
Thursday 10 March 2022

Another day, another photo op - while dishonestly saying words with no real meaning to them!

By Stanley Collymore  

William and Kate should first have 
checked out Buckingham Palace, 
Windsor and the Sandringham 
archives among others prior to this 
bloody stupid undertaken PR stunt 
of theirs. Granny Liz Windsor and 
her incestuously in-bred, German 
family, were effectively distinctly 
and rather literally also praising, 
eulogizing and fittingly for them 
saluting the Third Reich's Nazis; 
as were the twisted remainders 
plainly of the UK's hereditarily, 
self-entitled families, and truly 
vilely Nazi scum proselytizing 
rags: like a lyingly, Daily Mail! 
Essentially and outwardly for 
them it's all evidently a sham 
while crucially inwardly and 
financially that Nazi mindset 
malevolently stays the same! 

Completely disgusting, shedding 
tears, even discernibly bogusly 
contrived ones, for Ukrainian 
Nazis? Go check out who those evilly 
repulsive Ukrainian, 14th Waffen SS 
Grenadier and 1st Galician Division, 
actually were during World War II! 
Essentially no friends of Britain or 
those who they very savagely and 
most fanatically butchered inside 
all of those crucially barbarously 
and solely exclusively European 
wide and created concentration 
plus death camps they liberally 
operated in. Self-evidently too,
no friends of the Allies - or for 
that matter Britain; and were 
it not for these Russians, that 
you're now ironically openly 
and puerilely, castigating on 
the obnoxious behalf, of the 
sick, biological descendants 
contemporarily, of all these 
Ukrainian, Nazi scum - this 
off shore, vilely ungrateful 
European cesspit, that also 
calls itself Britain, literally 
would unmistakably have 
become undeniably, what 
those Deutsche-Windsors 
and Daily Mail, earnestly 
wanted it to be: an entity 
truly like Nazi Germany.  

Shedding tears for Ukrainian 
Nazis? Really? The absolute 
epitome of rank stupidity! 
These scum are the same ones, who 
with a dense, coup leader; a rather 
malleable puppet and a distinctly 
naturally delusionally demented 
egomaniac Volodymyr Zelenksy 
as their titular leader, who was 
installed by an USA, NATO plus 
the avidly complicit European 
Union that clearly collectively 
and hatingly, conspiratorially 
killed their Minsk Agreement 
and crucially definitively too 
Ukraine's binding neutrality. 

Igniting this whole western, plus 
equally globalist inspired thing; 
when specifically directly after 
their significantly, undeniably 
and illegal coup of 2014 - was 
itself commendably, and also 
laudably clearly legitimately 
challenged by those Eastern 
Ukrainians amid numerous 
cautionary warnings of the 
numerous, critical dangers 
likely to occur if Ukraine's 
western handlers refused  
to responsibly, aptly back 
off, from President Putin 
the incumbent leader, of 
the Russian Federation -  
to which Zelenksy daftly 
and usually predictably 
took the huff and easily 
very toxically egged on 
eagerly, by his western 
organ grinders puerile 
in extremis decided to 
blatantly so, challenge 
Russia, that intrepidly
and quite impeccably, 
called your vile bluff!  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
10 March 2022. 

Author's Remarks:  
Another set of Kate Middleton's tears purportedly I see; the previous ones reported, predictably by the Daily Mail and other similarly rightwing, Nazi, racist and even dishonest so-called liberal rags like the Guardian and the Independent, self-evidently Windsor brownnosing British rags the lot of them, actually turned out not be Kate Middleton's after all but someone else's caused by her, and of whom she's still distinctly envious; with that clearly intensely ingrained and entitled, delusional right to white supremacy! 

Significantly too, Kate Middleton is either at best disingenuous, and now with her Windsor attained Stepford wife, keen broodmare connections is particularly so about Ukraine. Or more likely and self-evidently hasn't a logical clue about Ukraine, its World War II Waffen SS and holocaust death camps murderous past, and that it was distinctly no friend of the Allies, and particularly so Britain; and had it not been for the valorous actions of the Russians on the Eastern Front, Britain's pathetic ass, with Ukrainian Nazi Waffen SS assistance to its committedly Third Reich's overlord, would have been well and truly kicked. Never mind all the vainglorious and grandstanding, delusional crap still distinctly heard and actually believed across the UK, that white Britons along with their kith and kin in genocidally acquired countries like asininely claimed to be "Terra nuliius" Australia - never mind that the indigenous Aborigines have continuously lived there for in excess of 60,000 years; New Zealand, Canada and most grudgingly so the USA, did exclusively win World War II. Lol! Dream on! Or as I prefer to call it, Europe's second major internecine war barbarically, as normal, carried out by Europeans but for a relative change done so at home principally rather than in the Global South! 

And how selective of Kate and her Alice Keppel great grand daughter and her own step mum Camilla - the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree does it - the said Alice Keppel being the longstanding mistress of Henry VII that similarly was the great grand father of Camilla's current husband Charles Windsor; and with this shag-happy to the hereditary "elite", Alice Keppel, also a paid married whore to boot. Yet, here in 2022 we have Camilla and Kate shedding their crocodile tears as they likewise virtue signal their PR condemnation of President Putin, justifiably from my objective perspective, invading still in 2022 a Nazi Ukraine - since those he is reining in there are undeniably the direct descendants, with the identical mindset, of their egregious Waffen SS

So where exactly, Kate Middleton and Camilla Windsor, are your tears: whether real or actually crocodile in nature, for the millions of dead and, sickeningly also, the patently ongoingly displaced and hapless refugees that your white sort denigrate but were caused by the illegal wars and invasions by the UK, USA and NATO in their own countries? Iraq - with the odious and knowing lie of Saddam Hussein's WMDs - Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and the Yemen distinctively come to mind. No tears, obviously of course, but Liz Windsor: your nonegenarian mother in law Camilla and accordingly your husband's grandmother Kate, clearly having no problem or scruples making a notorious war criminal, Tony Blair, a distinctly prominent member of her ludicrous privy council and also knighting him, never mind that his quite dishonestly staged, so egregiously engaged in and also profiteering war on behalf of the billionaires, armaments industry and the callous, globalist multinationals was really all about money and, too, the sickeningly white exploitation of these countries natural resources; and from which you, a most dastardly murderous lowlife scum Tony Blair, are several years later still profiting financially quite massively from. None of it actually surprising to me, nor for that matter Liz Windsor's own actions! What was her cut in all of this? No morals her lot, as they still live off the sickeningly twisted  and evilly acquired proceeds of the Transatlantic Atlantic Slave Trade! And other than gross sycophants how can anybody with even the very basic modicum of morality have any respect at all for this odious enabler and callous protector of a most arrogant, egocentric and discernibly so a most reprehensible paedophile and vile, sex trafficking abuser? 

Yet these are clearly the hypocritical 
sort openly foaming at the mouth and likewise dementedly demanding that President Vladimir Putin of Russia be hurriedly hauled before the crucially risible, International Criminal Court (ICC) - a NATO and western puppet, so up their clearly imbecillic asses that no Western war criminals are, or will ever be taken before it. And basically the roll call of such utterly repulsive scum is phenomenal. Here are just a few of them: George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Madeleine Albright, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Gordon Brown, Benjamin Netanyahu and likewise Theresa May; herself specifically regarding the Yemen where her husband and his company,  with Theresa May's active assistance as British Prime Minister, made a massive killing, no pun intended, in Yemen; and where the quite actively assisted and directly involved British genocide of the Yemenis in their own country is still ongoing in 2022, courtesy of the Britain's supported friends the Saudis. Yet you dimwitted prats: the Windsor family ones as well as their brownnosing plebeian pillocks are being told by egregious Nazi rags, like the Daily Mail, who exactly you should all shed tears for and who you must resolutely and also unthinkingly ignore! And the clearly dumb ignoramuses that you are, you readily comply! 

Personly, never mind having that aforementioned lot up on war crimes, and likewise too in the same company their sick and utterly twisted enablers and accomplices. Instead the whole of Britain, for it's undeniably multitudinous and distinctively so multifaceted crimes globally, and for which neither England the initial culprit and subsequently the United Kingdom after its formation, has never ever apologized, made any reparations to or paid any compensation for need effectively, in its entirety - this verminously infested European cesspit called the UK - to be turned by whomever has the means and the principles to do so - and that includes a genuinely democratically run USA, into a 1000 year enduring, thermonuclear Chernobyl wasteland!
As Britain and the scum that infest it, like the rabies infected dogs that they rabidly and self-evidenly are and additionally have been for far too long, distinctively need to be permanently put down!

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