  

about its incredible, much 
vaunted; supposedly too 
unquestionably clearly 
First World, development status 
and Christian background that 
this distinctively, Karen idiot 
teacher and her likeminded 
pillocks at that school, had 
not the foggiest idea what 
alms realistically are nor 
the presence of mind, or 
intellect also to sensibly 
find out prior to setting  
out: on their invidious, 
distinctly racist action. 

Subjectively and bigotedly 
interpreting alms on the 
sole basis of this boy's 
religion and ethnicity to literally 
mean one thing, arms; basically 
in other words: weapons! Now 
crucially and also impartially 
logically think for a moment 
of all the strongly ingrained 
prejudices hatefully locked
inside not only this female
Karen prat, of a supposed      
teacher but distinctly too 
those equivalent staffers  
that work at that school.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
29 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
The ignorant Plebians swallow and avidly believe all of what they're told and accordingly correspondingly, instinctively and naturally rather unthinkingly act on what they've been manipulatively told. 

In marked contrast, the privileged and hereditarily entitled folk, their coterie chums among the aristocracy, toffs and earnestly endeavouring to be social climbing bums know it's all a load of bullshit; and from their very collective perspective are fully aware that no one but the despised intelligent, who recognize and abhor them for what they actually are and, of course the targeted, are expected to be or will significantly get hurt! 

The fundamental tenet of Britain's entrenched, officially stratified, implacably class riven and incredibly encouragingly for most white Brits, a similarly class driven country.

Monday 28 June 2021

Enough of Donald J. Drumpf! His actions are obviously treasonous; and people have been tried, found guilty and executed for far less!

By Stanley Collymore 

Stop messing around with this 
pathological liar, delusional
bull-shitting fantasist, and
criminal narcissist unless of course, 
either openly or privately, you do 
personally agree with his Kraut, 
discernibly so, 1930s European 
master race, and visibly white 
supremacist; long-debunked; 
asinine; eugenicist theories. 
Donald Drumpf: egregious,
and likewise manipulative
as he significantly is, fully 
knows, that what he is so 
openly and very stupidly 
spouting, is distinctively  
nothing less, essentially 
even when it's casually 
examined, than rather  
maliciously contrived 
totally sick; attention 
seeking; pathetically 
treasonous bullshit!

Nevertheless, Herr Donald 
Drumpf is equally aware
that not simply the vast 
majority of Republicans but equally 
several prominent Democrats like 
Joe Manchin, and President Joe 
Biden privately largely agree 
with what he's distinctively 
treasonously doing; solely 
because at heart, and too 
despite what they are so 
routinely publicly, very 
deliberately lying, and  
nakedly self-servingly 
doing to the contrary:

the dubious likes of Senator
Joe Manchin and Present
Joe Biden; deep within 
absolutely prefer a largely white 
controlled United States and are 
themselves, intrinsically rather 
petrified, of America's natural 
very ongoingly, demographic 
change. In essence, they too  
believe that the USA is best 
left unaltered, basically as 
it always was, and solidly 
eternally in white hands.

So having Donald Drumpf 
around they can rather 
most hypocritically so  
blame him solely for 
their own very purposeful inaction 
relative to any kind of meaningful 
constructive: political; social also 
in tandem with sound economic
and lasting meritocratic change 
within, and across the entirety 
of the American nation! Since 
President Joe Biden evidently 
with his close senator buddy 
Joe Manchin and their quite 
likeminded, crucially white 
Democratic Party ilk are so 
like the Animal Farm pigs! 

Appropriately so for them 
loudly proselytizing the 
cruelly disingenuous 
and also dishonestly too, coming 
directly from them, notion that 
everybody is essentially equal 
or else is innately so crucially 
equipped with the inevitable 
inalienable right, justly to be  
openly commended as such;
but significantly it's them: a 
shameless, dishonest troika 
of the incumbent President 
Joe Biden, pal Joe Manchin 
and likewise a likeminded 
hypocrite senator, Kyrsten 
Sinema revoltingly hiding 
and certainly cowardly so 
behind the patently vilely 
and odiously, egregiously 
treasonous actions of one 
disturbingly wannabe US 
totalitarian dictator: Herr 
Donald Drumpf; actually 
to deter genuine reforms 
to clear systemic racism;
distinct, non-white voter 
disenfranchisement and 
routine police brutality;
that President Joe Biden, 
his close allies, senators 
Manchin and Sinema as 
is wont with them, give 
as usual, fraudulent lip 
service to; to decidedly 
so, significantly ensure
their own intertwined 
status quo as similarly 
very akin to that of ex 
President Herr Donald 
J. Drumpf: undeniably 
for ever the mantle of 
white Caucasian quite 
certainly, undisputed 
master race, and also 
its white supremacy! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
28 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
William Joyce: infamously referred to during the latter stages of World War II, when that war had decidedly turned in the Allies favour, as Lord Haw Haw, but before that was a much favoured by many British radio listeners broadcaster and propagandist was an American born citizen of Irish extraction, who also happened to be an accomplished journalist and broadcaster. Long before the USA entered World II, and only after Japan with the encouragement of Germany, had attacked Pearl Harbour (as an English specialist and Academic I prefer to use the English spelling of that word), but was itself previously selling state of the art weaponry, as well as the Zyklon B gas that was routinely and extensively used in Europe's death camps, to the Third Reich and its Axis allies. 

However, despite not being an armed combattant; not guilty of any war crimes; and all that William Joyce did was work for the Third Reich's propaganda ministry, he was nevertheless, at the end of the war in Europe, arrested, quite dishonestly charged with, and tried for treason by the British government - which was a total mockery of both British and international law, because William Joyce wasn't and had never been a UK citizen or subject - take your pick what terminology you want to apply you fawning pillocks and plebeians - and therefore should never have been tried for anything.  

Not propaganda, since the UK government through the BBC, and as it had previously done in World War I with its lying stories about German soldiers raping Belgium nuns and bayonetting babies in their cots, and were past masters at this sort of thing, was up to its customary tricks, as usual, during World War II. Also William Joyce was not a war criminal or even accused of being one; yet most sickeningly and egregiously he was lyingly charged with treason. A charge that was baseless and fraudulent as it would be today in June 2021 as I write, and the British authorities knew this. Since a country using that charge can only apply it honestly to someone who is a citizen of that said country. And as I previously stated William Joyce was never at any time in his life a British citizen, nor even one of the so-called white colonial dominions of Australia, New Zealand or Canada with their fawning and ethnic ties to Britain.

Nevertheless, Will Joyce was sanctimoniously executed by the British for his non crime of treason - a discernibly sick and twisted revenge and nothing mor, if you want my honest opinion, for literally taking the piss out of the delusional master race white British. 

Meanwhile, at the same time that William Joyce was being murderously got rid of Winston Churchill and the British Ministry of Defence were cynically allowing known and captured members of Das britische Freikorps (the British Free Corps): exclusively white British and Dominion Commonwealth from Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and all with their expatriate UK links, who had voluntarily joined forces with the Third Reich, fought for it against the Allies but most significantly in their case against their ancestral homeland; but Nazis all the same, like Oswald Mosley's lot, loyally serving the Third Reich in some of its most notorious units, the Waffen SS and in several European death camps - to go free.  

Winston Churchill in his classic barbaric but quite disingenuous and persuasive manner, getting the war weary Americans and the Russians who'd lost over 33 millions of their people in defeating Germany and its Axis allies, that to prosecute these treacherous white scumbags - my classification of them not Churchill's  - would in Churchill's twisted mind ruin and devalue his notion of British victory were this kind of Britishand its kith and kin treachery to become wildly known!  

Notwithstanding the fact that had it not been for over one million Indian servicemen, multiple hundreds of thousands of Black African and Afro-Caribbean forces, other numerous non-white British empire forces elsewhere; millions of Russian combat forces and civilians who defeated the Nazis in Eastern Europe and on the eastern front as well, and the United States Armed Forces made up of both Black and white servicemen that played a crucial role in liberating western Europe, clearly Britain's ass would have been well and truly and even permanently as well busted. Und ihr rassistischen Imperiums-Loyalisten wuerdet jetzt Deutsch sprechen! But we all know you white Brits and your white colonial kith and kin won both World Wars 1 and 2 singlehandedly. And how stupid of the rest of the world to think otherwise! 

In 1953 in the United States, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: a married  couple, were executed for treason. Their crime, and a first in peacetime USA, was for allegedly passing secrets to the Soviet Union. Yet in the 21st Century we have a dangerous, pathetically narcissistic, demented, delusional, distinctively criminal and a pathological liar who actually does believe his own ludricous lies, having deliberately orchestrated a disctinctly treasonous insurrection to illegally overthrow the manifestly unmistakably and truly undeniably democratically elected 
government of the United States of America - in effect foment a coup, walks free, unpunished for what he did and is still plotting to do the same again.

The sorts of things that the USA and its allies either attack or vitriolically berate other countries for doing, as from their sanctimonious soapbox it and they patronizingly lecture and harangue these offenders. Yet not a single thing is either fundamentally contemplated or being done to this traitor Donald J. Drumpf, who along with his enablers keep proselytizing the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen, yet miraculously Republicans that were elected under the identical system were distinctly so, properly elected. However, Democrats not so.  Crazy! And to add insult to injury Donald Drumpf and his Nazi, Fascist and white supremacists are cashing in on what has been done, while the far right media, rightwing online sites, senators, congressmen and women are all lyingly and intentionally rewriting the history of January 6, 2021. In other words both stating and egregiously contradicting something that the entire world fully watched in real time, as having never happened! 

Just contemplate for a while what in reverse would have happened if President Barack Obama had lost his second term bid to be President again to a Republican far right moron in similar circumstances as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have clearly won the 2020 US Presidential Election, and the said Barack Obama had then, as Donald Drumpf did, staged a coup attempt and an attack on the US Capitol to illegally retain the US Presidency. We all know what would have instantaneously happen to him. Immediate arrest, a swift show trial and merciless execution for treason. 

But Joe Biden isn't bothered about any of this, notwithstanding that without the plethora of Black and other non-white voters who voted for him, he wouldn't now be in the White House. For Joe Biden shares much in common with Donald J. Drumpf; and despite all of his disingenuous rhetoric he too like so many racist and white old men are shit scared of the consequences of an ongoing demographic political change in the USA. So why have Dumpf on trial; why come down strong or adversely on Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema  -  confederalists at heart as Joe Biden is - when President Joe Biden can conveniently use not only Donald Drumpf and his Republicans but also Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema as convenient excuses for not delivering on his lying campaign promises, which he never intended keeping anyway? Even if it means him being a one-term president; since to such white supremacists: overtly so or clandestinely, skin colour and being acknowleged as white, are to them, the most fundamental aspects human life!

I've always supported the Democratic Party and actively did so in 2020 but must confess that Joe Biden is turning out to be a disgrace; and Nancy Pelosi (God Bless You) I don't envy you your task dealing with that man currently in the White House! Not when he's supposed to be a member of the Democratic Party.

Saturday 26 June 2021

Scotland Yard probes risible security breach complaint re Matt Hancock's CCTV caught adulterous affair footage!

By Stanley Collymore  

So they're more bothered 
about how the pictures 
of a man who clearly 
imposed the mandate of a national 
obligatory lockdown, quite firmly 
also promulgated as compulsory 
the concept of social distancing; 
similarly: introduced statutory 
fines automatically for known  
non compliance, accidentally 
or intentionally, of every one 
of these, and other arbitrary 
Covid-19, pandemic rulings 
imposed on the majority of 
the country while giving a 
relatively easy, exemption 
pass to his crucially many 
political associates, allies, 
the usual party investors, 
predictably relatives and
fittingly personal friends 
while himself disdainfullly 
breaking those very same
strict rules with married 
lover: and Official Aide 
Gina Coladangelo that  
interestingly equally 
doubles up aptly, as 
a friend of his wife. 

And rather care-freely being 
caught on CCTV doing so? 
Now don't be daft! Matt
Hancock isn't a bit sorry regarding 
what he evidently quite routinely 
did; just rather pissed off that he 
got caught! So now, predictably 
those others with their greedy, 
rather obviously malfeasance 
in public office noses deep in 
the trough concertedly want 
to make absolutely sure, no 
other breaches, but of their 
peculiarly similar security 
happen; in case their very 
personal and distinctly so
comparably amoral vices 
are openly made known! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
26 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
A while back two mature ladies drove a few miles together from their homes into the Derbyshire countryside to get away from the tedium of the lockdown and instead get some much needed outdoor exercise simply by walking unencumbered in the fresh air. Spotted by the local police and self-evidently with no one else in sight or remotely near these two ladies, the latter were nevertheless absurdly sanctioned under the non compliance of social distancing rules. 

Correspondingly, several thousands of people have had their loved ones died in care homes or hospitals and have officially been precluded, even with available PPE, from being at their bedside as their loved ones, worried and possibly frightened, passed away. And the list of other innumerable cases of people being adversely affected by Matt Hancock's rules and proscriptions are publicly known. Even so, most people adhered to the statutory rules and conditions because they believed, as told, that they were health wise, lawfully necessary; and being law abiding persons, or else unthinking for themselves gullibly manipulated rightwing morons with intrinsically embedded totalitarian instincts and sympathies, they automatically adhered to these government stated instructions. 

Rules, it now seems, that were created for the controlled populace but not those concertedly involved in the highly manipulative controlling process of creating and proselytizing them. I'm not the least interested in Matt Hancock's and his married mistress Gina Coladangelo apparently consensual adulterous lives, or anyone else for that matter. As long as they keep it to themselves and don't unwarrantedly, falsely and rather hypocritically vitriolically and publicly criticize others for precisely what they actually doing themselves. What does concern me however, is fairness and equality in what's supposedly a democratic, though far from a properly civilized, British society.  

Having Scotland Yard purposely turn a blind eye to Matt Hancock's callous and cynical repudiation of his own insisted upon where the general public was concerned obligated stipulations, when numerous other people deliberately weren't in that fortunate situation where social distancing infringements were concerned; the far from virtuous manner in which PPE and other massively financially generated government contracts were handed out conspicuously, avariciously and discernibly corruptly to friends and political allies during this Covid-19 pandemic alone and much more; while claiming to be worrisomely concerned about a fictional security breach when the only breach, from every moral perspective, is what Matt Hancock and Gina Coladangelo are/were doing behind their own spouses' backs, is ludicrously pathetic. But this is Scotland Yard after all; so what can one expect? Still getting large envelopes stuffed with massive amounts of cash in them, Scotland Yard? Seems like it!

Friday 25 June 2021

Andrew Neil: bogus Brexiteer, EU resident and an egregious, self-serving fantasist!

By Stanley Collymore 

Who sensibly and realistically 
takes a break so discernibly 
early in any new venture? 
Unless, of course, it's not working. 
Pull the other one Andrew it's got 
bells on! Incidentally, the entire 
UK doesn't consist of rabid, far 
right, so gullibly manipulated 
and indisputably perceptibly 
so, discernibly intellectually 
challenged firmly Brexiteer
dimwits so cynically surely 
being abused as fortuitous 
fodder to quite rampantly 
self-servingly; so abusing 
in a vile, self-expectantly  
and financially bankroll 
enterprise of a Scot prat 
and feigned empathetic 
British Brexiteer solely 
and, in critical essence 
also - notwithstanding 
a stoutly proselytized,
fake, and very risibly, 
key, UK identification 
and solely patriotism 
nonetheless, wilfully 
voluntarily choosing 
to live in EU France!  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
25 June 2021. 

Author's Comment: 
Le menteur hypocrite! Assez dit!

Thursday 24 June 2021

United States democracy perilously on life support!

By Stanley Collymore  

A pathological liar, six times 
draft dodger; bogus patriot
and, unmistakably also, a 
systemically mindset, demented 
massively ingrained Nazi, such 
a totalitarian, racist instigator; 
clearly a pathetic consistently 
forever criminally scheming 
Kraut loser but, all the same, 
a so demonstrably wannabe 
personally, United States of 
America, unchallenged too 
basically respected or else 
naturally-feared, dictator: 
Donald J. Drumpf - totally 
and quite cynically using 
clearly white shit-scared 
of ongoingly discernibly
reality non Anglo-Saxon  
within the United States 
self-evidently, evolving 
demographic variation. 

And these quite obviously 
self-entitled rabid bigots 
evidently, with nothing 
constructive to offer, nevertheless 
patently avariciously, avidly and 
sickeningly financially similary 
rather blatantly, self- servingly 
doing every thing quite illegal 
and customarily their usually
evilly sick and twisted minds 
can rather irascibly conceive 
to basically, quite criminally 
and effectively, power grab; 
tremendously so, massively 
conning all their ingrained
sorely also and dim-witted, 
poorly educated, evidently 
gullible and clearly, easily 
manipulated, incapable of 
basically, truly effectively 
ever knowingly, thinking 
for themselves followers.  

Joined by new delusional 
converts to their cause, 
and distinctly stupid 
QAnon conspiracy 
theorists living out their fantasies 
in their clearly alternate reality 
world - that their distinctively 
sorely delusionally imagined 
collective misery, is strongly 
due essentially to people of 
colour; a visibly menacing 
Woke Conspiracy; and, of 
course characteristically 
too, a Joe Biden, Kamala 
Harris and poisonously 
as well, Nancy Pelosi's  
controlled and firmly 
culturally led, 21st C. 
and aptly culturally 
ethnically varying 
Democratic Party. 

The crookedly alternative 
to this, by a discernibly 
criminally ensnared, 
noticeably corrupt, and a Donald 
J. Drumpf unmistakably, visibly 
controlled Republican Party, is
to essentially sadistically, also 
naturally cooperatively with 
their evil far-right KKK and 
Nazi conjoined and simply 
evidently too, thoroughly
systemically, racist scum 
fascists; financially also 
with similarly, Fox-like
supposed media allies 
deceitfully stirring up 
hysteria about things 
they've very wilfully
and so malevolently 
insanely committed  
themselves; merely 
to then egregiously,  
openly, proselytize 
their intentionally 
false assumptions
that conveniently  
they're resolutely 
obligated to fight 
against the same 
evil that is quite 
irrefutably their  
very own doing!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
24 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks:   
Donald J. Drumpf's controlled Republican Party in tandem with some delusional, self-centred, narcissistic and a throwback to Jim Crow days, endemically racist, so-called Democrats like Senator Joe Manchin, digging their heels in as they act out, in the face of natural demographic change in the United States of America, their perceived white entitlement. 

A word of caution to you purblind idiots: the continent of North America where the USA is located isn't Europe; and think for a moment how you white supremacists came by it. Europe itself is still predominantly white with exclusively run, white Caucasian governments; and if you care more about skin colour than principles, human integrity and true democracy, why not move back to the European continent? After all the vast majority of you are no more, at best, second generation Americans and most definitely aren't by any stretch of even your twisted imaginations, indigenous North Americans.

And even king Canute found that as powerful as he thought he was, he couldn't change the inevitable. And you too will one way or another be comp   elled to accept the American inevitability! For the world doesn't forever revolve around rampant and entrenched stupidity. 

If in doubt of that stop living in your make believe alternate reality world and research TRUE history! 

So all power to the competent elbows of President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and all other conscionable politicians of whatever party or none that you consciously belong to, at both national and state level. You are all of you a great credit to humanity! And the veritably quite sane elements of this world are deeply indebted to you. So don't give up!

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Critical Race Theory?

By Stanley Collymore 

Simply imagine for a solitary 
moment Turkish ancestry 
and also United States 
born UK immigrant 
and its British Prime Minister Boris 
Kemal-Johnson's first born getting 
directly after their father was no 
longer in situ the exact position 
that he officially controlled but 
which despite having the very 
same offici powers, was even 
so now quite unquestionably 
in an arguably, far from any 
genuinely politically secure 
surviving United Kingdom.  
Yet all this clearly forcibly 
stated, resolutely justified 
and also crucially agreed 
on this solitary certainty 
that they are their dad's  
offspring and distinctly 
no other, qualification!  
Would be very absurd,
wouldn't it? Why then 
be aghast at this clear 
absurdity that's so already 
endemically entrenched 
elsewhere and clearly 
so, in the distinctly 
elite echelons of 
the hereditary
to distinctly  
happily so 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
23 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
It's meant to be a new world; but you can be forgiven if you really thought otherwise, with so many people: sick haters, systemically and endemically entrenched racists and dysfunctional hereditary, clearly medieval mindset morons; a plethora of quite pathetic and sad people with useless and very unrewarding lives, refusing to let go of the old one!

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Kate Mansey: A menopausal has been seeking relevance in spite of her odious and egregious delusions!

By Stanley Collymore 

To some people instinctive 
pathological lying, overt 
brownnosing and also
in a discernibly structured, class 
infested and a crucially gullibly 
dimwitted country like Britain 
is, this incentivised and rabid 
social climbing desire is also 
a crucially close and clearly 
too an indepth conjunction  
of earlier totally attractive 
ambitions conjoined with 
incentives relative to the 
casting couch ambitions 
of patently, notoriously 
sluttish figures like the
eponymous Kate Mansey 
and, has routinely been 
so says my impeccably 
reliable and distinctly 
trusted source, who'll 
understandably, as is 
crucially the state of 
play, with every UK 
far-right and racist 
Nazi rag that hack 
Kate Mansey sells 
herself for surely 
and logically too 
must be granted 
this anonymity! 

Smoke and mirrors are Kate 
Mansey's rapt obsession! 
And while she and her 
beloved rightwing rags are rather 
cynically; blatantly, avariciously 
financially and also egregiously 
too racially diverting attention 
crucially, and malevolently so 
maliciously towards Meghan 
and Harry: clearly faithfully 
and similarly unmistakably 
happily married unlike the 
thoroughly jealous, utterly 
sick and undeniably racist 
assortment, of irrefutably 
and clearly irredeemably 
twisted zealots, furiously 
obsessively and actively 
gullibly as manipulated
Pavlov dogs, controlled 
by fatuous pillocks like 
you Kate Mansey since
like you, they also live 
sad meaningless lives.  

Heterosexual Harry and 
Meghan naturally with 
their evidently young 
and rather cherished family are 
living in the United States with
their sensibly planned family 
Kate Mansey: yet like all the 
Karen sluts, who're far too 
fucking thick, and clearly 
also captiously obsessed 
with them, to verifiably
fittingly appreciate the 
terminology misogyny 
you're fundamentally 
complicitly ensuring:

that nobody is worried 
about this extremely
pernicious, white 
societal malady, far less so, really 
talking about its very egregious 
consequences publicly! Clearly 
primarily so because  twisted 
verminous and rabidly toxic 
hypocrites like you are Kate 
Mansey, stubbornly refuse 
to cover it and specifically
so when it's very centred 
opportunely on Meghan. 

But why would distinctly 
vile odious sycophants 
like you Kate Mansey
basically want to act otherwise 
and not fawningly fully assist 
the general and so concerted 
distraction, which is plainly 
seen as Harry and Meghan? 
Constantly deflecting from 
the real, clearly revolting  
and criminal action fully
represented by the mute 
absolutely glaringly but 
nevertheless manifestly 
invisible elephant, firm 
and happily ensconced 
inside the sanctuary of  
the distinctly involved 
family: a dearly loved, 
spoilt and protected child
and his close association 
with an egregious, fully 
participating regularly 
dominant, predictably 
predatorily instigator 
significantly globally  
exposed, repulsively 
disgraced; deceased 
bestial, paedophile! 
Yet you're crucially  
stumm on this Kate 
Mansey but bloody
obsessed about the 
selected name that 
parents Harry and 
Meghan - lawfully 
granted, their new
baby Lilibet Diana. 
A sad woeful diva. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
23 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks: 
Anyone in Britain, it seems, can set themselves up as an expert - and there are many of them who do, especially so-called royal ones; but how can you realistically be what you claim to be when you don't know anyone in the circle of people that you're supposedly authoritatively writing about? Isn't what you're doing pure delusion and rabid speculation? 

Opinions that are wilfully unsubstantiated while themselves instinctively and egregiously trying to ruin another person's reputation is neither morally defensible nor can that process be remotely classed as journalism. And I do know that as I'm an academically qualified and bona fide journalist. Since it's not normal behaviour to intentionally and concertedly ruin another person's reputation on hearsay or even one's own jaundiced opinions. And while some people might contemptuously disregard these defamatory and libellous aspirations directed at them there are nevertheless laws that do protect their lawful human rights that even braindead hacks like you Kate Mansey aren't exempt from. 

Meghan and Harry have the exclusive and inalienable right to name their children whatever they want without recourse to anyone or the obligation to seek another person's opinion or permission for doing so. Just as you, though married, or anyone in a relationship: married or otherwise, have the same right, even though immoral to do so, to consensually but unfaithfully sleep with other persons. And while I don't care what you sexually get up to Kate Mansey, don't you dare state that you  have never done so! Nor for that matter that anyone in such a situation and who consistently, quite unwarrantedly and vitriolically are obsessively condemnatory of Meghan and Harry for purely hate and racist reasons sought someone else's permission for your adulterous affairs; requested their consent and in such an eventuality informed them also of the true paternity of your conceived sprogs - that's assuming, of course, in bastardized Britain, its Karen sluts actually know themselves who the biological fathers really are! Then attendant to all that sought public approval as to what you should call your offspring. So why then should legally and happily married Harry and Meghan take cognisance of far less so consent to something that these white Karen tarts don't do or would ever contemplate doing? 

Meghan and Harry's family life is exclusively their own business; so fucking well butt out of it Kate Mansey, and the rest of you, whatever your fictional palace sources living obsessively and freely in your heads - just like Meghan and Harry do - have told you!


Monday 21 June 2021

Faux Concern! From a desperate for Relevance, naturally lazy, and bone idle Kate Middleton!

By Stanley Collymore 

Another useless out of 
touch platitude from
someone who has
zero idea about
real life! What next do you very 
specifically have in mind Kate 
Middleton? Telling us all that
heart attacks can be fatal for 
those patients who quite so 
are unfortunately, for each 
one of them unmistakably  
a clearly, luckless victim? 
Well I never! What other 
genius statements, cooly  
to follow Mrs. Windsor!

Honestly, Kate Middleton 
your insincerity is very 
hilarious, coming as it 
does from someone who aptly 
has a personal reputation to
whiten; however, sadly for
you my dear, that level of
muck can't be that easily 
washed away. Crucially 
though, getting back to 
pure brass tacks what 
would you genuinely 
know, singularly too 
critically ensconced 
deeply within your 
ivory tower or else 
irrefutably, briefly 
outside of it, what 
generally goes on 
in the real world 
of truly ordinary
or unmistakably
and consistently 
too systemically 
racially, as well 
as systematiclly
very purposely 
still so evident

British; much less so multiple
millions of Commonwealth 
and other quite ongoingly
exploited, as was customarily 
the custom by the ex-British 
empire, undeniably Global 
South families? Evidently 
briefed whenever this is
necessary, for a specific 
media PR opportunity:
sycophantic courtesy
exclusively of waity  
and bone idle Katie  
Middleton's visibly  
far-right and Nazi  
racist rags, intent 
allies; this too, is 
feasibly done by 
Kate's very own 
plethora, of apt
fawning aides; 
loyal servants; 
and royalist in 
extremis, sick

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
21 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
Kate and William together with their children; personal army of attendant aides; regular servants; the necessary nannies for their pampered children; and also other customarily supported taxpayers' funded sycophants to all of their personal needs, instantaneously high tailed it pronto out of London for their luxurious with every discernibly conceivable luxury amenity possible, indoors as well as outdoors, available at their expansive taxpayers' funded country home and its grounds that together collectively are much larger than the entire northern English city of Manchester.  

There they stayed continuously for in excess of 390 days completely isolated from those that didn't - and still don't from their perspective - matter; but as the fawning plebeians that they vilely are, are too bloody daft to recognize it for themselves - basically the general public. In a single word: You! 

And it was only much later that they both embarked on doing these rather asininely conceived and quite clearly totally useless, and highly irrelevant, videos of theirs conjoined lately with these even more infantile and crassly excruciatingly, nonsensical PR gigs and stunts of theirs to get much needed attention plus their desperate quest for relevance. 

In noticeably marked contrast, other European, hereditary royalty familial members evidently from the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic have distinctly quite notably and altruistically, and equally so totally commendably, done on-hand's work to readily assist in the alleviation of the problems routinely faced by their fellow countrymen and women who they see, and noticeably respect, as equal citizens; not wholly contemptibly, as in class infested and also similarly deeply entrenched mindset Britain, as bloody subjects! 

Thus enabling Kate Middleton, rather literally, to be able to freely comment from her privileged castle, where she has healthy kids and most essentially not a solitary discomfort in life! Now that's what I ironically call being rich!

Sunday 20 June 2021

Mike Tindall: a classic case, not only of proverbial but solidly too literally feral brawn; but clearly no functional brain!

By Stanley Collymore 

During the parliamentary 
debate, later passage of 
the Equality and Race 
Relations Act and its 
commendable passing into law by 
the British government; the very 
hereditary; evidently unelected 
and monarchical: Saxe-Coburg
located in Britain family very  
vigorously campaigned; and 
so impressively successfully  
too for this cancer that lays 
virulently, deep within the 
bowels of a much broader 
British populace to solely 
be permanently shielded 
from every agreed, legal 
aspect of this corrective, 
clearly meritocratically 
based, vital legislation! 

No requirement of a Mensa 
IQ to actually realistically 
understand exactly as to 
why such a long-standingly-racist
and perpetually, very delusional 
medieval and, quite undeniably 
also, an obviously intrinsically 
undeniably medieval mindest 
anachronism of an ongoingly 
and staunchly, unbelievably 
so, still fawningly tolerated 
organisation, malevolently 
did this; distinctly bearing
in mind, that significantly 
proceeding its legislative 
implementation into law 
just as now, the hellbent  
remit of this hereditary 
notably unaccountable 
and, undemocratically 
imposed monarchical 
family suitably along
with their disernibly  
secretly handpicked 
sycophantic stooges 
who they surround 
themselves with to 
the present day, is: 
aptly intrinsically, 
very endemically, 
and categorically, 
disreputably also  
deceitfully racist. 

The Windsor-Mountbatten 
family readily welcomed 
you Mike Tindall clearly 
as a white man: operative words 
white man - into their basically 
archaic family to significantly 
widen its sorely incestuously 
very long-standingly inbred 
genetic pool; irrespectively 
how risibly, to those in the
know but rather typically 
and disingenuously from 
a truthful and pertinent  
standpoint nonetheless  
deceitfully pretending 
so publicly that Anne: 
your upcoming Mum
in law didn't already 
enthusiastically and 
absolutely undeniably, 
enthusiastically, and 
most happily done 
her own part; in 
a pleasurable 
all her 

Imperturbably so, in this 
clandestine process of
hers, for your Mum
in law Anne a most enjoyable Cross 
to bear Mike Tindall! So instead of 
you rampantly spouting off your 
profound ignorance, Mike, why 
not individually meet with the 
England football players then 
sensibly discuss with each of  
them why they're obviously 
doing what they're happily 
openly involved, in doing. 
And surprisingly even for 
someone as clearly thick  
as yourself, possibly get 
a realistic appreciation 
of their clear situation.
Then, additionally ask
this sensible question. 

If UEFA: quite notorious for 
banning anything it sees 
as political are clearly 
permitting these actions, of the 
England footballers to openly 
happen, then one can safely 
say, there're demonstrably 
so not political! And only 
quite sick, irredeemable
racists, and egregiously 
also deeply committed  
emphatically deluded 
and most undeniably 
characteristic, white  
supremacists, solely 
identical to assured 
pillocks manifestly 
vilely symptomatic 
of yourself Mike Tindall 
and your Mountbatten
Windsor - Germanic 
in laws, embedded  
racist Klan, could 
possibly arrive  
at your idiotic

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
19 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks: 
Mike Tindall: in class obsessed and as well quite endemically, compulsively social climbing Britain, a discernibĺy, second rate commoner, who married  into a longstanding, and incestuously inbred, exclusively white, hereditary family constituting an unelected and also outmoded monarchical one. His primary role to help enliven a rather  transparently stagnant, genetic pool deficiency! Intellectual acumen not considered or required requisite need regarding this distinctly privileged environment he would now be entering, since this was both lamentably lacking but nevertheless an aspect highly treasured throughout itself by his forthcoming and hereditary in-laws. 

Logically recognising that several of the so-called equestrian sports on the Olympic calendar were essentially, and exclusively so, white and unmistakeably wealthy minority pursuits even obviously within those purportedly so, developed countries where they were carried out; the IOC wanted to remove some of them from the list of Olympic competitions, quite clearly on the basis that the Olympics were a global endeavour and clearly in the case of these equestrian events rather significantly, two thirds of the IOC's participating countries together with their own populations were simply not the least bit interested in these particular equestrian events. 

As such, the IOC wanted to exclude some of them from being so-called Olympic sports. A suggestion that quite self-righteously, deeply infuriated Anne Mountbatten Windsor -  who just because of who she hereditarily was had been appointed the British representative to the IOC - causing her to racially declare that such action by the IOC would effectively PREVENT WHITES FROM WINNING GOLD MEDALS! Obviously so, the cherished Olympics Charter and precisely what it's meant to internationally convey in genuine terms of true excellence and most crucially also fair competition didn't mean bugger all to this privileged, so evidently white entitled and quite ugly, horse-faced piece of shit! And understandably so for her; as the environment which she and her other familial racist ilk -  living in their distinctly unconvincing state of denial that they are not racist -  dwell in, is as it's always been, and as I write this piece in June 2021, STILL INTENTIONALLY AND DISTINCTLY EXCLUSIVELY WHITE! 

Carry on by all means being so if you must, but don't you then bloody well assume as you've done for nearly five centuries that you know, without consulting us, what's best for us as Blacks, and furthermore can arrogate to yourselves the exclusive right to tell those, who're the systematic and ongoing victims of egregious and systemic racism, as we've similarly been for centuries at the hands of people like you, and as a conduit and have been for centuries to your unwarranted privileges and advantageous ways of living, how we must interpret or react to your disingenuous concepts of Racism - Something that you clearly have no fucking idea of and care even less about! 

A celebratory Juneteenth national holiday to all my several mentally liberated African-American sisters and brothers! Peace; continued strength and perseverance in our collective struggle; and keep the faith!  


Friday 18 June 2021

Surprised, why? Clare Cassidy is a cocaine snorting Karen: white, privileged and also entitled! Like Britain's amenable judiciary!

By Stanley Collymore 

No need for any intelligent 
person to seriously guess 
what is truthfully going 
on in the obviously corrupt, British 
judicial system, which is basically 
directed at distinctively and very 
robustly placating the distinctly 
privileged and their hereditary 
elites; the clearly, rabidly rich; 
white entitled; and conjointly 
their correspondingly totally 
integrated but rather odious 
and harmfully in situ scum. 
Clare Cassidy: should have 
unhesitatingly, been jailed 
for what she'd injuriously 
and callously done. Albeit  
some quite thoroughbred 
pillock of a judge, clearly 
prejudicially and inanely 
stating, then bigotedly so 
ruling that any custodial 
judgement ordering this 
hardcore cocaine taking 
and other serious illegal 
drugs imbibing, convict
to prison will certainly: 
Oh Dear! Oh Dear! Poor 
Clare Cassidy, crucially 
affect her vilely, illegal
health wise. That most 
unbelievably this prat 
of a judge subjectively 
and also conveniently 
passed on was clearly 
and intentionally also 
undeniably this white 
Karen: Clare Cassidy's 
unquestionable doing.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
18 June 2021.  

Author's Remarks:  
Is prison, but only when it applies to the elites, to be a posh hotel, and if not so, then spoilt cocaine and other quite serious illegal substances users shouldn't be sent there. Would any white British judge seriously buy that argument from a Black marijuana user?  That's clearly a rather bloody daft question to ask, but I thought I would anyway, as we all know what the answer to that question is, and as well what the entire British judiciary response would be. Despite the quite irrefutable fact that most of Britain's judges and its senior politicians and other privileged parliamentarians are public school products and are invariably serious drug users; with pure cocaine undeniably being their most favoured illegal kick and habit. And it also accounts for why the legal penalties are so distinctly and quite significantly disparate relative to cocaine and marijuana usage. 

Cocaine users get slaps on the wrists for allowing themselves to be caught, while marijuana users: usually fringe Blacks or poor whites, get heavy custodial sentences in jail. And the British legislation consolidates this state of affairs as the UK politicians: everyone from the Prime Minister downwards has a vested interest to ensure that the status quo stays as it is, so they can lyingly and delusionally persist with their racist narratives that illegal drug usage is predominantly, or even exclusively a non-white curse inflicted on the UK and the perpetrators of this are Blacks. The same kind of delusion that says most of you whites in bastardized Britain know who your actual biological fathers are, when the reality is that you don't and neither do most of your biological mothers; assuming of course that you know who they really are! 

As for this judge sympathizing and moreover empathizing with Clare Cassidy, all I would personally say on that is nudge, nudge, wink wink. And publicly ask this judge what he's currently on. Which is probably a foregone conclusion anyway! 

So Clare Cassidy wreaked horrific injuries on her hapless victim Yasmin Jenkins who ended up seriously ill in hospital and in a coma and is still suffering from the effects of what this arrogant, white Karen and privileged drug user did to her. But no apologies are in order it seems either from Clare Cassidy or this very empathetic of her, poor excuse for a judge and a supposed human being!

And what precisely did the paragon of white womanhood (NOT ) Clare Cassidy do illegally? Here's a list of them, each one in its own right, let alone collectively, deserving of a prison sentence.

1. Driving far above the stipulated speed limit; in effect doing 63 miles per hour in a 30 miles per hour area. 

2. Driving while under the full influence of cocaine which she was snorting and other illegal drugs. 

3. Using her mobile phone while she was driving. 

4. Ignoring basic road safety during the course of her driving; and neither stopping nor even slowing down at road junctions. 

Just a few of multiple other serious violations: traffic as well as human ones. Now, legally, all of these violations individually let alone collectively deserve custodial sentences, yet none were given! And taking into consideration the life altering consequences inflicted on a young Yasmin Jenkins, Clare Cassidy ought to be doing serious prison time; not treated with kids gloves as has clearly happened.

Thursday 17 June 2021

Elaborate stunts, and risible PR solutions to what are deliberately concocted problems!

By Stanley Collymore 

Basically Kate Middleton and
likewise so in this equation 
her non-enchanting, bald 
and hardly ever likely tbe perceived 
as, or realistically so for that matter 
significantly declared, or popularly 
voted the most handsome or else 
mentally inspiring dude in Britain 
or crucially elsewhere on Planet 
Earth: Mr. William Mountbatten 
Windsor; distinctly, realistically,
both personally and conjointly  
only appeal to those numbers
of brainwashed, manipulated, 
correspondingly uneducated 
brownnosers; horribly obese 
and the multitude of slapper 
Karens; white, privileged old 
men and rabid menopausal 
pensioners with embedded 
scores, which vainly they're 
hoping from their past and 
crucially unrewarding lives
to pathetically resolve and 
hopefully prior to the Grim
Reaper's edict, put to rest. 

The obviously feckless and 
empty lives of people who
most conspicuously love
nothing better than very hastily and
so idiotically jumping at any given 
opportunity that's afforded them 
under the mantle of an evidently 
quite past its sell by date and a 
perceptibly archaic and clearly 
decaying monarchy in serious 
search for personal relevance 
in their quite pitiful lives; and 
who, therefore, most heartily 
and easily accept their crap.  

And who, crucially, are these 
incredibly insecure, largely 
gullible and irredeemably 
pathetic persons? Unsurprisingly: 
your actual as well as several of 
these bogus, and make-believe 
white, Britons; who are rabidly 
much more concerned - as is 
so brazenly transparent with
all of them - with noticeably 
so ridiculous observances, 
that they quite ludicrously 
assert to be authentically 
British traditions when in 
reality they're essentially 
nothing of the kind! And 
this, in full combination 
with their reinforced, 
vilely trite, delusional 
superiority beliefs and 
odd racist conjectures, 
instead of them collectively 
logically facing: the clear 
unvarnished truth and 
dealing responsibly 
with the realistic
concerns and 
the realities 
of a 21st

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
17 June 2021. 

Author's Comment: 
Orchestrated fear, quite bewildering ignorance and entrenched bigotry; the characteristic representation of a  truly deluded; incredibly still, even in this supposedly enlightened 21st Century, a distinctly endemically class-infested country; and an evilly, perverse, sick and Brexiteer Britain!