
Saturday 26 June 2021

Scotland Yard probes risible security breach complaint re Matt Hancock's CCTV caught adulterous affair footage!

By Stanley Collymore  

So they're more bothered 
about how the pictures 
of a man who clearly 
imposed the mandate of a national 
obligatory lockdown, quite firmly 
also promulgated as compulsory 
the concept of social distancing; 
similarly: introduced statutory 
fines automatically for known  
non compliance, accidentally 
or intentionally, of every one 
of these, and other arbitrary 
Covid-19, pandemic rulings 
imposed on the majority of 
the country while giving a 
relatively easy, exemption 
pass to his crucially many 
political associates, allies, 
the usual party investors, 
predictably relatives and
fittingly personal friends 
while himself disdainfullly 
breaking those very same
strict rules with married 
lover: and Official Aide 
Gina Coladangelo that  
interestingly equally 
doubles up aptly, as 
a friend of his wife. 

And rather care-freely being 
caught on CCTV doing so? 
Now don't be daft! Matt
Hancock isn't a bit sorry regarding 
what he evidently quite routinely 
did; just rather pissed off that he 
got caught! So now, predictably 
those others with their greedy, 
rather obviously malfeasance 
in public office noses deep in 
the trough concertedly want 
to make absolutely sure, no 
other breaches, but of their 
peculiarly similar security 
happen; in case their very 
personal and distinctly so
comparably amoral vices 
are openly made known! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
26 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
A while back two mature ladies drove a few miles together from their homes into the Derbyshire countryside to get away from the tedium of the lockdown and instead get some much needed outdoor exercise simply by walking unencumbered in the fresh air. Spotted by the local police and self-evidently with no one else in sight or remotely near these two ladies, the latter were nevertheless absurdly sanctioned under the non compliance of social distancing rules. 

Correspondingly, several thousands of people have had their loved ones died in care homes or hospitals and have officially been precluded, even with available PPE, from being at their bedside as their loved ones, worried and possibly frightened, passed away. And the list of other innumerable cases of people being adversely affected by Matt Hancock's rules and proscriptions are publicly known. Even so, most people adhered to the statutory rules and conditions because they believed, as told, that they were health wise, lawfully necessary; and being law abiding persons, or else unthinking for themselves gullibly manipulated rightwing morons with intrinsically embedded totalitarian instincts and sympathies, they automatically adhered to these government stated instructions. 

Rules, it now seems, that were created for the controlled populace but not those concertedly involved in the highly manipulative controlling process of creating and proselytizing them. I'm not the least interested in Matt Hancock's and his married mistress Gina Coladangelo apparently consensual adulterous lives, or anyone else for that matter. As long as they keep it to themselves and don't unwarrantedly, falsely and rather hypocritically vitriolically and publicly criticize others for precisely what they actually doing themselves. What does concern me however, is fairness and equality in what's supposedly a democratic, though far from a properly civilized, British society.  

Having Scotland Yard purposely turn a blind eye to Matt Hancock's callous and cynical repudiation of his own insisted upon where the general public was concerned obligated stipulations, when numerous other people deliberately weren't in that fortunate situation where social distancing infringements were concerned; the far from virtuous manner in which PPE and other massively financially generated government contracts were handed out conspicuously, avariciously and discernibly corruptly to friends and political allies during this Covid-19 pandemic alone and much more; while claiming to be worrisomely concerned about a fictional security breach when the only breach, from every moral perspective, is what Matt Hancock and Gina Coladangelo are/were doing behind their own spouses' backs, is ludicrously pathetic. But this is Scotland Yard after all; so what can one expect? Still getting large envelopes stuffed with massive amounts of cash in them, Scotland Yard? Seems like it!

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