
Sunday 31 March 2024

Royalty: a euphemism for naturally expected, fully acknowledged, and an automatic feudal serf control!

By Stanley Collymore 

The undoubtedly indefatigably very
thoroughly brainwashed, utterly
gullible and quite discernibly
uneducated, moronic serfs that really
consistently rabbit on, about Britain,
obviously meaning, simply England,
distinctively having: a continuously
in situ - 1000 years old royal family
and, consequently, that is precisely
and actually undoubtedly how the
today's status quo, must decidedly
and essentially, unchangeably be!
Really? You rather idiotically and
similarly evidently clearly risibly
demented numbskulls! So please
simply, basically tell which royal
family unquestionably was that?
The House of York; likely, maybe
the House of Lancaster; perhaps
crucially, literally and obviously
distinctly appreciatively, simply
the Tudor; or very possibly also
the family of Stuarts; the actual
Hannoverians; or, undoubtedly
so, the very current incumbent
occupants of that effective role,
the so apparently Saxe-Coburg-

The honestly frank, and simply
irrefutably obvious to anyone
with a genuine and evidently
not the least delusional appraisal of
history; and also in total possession
of an unquestionably authentically
comprehesively, fully documented
history of England and likewise so
the British Isles per se, knows that
there has quite undoubtedly, very
irrefutably, discernibly obviously,
never actually been a continuous
"royal" or any other significantly,
grandiloquent type, monarchical
family distinctly installed on this
island of Britain much less so for
your fatuously believed and also
obviously literally demented but
regularly stated, quite unbroken
assembly of one thousand years.

Neither discernibly practicable
nor continuously in situ; and
furthermore none of these
families were biologically related to
each other. And basically therefore
accordingly and quite significantly
crucially, what you truly evidently
and really undoubtedly ingrained
idiots are simply very deceptively
and deliberately also, maliciously
and really dishonestly positing, is
nowt other, than simply absolute
sick fantasy with unquestionably
no significant relevance really to
feasibly support this fabrication!
And while you're effectively at it
don't simply, really conveniently
forget the generally distinctively
crucially and totally undeniably
significantly pivotal importance
of Oliver Cromwell - discernibly
the unquestionable Republican!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
31 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
While equality of opportunity doesn't equate to or actually mean in reality that you'll automatically achieve all or even any of the admirable pursuits and achievements that you so assiduously have endeavoured to achieve and very gamely and committedly went after; at least whatever the results of your quite commendable endeavours you at least know and fully appreciate that you did unencumbered have the opportunity to pursue your ambitions, tried in trying to achieve them and whether you really succeeded or actually simply failed, did realize in the process of these personal endeavours your own natural strengths and weaknesses.

To however, in marked contrast, from birth rather vaingloriously told and as well exuberantly encouraged to believe that you're incredibly exceptional even when you're still a babe in arms and very literally have unquestionably achieved absolutely nothing, and distinctively in this process a significantly undoubtedly obvious state of affairs which  basically carries on quite relentlessly; this literally, crucially obviously, despite your having in the intervening years not shown any remarkable or outstanding qualities in any respect; but a state of affairs that in no way impacts negatively on you, but rather perversely thoroughly strengthens your basically vile claim to superiority; and all actually based very solely on whose actual vagina you effectively emerged from and just as scandalously who quite specifically jerked off there to in effect create the person that is you!

No skills actually required then, and no real test of your abilities to literally ascertain that you actually have any; for crucially your life of gratuitous fawning to you, a life too of sheer opulent indulgence quite avidly and thoroughly encouraged through a vile sense of false natural superiority and literal self-entitlement, all these very firmly endorsed by quite massively acquired but really clearly unearned or never genuinely worked for, and thus unquestionably unwarrantedly wealth throughout one's lifetime. And all really because, you basically have attributed to you this scandalously make belief, fantasy title of "royal" and which is all preposterously gifted through an incorrigible and infantile birth right! And this evidently still in the 21st Century!

Saturday 30 March 2024

What a rather besotted serf moron this Amanda Platell, purportedly a woman, is!

By Stanley Collymore 

What a total waste of space; an
absolute freak of nature; and
quite supposedly a human
element of Homo sapiens, this wholly
asininely, God-complex, but crucially
in reality an irrefutably specimen of
an undeniably, thoroughly odiously
quite toxically verminous, piece of
shit; this basically unquestionably
obviously indefatigable moron is!
This monarchical Windsor family,
like its ancestors really did in the
past literally funds and supports
illegal wars from which it profits
significantly. Also, it additionally
routinely steals money from the
British people under misleading
and effectively farcical excuses.

And if there allegedly aren't, any
known surviving relatives or
even with plenty of them
around but the deceased simply hasn't
made a will; the monarchical family, in
situ, currently and actually discernibly
so the Windsors, rather automatically,
and distinctively quite completely tax
free under the rules of intestacy, and
our feudal Bona Vacantia system do
get to have; and has never yet failed
to decidedly exercise this unjust but
evidently, basically beneficial option
for themselves to quite avariciously
and very immorality, get their hands
simply, on even bigger quantities of
truly unwarrantedly attained money.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
29 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Actually, the entire family should simply just permanently retire!

As for Amanda Platell: the quite alleged descendant, both in her own right as well as generations of earlier family members of hers rather delusional fantasy that they were all the authentic descendants of aristocratic French Huguenots that were forced to flee France because of the persecution of Huguenots there in the 17th Century, with Amanda's ancestors subsequently moving to England, settling in Kent and becoming treasured silver smiths to the British Royal Family. A thorough pack of lies; as Amanda Platell's family are unquestionably German Yids, from Hagen in North Rhine-Westphalia, were exceptionally large in number and exceedingly poor, barely scraping a living at the best of times.

Ultimately, one of their number, a lad of just 19 years at the time left Hagen in order to escape the poverty he was in and migrated to England; not Kent, the supposed Garden of England itself, but to Toxteth in Liverpool with a distinctly, subsequent and rather lasting notoriety as one of England's most dangerous inner city slums. Subsequently one of his several offspring then also migrated but this time to Australia and where in the process of time and more of their sort, Amanda was born!

Immigrant roots twice over for Amanda Platell, yet this utterly delusional, and very purblind cunt; a thorough fantasist not only regarding her own origins but everything else clearly and quite openly hates immigrants unless they happen to have the same skin colour as herself, but is no more British than likeminded Boris Kemal, aka Johnson, Tom Bower or Sarah Vine, for example, with their quite similar foreign backgrounds are. Yet this is the same Amanda Patell who had the audacity to actually write in one of her usual fantasy Daily Mail columns that she doesn't want Meghan in the UK and thus she's not welcome here.

One couldn’t actually make up stuff like this and be seriously believed unless they either worked for the Daily Mail or comprised its dim-witted, gullible readers. Lol! 

A vile yearning for totally unwarranted recognition, itself endorsed by biased approbation!

By Stanley Collymore 

From what I've simply, quite
personally observed, also
as well as through my
intensive research on the matter have
additionally become even more fully
aware of, is the irrefutable fact that
these British awarded gongs of so
called knighthood, lordships, plus
damehoods are obviously far too
often bestowed on very dubious
individuals, the totally, generally
undeserving, and effectively as
well the rather, unquestionably
obviously outright unpleasant
people that rather predictably
unsurprisingly just happen to
be essentially quite evidently
significantly, well-connected
individuals who hubristically
like to believe just like those
really gullible sycophants of
theirs, who rather cheerfully
and very enthusiastically go
along, with this significantly
blatantly crass assessment
of the giftee of such grants:

that by having them, these
acquired gongs given to
these people, actually
do rather, clearly elevate them, into
the highest echelons of greatness.
When in actual reality: to all those
endowed, with really considerably
far more intelligence and actually
commonsense, they undoubtedly
distinctively signify nothing other
than the true, actually derogatory
classification of essentially what
these really, evidently undeniably
clearly vile, most unquestionably
odious, and specifically, toxically
verminous; obviously mercenary,
self-centred morons literally are!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
29 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
There's an old and rather insightful also Barbadian saying which runs thus: You can thoroughly and meticulously quite adeptly hose down any pig, dress it up subsequently, and sumptuously, in the finest of attire available and afterwards parade that adorned pig in undoubtedly the most commodious and opulent of locations.

But despite all that, this pig will actually, simply instinctively, and most naturally, do what all pigs, in whatever situation they're actually in, and undoubtedly of necessity most crucially embark upon, actually literally, unembarrassedly and  unquestionably, freely shit on the floor of whatever location, which obviously they naturally find themselves in.

These Porcusatti - as I've dubbed them from the Latin word, Porcus, meaning pig - are amorally the same!

Thursday 28 March 2024

In real life I always focus on authentic situations; never delusional fiction!

By Stanley Collymore 

It would be laughable really if 
the concept wasn't quite so
absurdly, pathetic! Britain,
still, to all you undoubtedly delusional
Empire loyalists, very unquestionably
also Little Englanders, and obviously
rather demented Brexit morons, still
being regarded by you, as this great
international power broker, likewise
coupled with its simply, undoubted
and rather clearly amazing powers
to be obviously, a global influencer
too, none of which in actual reality
bears any natural resemblance, at
all, to the truth! For put bluntly the
UK very frankly, no longer matters
in the obviously grand, and global
scheme of things. And clearly the
vast majority of countries literally
and their inhabitants - undeniably
other than rather specifically your
very obviously, white racist Karen
and actually evidently likeminded
Gammon kin scum that arbitrarily
infest the countries that they and
their distinctly, obviously noxious
ancestors, genocidally and rather
barbarically stole, from their truly
indigenous clearly lawful owners.

The barbarous usurpers being the
convict inured, rather laughably
but clearly delusionally Terra
nullius Australia interlopers, also those
of neighbouring New Zealand; equally
Canada, and significantly, the detritus
elements, which also similarly infest
rather evidently the United States of
America and now inconsequentially
those in former Southern Rhodesia,
now back to its original, and proper
name of Zimbabwe and effectively
significantly, South Africa; couldn't
give a fig obviously about the UK's
self-evidently, and unquestionably
too, distinctively machochistically
self-imperilled, really significantly
white Caucasian, clearly toxically
verminous; obviously, thoroughly
brainwashed and, also, generally
gullible while naturally delighted
about it; vile feudal monarchical
serfs, risibly attendant with their
non-white Useful Idiots residing
effectively in this country called
Britain that's supposedly meant
to be unquestionably, a modern
democratic entity clearly in this
21st Century but very obviously
quite categorically, simply isn't!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
28 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
British scum, who are effectively doing far more than even their discernibly laughably and quite delusionally envisioned enemies to effectively destroy Britain. But who very much so, all the same, love nothing better than to undeniably very pathetically wallow in someone else's misery; and specifically so if that person or persons belong clearly obviously to their distinctively undoubtedly and naturally evidently, feudal monarchical and quite indispensable to them, and every aspect of their literally, discernibly pathetic and unquestionably meaningless lives, are members of the quite obviously perceived by them, integral elements, of the crucially, divinely in situ as "royals", quite irrefutably and significantly so by the full approbation of God Almighty - the actually indomitable Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Mountbatten-Windsor family!

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Valiant and altruistic UK fighters on the right side of history! I wholeheartedly admire and salute you!

By Stanley Collymore 

The so-called West - effectively, in other words, the vile egregiously opportunistic, prevalently self-entitled, literally noxiously malevolent most of the time, obsessively paranoid; totally self-centred and crucially, utterly narcissistic, controlling bully widely known as the USA, and its servile lap dog: rather  pathetically, thoroughly dementedly and evidently, rather asininely delusionally existing on past but basically long defunct global influence actually acquired through centuries' long pursuance of its own quite discernible barbarities under the name of variously England, Britain and likewise the United Kingdom, have simply undoubtedly been unquestionably, jointly interfering for decades in the Ukraine,

Malevolently, and obsessively mercenarily to boot, using the Ukraine as a concerted tool to destabilize Russia, and uncaringly in this sick process of theirs without either a single thought or care for what's actually best for the Ukrainian people.

Consequently, President Vladimir Putin's own actions are absolutely commendable and just in the circumstances, and these British men who've personally volunteered to help the Russians, and the undoubtedly quite average Ukrainians, who essentially aren't the evilly sick detritus offspring of the Ukrainian Waffen SS who during World War II were ironically the implacable foes of the Allies and literally the henchmen as well as the barbaric death camp killers and trustees of the Third Reich. And had it not been for the Russians the Nazis evidently would have thrashed Britain's discernibly pathetic ass! But when I say Britain I really do mean the average Muslim that basically either forfeited their lives or actually really put them on the line to effectively defend a country whose monarchy, Establishment and hereditary lot were all in league along with media rags like the Daily Mail with the Nazis.

But all that is very conveniently overlooked or not even taught in the UK schools or the higher echelons of education, any more so than the deliberate shroud of ignorance in relation to Das britishe Friekorps; all rather close knit Nazi Waffen SS brothers in arms of these all white Caucasian: British, Irish, Australian, New Zealand, Canadian and as well USA members and distinctly volunteers with their own Waffen SS unit. The Boers of South Africa had their own Waffen SS unit too, choosing not to join the British one because of their animosity to the UK requisite to the Boer War. Not my obvious intention to give you a history lesson but I suggest you check the requisite details out for yourselves. And the starling fact that the USA charged Britain massively for its participation in World War Two.

A debt that Britain only managed to pay off in the first few years of this 21st Century. Russia, that massively saved Britain's ass specifically on the Eastern Front and lost millions of its citizens doing so, India and the African countries that provided several millions of troops: India alone 1 million, the African countries collectively over a million, plus the hundreds of thousands from the Caribbean, and Black Americans none of whom charged Britain a single penny for their help; but crucially as in the case of Barbados and others altruistically raised several millions of Pounds Sterling for the construction of RAF aircraft. I do suggest you read up on the role that they played in every branch of the UK armed forces and the supply ships that ran the gauntlet to feed a U-Boat besieged UK!

But it's the descendants of the Waffen SS of the Ukraine that you care about now, and it's primarily because of the massively huge financial pay offs that British and USA figures and others get from this covert war they're fostering; and it's their offshore bank accounts and those of their media allies that should be under scrutiny, not valiant, altruistic and commendable Brits helping the Russians against what is essentially white western barbarity.

And why brand these brave and altruistic men as traitors which they are not. Is the UK at war officially with Russia? The true answer to that is, No! So what makes them traitors when racist, right-wing British men fighting for the Ukrainian Waffen SS, vile and detrital, aren't? And in addition any British Yid male or female who wants to go to purloined Palestine and does do so, can candidly come back afterwards to the UK and boast about how many Palestinians and others they've murdered, doing so quite openly with praise from the right-wing media, and not a tweet of condemnation from the Metropolitan Police, the CPS, the raft of vile British MPs and the rest of the bought and paid for plethora of basically simply mercenary, avaricious assholes that actually largely comprise the British Establishment. And when one considers that Canada, which is clearly a principal member of NATO is also home to the very largest number of Ukrainian Nazis, both post-war and present day ones who are either former Waffen SS members or very close relatives of theirs, clearly outside the Ukraine itself, nothing that these evidently western warmongers do, and chiefly so the USA and UK, shouldn't be a surprise!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Much is said  by politicians and equally other Establishment figures, as well as asininely, clearly similarly sounded off by the UK's media and their bought and paid for mercenary, very idiotic mouthpieces posing as experts, about Russia's rather so-called, distinctively uncalled for and equally, in their sick minds, evidently so unwarranted and barbaric invasion of the Ukraine. Really? What convenient, short memories they have!

Why is Russia's supposedly unjust and unnecessary situation with the Ukraine worse or any different reprehensibly in any way from the USA and UK unjustly and for the stripping of their assets, the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq based on a well proven lie? Just answer that; all you bloody hypocrites!

And as for Britons actually fighting for Russia being termed traitors, I suggest that you get a decent dictionary and as such look up that word. Britain is not at war officially with Russia although it's obviously evident that it's undoubtedly supplying not just enormous quantities of arms, but equally as well huge sums of money to Ukraine, trains its combat forces, and actively encourages British mercenaries, with no less than official government permission to fight for the Ukraine regime, which is a proxy of the USA; and being the instinctive USA's lap dog and ever ready to do its bidding, as well as evidently deluding itself that it's still a categorically, naturally obviously influential world power, which it most certainly isn't; Britain, this discernibly, unquestionably embarrassingly, and too obsequious bag carrier of the USA that it most pathetically is, does what it's told by Uncle Sam!

The USA: Unquestionably  the Home of the Military Industrial Complex that is behind all these wars, openly so or just as well covertly instituted ones that this Ukraine saga most certainly is; and that all these enthusiastic supporters simply expect to get their financial kickbacks. As none of them actually give or care a shit at all about the average Ukrainian. And the fact that those propelling this war are Nazis and principally the very descendants of those Ukrainian Waffen SS that were staunch allies of Germany and its odious, Nazi philosophy during World War 2, and still are, and actually to this very day still celebrate this same philosophy along with Hitler's birthday, shows you how idiotic the current UK regime and Establishment are, as these Nazi swine were never and still aren't any friends of Britain let alone the very concept of democracy. And as I've said many times in the past, were it not for the Russians, the UK would have most clearly and distinctly had its evidently pathetic ass well and truly, discernibly thumped on the Eastern Front. And as well unlike the USA which billed the UK massively for its belated entry and also involvement in World War 2: a massive bill that Britain only finally managed to pay off in the first few years of this said 21st Century - Russia never charged the UK a penny for saving its pathetic ass!

Effectively, the USA is unquestionably a quite thoroughly warmongering bully. And here are some genuine and clearly irrefutable statistics to substantiate this fact. The 13 North American colonies in 1776 wrested their independence from Britain and distinctively did become an independent entity the USA. However, since then and almost continually this USA which literally enlarged itself only in the 19th Century to what it currently is today, with the exception of course of Alaska, which although it was actually bought from Russia by the USA, on the 30 March 1867, for $7.2 million dollars, essentially less than 2 cents per acre for a territory in excess of 600, 000 square miles in total, Alaska did not become a state of the USA actually, until January 3, 1959; the distinctively 247 years old USA, has quite undeniably throughout its existence, been at war undoubtedly somewhere or other 107 times - which in essence, actually means that since it was formed the USA has literally been at war for 93% - yes you read the quite correctly - of its existence, with it quite currently engaged in 5 ongoing wars.

A state of affairs, which means it has in effect, really had more wars percentage wise than England/Britain/ the UK have actually had throughout the enterity of the British Empire or truly come to that Russia has had for that matter. Now just significantly, think on that for a minute or two!

Let me quite logically, realistically draw an analogy here. A couple gets married and subsequently the marriage actually collapses. Observers, who're interested or just curious might very well say that the failure of the marriage was actually a case of basically six of one and simply half a dozen of the other. Essentially that both probably need to share the blame. However, should one of the two former spouses decides to marry again, and for argument sake, actually does so a total of 10 times and, specifically, also to women who didn't know of or simply hadn't even heard of each other, much less so the precise circumstances of this spouse's previous divorces and all 10 of these new marriages likewise ended too in very acrimonious divorces. It simply doesn't need someone with a Mensa IQ to literally work out that there's a quite common denominator and undeniably who that common denominator simply is!  

And very obviously with its multiplicity of wars significantly not only within its rather effectively so-called "territorial" region but rather undoubtedly so globally and as well still ongoing worldwide, it's obviously not rocket science to actually work out who the world's principal war monger is and has been for some time now. But nevertheless like every vile and odious playground bully, actually likes to cowardly scream blue murder whenever someone has the bloody balls to actually stand up to such a toxically verminous, bullying and clearly egotistical scumbag!

Tuesday 26 March 2024

There are many more skeletons in the Windsor familial closet than in the average burial crypt!

By Stanley Collymore 

This so-called monarchical family
of yours are who they are, really
because of the vile scheming,
plotting and barbarous murders, by their
similar ancestors of their specific rivals.
Thus as such, they essentially achieved
their power, as well as, the undoubtedly
enforced ownership obviously, of those
lands, which they evidently barbarically
acquired; but sensibly, in order, to curry
favour, and literally maintain the power
they'd quite evidently, brutally acquired
they actually bribed friends and others
simply like junior family members with
significantly, the obviously distribution
of lands, and invariably, forcibly stolen
from their previous and obviously rival
owners their now crucially deprived of
feudal titles but not uncommonly also
invented, made up ones - like the 21st
Century equivalent one of Liz Windsor
quite narcissistically, creating William
basically, the Duke of Cambridge that
previously naturally never existed and
that's undoubtedly, rather distinctively
how this unquestionably very useless
and actually pointless Windsor family
very evidently, live their feudal lives in
this the 21st Century while equally as
asininely, in their choice of behaviour,
utilizing their criminal Dark Ages M.O.

Behaviour that has bugger all, in
effect, to essentially do with
any honourable tradition
as your evidently demented, and rather
idiotic serf sycophants are gullibly led
to believe. And now as formerly in the
past; the status quo, clearly obviously
naturally, with this crucially dishonest
simply deceitfully monarchical bunch
is to actually maintain the status quo,
at all cost; and with themselves quite
fittingly sitting really pretty financially
sound, especially self-entitledly while
privately among themselves, actually
literally laughing their heads off from
their discernibly luxurious comfort at
the top of their hierarchically created
and quite privileged enforced tree; at
you unquestionably idiotic; fatuously
dimwitted morons, amply supported
by food banks aptly crowded around
clearly sycophantically, in obeisance
to these vile Windsors at the bottom.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
This very laughably outstanding Windsor monarchical family, with no outstanding educationists, scientists, entrepreneurs, state of the art, quite discernibly medical professionals, technologists, inventors or psychologists, and I could carry on with a plethora of crucially important things that they aren't and haven't the skills or equally the intellectual acumen to achieve - quite obviously what rife incestuous inbreeding does to any family - and the only distinctly evident and highly questionable asset they do have, and even then, simply specifically rand risibly regarded as such exclusively by no one else but their surfeit of vile, odious and quite thoroughly, fatuous sycophants, is hand waving and cutting ribbons! Quite far from being relevant assets in a simply modern 21st Century! Those two features factored into their rather delusional notion that they're in situ self- evidently by Divine approbation!

Yet this basically useless Windsor family between them have 2e enormous palaces, castles and grand mansions, while clearly additionally between them literally control over 800,000 of land, A privileged situation boosted by in excess of 700 servants each at their back and call, while they and quite obviously the rest of the hereditary and so-called aristocracy actually own over half of England. And should you or any other vile peasant or subject die, have some wealth of your own which you honestly earned but didn't leave a will or have a known heir, all of that quite simply, automatically goes to this monarchical family - now Charles and William principally - and quite tax free! It's a feudal system called Bona vacantia! Just go and check it out!  Quite additionally, this very same monarchical family, undeniably automatically owns all the assets on the seabed around the entirety of the UK! And if you think this is fair and just then rather simply you're a sandwich short of a picnic.

Meanwhile, you 21st Century feudal serfs and peasants live essentially, and clearly compared to the Windsors, in housing that could simply be very obviously realistically compared to rabbit huts while undoubtedly many of you have to rely on food banks.

But what the heck you love your monarchy and love having your asses basically sorely whipped by them. Just like the idiotic wife or partner who has the shits knocked out of her by a narcissistic, psychopathic and a very misogynistic partner - their male or female; and when sensibly questioned why she doesn't leave that brute her response is: "He/she loves me, that's why they do it. It's to show me they care for me!" Ring any bells with you morons?

Having trained and worked previously as a psychiatric nurse I would simply normally have suggested you get your head tested. But as you know full well Maggie Thatcher who you cunts also worshipped distinctly closed down all the mental hospitals and pocketed the wealth from the sale of these very profitable properties for herself and her Tory colleagues! Stating that you quite odious nutcases could be dealt with in the community.  And accounts for why clearly large numbers of you are let loose on the streets of the UK.

By which time I'd long quit to pursue my primary and from childhood lifelong ambition: my Academic Career!

Monday 25 March 2024

How to turn hypocrisy into a financially prosperous, clickbait commodity!

By Stanley Collymore

Congratulations, offered by me
most openly but undoubtedly
likewise quite sarcastically
to the Daily Mail quite specifically, but
clearly as well to others that naturally
on a daily basis also crucially publish
many unfounded speculations about
people they hate; you know the ones,
like Harry and Meghan, now crucially
and obviously amazingly, essentially
claiming they're effectively outraged
universally by thoroughly unfounded
speculation, unquestionably relating
to Charles Windsor, heir William and
his wife Kate Middleton. Three quite
irrefutably toxic, principals amongst
this family of odious, Windsor scum
discernibly involved in a still ongoing
basis of egregious and malevolently
feeding their own nasty, self-serving
speculation, actually about Meghan,
Harry and crucially significantly their
young children, to the Daily Mail and
other racist and fundamentally quite
repellent elements of the UK's MSM!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
23 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Basically my crucially personally having any sort of empathy either actually with or for the quite discernibly evil, Windsor family and specifically, distinctively that specifically evidently, gruesome four of Charles, Camilla, and clearly arch racist white supremacist William, and equally likemindedly his Karen spouse Kate - is for me the actual equivalent of lauding the iceberg for undoubtedly sinking the Titanic and effectively causing all those deaths.

The principal difference here being, that in the case of the Titanic it was literally an act of nature, with the Windsors and specifically the Gruesome Four, it's very much a clear situation of premeditated malice! And as a favourite Bajan adage goes: you do ultimately unquestionably reap what you sow! And more besides! Food for thought!

Knock it on the head and simply keep stumm Kate Garraway!

By Stanley Collymore 

This isn't a genuinely national story
Kate Garraway simply a personal
matter that quite frankly is now
seemingly literally lining your pockets
financially. There are quite absolutely
thousands of families across Britain
in the same or even worse positions
emotionally than you effectively are.
And every sensible person evidently
knows perfectly well, that obviously
losing a cherished spouse, or close
partner can really, for those directly
involved trigger much harder times
and specifically so, very financially,
which in the latter case you're very
fortunately clearly obviously not in
Kate; basically, having the MSM to
actually crucially pay your way! So
simply back down! Be thankful for
your evidently precious memories;
crucially, resist every desire for an
ongoing publicizing of your rather
present circumstances; and quite
adequately move on with your life.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Not a castigation of you Kate Garraway; simply an obviously honest statement that Death is actually inevitable to all of us. Suggest therefore that you get hold of my poem: "The Majesty of Death!” Available on this site or simply Google it. Hopefully, it might help!

Sunday 24 March 2024

A.N. Wilson - what a total cunt! Truly desirous of genuine democracy isn't being forced into any of your sick alternatives!

By Stanley Collymore 

Do you A.N. Wilson and your equally
likeminded, fatuous monarchical
sycophantic fans realize that
you could quite easily have had Andrew
as king, if basically he'd been fortunate
enough to significantly have born first?
And actually incredibly, why do all your
quite puerile sort, always assume that
intelligent persons will actually dream
up as literally their alternatives, to this
rampantly odious and unquestionably
also; specifically, toxically verminous;
undoubtedly dysfunctional and rather
distinctively, really evilly, monarchical
system, discernibly ridiculous people
as your evident smoke screen states;
and asininely, in your very sick minds
always dependably evidently stupidly
and also unquestionably put forward
as, obviously, absolute certainties, to
be Britain's President or other simply
democratic alternative, if this odious
Windsor lot was permanently got rid
of and shorn of their felonious gains. 

In 2013 the precise year George
Windsor was born a total of
778,803 live babies were
likewise born in Britain and so one can
quite realistically assume that most if
not all of them are British citizens. So
does George's rather undeniably very
racist, white-supremacist Yid mother
Kate Middleton, likewise A.N. Wilson
or any other similarly rather purblind
cunt simply realistically think that of
all these children so obviously really
born in the literally rather same year
as George never mind all the others
unquestionably, significantly simply
born previously or else undoubtedly
quite subsequently to him; who are,
similarly British citizens but crassly
and likewise, instinctively regarded
as actually obviously unqualified to
effectively aspire to be or generally
naturally, essentially become Head
of State of Britain! And thus simply  
firmly attendant with that distinctly
actually laughable specifically held
and patently ludicrous assumption
that George Windsor exclusively, is
suitably qualified; wholly expressly
on the effectively idiotic basis that
his rather presumptively perceived,
birth right father - William Windsor,
did manage to simply successfully
discharge his spunk accordingly in
the fanny of his forthcoming mum
Kate Middleton; and consequently,
he was thus apparently the first of
her crucially, three sprogs to really
under the UK's fucking daft feudal
monarchical rules, to undoubtedly
appear! What prevalent vile idiocy! 

Imagine, and seriously think on
it for a few minutes; giving the
top job, the Head of State, in
the UK, or actually anywhere else for
that matter and obviously in what is
essentially, supposedly a democracy
to somebody, whose rather, solitary
"merit" is very undoubtedly having
a title, invented in the Dark Ages; a
situation, simply actually asininely
and distinctly compounded by just
two, solitary facts: complementing
each other! Distinctively the fanny
he or she literally simply emerged
from and equally to that who shot
his spunk there! And quite clearly
if you obviously still can't see that
this obviously dysfunctional, very
obviously, quite undoubtedly also
very literally, incestuously inbred
Windsor family has really caused
such endless embarrassment and
harm to the people of Britain and
elsewhere globally; alas with you
ongoingly and obviously stupidly
looking up to them as you clearly
do and furthermore believing all
the wilfully lying shit which they
basically routinely relay through
their irrefutably very generously
bribed media sycophants simply
to the likes of you, then basically
you literally deserve each other! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 March 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
These pathetic monarchical sycophants are really so undoubtedly brainwashed that they simply quite distinctively hate ordinary British people, and essentially distinctively assume, that crucially only one of their vilely, so-called birth royals is ever suitable for the life long position of Head of State of the United kingdom.

This perverse, utterly class driven and thoroughly outmoded monarchical system that is likewise an irrefutably diabolical, malignant societal cancer in the 21st Century needs evidently to be permanently got rid of; as it distinctly, quite undoubtedly foments entrenched inequalities, societal disharmony, avid greed, entrenched discrimination of all sorts and is a cancerous entanglement of rapacious self-entitlement not based on any natural ability, genuine merit or noticeable intellectual acumen; but in essence and rather primarily so, on so-called birthright and quite hereditarily enforced familial connections. 

Likewise this vile monarchical system is clearly also a deeply embedded, quite avaricious and a distinctly egregiously, basically mercenary institution that has routinely and rather mercilessly clearly enabled those who run and do benefit the most from this iniquitous system to unconscionably and ruthlessly exploit those whom they arrogantly perceive as the underclass, for their own selfish and most fatuously self-perceived as in situ by the Divine approbation of their rather twisted concept of God Almighty, very ongoing individual and collective benefit! 

A system which is very overwhelmingly endorsed and avidly supported by quite racist, white Karens; and as such rather understandably truly makes intelligent, astute, and unquestionably undaunted, obviously, distinctively meritocratically mind-set individuals like myself, cringe in disgust at their incalculable stupidity and distinctly implacable, monarchical sycophancy; and who quite doubtlessly and contemptuously regard the valiant suffragettes as the "woke" individuals of their day! Lol!