
Thursday 8 July 2021

Talk about populist politics in the UK - This has customarily been the case now for decades!

By Stanley Collymore 

It's the class structure in
Britain which actually 
affects working class
boys lives! However as is very 
customary, those authorized 
ruling powers that are and
which distinctly includes
their enabling acolytes: 
those racist rightwing
rags which basically
opportunely surely 
beneficially profit 
from kowtowing 
and crucially so 
amorally being
avid investors 

will try and get - and are
always very successful 
doing so  - the clearly
intellectually challenged, utterly 
gullible, the significantly easily 
manipulated, to readily blame 
non-white racial groups, who
are themselves, distinctively 
so - unarguably, discernibly 
and irrefutably intolerably 
struggling against eagerly 
hostile intentional severe 
disadvantages, routinely  
occasioned explicitly by 
fatuous white privilege 
and its entitled elitism: 

that egregiously, thoroughly 
debilitatingly and through 
systematic racism which 
they're ongoingly suffering, as 
well as the comprehensively 
quite distinctly, duplicitous 
stratagem of constant, also  
knowing marginalisation 
that's unquestionably an 
egregious encumbrance
to ideally, and personal
improvement for most 
of them, for a horrible 
problem which is not 
of their creation; nor
choosing; or equally 
something that they 
would subscribe to. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
8 July 2021. 

Author's Remarks:
When the white working class; many of them predominantly from mining backgrounds and communities can overwhelmingly vote for the Tories who have historically, and still ongoingly so, not given a toss about them other than how best to exploit them - and every honest and intelligent person in Britain knows what the Tories did to the miners, their mining industry and mining communities - why the hell then should any conscionable person give a damn what happens to these intellectually challenged, dimwitted, gullible and easily manipulated and treacherous morons; or, for that matter, their string of bastard offspring? 

Let them all suffer the inescapable consequences and penalties of their own rank and entrenched stupidity; as irredeemably they'll never grow up, far less so manage genuine productive lives. 

And in case you're wondering I'm no Tory; have always voted Labour but won't touch that party with a barge pole now, with its inept Lab-Tory pillock MPs who run - if you can call it that - under the auspices of Tony Blair's poodle, Keir Starmer. 

Reliable reports are that the latest deadly variant of Covid-19 is rampaging across the North of England and particularly so the Northeast. Good luck to it in its Grim Reaper's capacity! And a clear sign that even God Almighty has truly gotten thoroughly pissed off with these fawning plebeian and useless prats, who expendably infest this part of what's essentially and overall could best be called the Disunited Kingdom!

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