
Thursday 31 March 2022

Do all white Brits and their kith and kin carry an imbecile gene?

By Stanley Collymore  

Elizabeth Windsor was always the 
biggest, and most encouraging 
enabler of her second son 
and love child! And commonsense, 
which all of you brownnosers are 
wholly devoid of, dictates that if 
you bring up a child, to believe
that they're superior solely by 
birthright, that persons other 
than their own biological ilk 
are aptly of less importance 
than themselves and rather 
crucially that literally they 
are absolutely and equally 
indeterminately evidently 
entitled clearly to a life of 
unlimited privilege that's 
equally intertwined with 
such unhindered luxury.  

It inevitably turns out that such 
children grow up to be selfish, 
entitled, arrogant and clearly 
opinionated snobs. Quite evidently 
so, Andrew Windsor distinctly fits 
all the relevant criteria therefore 
that unquestionably are actually 
crucially of relevance, when it's 
clearly a matter quite pertinent 
to these essentially incalcuably 
envisaged, distinctly necessary 
rather privileged feudal based 
hereditary situation he's aptly 
ensconced in! And, regardless 
of whether you ingratiatingly 
brownnosing sycophants like 
it or not; the self-evident and 
distinctly, unvarnished truth 
is; your literally, medievally 
mindset and very outmoded 
monarch Elizabeth Windsor 
is truthfully every bit as her 
son Andrew - both culpably 
and shamelessly - to blame! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
31 March 2022.  

Author's Remarks:  
The renamed (1917) Windsors have profitted massively, and still ongoingly so, from the Transatlantic Slave Trade: an inhuman barbarity in which, among other egregious things done to them, Black women could and were systemically and systematically routinely raped and sexually abused with impunity by both white men and white women, and additionally quite insultingly had no legal recourse afforded to them to rectify these repulsive and utterly dehumanizing atrocities perpetrated against them, principally because they weren't even deemed to be human beings but were actually classified as "chattel" the common terminology for property at the time.

All in the name of avariciously greedy and ongoingly sustained financial profits, with the full blessing of the laughably, were it not so serious a matter, Church of England. And crucially nothing has changed with this essentially unchristian entity even in the 21st Century, as it still caters to a huge diversity of mindbogglingly sexual perversities; notorious among these, paedophilia and other demented sexual abuses. 

While these present day guardians of the Church of England, as has always been the case throughout its noxious existence, and still is today, hold lofty positions in this distinctly debauched institution, and most discernibly and ironically politically so, the House of Lords, where every sitting Church of England peer there in 1833 fervently voted AGAINST the law being debated and subsequently enacted, to actually abolish slavery; now in their basically unchristian fashion these thoroughly bogus Christians odiously spend their time literally buttressing paedophilia and other forms of sexual perversion, as the case of Peter Ball the ingrained paedophile bishop distinctly showed, on the part of those like George Carey the ex Archbishop of Canterbury!  

It's well documented and crucially the meticulously and contemporaneously very assiduously maintained archival records pertinent to the Transatlantic Slave Trade and thus accordingly kept in Barbados which irrefutably clearly has the world's most extensive and as well an informative collection of such information, demonstrably shows the British monarchy to have undeniably been the precise owners of what was then the Royal African Company that had the monopoly of the slave trade that had its origins in my homeland of Barbados. 

So, for today's several descendants of that same monarchy which they love to boast about when it profitably suits their vainglorious purposes, to rather 
asininely in their wilful state of crass, distinctly insulting and unconvincing denial pretend that the Transatlantic Slave Trade has nothing to do with all or any of them, when the wealth from it is all around them, is pure bullshit! 

But old habits die hard! And basically while there are a plethora of married trollops, like the Alice Keppel, Sheila Loughborough and the Lillie Langtry types, and many unmarried ones also quite eager in class infested Britain to very ecstatically have their perceived hereditary betters randomly, or even routinely jerk off in their discernibly rather accommodating pussies, and if British might even be rewarded with a damehood; not all women however or young girls are enthralled by any of this! 

Virginia Giuffre: a young female trafficked by two very evil paedophiles, Jeffrey Epstein and his slut Ghislaine Maxwell, didn't ask to or either want to be a part of this, but was none the less enforcedly as those Black slave women and girls were, made to be. 

And I don't see how anyone with an iota of morality can even remotely so, conscionably have any empathy with or sympathy in the aforesaid circumstances for either Elizabeth Windsor or her, knowingly enabled by her, favourite son. And let's not forget this is the same Klan that willingly gave carte blanche to the likes of Jimmy Savile, Peter Ball, Rolf Harris that painted the special portrait of Liz within Buckingham Palace - just where is it now after Rolf 's conviction? - Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell that among others undoubtedly had quite unlimited and similarly uncensored access not only to Buckingham Palace but equally too the array of similar Windsor palatial residences; and the world generally knows the then brief of these "royal" guests.  

Sharply bringing into focus the usual adage that you brownnosers actually love using when rather essentially it suits your very own purposes. Surely you know the one: judging people by the company they keep! So why the exception then when it comes to the Windsors? 

So wouldn't you mindless and sycophantic brown-nosers coupled with your obediently subservient roles as hypocritical serfs be far more beneficially and morally engaged if you were to really start listening to and subsequently genuinely dismantle all the many lame and dishonest excuses that you've either already concocted or are in the process of doing so along with their asininely glowing proselytizing of yours relative to this knowingly and egregiously engaged in enabler's actions pertaining to her son's disgustingly unacceptable sexual behaviour? 

Who, were she some Black or even a white working class, council estate and likewise invariably on the dole with her bastard progeny, perceptibly scum of a mother - you know the sort! - the lot of you, like a pack of frenzied hyenas after a successful kill, would most indisputably and rabidly voraciously be all over her! 

But societally she isn't! Since to the lot of you she's ludicrously and quite endearingly, despite having even worse human failings than the two previous versions of women and mothers given here, perceived as a birthright and justly entitled, massively and even impressively wealthy: although self-evidently not from any actual work on her part, nor individual merit or intellectual acumen resulting from her, as she quite glaring has none - woman, that in your sick and rather twisted minds makes her the complete embodiment of the impeccable mother - when indubitably she's nothing of the kind!

Because in 21st Century still largely feudalistic and deeply ingrained class infested Britain with an automatic deference by you submissive serfs to your delusionally acknowledged social betters, everything that you pathetically cherish and earnestly wish to obsessively prolong, although to all intelligent minds is so obnoxiously wrong, is stalwartly codified in this purposeless woman and an absolutely lousy mother - Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor!

Wednesday 30 March 2022

Escaped village idiots and jobless dole-ridden rats lamenting Philip Mountbatten's passing!

By Stanley Collymore 

Laughable if it weren't so distinctly 
pathetic! Could it generally be the 
reason actually, that the paucity 
of such serfs presence on the streets 
of London for Philip's memoriam, is 
that essentially, many more people 
are generally getting, increasingly 
wholly pissed-off with the British 
monarchy? And understandably, 
why shouldn't they be? Literally 
just for a solitary moment, look 
and clearly see for yourself the 
distinctively lavish lifestyle, of 
these people, literally coupled 
indisputably and likewise too
with all these other distinctly 
hereditarily, ultra-rich rather 
most indistinguishable from 
the kleptomaniac, oligarchs.  

A sentiment that has nothing to 
do with personal jealousy but 
simply, sensible pragmatism 
and also basic morality; whilst the 
rest of the population undeniably 
seriously, literally worries about 
actually eating and decidedly as 
well - whether or not they truly 
can essentially afford to switch 
their heating on. Still you have 
in this 21st Century dimwitted 
serfs mindbogglingly stupidly 
going out of their way to very 
effusively support this rather 
incorrigible genus of leeches 
the evil, Windsor Mafia Klan 
in everything they quite self 
servingly either do or try to. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
30 March 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
Dole scroungers, long term and also similarly recurrent security benefits beneficiaries; Karen: distinctly both pre and similarly post menopausal trollops, their beer bellied cuckolded or azoospermiac "male"  keyboard warriors equivalents, and the surfeit of white baby boomer, old has beens seeking relevance. The sort of people who really don't work for a living and crucially have never actually done so; and naturally view the Windsors as kindred spirits!

Sunday 27 March 2022

When delusional white supremacy literally goes into overly self-destructive overdrive!

By Stanley Collymore  

Keep this shit up and there'll be no 
need for Black retaliation as you 
white supremacist cunts will 
certainly wear yourselves out from 
delusional exhaustion. How really 
asinine! A clear successful stalker 
and an apt social climber clearly 
assertively, with mummy's very 
specific encouragement and, as 
well, her quite keen assistance 
both with the clear cut aim of 
acquiring a truly, inheritedly 
obviously Windsor husband 
that she successfully gained 
happily goes off dressed up 
to the nines - so insultingly 
naturally inappropriate to 
those bemused citizens of 
three former, egregiously 
exploited, UK colonies, to 
try and convince them to 
actively, refrain from all 
serious plans, they truly 
had salient to removing 
Elizabeth Windsor - her 
marital, grand mummy 
still their head of state!  

Actions most praiseworthily 
lauded by all of you white 
sycophantic, assholes to 
high heavens for what this woman 
specifically and essentially also in 
the Caribbean, is unquestionably 
glaringly and too, incongruously 
wearing. But, discernibly unlike 
Kate Middleton's situation; Eric 
Boateng Taylor: a Black British 
bloke, quite honest tax paying 
and an indisputably business 
entrepreneur legitimately on 
his way to work and actually 
rather, doing nothing wrong 
is insufferably so arbitrarily 
even by their low standards 
rather instinctively stopped 
and very crucially detained 
by Metropolitan Police that 
handcuffed, and physically 
searched him. However on 
his understandably asking  
these officers, why they're 
doing this to him their apt 
response for intellectually 
demonstrably, challenged 
Met Police officers wasn't 
disappointing in its stark 
stupidity, very laughably 
really, if it evidently was 
not so seriously sick and 
twisted - told, in view of  
the warm weather; Eric 
Boateng Taylor, actually 
was criminally adorn in 
the "wrong" clothing, in 
Aryan, Met led London! 

(C) Stanley V.  Collymore 
27 March 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
Perfectly OK for today's representatives of an ongoing, hereditary institution that irrefutably, profited massively financially and in every other conceivable and barbaric fashion from the Transatlantic Slave Trade; and what's more, an institution that successfully lobbied every UK regime to ongoingly exempt it and its extensive, incestuously inbred family from the lawful constraints of the British Race Discrimination Act - essentially enabling themselves from sullying their palatial environs and other lavish dwellings with perceived inferior Blacks and other non-whites, thus maintaining them as exclusively all white entities, thus maintaining them as exclusively all white entities; yet still arrogantly wanting to lord their endemically instilled as well as their delusionally believed superiority over such people, and most curiously so, within these folks own countries!

On recognizing that the affected citizens of these former colonies have never received any apologies for what most egregiously happened to themselves and worst still neither did their direct ancestors; nor have any of them received a single penny in reparations, even collectively, for what indisputably they suffered - never mind all the lying and dishonest crap about Britain not owing these former colonies anything, and today's white Brits: whoever the hell they supposedly are, when the vast majority of them aren't even British but the refugee descendants of those who fled the pogroms of Eastern Europe, Russia and, significantly as well, Europe's holocaust for places like Britain; and for which even though these current assholes weren't born at the time and couldn't in anyway have been affected by Europe's holocaust, still nevertheless profit enormously from German compensations paid ongoingly by people like my German Partner and her parents, who weren't born during World War II!

 Likewise too, my Partner's grandparents who clearly in two cases were mere infants, while the other pair of her other grandparents were born after World War II ended; so in the case also of both sets of my Partner's grandparents it can't realistically be said of them either that they were in anyway culpable for what took place across Europe effectively between 1933 to 1945, with the emphasis put on the 6 years before World War II actually ended. And it's exactly the same situation with all of my Partner's and my own joint German friends, as well as every single one of my current and past German students! Yet there are essentially, literally millions of you vitriolically berating every morally and justifiably expressed notion or opinion regarding the payment of slavery reparations to the descendants of enforcedly made Black slaves, the direct consequence of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and as a consequence of which their slave ancestors got no compensation regarding what happened  to them, while in marked contrast their white exploiters - and that includes the Windsor family who're among the most avaricious of these vile recipients - and their descendants, reference the same Transatlantic Slave Trade Holocaust, which quite significantly took considerably more lives than Europe's holocaust ever did and crucially lasted for centuries, not just SIX years from 1939 to 1945 as occurred in the case of the European one, has resulted in a situation that for 400 plus years and attendant also with colonialism that immediately followed the slave trade, in all the aforementioned cases massively profited, as their white descendants are still doing in the 21st Century from these barbaric excesses of the most egregious and inhumanly savage kind, spurred on most aggressively and obsessively by sheer avaricious greed and a most compulsive desire for human exploitation. 

While it's well known, and equally contemporaneously documented, that the white slave owners were massively compensated, on these Black slaves emancipation, for the lost of their "chattel" an old English word for property, as our Black ancestors were, and apparently in 2022 are still fittingly by many whites and their Useful Idiots deemed as, while these slave owners future descendants, like David Cameron, his wife Samantha, Benedict Cumberbatch and several others, are rather ludicrously in the 21st Century receiving enormous amounts of compensation distinctly and exclusively for their purported ancestors having to actually give up their slaves; while additionally like you, because they're Zionist Yids and bogus "Jews" to boot, who couldn't  describe what the inside of a synagogue looks like if such a revelation were to save their pathetic lives, are nevertheless manifestly so, quite profusely milkyng Germany's, European holocaust compensation scheme for precisely every single penny that they can get their hands on! 

A despicable and dehumanizing business the Transatlantic Slave Trade that wilfully and rather barbarically so, turned millions of Black people in degraded "inhuman" beings and utterly hapless persons, and as I earlier pointed out went on ongoingly for over 400 years to be immediately, ruthlessly followed by colonialism; not a state of affairs that lasted a mere SIX years from 1939 to 1945 as happened in Europe; and let's face facts was yet another exposition of the white man's barbarity even to his own kind. Yet is an event the the overwhelming majority of whites continuously, most exaggeratedly and, naturally of course, quite discernibly and also pathetically routinely eulogize, doing so quite instinctively without a solitary word of dissent amongst you. And always solidly so, reinforced by the mantra that you, your offspring and even the world in general "should never forget!" what happened. But when it comes to us Blacks and your imprisonment of us in centuries of enforced slavery and colonialism, it's a wholly different matter with you hypocritical whites, as you drastically change your attitude and likewise your personal mantra. And which literally boils down to this as far as us Blacks are concerned; "Get a life and move in! Forget what happened, it's in the past! You weren't there, and so the world owes you nothing! Interestingly enough though, Europe's holocaust, and as ot has allegedly impacted on some people, essentially and supposedly the favoured ones - never mind the many more millions of those who were similarly victims of Europe's holocaust and like the Blacks of the Transatlantic Slave Trade have quite literally been offered or have received nothing and who therefore it's perfectly in order to recurrently and permanently ignore and as well unconscionably forget - the eulogies pertaining to the favoured ones though must never stop, nor must the German holocaust compensation payments either; and just as significantly these people and their stories, however true or generally false, must NEVER be forgotten! 

So using your rather sick and twisted argument, which is that actually you weren't born during the Transatlantic Slave Trade, basically never had any slaves of your own and significantly couldn't in anyway be responsible for what happened; using your distinctly skewed reasoning, while temporarily putting aside the glaring fact that you and Britain the country that you live in are both in 2022 benefitting hugely from the irrefutably rather enormous proceeds of slavery; correspondingly so shouldn't my German partner, her family, our friends, my students and every single German born after 1945, or were mere babes in arms when World War II ended be using the same bigoted arguments as well, distinctly applicable to their own and others like themselves, German European holocaust compensation payments? And which in the past 80 years after World War II has literally run into several billions of Deutsche Mark/Eiros!

But unlike you graspingly avaricious and idiotic pillocks like yourselves the Germans don't act that way, as they have a moral conscience regarding what their country along with others like their then Ukraine Axis ally did. You on the other hand don't have any such moral compass! But assuredly were today's Germans to act like you do, you moronic assholes would be the first to scream blue murder, while calling them everything nasty that you can think of under the sun. Which essentially in your thoroughly sick minds means that all Germans, even those still unborn in 2022, must somehow be indefinitely held culpable for Europe's holocaust but you and your verminous lowlife kind that so bogusly call yourselves white Brits, even if you actually are British as you supposedly claim, nor such similarly likeminded beneficiaries like the Windsors who also like to pretend they're indigenous British, don't bear any responsibility whatsoever for the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its centuries of ruined and exploited lives; coupled with the enormous financial wealth and expropriated resources that you barbarically took from these people, and then transformed with them your distinctly insignificant and cesspit offshore European island you call Britain into the rather prosperous country that it resultantly became, and still is!  

And although people die, wealth: even the stolen variety, can and invariably does profitably prosper! Likewise too, such wealth can and distinctively is customarily also, however much it's knowingly tainted, readily passed on to ensuing generations. So it actually, and very sickeningly, categorically insults the intelligence of decent people and too says a lot about your moral turpitude, and likewise that of the likes of your perceived divine and societal betters like the Windsors who've all hugely benefited from the noxious proceeds of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, to so asininely pretend that you and them owe nothing to the Black descendants of slavery. 

Even the benefits you enjoy in Britain weren't in anyway derived through your endeavours, bearing in mind that significant numbers of you and your surfeit of bastard kids exist on the dole and social security generated by institutions whose creations were brought about principally or wholly on the basis of slavery and its derivative industries. So essentially educate yourself  and learn from history, as you quite ironically keep telling us Blacks that we should; and while you're essaying to do so, likewise get real; and crucially get yourself a meaningful life, and as far removed from your current serf one! 

That's why mentally liberated Blacks find it so puke-wretching having Kate and William at the behest of a rather egotistical old cow literally at death's door sauntering off to three basically House Nigger entities: Belize, Jamaica and the Bahamas, pretending as if it's still the 18th or 19th Centuries so that her descendants can with their white supremacy and master race, noxious delusional arrogance, get the clearly seen as inferior "natives" to crucially keep toeing the imperialism line, just as they literally did throughout most of her pathetically useless existence! 

Meanwhile, with Kate all dressed up to the nines, and most incongruously and distinctively rather expensively so in the tropics and with the clearly gullible, braindead and brownnosing sycophants drooling over this display of wealth to the "natives", back in the UK the Metropolitan Police, literally stopped, handcuffed and searched a patently innocent Black British male entrepreneur actually doing nothing wrong or untoward; or that basically in anyway on this man's part literally could sensibly be classified as illegal or criminal, as he was legitimately on his way to work! Why? Categorically because in their sick, twisted, inured racist minds and equally too working for an institutionally racist body like the unquestionably unfit for purpose and corrupt Metropolitan Police they knew, these officers, that they would get away with what they were vilely doing, despite their egregious actions being contemporaneously filmed by both the victim himself and similarly their own body cams. 

And their ludicrous explanation for stopping Eric Boateng Taylor when they found nothing suspicious on his person and he questioned them about their actions? This mindbogglingly was these police officers response to him, that he was distinctly wearing the "wrong" clothes in London. He had a jacket on but the weather was warm!

Friday 25 March 2022

Brownosing sycophancy at its optimum among white, intellectually challenged, gullibly toxic and lowlife scum!

By Stanley Collymore  

I really do wish that Kate Middleton 
would have another baby, says a 
commenter calling herself, Eye 
spy again: and actually, claiming to be 
an Australian; not really, the very least 
bit surprising to me with these clearly 
delusionally Terra nuliius, specifically 
endemically racist and too Aborigine 
genocidal, distinctly lowlife moronic  
descendants - and, that, Catherine's 
next pregnancy clearly, turns out to 
be triplets. Because, very evidently 
as things undeniably and crucially 
are, most unfortunately, when the 
queen: her very own definition, of 
this woman, and not mine that is 
Liz Windsor, quite inevitably dies  
Harry will become the 5th in line 
of succession then - despisingly 
so - to our sacred, British throne 
enabling both his and Meghan's 
half breed Nigger children to as 
well sully our British monarchy! 

That must never be allowed to 
happen! Which, to undeniably 
sane, logical and essentially 
intelligent minds globally and clearly 
even among the few remaining such  
persons, in unquestionably cesspit, 
Brexit Britain, and likewise among 
the latter's indisputably distinctly 
dimwitted, Antipodean, kith and 
kin, actually prompts the rather 
very obvious question: haven't 
brainwashed cunts like these 
got nothing, going on in their 
actually pathetic, and empty 
lives than to so obsessively 
and distinctly race hatingly  
ongoingly negatively think 
of Meghan and equally so 
Harry all the bloody time? 
As I pointedly add to this 
equation, inured pillocks 
pathetically seeking too 
to restart lost relevance 
like middle aged Karren 
Brady moving distinctly 
and rapidly to the state 
of old age and likewise 
also, post menopausal 
hasbeen Angela Ripon! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
25 March 2022.  

Author's Remarks: 
Predictably, sentiments expressed by a distinctly puerile, braindead and racist Karen, Sheila; whose unquestionably so, thoroughly misogynistic, quite criminally descended menfolk contemptously treat her kind, unlike their evidently pampered farm animals and rather precious Foster beer, like the utterly useless trollops that these Aussie Sheilas undeniably are! 

And furthermore, what an utterly asinine and superfluous remark pertaining to Kate Middleton, who after all is a Stepford wife broodmare, and that's what she's principally in the Windsor Mafia Klan for! To literally provide hereditary sprogs on demand!

Wednesday 23 March 2022

A white British fantasy creation with a false and delusional reality to go with it!

By Stanley Collymore 

British wealth was built essentially 
on the backs of these former and 
enforcedly made colonial countries 
some of them now, and voluntarily 
so, in the Commonwealth; yet you 
idiotic, distinctively intellectually 
challenged evidently historically 
ignorant, plus undeniably white 
dimwits with significantly large 
numbers of you vile imposters, 
not even British, but are really 
the odiously sick, descendants 
of people who luckily fled the 
pogroms, as well as the evilly 
recurrent persecution which 
was barbarously dealt out in 
Eastern Europe and likewise 
Russia. All this coupled with 
the well documented just as 
that evidently Transatlantic 
Slave Trade with its several 
millions of simply enforced 
Black victims were literally 
similarly white barbarities 
distinctly akin to what also 
evilly, transpired: courtesy 
of the Third Reich, and too  
its Axis partners holocaust 
atrocities, firm executions. 

And in your specific instance 
relative to the latter you're 
evidently, personally and 
collectively discernibly so ongoingly 
receiving literally billions in terms 
of overly generous compensation 
from the Germans, unlike any of 
the irrefutably, numerous other 
holocaust victims, even though 
you yourself and, evidently as 
well, invariably none of your 
close family members, were 
ever affected at all by what 
happened yet repugnantly 
you've the sheer audacity 
despite this, to idiotically 
abuse Blacks, who're the 
solitary and undeniably 
also genuine victims of 
quite clearly, centuries 
of slavery and equally 
its attendant barbaric 
and evil, colonialism. 

And for which neither their 
ancestors nor themselves 
have ever received any 
apologies much less so a solitary 
cent in compensation; while the 
essentially and distinctly white 
slave owners crucially, clearly 
in obviously, marked contrast 
not only received millions of 
Pounds Sterling, subsequent 
to the final emancipation of 
their slaves but equally too 
their descendants - like ex 
British PM Dave Cameron, 
his wife Samantha and as 
well in all this the British 
film & TV actor, Benedict 
Cumberbatch that really 
incredibly still continue 
within this 21st Century 
to get sizeable amounts 
of compensation rather 
nonsensically basically 
for a loss of slaves that 
quite realistically they 
couldn't possibly have 
had or owned, as they 
weren't born then but 
their odious kin were.  

Yet you: graspingly avaricious 
and Zionist Yids, deliberately 
failing to even acknowledge 
let alone show the merest empathy 
with these Blacks, who very much 
like the Gypsies, constituted more 
millions in victims, than the very 
oft stated, and avidly eulogized 6 
millions characteristically of the 
undeniably European holocaust 
victims, who overall other than 
your supposedly kind that ever 
since the close of World War II 
have unilaterally quite clearly 
and assertively so assiduously
have avidly milked Germany's 
inordinately very excessively 
penitent, European holocaust 
reparations scheme for every 
penny which you can get, yet
in spite of that Europe-based 
barbarity having only lasted 
from 1939 to 1945; while the 
noxious, Transatlantic Slave 
Trade & Colonialism having 
profitably been egregiously 
barbarically carried out for 
over - half of a millennium 
you lowlife scum and your 
likewise pathetic adherent 
aficionados virulent claim 
that Blacks, by no obvious 
means are owed anything. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
23 March 2022. 

Author's Remarks: 
Irony completely lost on you rather self-centred and evidently distinctly entitled Zionist scum, categorically benefitting massively from all these German holocaust reparations, that it was Sephardic Jews who initiated and accordingly also, profited immensely from the Transatlantic Slave Trade in my homeland Barbados! 

Notwithstanding all this you noxious, quite rampantly rabid beneficiaries of slavery and likewise refugee safety in Britain from all the several pogroms and other quite grotesquely inhuman and similarly barbarically inflicted on you essentially and characteristically so, routinely wholesale, of course, in your own Eastern European and also Russian homelands and therefore are basically no more British biologically or culturally than an Eskimo literally becomes an Aborigine solely because, for whatever reason they might leave their genuinely indigenous homeland Canada for Australia! So never forget in your hatred and malignant racism that you are the real imposters!  A bloody lot of fake British interlopers!

Yet you have the gall to act like these former and rather enforcedly British colonial territories are, irrefutably so, the ones that essentially owe England and also additionally a wider Britain everything; and realistically not the other way round! Most laughably so, if it wasn't so serious! When even the jewels in Elizabeth Windsor's crown do not belong to her, and in actuality were rather barbarically plundered and stolen from the indigenous people to whom they genuinely belong!  

So piss off! You foreign interlopers and fake British; and do a DNA on your own ancestry. Equally, do some proper research, if you can manage that, and intelligently acquaint yourself with the facts; and also try and get a REAL life! 

500 years of unpaid work in today's climate clearly add up, even without interest, to billions of Pounds Sterling legitimately and morally owed!

Saturday 19 March 2022

Death alone, is befitting the Headteacher, staffers and police who treated this Black schoolgirl so appallingly!

By Stanley Collymore  

Imagine your adored daughter: exceptionally bright, top of her class, an amiable outwardly self assured and as well at ease with herself and others; intellectually hardworking and a pleasant young lady aged 15 years old, setting off contentedly, as normal, for school as she recurrently did but this time, additionally and delightedly so, to take her mock exams; but on entering the school premises as she routinely did every school day, is wholly unexpectedly and suddenly accosted by a teacher telling her, quite unsubstantiatedly, that she smells of cannabis! 

An accusation that quite puzzlingly baffles this exemplary schoolgirl, who is totally bemused by the aspersion levelled against her but nevertheless admirably, resolutely and politely refutes. A sincere and honest rebuttal that is both contemptuously and arrogantly dismissed by this teacher without even an iota of proof to back up let alone unequivocally substantiate their wild and unfounded claim, leading to your daughter stoically and quite uncomplainingly having all of her personal belongings: her schoolbag, clothing, her blazer and, even most enforcedly so, her shoes removed and all of these items arbitrarily but very meticulously searched! 

Cooperatively and non-aggressively throughout this insulting search and its attendant interrogation your daughter, despite her known exemplary behaviour at school and the indisputable awareness that she is not in possession of any drugs and moreover that her known record at the school discernibly requisite to drugs involvement is unquestionably a most commendably exemplary one, is nevertheless wilfully and distinctly subjectively, by this bullying teacher, not believed. 

Subjectively unwilling to accept reality this teacher then wrenches up their antipothetical sentiments against your daughter by getting other likemindedly teachers involved and with the full blessing of the headteacher purposely decide to get the police involved. No such niceities as loco parentis are employed despite your daughter being on school premises, just 15 years old, no drugs found on her or in her possession and you the biological and legal parent quite simply and lawfully should automatically have from the very outset of all this been called, notified of what was going on, and most definitely and legally involved. But this didn't happen; and for self-evident reasons as will be outlined later.  

The police arrived in numbers - the key crucial word designed to trigger such instinctive responses from them having been quite intentionally used by the headteacher at your daughter's school - two burly males and two females in effect, to deal with a very cooperative schoolgirl: your daughter, grand daughter or niece, wrongly and malevolently accused of smelling of cannabis, even though after her arbitrary school search no drugs were found on her or in her possession. 

Even at this belated stage neither the headteacher nor anyone at your daughter's school exercised any loco parentis relative to your daughter. In fact, very much the opposite as the police were given carte blanche to do whatever they wanted; and they did! 

Illegally your daughter was fully and intimately stripped search by strangers and in front of others, none of whom she was related to or who had any right to be there. But you her own parent wasn't there to give or refuse your permission, since your daughter is legally a minor, because the school nor the police valued your daughter or you enough to notify you, her parent, of what was happening to your daughter. In all of this and from the outset of this utterly sick and very twisted scenario the teacher initially involved, the headteacher and other staff, plus the police on their arrival at the school, all knew that this girl, your daughter, was having her period. 

Even so, without any modicum of dignity your daughter was totally stripped search, her bra and panties physically removed; her menstrual tampon callously and undignified, ripped away from her body, and with this indignity grotesquely reinforced by your daughter's vagina and anus crudely prised apart and intrusively invaded, in their ongoing sickeningly search, by these police abusers; who all the while sadistically and gleefully and quite discernibly humiliatingly for your daughter, they recorded on their body web cams.  

Distinctively no drugs were found on your daughter nor even a whiff of the initial lying accusation of your prized daughter smelling of cannabis. But in cases like these bullying pillocks are very loathed to admit they're wrong; same here! On completion of their sick humiliation of your daughter they - the police along with the headteacher and staffers at her school - adamantly refused her permission to even go to the washroom and clean herself up after their abuse of her and the ordeal they'd put her through. 

Instead they forcibly made her use the same soiled tampon they'd ripped from her body to prise open her vagina and effectively sexually abuse her. The Metropolitan Police has form requisite to this sort of conduct and where such perverts use their body cam recordings to titilate likeminded perverts online and in their special clubs.  

I've personalized this story by referring to this traumatised girl as your daughter, grand daughter or neice to have you gauge what your own reaction would be; which it's not rocket science to ascertain the answer to that equation. However, while all the information here is authentic and indisputably verifiable, this 15 year old girl is a Black Londoner in 2022. So how do you non-Blacks, including the surfeit of Useful Idiots House Niggers, feel now?

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
19 March 2022.  

Author's Remarks: 
An official inquiry's report found that racism was the salient factor in how this 15 year old schoolgirl and her family were heinously treated both by her school and the Metropolitan Police. The Metropolitan Police have subsequently issued an apology to the girl and her family, but that's far from adequate bearing in mind the long egregious record with its history of institutionalized racism that was admirably and rather courageously so highlighted by the Macpherson Report following the savage murder of Stephen Lawrence, and which the Met Police and other UK police forces delusionally, lyingly and crucially corruptly refuse to acknowledge. 

I mentioned in the article that racist complainants to the Police or any other government or official body in the UK to reinforce their bigotry only have to mention the word Black or any of the plethora of words they use to describe us, to get an overreaction from the police in literal numbers. That's why it was par for the course having FOUR police officers turning up at a school where lyingly and most malevolently so a 15 year old, and distinctly a most exemplary Black schoolgirl was deliberately and wrongfully accused of smelling of cannabis. How did that teacher know what cannabis smells like other than from personal experience? And even though I quit the English educational system, so-called, in 1980 for my more preferably inspirational and Academically satisfying role in Germany because I foresaw how education was being dumbed down in the UK as it still is, and wanted no further part of it, not then or even now has cannabis tuition been a part of the UK's teacher training syllabus. So work that one out you racist dumbos at the school involved and also your equivalent at the Metropolitan Police!

However, and regrettably so the police officers, the headteacher of the school involved and the staffers there who were involved in this girl's quite despicable humiliation are still in their jobs; although the girl's parents backed by her family members and their community are understandably so, taking legal action. 

Even so, there are those of us who want much more than that! Bluntly, we want to see those involved dead! As this is the 21st Century and to have this egregious shit routinely handed out to Black people and clearly young children especially must stop! Mealy mouthed excuses don't suffice far less so no apologies whatsoever coming from the school itself. The name of the headteacher, and the teachers involved there are already known in the Black community. Solution? Deal harshly with them and their families permanently! Ensuring that for every day remaining of their pathetic lives they'll constantly have to be looking over their white racist and delusional supremacist shoulders! 

I vividly recall that while all the other British MSM towed the sycophantic official line over Stephen Lawrence's savage murder and the repulsive treatment of his parents, other family members and supporters, it was the Daily Mail that courageously broke the mould, went against the grain and effectively set in train the conditions that led to Stephen's killers - two of them as apart from previously none - being jailed, while the other MSM, including the so-called liberal rags did fuck all. I've never forgotten what the Daily Mail altruistically did, nor will I ever do so, and thanked them at the time; a gratitude on my part that is irrevocably enduring. And even though I don't or shan't ever hesitate in criticising the Daily Mail when I morally and logically have to, I have far more respect for their honesty in sticking to what they actually believe - even though quite a lot of it is totally anathema to my own views  and beliefs - than all the shit served up by the champagne swilling mother fucking so-called British liberal rags which I shan't dignify by naming them. 

And I sincerely hope that the Daily Mail's excellent article regarding the vile and evil treatment of this Black London schoolgirl is an equally seminal moment like their likewise courageous and discernibly altruistic reporting that led, at least partially, with Neville and Doreen Lawrence getting some justice for the racist murder of their son Stephen. Thank you again Daily Mail!

Thursday 17 March 2022

Brent Renaud - one less lowlife to contend with among the plethora of lying, western MSM propagandists!

By Stanley Collymore 

Clearly shameful and likewise 
equally hypocritical what all 
of these evidently repulsive 
western MSM hacks and the friends 
rather transparently of one of their 
likeminded kind Brent Renaud are 
literally, grandiosely pontificating 
to each and everyone, but even so 
rather unconvincingly to me and 
basically others I'd imagine with 
a similarly functional brain and 
are demonstrably, surely au fait 
how to use them, that somehow 
Brent Renaud was quite simply 
endeavouring to actually show 
to the world what was, clearly 
and authentically so, going on 
literally in Ukraine according 
to his prejudiced perceptions 
were in reality pure bullshit! 

I don't recall any actual concern 
that was even minutely similar  
to anything that demonstrably 
distinctively epitomized this clearly 
sickening, obviously puke-emitting 
and such rabidly sanctimonious as 
well, grotesquely hyperbolic, very 
lying crap, visibly disingenuously 
and fittingly liberally being piled 
up then, predictably associatedly 
and visibly, rapidly proselytized 
rather unhesitatingly relative to
Brent Renaud's: arguably actual 
activities in Ukraine, that surely 
then, should most conscionably 
be contrasted with what clearly 
very generally occurred during 
the egregiously intentional and 
irrefutably, acquaintedly so for 
example, the USA and Britain's 
financially motivated and, also 
enormously too, advantageous 
for them both their illegal war 
against and also accompanied 
barbaric invasion of Iraq with 
its clearly ongoing, disastrous 
actually horrid consequences 
from their war crime actions, 
actually prevalent to this day. 

Themselves coupled with other 
wholesale destruction across 
the Middle East and North 
Africa by these two very undeniably 
imperialistically minded, white run 
criminal nations, quite dishonestly 
and totally egregiously professing 
to be unquestionably, implacably 
vigorous, democracy supporting 
entities but notably realistically 
are evil rabidly warmongering 
countries rapaciously enabled 
and effectively too, supported 
by their crucially likeminded 
obsequious friends and allies 
superiorily ensconced inside 
their vile white supremacist 
minded, NATO organisation. 

As I vividly remember these 
MSM hacks, rather happily 
and very enthusiastically 
showed the shock and awe bombing 
by the USA and Britain, as though it 
was entertainment; but conversely 
on their vile part never once went 
walking through the dire ensuing 
rubble; nor crucially ever sought 
to publicize the plaintive human 
stories, of the enormous number 
of people that were barbarously 
but unconcernedly slaughtered! 

Sarcastically I wonder why; fully 
already cognizant of the telling 
answer to my quite unvoiced 
question! However, white lives, in 
western backed and evidently too 
Nazi Ukraine are obviously, very 
unquestionably, of much greater 
value and likewise too far more 
relevant, and clearly important 
than the uselessly perceived by 
a surfeit of vile western whites 
brown or any black individual. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
16 March 2022.  

Author's Remarks: 
In the infamous words of apartheid South Africa's evil, inhuman and the barbaric murderer of Steve Biko: "Biko's death leaves me cold!"; the death of Brent Renaud in Nazi Ukraine likewise does the same for me. 

My remarks here are more curtailed than they normally would be, but the several articles preceding this work and tweeted accordingly should give anyone with a reasonably functioning brain and knows how to use it, why exactly I wrote this poem and take, most unequivocally and unapologetically, the stance I've done relative to Brent Renaud. 

You might think that only white lives and specifically those who think and act like you are the only ones that really matter. Feel at liberty to do so; but it's not a view I share or one that I shall ever embrace!


Monday 14 March 2022

The death of Philip has taken its toll? What arrant and ridiculous nonsense!

By Stanley Collymore  

What an absolutely odious, carry 
on by an utterly selfish, entitled 
and ultra-privileged diva, very 
characteristically so, of everything 
she's ever done in her useless and 
pathetic life; and emboldened by 
the clearly, far right activities of 
a Tory regime actually ardently 
supported by, a Zionist-Yid, led 
Labour Party, which decidedly 
collectively engineered all the  
Covid-19 lockdown rules, that 
they themselves, then illicitly 
and indifferently too ignored 
did manifestly, actually force 
this literally, ultra privileged 
and recurrently endemically 
hereditary but self-evidently 
unelected hereditary clearly 
still lawfully married all the
same couple very inevitably 
into an unavoidable bubble.  

And with the Grim Reaper having 
decided that it was time Philip 
Mountbatten was gone and 
Liz Windsor herself crucially in the 
literal aftermath of his predictably 
expected departure quite literally 
distinctively, looking decidedly a 
lot chirpier and quite essentially 
too, much happier actually than 
she'd previously been! But with 
her visible nonagenarian years 
unforgivingly rapidly exerting 
their toll, along with the evilly 
rightwing and likewise too all 
the Nazi beneficiaries, who so 
customarily, most irrefutably, 
naturally enormously and, as 
well, undeniably, continually 
financially benefit massively 
from Britain clearly literally 
and endemically having this 
effectively characteristically 
unelected, and medieval too
mindset plus an undeniably 
passe monarchy in position. 

That furthermore is being very 
customarily rather idiotically 
touted as the quintessential 
embodiment of human values, and 
too the qualitative, unsurpassable 
validation of earthly civilisation; 
and thus most self-evidently not 
at all desirous for any of this to 
be swiftly or else permanently 
swept away by the essentially 
imminent onslaught, literally 
of an emphatically evidently 
culturally, really democratic 
Republican tsunami clearly 
following the death, of this 
monarichal nonagenarian 

are extremely busy ensuring 
that you: the brainwashed, 
distinctively gullible and 
literally intellectually challenged 
serfs and discernibly immensely 
willing and eagerly cooperative 
suitably, usefully brownnosing 
plebeians crucially and rather 
most proactively remain very 
loyal but identically doltishly 
impassioned to an outmoded 
status quo that contemptibly 
is distinctively embodied by 
a noxious British monarchy. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
14 March 2022.  

Author's Remarks: 
How on Earth is any ordinary person able to emulate - and quite frankly why should they either care or morally essay to do so - an utterly useless but glorified life that from its very outset and due entirely to an accident of birth, is solely derived from an outrageously vast and invariably criminally, genocidally and the barbarically exploitative of other peoples natural resources, their individual wealth, legitimate livelihoods and even the haplessly made lives of those who were barbarously, and in this the 21st Century are still most indifferently, unapologetically and quite malevolently, intentionally and distinctively, hubristically and fervently egregiously trampled upon. The sum total in succinct words of what to all mentally liberated minds Liz Windsor and her Nazi Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor Mafia Klan generally represent!  

Whether this utterly self-serving, self-centred and discernibly as well toxic, egocentric, nonengenarian prat goes to Phillip's memorial service or not I personally couldn't give a damn, as it'll simply be all for show anyway and to rather vaingloriously milk the requisite superfluity of sympathy that she knows the sickeningly pathetic and likewise, gullible, brainwashed, braindead and easily manipulated surfeit of tediously fawning white sycophants and their Useful Idiots  non-whites will render her. 

This woman and Philip physically lived apart for over 30 years and conducted a marriage in name only; appearing together at public functions to maintain the ludicrous myth of a vibrant and loving marriage when in actual fact nothing could have been further from the truth. Which is, that they both had separate private lives that they avidly indulged in. Their right of course; but don't try to insult the intelligence of people far clever than they realistically ever could be that everything was kosher with them when it patently wasn't! Toss that shit to the brownnosers, always happy to unthinkingly gulp it down! 

Millions across Britain during the lockdown would have given their right arm to see their Covid-19 affected relatives in hospital, many of whom were about to die, but the standing restrictions precluded them from doing so. Charles saw his dad who was in a private hospital as the private sector didn't apply the same rules as the NHS. But Charles was the only one; none of the others did, including, and significantly so, yourself Liz Windsor! And even if it were an NHS hospital that Philip was in no one would have refused you admittance. In fact the opposite would have been routine in your case Liz Windsor. So why the Hell didn't you visit? Sycophants won't suss that out but compos mentis individuals have already done so. Afraid of catching Covid-19? I don't think so! As you have the bloody virus now, long after Philip kicked the bucket, and it didn't stop you even recently having your vainglorious "audience" with that Canadian prat Justin Trudeau! Most Britons are as thick as pig shit but in case you didn't know differently Liz Windsor, there are still a few intelligent ones out here! 

Now you're claiming Liz that you might be unable to make it to Philip's memorial service, as you can't walk properly and don't want to be seen in a wheelchair or on a mobility scooter? Really? Face facts! Philip: who wanted after his death to come back as a malevolent virus and wipe out those elements of the globe's population not like him and his kind, is thankfully dead and your heart and mind Liz aren't in maintaining the "devoted wife" charade you've hypocritically and effectively maintained all these years.  Since any truly loving wife would be there if she literally had to crawl on her hands and knees to get there; and with your opulent resources that would never have been necessary, or would it have occurred. 

When the world did get to generally know of your two Bowes-Lyons first cousins locked away unvisited or even thought about and officially declared dead even though they were very much alive, your equally odious mother is on record for telling your sister Margaret that such actions meted out to her own nieces were relevant as it would be disastrous to your so-called "royal" family Liz Windsor if the general British public and others likemindedly across the world - (using my own words now) and specifically so in the genocidally acquired British infested countries - began to think (Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons words again) "that the British royal family wasn't of pure blood and lost respect for them, it could result in the end of the British monarchy." 

Well the British monarchy is not any more so composed of pure blood than the discernibly rather pathetic rest of you white sycophantic scum. And I most vividly recall a lecture by one of our consultant surgeons when I was training all those years back to be a psychiatric nurse. He told us about the two Bowes-Lyons sisters and also that the incestuous inbreeding by the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor family had resulted in a very serious genetic problem for them, that is closely linked to hemophilia that was so acute among them that if they didn't expand their genetic pool from what it incestuously was they would readily die off. The self-serving "Firm" that the Windsors are they took that medical advice and it's why Margaret was among the first of that Mafia Klan to marry out; paving the way for such social climbing Stepford wife broodmares, exactly like Kate Middleton, even as an assiduous stalker, to pathetically  have a realistic look in with the dumb pillock William she ultimately garnered as her spouse; while, most attendant to both of them, racially disapproving of Meghan Markle, as to William and obviously Kate, Meghan is unquestionably of the wrong race and colour! Yet these two pathetic, distinctly quite ignorant and inured racist cunts are, with irony so lost on them unsurprisingly, off to the Caribbean to beg sickeningly House Nigger countries like Jamaica not to give up their Windsor family as their head of state. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Yardies who aren't in anyway like the Uncle Tom, House Niggers that run Jamaica politically and financially take care of business when racist, white supremacist, no tears for the Windrush Generation, several from Jamaica and abysmally abused by the British; and wars are alien to Britain and Europe unlike the case routinely in barbaric Africa and likewise Asia where it's systemically the case - William Windsor and Kate Middleton set foot in Jamaica. Wholly behind you my Black brothers and sisters! 

Finally as for Liz Windsor and Philip's memorial service this stupid cow has just self-centredly taken a leaf out of her noxious late mother's book and as repulsively applied to her two female first cousins, callously shut up for all those years in an asylum and lyingly officially declared dead. So evidently  no mobility scooter or wheel chair for Liz, since such a concession would to all her sycophants indicate that she is not a goddess in situ by the essential deification of God Almighty but quite in actual fact a mere human being; or what passes for one across most of Britain! 

Thursday 10 March 2022

Another day, another photo op - while dishonestly saying words with no real meaning to them!

By Stanley Collymore  

William and Kate should first have 
checked out Buckingham Palace, 
Windsor and the Sandringham 
archives among others prior to this 
bloody stupid undertaken PR stunt 
of theirs. Granny Liz Windsor and 
her incestuously in-bred, German 
family, were effectively distinctly 
and rather literally also praising, 
eulogizing and fittingly for them 
saluting the Third Reich's Nazis; 
as were the twisted remainders 
plainly of the UK's hereditarily, 
self-entitled families, and truly 
vilely Nazi scum proselytizing 
rags: like a lyingly, Daily Mail! 
Essentially and outwardly for 
them it's all evidently a sham 
while crucially inwardly and 
financially that Nazi mindset 
malevolently stays the same! 

Completely disgusting, shedding 
tears, even discernibly bogusly 
contrived ones, for Ukrainian 
Nazis? Go check out who those evilly 
repulsive Ukrainian, 14th Waffen SS 
Grenadier and 1st Galician Division, 
actually were during World War II! 
Essentially no friends of Britain or 
those who they very savagely and 
most fanatically butchered inside 
all of those crucially barbarously 
and solely exclusively European 
wide and created concentration 
plus death camps they liberally 
operated in. Self-evidently too,
no friends of the Allies - or for 
that matter Britain; and were 
it not for these Russians, that 
you're now ironically openly 
and puerilely, castigating on 
the obnoxious behalf, of the 
sick, biological descendants 
contemporarily, of all these 
Ukrainian, Nazi scum - this 
off shore, vilely ungrateful 
European cesspit, that also 
calls itself Britain, literally 
would unmistakably have 
become undeniably, what 
those Deutsche-Windsors 
and Daily Mail, earnestly 
wanted it to be: an entity 
truly like Nazi Germany.  

Shedding tears for Ukrainian 
Nazis? Really? The absolute 
epitome of rank stupidity! 
These scum are the same ones, who 
with a dense, coup leader; a rather 
malleable puppet and a distinctly 
naturally delusionally demented 
egomaniac Volodymyr Zelenksy 
as their titular leader, who was 
installed by an USA, NATO plus 
the avidly complicit European 
Union that clearly collectively 
and hatingly, conspiratorially 
killed their Minsk Agreement 
and crucially definitively too 
Ukraine's binding neutrality. 

Igniting this whole western, plus 
equally globalist inspired thing; 
when specifically directly after 
their significantly, undeniably 
and illegal coup of 2014 - was 
itself commendably, and also 
laudably clearly legitimately 
challenged by those Eastern 
Ukrainians amid numerous 
cautionary warnings of the 
numerous, critical dangers 
likely to occur if Ukraine's 
western handlers refused  
to responsibly, aptly back 
off, from President Putin 
the incumbent leader, of 
the Russian Federation -  
to which Zelenksy daftly 
and usually predictably 
took the huff and easily 
very toxically egged on 
eagerly, by his western 
organ grinders puerile 
in extremis decided to 
blatantly so, challenge 
Russia, that intrepidly
and quite impeccably, 
called your vile bluff!  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
10 March 2022. 

Author's Remarks:  
Another set of Kate Middleton's tears purportedly I see; the previous ones reported, predictably by the Daily Mail and other similarly rightwing, Nazi, racist and even dishonest so-called liberal rags like the Guardian and the Independent, self-evidently Windsor brownnosing British rags the lot of them, actually turned out not be Kate Middleton's after all but someone else's caused by her, and of whom she's still distinctly envious; with that clearly intensely ingrained and entitled, delusional right to white supremacy! 

Significantly too, Kate Middleton is either at best disingenuous, and now with her Windsor attained Stepford wife, keen broodmare connections is particularly so about Ukraine. Or more likely and self-evidently hasn't a logical clue about Ukraine, its World War II Waffen SS and holocaust death camps murderous past, and that it was distinctly no friend of the Allies, and particularly so Britain; and had it not been for the valorous actions of the Russians on the Eastern Front, Britain's pathetic ass, with Ukrainian Nazi Waffen SS assistance to its committedly Third Reich's overlord, would have been well and truly kicked. Never mind all the vainglorious and grandstanding, delusional crap still distinctly heard and actually believed across the UK, that white Britons along with their kith and kin in genocidally acquired countries like asininely claimed to be "Terra nuliius" Australia - never mind that the indigenous Aborigines have continuously lived there for in excess of 60,000 years; New Zealand, Canada and most grudgingly so the USA, did exclusively win World War II. Lol! Dream on! Or as I prefer to call it, Europe's second major internecine war barbarically, as normal, carried out by Europeans but for a relative change done so at home principally rather than in the Global South! 

And how selective of Kate and her Alice Keppel great grand daughter and her own step mum Camilla - the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree does it - the said Alice Keppel being the longstanding mistress of Henry VII that similarly was the great grand father of Camilla's current husband Charles Windsor; and with this shag-happy to the hereditary "elite", Alice Keppel, also a paid married whore to boot. Yet, here in 2022 we have Camilla and Kate shedding their crocodile tears as they likewise virtue signal their PR condemnation of President Putin, justifiably from my objective perspective, invading still in 2022 a Nazi Ukraine - since those he is reining in there are undeniably the direct descendants, with the identical mindset, of their egregious Waffen SS

So where exactly, Kate Middleton and Camilla Windsor, are your tears: whether real or actually crocodile in nature, for the millions of dead and, sickeningly also, the patently ongoingly displaced and hapless refugees that your white sort denigrate but were caused by the illegal wars and invasions by the UK, USA and NATO in their own countries? Iraq - with the odious and knowing lie of Saddam Hussein's WMDs - Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and the Yemen distinctively come to mind. No tears, obviously of course, but Liz Windsor: your nonegenarian mother in law Camilla and accordingly your husband's grandmother Kate, clearly having no problem or scruples making a notorious war criminal, Tony Blair, a distinctly prominent member of her ludicrous privy council and also knighting him, never mind that his quite dishonestly staged, so egregiously engaged in and also profiteering war on behalf of the billionaires, armaments industry and the callous, globalist multinationals was really all about money and, too, the sickeningly white exploitation of these countries natural resources; and from which you, a most dastardly murderous lowlife scum Tony Blair, are several years later still profiting financially quite massively from. None of it actually surprising to me, nor for that matter Liz Windsor's own actions! What was her cut in all of this? No morals her lot, as they still live off the sickeningly twisted  and evilly acquired proceeds of the Transatlantic Atlantic Slave Trade! And other than gross sycophants how can anybody with even the very basic modicum of morality have any respect at all for this odious enabler and callous protector of a most arrogant, egocentric and discernibly so a most reprehensible paedophile and vile, sex trafficking abuser? 

Yet these are clearly the hypocritical 
sort openly foaming at the mouth and likewise dementedly demanding that President Vladimir Putin of Russia be hurriedly hauled before the crucially risible, International Criminal Court (ICC) - a NATO and western puppet, so up their clearly imbecillic asses that no Western war criminals are, or will ever be taken before it. And basically the roll call of such utterly repulsive scum is phenomenal. Here are just a few of them: George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Madeleine Albright, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Gordon Brown, Benjamin Netanyahu and likewise Theresa May; herself specifically regarding the Yemen where her husband and his company,  with Theresa May's active assistance as British Prime Minister, made a massive killing, no pun intended, in Yemen; and where the quite actively assisted and directly involved British genocide of the Yemenis in their own country is still ongoing in 2022, courtesy of the Britain's supported friends the Saudis. Yet you dimwitted prats: the Windsor family ones as well as their brownnosing plebeian pillocks are being told by egregious Nazi rags, like the Daily Mail, who exactly you should all shed tears for and who you must resolutely and also unthinkingly ignore! And the clearly dumb ignoramuses that you are, you readily comply! 

Personly, never mind having that aforementioned lot up on war crimes, and likewise too in the same company their sick and utterly twisted enablers and accomplices. Instead the whole of Britain, for it's undeniably multitudinous and distinctively so multifaceted crimes globally, and for which neither England the initial culprit and subsequently the United Kingdom after its formation, has never ever apologized, made any reparations to or paid any compensation for need effectively, in its entirety - this verminously infested European cesspit called the UK - to be turned by whomever has the means and the principles to do so - and that includes a genuinely democratically run USA, into a 1000 year enduring, thermonuclear Chernobyl wasteland!
As Britain and the scum that infest it, like the rabies infected dogs that they rabidly and self-evidenly are and additionally have been for far too long, distinctively need to be permanently put down!