
Friday 23 June 2023

Well said Ash Sarkar! Similarly, your evaluation is both sensibly and honestly outlined!

By Stanley Collymore

Frankly, I couldn’t have agreed
with you more Ash Sarkar,
and will effectively go
even further, and express the earnest
personal wish, that rather regrettably
significantly many more, discernibly
of these types of actually, fatuously
narcissistic people, simply weren’t
on that submarine; now thankfully
lost, in the very sprawling depths
of the mighty Atlantic Ocean but
expectantly so next time round!
Because, if the clearly feckless
and puerile rich, have that sort
of money, to really throw away
on such literally fatuous vanity
projects and basically get into
obviously, serious trouble like
this solely and distinctively of
their very own making; when
also rather realistically these
clearly obscenely, inordinate
sums of money could  really
have been put to better use.

Simply by assisting people
in genuine need, who’re
actually quite literally
starving and, furthermore, desperately
homeless; acute situations, which the
plethora of these haughty pillocks are
absolutely cognizant of; nevertheless,
in spite of this most of them evidently
and selfishly, don’t give a toss about!
So obviously commonsensically why
then should I significantly personally,
or others effectively just like me with
a staunch moral perspective, clearly
concerning the virtuous value of life,
as well as a natural concern, for the
welfare of those that simply through
no obvious fault of their making still
find themselves distinctly haplessly
deeply ensconced in the dire ranks
of the rather mercilessly, ill-treated;
the very undoubtedly ignored, and
also the generally underprivileged.
As those of us, that quite honestly
wish to basically alleviate as best
we possibly can their abominable
situations and suffering; naturally
and sincerely ask ourselves, why
we should honestly, give a damn
about what essentially, occurs in
that stricken submarine; relative,
to those sociopathic, selfish and
effectively narcissistic, morons?

Ash Sarkar is obviously spot on
in her very lucid, truthful and
and forthright assessment.
Spending really eye watering amounts
of money to egotistically visit, what is
essentially, the final resting place of
crucially hundreds of unfortunately
drowned people; quite essentially
a solemn graveyard, that morally
should be very permanently, left
alone anyway, is ethically by no
mean either a good thing or an
intelligent, utilization of money.
Nor come to that, the multiple
millions, which those several
governments will essentially
fork out, essaying to rescue
what's very unquestionably
for them, prime ingredients
from within this essentially
significant coterie, of their
exceedingly and uniquely
privileged 1% percenters
solely ultra rich men and
equally female members
club, who never the less
for all their crude wealth
are clearly lowlife scum!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
23 June 2023.

Author's Remarks:
How the hell has Britain effectively managed to be twisted so out of shape and specifically so lose its basic sense of right and wrong? So utterly corrupted now, in fact, that people like doctors and nurses: those who will literally be called upon to urgently save lives, if needs be, are now readily and frequently vilified  and openly castigated by right-wing media organizations , while reckless thrill seeking billionaires, a bloated, pathologically lying ex-Prime Minister and similarly likeminded politicians, all in league with a distinctly immoral, serial adulterously and a massively financially avaricious dysfunctional monarchy are unbelievably lionized, fawned over and saintly idolized! While in marked contrast hatred and public vitriol is viciously and customarily directed at those who both honestly and unafraid point out to the sick participants amongst surfeit of the aforementioned relevant home truths, but which self-evidently they don’t want to hear.

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