
Wednesday 30 June 2021

Stupidity and Prejudices - Not an inspirational combination!

By Stanley Collymore 

I've taught for decades 
at every conceivably 
academic, and also 
extra-curricular level and have 
literally within Britain come 
across some right dopes in 
my time, but never never 
experienced or heard of
anything as daft, as this  
one! A British teacher, 
and the school which 
she works at, risibly 
reporting a 1st year 
11 years old pupil
to the serious, UK 
counter terrorist
avoidance body 

for openly saying during a 
class room discussion, in 
which he was evidently
a part of, that on growing up, he 
so much wanted to assist in the 
organizing and distribution of 
alms to the very poor and the 
deservingly needy. However, 
most unbelievably, and also 
directly in dire response to 
this very altruistic remark 
his undeniably, imbecillic 
and so ludicrously called 
female teacher evidently 
unaware of and likewise 
pig ignorant of precisely 
what alms are jointly in 
her rapid collaboration 
with this idiotic school, 
their evil ignoramuses 
assumptions distinctly 
and quite subjectively 
thought by each other, 

then shockingly, ignorantly; 
totally horrendously, and 
ill informed set this in a 
racist mindset. This 11yr pupil
is unquestionably British but 
Muslim in faith; and clearly 
alms giving is a distinctive 
tenet of Islam though not 
singularly, as it crucially 
happens, to its religion;
as Christianity likewise  
adopts its terminology.   
How poorly informed 
and clearly, asininely 
inept also, that living  
in a white, European 
country, so routinely 
given to egotistically 
quite superciliously  
very vaingloriously 
ostensibly boasting  

about its incredible, much 
vaunted; supposedly too 
unquestionably clearly 
First World, development status 
and Christian background that 
this distinctively, Karen idiot 
teacher and her likeminded 
pillocks at that school, had 
not the foggiest idea what 
alms realistically are nor 
the presence of mind, or 
intellect also to sensibly 
find out prior to setting  
out: on their invidious, 
distinctly racist action. 

Subjectively and bigotedly 
interpreting alms on the 
sole basis of this boy's 
religion and ethnicity to literally 
mean one thing, arms; basically 
in other words: weapons! Now 
crucially and also impartially 
logically think for a moment 
of all the strongly ingrained 
prejudices hatefully locked
inside not only this female
Karen prat, of a supposed      
teacher but distinctly too 
those equivalent staffers  
that work at that school.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
29 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
The ignorant Plebians swallow and avidly believe all of what they're told and accordingly correspondingly, instinctively and naturally rather unthinkingly act on what they've been manipulatively told. 

In marked contrast, the privileged and hereditarily entitled folk, their coterie chums among the aristocracy, toffs and earnestly endeavouring to be social climbing bums know it's all a load of bullshit; and from their very collective perspective are fully aware that no one but the despised intelligent, who recognize and abhor them for what they actually are and, of course the targeted, are expected to be or will significantly get hurt! 

The fundamental tenet of Britain's entrenched, officially stratified, implacably class riven and incredibly encouragingly for most white Brits, a similarly class driven country.

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