
Friday 23 June 2023

Well said Ash Sarkar! Similarly, your evaluation is both sensibly and honestly outlined!

By Stanley Collymore

Frankly, I couldn’t have agreed
with you more Ash Sarkar,
and will effectively go
even further, and express the earnest
personal wish, that rather regrettably
significantly many more, discernibly
of these types of actually, fatuously
narcissistic people, simply weren’t
on that submarine; now thankfully
lost, in the very sprawling depths
of the mighty Atlantic Ocean but
expectantly so next time round!
Because, if the clearly feckless
and puerile rich, have that sort
of money, to really throw away
on such literally fatuous vanity
projects and basically get into
obviously, serious trouble like
this solely and distinctively of
their very own making; when
also rather realistically these
clearly obscenely, inordinate
sums of money could  really
have been put to better use.

Simply by assisting people
in genuine need, who’re
actually quite literally
starving and, furthermore, desperately
homeless; acute situations, which the
plethora of these haughty pillocks are
absolutely cognizant of; nevertheless,
in spite of this most of them evidently
and selfishly, don’t give a toss about!
So obviously commonsensically why
then should I significantly personally,
or others effectively just like me with
a staunch moral perspective, clearly
concerning the virtuous value of life,
as well as a natural concern, for the
welfare of those that simply through
no obvious fault of their making still
find themselves distinctly haplessly
deeply ensconced in the dire ranks
of the rather mercilessly, ill-treated;
the very undoubtedly ignored, and
also the generally underprivileged.
As those of us, that quite honestly
wish to basically alleviate as best
we possibly can their abominable
situations and suffering; naturally
and sincerely ask ourselves, why
we should honestly, give a damn
about what essentially, occurs in
that stricken submarine; relative,
to those sociopathic, selfish and
effectively narcissistic, morons?

Ash Sarkar is obviously spot on
in her very lucid, truthful and
and forthright assessment.
Spending really eye watering amounts
of money to egotistically visit, what is
essentially, the final resting place of
crucially hundreds of unfortunately
drowned people; quite essentially
a solemn graveyard, that morally
should be very permanently, left
alone anyway, is ethically by no
mean either a good thing or an
intelligent, utilization of money.
Nor come to that, the multiple
millions, which those several
governments will essentially
fork out, essaying to rescue
what's very unquestionably
for them, prime ingredients
from within this essentially
significant coterie, of their
exceedingly and uniquely
privileged 1% percenters
solely ultra rich men and
equally female members
club, who never the less
for all their crude wealth
are clearly lowlife scum!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
23 June 2023.

Author's Remarks:
How the hell has Britain effectively managed to be twisted so out of shape and specifically so lose its basic sense of right and wrong? So utterly corrupted now, in fact, that people like doctors and nurses: those who will literally be called upon to urgently save lives, if needs be, are now readily and frequently vilified  and openly castigated by right-wing media organizations , while reckless thrill seeking billionaires, a bloated, pathologically lying ex-Prime Minister and similarly likeminded politicians, all in league with a distinctly immoral, serial adulterously and a massively financially avaricious dysfunctional monarchy are unbelievably lionized, fawned over and saintly idolized! While in marked contrast hatred and public vitriol is viciously and customarily directed at those who both honestly and unafraid point out to the sick participants amongst surfeit of the aforementioned relevant home truths, but which self-evidently they don’t want to hear.

Thursday 22 June 2023

The Daily Middleton with contributions from fawning Karen Cunts, like Eliza Scarborough!

By Stanley Collymore

If the most interesting thing
about the Windsors is the
amount of money they
spend on their clothes and therefore
the supposedly sweet tributes which
they get from all these brownnosing
serfs when they basically wear each
other's jewelry does clearly suggest
and I would also distinctly, sensibly
likewise imagine that all other sane
intelligent minds too, unimpressed
with this manifestly dim-witted shit
of yours Eliza Scarborough, simply
regrettably too few of us in Britain,
that these naturally utterly useless
and notably superfluous Windsors
aren't only irrelevant, but similarly
also, effectively a waste of space.
And it's rather evident to anybody
that can think for themselves and
truly doesn't need to jump on this
stupid bandwagon because they
do have worthy, productive lives,
that they can truly call their own.

Unlike a discernibĺy, distinctly
odious and a thoroughly vile
and loathsomely, toxically
verminous, egregiously pathetic piece
of scum, like you effectively are Eliza
Scarborough, as you quite fulsomely
and idiotically, enthusiastically jump
on this specific bandwagon, so that
you can also literally, wallow in the
same, money-grabbing exposition
as the others and expectantly get
that recognition, transient though
it'll irrefutably be, which you truly
simply clearly obsessively crave
and irrefutably, earnestly want!

For had Meghan Markle worn
the exact, same outfits, this
article of yours and the
clearly utterly useless, dimwittedly
sycophantic, and the undoubtedly
very fatuous, thoroughly pathetic
bitch that you Eliza Scarborough
are it would be castigating every
aspect of her own characteristic
and evidently, alluring style; but
too, the cost of the clothing she
was likewise elegantly wearing!
Racism when challenged quite
Instinctively, lyingly denied; by
viciously egregious, obviously
though, such cowardly odious,
fatuously, toxically verminous
racist Karens exactly like you
Eliza Scarborough attendant
with like-mindedly gammons;
quite shit scared to honestly
and similarly candidly admit
to what you distinctively are
in a sick bid, for recognition.

(C) Stanley. Collymore
22 June 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Will this ludicrously obscene and also pathetic, grovelling deification of the Daily Middleton, aka the Daily Mail's, stick insect Kate Middleton ever stop?

Highly unlikely, I suspect, in a country whose society is largely comprised of very endemically thoroughly sick sado- masochistic serfs who unquestioningly and evidently undoubtedly conditioned from their birth to what they really are simply and quite frankly haven't either the will or the ability to change.

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Durable Adultery!

By Stanley Collymore  
There are often multiple reasons  
given either espousing, usually  
advocating or even actually  
being significantly totally sympathetic  
towards adultery, whether it’s actually  
of the serial kind or simply embarked  
on rather casually but on each of the  
relative occasions known and clearly  
confronted with, this normal concept  
that is essentially known as morality,  
these excuses invariably attempting  
to serve as a steely bulwark against  
the former while distinctly exploiting  
the general processes of excessive  
dishonesty, disingenuousness, plus  
unequivocal hypocrisy in this rather  
duplicitously involved in exertion of  
what’s being literally self-absorbed,  
simply one-sidedly undertaken and  
likewise conveniently and seriously  
effectively misguidedly overlooking  
the robust, ethical principles which  
these flagrant cheaters undeniably  
heartlessly, very arrogantly and as  
well quite detestably leave behind!  
Essentially, morality is something that  
one either fully embraces or simply  
chooses not to do so; since, as  
far as I’m logically aware and equally  
personally concerned, there is really  
obviously clearly no half-way house  
relative to this pattern of discernibly  
treacherously, untruthful demeanor  
and rather undeniably endemically  
evidently characteristic of adultery  
per se which one can significantly  
excusably either effectively rather  
stupidly, or worse still egotistically  
self-servingly, unquestionably yet  
knowingly enter into, or obviously  
similarly for that matter, generally
realistically pretend their dubious  
conduct can simply be excusably  
overlooked or therefore left alone.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
21 June 2023.  
Author's Remarks:  
In 21st Century ensconced, but effectively still Middle Ages entrenched, discernibly deeply class ingrained and similarly serf mind-set Britain, adultery is now not only the key upward mobility tool requisite in one's repertoire for unlimited success but indispensably as well a natural requisite for  queenly ambitions and their attendant attainment.

Thankfully, so-called wildlife is fighting back and personally I’m 100% supportive of them!

By Stanley Collymore  
Mankind has been capriciously
murdering whales for many
centuries now and quite
respectfully to them they've just simply
and finally quite obviously had enough!
The whales, which are now very widely
featured in the numerous headlines of
the world’s media at this moment and
self-evidently to anybody really with a
distinctly functioning brain irrefutably
and basically too essentially situated
inside their skull, and who effectively
moreover significantly knows how
to use it, are obviously very naturally
aware that these evidently sensitive
whales hate those injurious sounds
recurrently made, by the engines of
these rather intrusive luxury yachts  
and burgeoning toll of cruise liners.  
An intrusive state of affairs that’s
discernibly compounded by the
rather transparently, obvious
fact, that their only remaining habitat is
markedly and egregiously intruded into.
Activities crucially wilfully employed by
human kind, to selfishly and uncaringly
narcissistically, effectively satisfy their
vaingloriously, orchestrated vacations!
And the obviously sensible solution to
this distinctly manmade and basically
likewise truly avoidable problem? Get
out of these crucially inconvenienced
whales way humans, and leave these
unquestionably beautiful, very clearly
intelligent, aquatic residents ALONE!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
20 June 2023.
Author's Remarks:  
Why do significant numbers of Homo sapiens persist with this odiously vile assumption that human beings  aren't only the most important species on our Planet Earth but likewise are distinctly indispensable as well; and because of mankind's distinctively inalienable and apparently as well purported superiority in all things - a classic oxymoron state of affairs, all things manifestly logically considered, when honestly, discernibly sensibly and essentially also naturally intelligently, human beings, and rather specifically those who narcissistically and egotistically, distinctly like placing themselves at the pinnacle of each and every human pile most unwarrantedly, are very closely examined and found to be naturally predictably well below their vaingloriously exultant suppositions.  
As such therefore, human beings have no obvious right to lord their ludicrous and obviously vainglorious notions over other species, and if truth such humans were even half as intelligent as they like to believe that they are they would very readily realize that. That they don't very literally proves my point.

Lowlife racist Karens, Gammons and their toxic, manipulative controllers Obsession in overdrive!

By Stanley Collymore    
The obsession with Harry and
Meghan is quite ridiculous
and to the actual point
of being fatuously obscene. How many
people simply exceptionally arrogantly
and rather nauseatingly, hypocritically
and likewise very abusively critical of
them, are effectively now undeniably
and obviously shamelessly, full-time
avariciously manifestly making their
financial living actually off of them?  
Uninvited, to this year's Trooping of    
the Colours these morons claim as
they viciously hurl, their customary,
ill-informed and invariably outright
lying at Harry and Meghan. Really!  
Who says? Intelligently thoughtful
and discernibly competent people
readily and soundly actually differ.  
Since quite logically why on Earth
would either or both of them truly
wish to be there?  Particularly, as
neither the absence of Harry, nor
Meghan was actually significant.  
Basically and very logically also  
because in no way, far less so  
the rather ludicrously risible  
and asinine, oxymoron sense, are they
actually so-called “working” members  
of this manifestly, British monarchical  
family; having very intentionally, freely  
and also voluntarily, chosen not to be.  
Furthermore they evidently do happily  
live as husband and wife in California,
USA with their two distinctly adorable
young children and quite significantly  
it was always unquestionably literally  
unfeasible they would generally want  
to unnecessarily travel, all the way to  
England for this routine annual event  
in the British calendar if an invitation  
to them was even unexpectedly sent.  
But intellectually challenged clowns  
and self-inflated, so called royal  
experts; racist Karens and  
their distinctively likeminded Gammons  
all biasedly naturally see their absence  
very different and most particularly so  
when they’re told what to think, by the  
purposely divisive and manifestly too  
irrefutably unquestionably, egregious
white supremacist, British right-wing  
rags complicitly also their electronic  
media bedfellows and equally those  
with their own evilly ingrained racist  
and lowlife agendas, to take care of  
in their vainglorious attempt to stay  
relevant in their paranoid existence.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
18 June 2023.  

Author's Remarks:  
Harry and Meghan consciously made the decision to voluntarily leave the British monarchical family and move to the USA: so why then should they in anyway whatsoever be automatically or otherwise invited to any perceived, by you lot, “royal” and, therefore, by your similarly decidedly rather asinine deduction quite naturally important functions?    
It might perhaps arguably be marginally different, although highly unlikely so as well, if Harry and Meghan had decided to continue living in Britain or otherwise alternatively in some nearby country, but they evidently haven't done either of these two things.  
And as such unquestionably residing in California precisely on the western side of the United State of America and also simultaneously engaging in a rather full and distinctly independent family life of their own; why then in the actual name of everything that is essentially logical and likewise sensible, would they want to recurrently be invited or effectively too attend, if they were, everything, or anything come to that, that occurred or was about to

The British Monarchy and its supporters are daily increasingly becoming more cult like!

By Stanley Collymore    
The British Monarchy has quite    
routinely rather successfully    
exploited, usually bribed    
and evidently used the mass media to
dishonestly convince the exceedingly    
gullible, intellectually challenged; the  
most unquestionably and ignorantly    
disposed, amongst those of a quite    
sociopathic, discernibly evil and an    
increasingly also vile psychopathic    
low esteem, throughout the British    
public, and equally their genocidal    
overseas kin that their undeniably    
excessive, monarchical members    
are unquestionably - but insanely    
ludicrous to intelligently sentient    
folk a load of bollocks - normally    
special, and similarly exclusively    
much better, than everyone else!    
And most certainly so, they will    
privately argue and do firmly    
believe, like the surfeit of    
sycophantic serfs and brownnosing
plebeians; when in reality, the quite    
unremarkable Windsors obviously    
aren't! And instead represent, and    
quite irrefutably so the continuity    
of very blatant inequality; brazen    
societal injustice, unwarrantedly
unaccountable power and vilely    
malevolently outrageous greed.    
(C) Stanley V. Collymore    
18 June 2023.    
Author's Remarks:    
No different in ideological mind set and operation, the British monarchical cult, from that of Charles Manson and his Manson Family cult, and similarly that of Jim Jones and his Peoples Temple cult, also known as Jonestown. 

Thursday 15 June 2023

Start culling humans instead; they're far too many of them, and of the wrong type!

By Stanley Collymore
Big game hunting equals sick
people, and it's essentially
humans who are really
the beasts, not the elephants, who
are exceedingly intelligent beings.
And what a distinctly, undeniably
truly asinine suggestion; to really
promote that instead of focusing
on simply catching the poachers
and then handing out very harsh
court sentences and undeniably
evidently burdensome, financial
penalties similarly both to them
and their killer backers; to deter  
and also lawfully force them to  
stop we toxically have purblind
pernicious and unconscionable
pillocks like Sue Reid, a literally
fatuously, braindead Daily Mail
hack upholding trophy hunting.
That's like suggesting that you
should effectively, actually
leave the doors of your
private residence unlocked at all
times, so that essentially every  
perspective burglar, wanting  
to generally, make a call at
your home will effectively  
cause less destruction to
your individual property
as, and when, they opt
to generally break in.  
Or just as idiotically suggesting
that we might all as well either
agree to or stupidly acquiesce
in the heinously, vile slaughter
of elephants by humans, truly  
for fun because basically, the
alternative is poachers killing
them anyway, for profit. What
a ridiculous and odiously sick
suggestion evilly put forward,
as a supposedly very sensibly
sound, and ethical argument!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
16 June 2023.

Author's Remarks:  
How about instead, actually hunting vile columnists at rags like the Daily Mail and its like-minded media who quite evilly and supportively for sick avariciously financial gain, perniciously and rather malevolently egregiously occasion much more damage societally? A distinctly better and far more conscionably undertaken enterprise is very currently rather difficult in these evidently odiously and very tiresome circumstances to essentially contemplate.
And rather frankly, there is no shortage of machetes in London to effect such a task! Generally we do, after all, rather earnestly wish for a much better world don't we, and how much better to undeniably, effectively and realistically attain this vital endeavour, than by literally weeding out our trash!  
Elephants are quite well known, by those who genuinely care, to be highly intelligent beings with an irrefutable capacity, which they constantly use, to naturally socialize in their own respective communities just as humans do in ours; and therefore, are thoroughly capable, and something that they customarily do, of effecting this when they unfortunately lose one of their own either through natural causes or barbaric circumstances at the hands of predatory so-called human beings, and consequently have a natural instinct for revenge, I prefer to call it justice, just as humans invariably do when crass and barbarous ill-treatment, or worst still malevolent death, is callously meted out to just one or actually several of their own. So why do we mourn the death of Sarah Everard or those that were quite recently and also most callously killed in Nottingham if we're then going to equally and callously likewise deprive elephants, and wilfully so, most wantonly and rather arrogantly of their lives in the same brutal and egregious fashion?
Elephants have an inalienable right to live on this Earth too, and human beings are no more entitled to land, on our essentially borrowed planet Earth than elephants and other creatures, who we share this Earth with! And the arrogance of the human race to think otherwise is quite mind-bogglingly astounding. Bearing in mind also, that we have humans breeding like cancer, while there are those among our own race who want to push these intelligent animals to extinction; just as the UK has already done with over 400 species, actually within the last two centuries.
So please, stop trying to put a positive spin on what is effectively a most barbaric and rather abhorrent activity. And to claim that elephants occasionally go on the rampage and therefore that’s a viable excuse to kill them; if someone, even with our supposed human and essentially basically ostensibly legal and judicial systems rather callously murdered people related to or personally close to you, you too would naturally want revenge; and as I said earlier elephants are exceedingly quite highly intelligent beings and do know the score where humans are concerned. And if they’re constantly being subjected to having their natural habitats callously wilfully and wantonly decreased essentially for western privateers and their rather absurd and acquisitive financial lust masquerading as viable and thus essential necessary conservation, or else to provide locations for obviously an ever extending local population when the right emphasis in such cases should quite essentially be on educative contraception, what exactly are these elephants supposed to do other than strike back. And why is it OK for those in the UK that very avidly support elephant slaughter and so-called big game hunting, egotistically for animal trophies, are the same individuals who both vociferously and adamantly insist “Not in my backyard”  - the so-called NIMBY’s Syndrome – when they, with their class entrenched reasons, don’t want those whom they perceive as outsiders and therefore not like them, or any constructive development that they similarly abhor and do regard as infra dig to their own perceptions of the good life, intruding on them. Isn't that hypocrisy and most rampantly so?
And I’m quite absolutely sure that I’m not the only person who has actually noticed that trophy hunters are always on the right and invariably so the extreme right of the political spectrum. Hardly surprising then that the hereditary titled owner of the Daily Mail, for example, his rag and the plethora of full time and also part time hacks that the Daily Mail employs are all supportive of this bestial activity towards elephants and effectively other forms of so-called “conservation” game hunting. Predictable really, as the Daily Mail actually staunchly supported Nazism, Fascism, Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich during World War II, as well as the vile barbaric slaughter of those myriad numbers of very exceedingly rather hapless and diverse victims; and not just white Caucasian Europeans per se, who among that lot were primarily Zionist but likewise also and attendantly as well their biological kin who were practitioners of Judaism; even though they were clearly all of them exactly of the identical Khazarian ancestry and ethnicity with irrefutably not a drop of Semitic blood amongst them or actually coursing through their respective veins!
Never mind however, that they were still mercilessly slaughtered in presumably what was “civilized Europe’s” death and concentration camps; so intelligent folk who can and do think for themselves don’t need any dishonest, disingenuous, outright lying or evidently, rather perniciously and self-serving lectures and/or admonitions from the likes of the Daily Mail.
Incredibly, and most insultingly, the Daily Mail has done a 360 degree turn for the full benefit of itself, its manipulated trolls and the surfeit of idiots across the UK, and as well the so-called West, to get them on side; and similarly pretend that the Daily Mail, like numerous others among the UK’s hereditary lot, including members of the British monarchy, were all of them rather unswervingly patriotic and unquestionably British during World War II. The irrefutable truth is, that distinctly they weren’t! And in that regard, were no different from Das Deutsche Freikorps, actually comprised of white Britons, white Canadians, white Irish, white New Zealanders and likewise white Americans who were all of them staunch members and avowedly wholly committed VOLUNTARY MEMBERS of this Third Reich created Waffen SS Unit, which operated in close affinity with the South African Boer one and, as well, the Ukrainian Waffen SS; and whose specified areas of operations were in the European death camps and as assistants to the German High Command. Nazis and outright white supremacists, all of them, who when the war finally ended badly for them ought really to have been tried and executed for their treason as the Americans and the Russians wanted them to be, but Winston Churchill intervened on their behalf saying that it would look bad on the Allies; so they weren’t. However he had no compunction to William Joyce, aka Lord Haw Haw being very illegally tried for treason, as he wasn’t by any means British and never was, and international law then, as now, stipulates that you can’t be tried for treason by a country doing so, and of which you aren’t or weren’t ever a citizen. But that’s British hypocrisy for you! And quite obviously William Joyce was tried in essentially a kangaroo court by British judges; sentenced to death for treason and executed; while the real British and their kin traitors walked free.  
Likewise, hypocrisy and double standards both raised their heads after the end of World War II and are still ongoing in 2023. When the war ended, and a situation as is clearly still ridiculously going on in 2023, came into force with a defeated Germany enforcedly made to make war reparations or compensation, call it what you will, to the victims of its undoubtedly European inspired holocaust, once again the West stepped in hypocritically, and instead of all genuine victims being compensated, just the Zionists and bogus Semites plus their "descendants" were, and are evidently still the only ones so treated. Nothing for the Gypsies or the quite insultingly referred to as the Rhineland Niggers: genuine French citizens of mixed French Caucasian and French African ancestry; and while these preferred white folk who asininely claim to be Semites, when they’re quite absolutely nothing of the kind either biologically or in ancestral terms, simply that they follow a religion, those who do: since most of them are Zionists and anti-religion, in the same way as white Christians likewise follow a Semitic religion; so by their obtuse logic is the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope similarly Semites because they're both of them Christian and as it happens are the Heads of their respective churches? Surely not! The term Semitism essentially and as well accurately stems from the fact that all three so-called Semitic religions: Judaism, Christianity and the Islam Faiths, were all formed by genuine Semites, people related to the Palestinians and quite significantly too the Falasha of Ethiopia: undoubtedly the oldest Jewish sect on planet Earth and who’re quite authentically Semites. While European Jews, precisely so like European Christians are converts to their respective religions and simply aren’t biologically, or in any way, ethnically genuine Semites.
But they get away with it, because they’re white, and it likewise deflects from the vile and quite stinking hypocrisy of the western leaders and their people, and likewise also masks the toxic and verminous actions of several of them, who wield power in these countries, that they have acquired through blood ties, family associations and as well evidently societal connections with those traitors who claimed they were fighting for and defending Britain but clearly had their other foot firmly planted in Nazi Germany. And for those like David Cameron and his wife, they not only receive compensation for the loss of their ancestors “chattel” – property – slaves to the likes of you and me, in the Caribbean although these said ancestors were massively compensated and in today’s terms those sums run into billions, while the slaves, their children and their descendants to this day haven’t got a single penny; but significantly when it suits David Cameron and Samantha’s farcical as well as repulsive fancies they can also call themselves "Jews"; despite, I would argue, not evidently knowing what the inside of a synagogue does look like, and also benefit thoroughly handsomely, from the German Weidergutmachen Compensation Scheme which compensates simply “Jews”. But I’m quite sure the intelligent among you won’t be surprised to also know, that David and his wife who clearly lost no relatives in the European holocaust, since their forbearers were already well entrenched British, and so were they both subsequently since they were both born in the UK post World War II, see no convincing reasons why Caribbean Niggers as they perceive them, should ever be compensated for the evil, Transatlantic Slave Trade. Who do we pay this money to David once asininely questioned? Adding, that no one living today was involved in the slave trade or owned slaves as it all, in his biased mind, happened quite long before they were ever born. So why is he and as well Samantha receiving compensation for slaves they never had? Why also no such worries on his part when any Zionist from Russia or regardless of wherever they hail from in the rest of Europe literally can and does claim most routinely and likewise too on the Weidergutmachen Scheme?
The Daily Mail has similarly got away with murder and is still doing so, with its racist, evidently white supremacist and distinctly, irrefutably, purposely divisive propaganda quite clearly masquerading as news; and through its clickbait regime solicits both financially and ideologically from the likes of all you intellectually challenged morons just what it needs; an agenda, which is no different from its World War II one; and the hacks who likemindedly do work for it, and the evidently rather similarly indoctrinated, without principles of any kind morons just like yourselves are equally as distinctively criminally complicit as the Daily Mail itself.
So fully cognizant as I most undoubtedly am that despite being as highly intelligent and resourceful as they are no elephant if left alone will instinctively become a killer beast, unlike the so-called civilized human beings that rather, quite regrettably infest this Earth with their evil, vile and evidently toxic and absolutely verminous presence but who couldn’t be any further from being any such thing, as these beautiful, literally graceful and highly intelligent beings are, that unquestionably, most wholeheartedly, emphatically and quite unapologetically I’ll side with the elephants every time!

Michael Smith of Dunstable, Bedfordshire; the hard-core and ultra-right-wing definition of ingrained moronic stupidity!

By Stanley Collymore

We, emphatically states Michael
Smith, significantly and quite
obviously meaning whites
like him, unquestionably distinctively
need an ultra-right-wing party to stop
the British, similarly again effectively
evidently meaning white Caucasians,
presumably like himself too, actually
becoming within a few decades truly
a minority, simply in their own land;
because numerous hordes of clearly,
distinctly uncontrolled and similarly
unwanted immigrants are evidently
flooding his country and in doing so
are rather effortlessly and similarly
most arrogantly taking control of it.
Sentiments strongly embellished in
a vocabulary which unsurprisingly
isn't standard English, and likewise
is clearly risibly but very ironically
for somebody, who classes himself
very avowedly as the true epitome
of everything, that in his evidently
sick and racist mind is undeniably
pure "English", is rather laughably
saturated with the most elemental
of undoubtedly, spelling mistakes!

So I've obligingly transposed his
thoroughly ingrained stupidity
with meaningful words of my
own; as this literally, unquestionably
lowlife, toxic moron clearly enjoying
his dishonest and intentionally lying
rants about immigrants customarily,
and obviously in his sick mind given
a generally four star hotel treatment
whilst he and other true native Brits
all of whom are obviously bona fide,
white Caucasians and crucially with
his paranoid mind in overdrive and
consequently quite castigatorily not
in the least abating with its obvious
and quite deeply entrenched, racist
obsessions from this evidently very
imbecilic clown pathetically openly
asserting, that he and these several
obviously nameless whites in quite
marked contrast, are humiliatingly
obliged to use food banks - to exist.

So obviously it came as no
surprise whatever that
such a typically and
quite evidently as well intellectually
challenged moron, wholeheartedly
when given the chance to do so in
the British referendum distinctly
actually voted for Brexit and the
UK’s exultant exit from his very
prejudicially quite ill-informed
perspective, from this patently
demonic, European Union. Yet
while irrefutably boisterously
claiming that he's undeniably
and absolutely, unswervingly
British in every likely regard
is all the same, most proudly
a deeply enamoured puppet
of both Nazism and fascism.
Self-evidently either clearly
obtusely confused; or more
likely as is not actually and
also discernibly braindead
undoubtedly, in relation to
these two concepts origins.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
15 June 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Having, and what’s more, specifically, most arrogantly and quite ill-informed both espousing as well as vaingloriously practising an unqualified and presumably so categorically unblemished love for one’s identifiable country and citizenship, whether these allegedly personally prized assets were achieved through birth, ancestral connections or naturalization is in my erudite analysis and a most careful evaluation of the espoused arguments not in the least either a particularly logical or an astutely  sensible idea; and essentially so because no country, much less so the citizens that dwell in it and who either voluntarily contribute, if they’re allowed to, or passively go along with the diktats of those who arbitrarily determine how that country is run, specify unilaterally that’s how they want things done and therefore should be no other way that any activity contrary to this should ever be embarked upon.

I’m literally not going to spend my valuable time and well-informed knowledge of the irrefutable veracity of these sorts of aspects pertaining to Britain and actually doing so bandying words with lowlife, ill-educated and braindead morons with additionally self-evidently exceedingly low self-esteem problems; but will simply and distinctly unapologetically say this. Considering that England and subsequently Britain: after the formation of the United Kingdom’s barbaric, genocidal, land thieving on a quite monumental scale attendant with the abysmal treatment of numerous indigenous peoples worldwide, the purloining of their wealth, national assets and virtually as it happened everything that was valuable and worthwhile to them, even their health, sanity and significantly their lives, to then have prized morons like Michael Smith of Dunstable, Bedfordshire protesting about the descendants of the very same people coming to Britain is akin in my view to a prolific and convicted thief complaining that while he was on holiday in Florida, USA, someone who was actually quite genuinely homeless broke into his home, acquired specifically through his ill-gotten gains, and made themselves comfortable in it. Or likewise and most unconscionably having a serial rapist, and still up to his usual tricks, complaining that a group of Asian men were allegedly grooming his 14 year old daughter.

So from my perspective as a quite enforcedly British born citizen of Afro-Caribbean descent whose ancestral homeland of Barbados it principally was that bankrolled the once offshore and rather insignificant country called England effectively through my ancestors blood, sweat, tears, industry, labour and wealth that essentially turned it into the global Empire, which it subsequently became, and clear evidence of which can still be obviously seen all across the UK to this very day in 2023, if white British serfs, peasants, plebeians, sycophants, whatever they quite ludicrously opt to call themselves, except conscionable citizens since they’ve quite obviously no meaning of that word, and significant numbers of whom are no more British: a consequence of pogroms in Eastern Europe, Russia and of course the European holocaust, none of which was in any way actually occasioned to them by the very people who they’re now asininely lambasting, want to have an all-white Britain, then my suggestion is simply this. Get in touch with your white kin and even relatives in Australia, which had the audacity to label itself Terra nullius even though the Aborigines were in situ there for 66 thousand years before any white man or woman even knew the place that they genocidally took and renamed Australia existed; New Zealand, a similar situation with the Maoris; Canada and what’s now the USA, likewise in both cases; South Africa, well within Africa but was said by toxic clowns like Michael Smith was devoid of people and the Blacks who live there only moved in after the whites that had discovered that land, presumably in their sick minds the Boers, along with the white British turned Azania, to give it its true name, into a viable and profitable land, and that’s essentially why apartheid was introduced in order to safeguard what these hardworking and industrious whites had so diligently created. Likewise Zimbabwe, CARICOM and other countries in the Global South. A load of utter shit!

But, none the less, try getting these whites to quit any of the aforementioned non-European countries first and see what their response will be. In blunt terms it’ll be along the lines of “fuck off”; a suggestion that you’ll obviously heed. So why then should non-whites in Britain or wider Europe who’ve not displaced Europeans that are still a majority in these countries pay any heed to you; and if they do displace whites eventually, isn’t that what your lot have done globally. After all how many times can you fit Britain into Australia, Canada or the USA for example? Like you stealing someone’s car and joyriding in it before abandoning that said car but then vociferously complaining, having seen nothing wrong in what you’ve done, quite angrily berating someone for standing in the street outside your house, who doesn’t ethnically look like you, and claiming that they’re a prospective thief.

So my question to you Michael Smith of Dunstable, Bedfordshire why should the descendants of those who turned an off-shore and insignificant European country into the global empire it became, most of it enforcedly so, pay any heed to you relative to your asinine suggestions and unrealizable hopes as well as irrefutably similar notions for racist Karens and likeminded Gammons are concerned, and particularly so where Britain is concerned?