
Thursday 1 July 2021

Slappers, tarts, single parent trollops and menopausal, has beens Karens. The 21st Century pathetic cross section of British women!

By Stanley Collymore 

An aside from me re the 
rank hypocrisy shown 
by Matt Hancock and
his mistress Gina Coladangelo was
the immensely great laugh that it 
immediately, totally delightfully  
and predictably, unsurprisingly 
too entertainingly supplied me 
with, to basically comfortably 
and most hilariously observe 
all you multiple, discernibly  
scorned, clearly sickeningly 
and odiously, malevolently 
vitriolic; endemically evil 
and inevitably disastrous 
hate-filled, jealous, vilely 
hypocritical and fatuous 
white entrenched racist  
Karens actually havinq
a toxically denigrating 
and quite hypocritical 
go at one of your own 
Ms Gina Coladangelo!  

Stupidly self-evidently 
for what distinctively  
you are so obviously 
adept at doing. While you rather 
pathetically stay in either your 
miserable marriages -  clearly 
ostensibly fewer and notably 
obviously less, heterosexual 
unions in Britain nowadays
correspondingly - crucially 
routinely stymied likewise 
by feckless quite typically  
mercurial solitary parent 
relationships; hopelessly 
despairingly clinging on 
to men that sensibly not
just quite appropriately 
wholly despise you but 
much more insultingly 
treasure other women. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
1 July 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
A calculated response from me to all you distinctively vituperative British and your identical kith and kin in the barbarically genocidal acquired, and discernibly ludicrously so delusional terra nuliius lands that through your presence there you now infes, and as well who ridiculously have Meghan Markle - naturally, totally and unquestionably also unasked by her,  blatantly, quite obsessively, voluntarily and permanently living absolutely rent free in your utterly distinctively sick, twisted and racist heads. 

Why so? Because you must certainly know that even within a trillion light years your lot individually as well as collectively won't remotely approach anything that Meghan Markle is so distinctly unquestionably worthy of! 

So do carry on eating your hearts out, as you sink deeper and deeper into the stinking cesspit where you obviously collectively belong; you manipulated, gullible, fawning and irredeemably intellectually challenged suckers.

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