
Friday 31 January 2020

Permanently fuck off the lot of you and leave Harry and Meghan alone!

By Stanley Collymore

The stalking of Meghan Markle and Harry is nothing
more than a maliciously contrived and wilful and
dishonestly orchestrated witch hunt that has
become truly pathetic; grasping at straws
and plainly looking for anything to stupidly
and rather maliciously pick on, where
Prince Harry and the female of
his dreams that he married
for love, are concerned.

They love each other to bits; that’s plain to
see! But the deluded and in continuous
denial of their deep-rooted racism
cretins can’t acknowledge this;
because Harry is white Caucasian, comes
from a so-called royal family that in a
class-infested British society clearly
typifiess the worst of delusional
white superiority: embracing
a foetid rat’s nest of white
privilege, rooted elitism
and tedious nepotism,
while Meghan his lawful wife: of
Black, mixed race heritage, is
deemed by to these rather
pathetically racist and
psychopathic morons
as supposedly of
baser origins.

Yet by any objective analysis or unbiased
accreditation Meghan Markle is quite
clearly a beautiful, well-educated,
a perfectly, highly intelligent
and self-assured woman! And to those
who genuinely know her, love her
and similarly truly care about
her and her own welfare, is
also soundly regarded as
a sincere warm-hearted
and an exceptionally
welcoming person.

So why then don’t you her numerous detractors:
scandalizing and racist scum the lot of you, just get
over Harry and Meghan and instead advisedly
concentrate on finding ways to seriously
eradicate your transparent and deeply
entrenched low self-esteem, where
you feel obliged to look down
on folk that don’t look like
you, think like you or
behave as you do?

Or are mixed-marriage couples like
Harry and Meghan. Acclamatory
blessing for whom invariably
scares the shits out of the likes of you,
who continuously need someone
or persons to look down on
in order to idiotically
make yourselves
appear good!

© Stanley V. Collymore
31 January 2020.

Author’s Remarks:
To the increasing hordes of the dim-witted, manifestly dumbed-down, intellectually challenged and the easily manipulated by their obsequiously perceived social betters, cap-doffing plebeian lowlife scum who infest Britain, in tandem with the rat’s nest of white privileged, deeply-ingrained elitism and mind-numbing nepotism who coordinate and control the far from meritocratic and welcoming society they individually and collectively persistently delude themselves that the United Kingdom is when nothing could be further from reality.

And who whether they’re longstanding news readers, so-called journalists and commentators or self-serving and corrupt politicians; tax-dodging media barons, incompetent local government councillors and executive officials, corporate CEOs, institutionalized racist law enforcement officers; likeminded magistrates and similarly inept Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and British judiciary members – all of whom euphorically emboldened by Brexit have fulsomely crawled out of their customary racist and delusional white superiority boltholes.

If you’re half as intelligent and racially superior as you like to delude yourselves that you are, please humbly take my sound advice and as I’ve openly here suggested in this poem do precisely what it states and asks of you.

As you’re all of you, individually as well as collectively, a bunch of psychopathically sick, morally twisted, cretinously self-ingratiating and a markedly publicity-seeking irrelevance in the 21st Century!

Piers Morgan: The feral and mentally deranged plonker turned stalker!

By Stanley Collymore

Piers Morgan truly is a pathetic excuse of a man – a cankerous sore on the face of bona fide journalism. For even if Harry and Meghan wanted to return to Britain and the royal family and the UK government pulled out every stop to encourage them to do so and also protect them in the wake of such an unlikely decision, Pier Morgan is the one person who would lay that dream to rest for good.

As any two such, and very much in love with each other, intelligent persons like Meghan Markle and Harry Windsor self-evidently are would certainly not willingly allow themselves to be hostages nor permit themselves either to be further and scurrilously compromised by a cretinously ingrained Piers Morgan. For this paranoid schizophrenic whose entrenched hallucinations and unrestrained delusions of grandeur systemically and adversely create debilitating symptoms of insanity that strikingly blur the line between what is real and what isn’t collectively embody everything that you need to know about Piers Morgan. Making it virtually impossible for him to lead a typically normal life that is instinctively the dream of all rational persons: Prince harry and Meghan Markle being principally among them!

While in marked contrast one can’t possibly imagine a more crass and noxious moron than Piers Morgan! More toxic than the lethal Coronavirus, but of which Piers Morgan himself is very probably intensely jealous all the same, because it’s generating more headlines than him: a nauseatingly narcissistic motor mouth and a perniciously odious misogynistic stalker is ever capable of doing!

It’s quite obvious to anyone with a functioning brain and who knows how to use it that Piers Morgan is using Meghan Markle as his cash cow and spurious claim to fame, much like what her father Thomas Markle is doing; making them both absolutely disgusting men.

Moreover, who sensibly gives a toss what Piers Morgan thinks, as he’s unimpededly allowed to by the so-called and unfit for purpose UK media regulators to hypocritically persist as others are also doing with their relentless bullying of Meghan Markle, itself deeply etched in the stereotypical and institutionalized white racism towards people of colour and most especially so Black Britons!

Additionally, don’t conveniently forget that it was Piers Morgan who ran the British Daily Mirror rag when scores of people were illegally getting their phones hacked with the explicit permission and encouragement of Piers Morgan. So please, crawl back under your stone Piers Morgan and stop asininely lecturing others on your rather skewed version of morality, other ethical virtues like honesty and standards of behaviour that you know absolutely nothing about and frankly wouldn’t know where to begin, as these are all so foreign to you and have been throughout your nauseating upbringing! And which additionally makes your personal stance and publicly proselytized, self-righteous behaviour synonymous with rank hypocrisy.

Your opinions Piers Morgan are therefore nothing but poisonous diatribes and eventually you’ll die from the latter if you don’t, assuming that you’re capable of doing so, change your obnoxious behaviour. Equally, your obsession with Meghan Markle is quite obvious and has all the hallmarks of a man spurned. She didn’t want you in her life, not even as a friend, but your endemic narcissism couldn’t and still can’t stomach that rejection of you by Meghan, hence your obsessive stalking of her.

You’re supposedly a married man with a family of your own Piers Morgan; and if you don’t have any personal shame for yourself, then just stop for once and consider how intelligent and rational folk across Britain, of whom there are still some although fundamentally very much in the minority, if the Daily Mail’s readers’ ludicrous and decidedly pathetic comments are any indicators of the truly abysmal level of stupidity across the United Kingdom, must be pitying your wife only in name, presumably it would seem. Or doesn’t she likewise have no self-respect in relation to herself, as any creditable wife certainly would, and consequently in such insufferable circumstances would have long given you the ultimatum to either shut up or else she would categorically piss off and leave you to it!

Maybe she hasn’t got it in her and that’s why you married her! For you are clearly a very sick man Piers Morgan; utterly twisted; and a bullying stalker! And the latter is definitely against the law! So why then aren’t you in jail? Ask a daft question, eh? White privileged dumbo!

© Stanley V. Collymore
31 January 2020.

皮爾斯·摩根(Piers Morgan):野蠻而精神錯亂的傻瓜變成了跟踪者!

斯坦利·科利莫爾(Stanley Collymore

皮爾斯·摩根(Piers Morgan)確實是一個男人的可悲藉口善意新聞業面對的是瘡ker瘡。即使哈里和梅根想返回英國,王室和英國政府都竭盡全力鼓勵他們這樣做,並在做出這種不太可能的決定後也保護了他們,但皮爾·摩根是唯一一個願意夢想成真。

就像任何兩個這樣的人,並且彼此之間非常相愛,像梅根·馬克爾和哈里·溫莎這樣的聰明人顯然不願讓自己成為人質,也不允許他們因被根深蒂固的皮爾斯而進一步受到損害。摩根。對於這種偏執型精神分裂症,其幻覺根深蒂固,對宏偉事物的狂妄妄想,不利地造成精神錯亂的衰弱症狀,從而明顯模糊了真實與不真實之間的界線,體現了您需要了解的有關Piers Morgan的一切。使他幾乎不可能過上通常正常的生活,這本來是所有理性人的夢想:哈里王子和梅根·馬克爾(Meghan Markle)主要在其中!

與之形成鮮明對比的是,人們無法想像比皮爾斯·摩根(Piers Morgan)更殘酷和有害的白痴!比致命的冠狀病毒毒性更大,但皮爾斯·摩根本人也極可能會嫉妒,因為它比他引起更多的頭條新聞:令人陶醉的自戀型運動口和有害的惡毒的纏擾者永遠能夠做到!

對於任何一個大腦功能正常並且知道如何使用它的人來說,顯而易見的是,皮爾斯·摩根(Piers Morgan)使用梅根·馬克爾(Meghan Markle)作為搖錢樹,並虛假地聲名遠揚,就像她父親托馬斯·馬克爾(Thomas Markle)所做的那樣;使他們倆都是絕對令人作嘔的男人。

此外,他明智地拋棄了皮爾斯·摩根(Piers Morgan)的想法,因為所謂的英國媒體監管者無條件地允許他虛偽地堅持下去,因為其他人也在無情地欺負梅根·馬克爾(Meghan Markle),這本身就深深地刻在了他的腦海中。對有色人種尤其是黑人不列顛人的刻板印象和製度化的白色種族主義!

此外,不要輕易忘記,正是在Piers Morgan的明確許可和鼓勵下,數十人非法竊取手機的行為遭到了Piers Morgan的管理。因此,請回到你的石墩下的皮爾斯·摩根(Piers Morgan)之下,別再以愚蠢的方式講授別人關於你偏頗的道德,誠實和行為標準等其他道德美德,而你完全不知道這些道德美德,坦率地說,他們不知道從哪裡開始,因為這些對您來說太陌生了,並且在您令人討厭的整個養育過程中!而且,這還會使您的個人立場和公開宣揚的自以為是的行為成為偽善的代名詞。

因此,您的觀點皮爾斯·摩根(Piers Morgan)只不過是有毒的食物,如果您不這樣做,最終您會死於後者,前提是您有能力做到這一點,那就改變您的討厭行為。同樣,您對梅根·馬克爾(Meghan Markle)的痴迷非常明顯,而且所有男人的特徵都遭到拒絕。她甚至不希望自己成為朋友,甚至不想成為朋友,但是您的自戀無法而且仍然無法忍受梅根對您的拒絕,因此您對她的痴迷纏身。

據推測,您是已婚男子,有自己的Piers Morgan一家;如果您不為自己感到羞恥,那就停下來一次,考慮一下英國各地的人如何才智和理性,如果《每日郵報》的讀者們的嘲笑和嘲諷,仍然有一些人,儘管從根本上說,在少數人中毫無疑問,可悲的評論是整個英國真正愚蠢程度的任何指標,大概只能在名義上同情你的妻子。還是她不像任何可信賴的妻子一樣對自己沒有自尊心,因此,在這種無法忍受的情況下,長久以來您都會最後通to,要么要么閉嘴,要么她會發洩怒氣而離開您到了!

也許她還沒有得到,這就是為什麼你嫁給她了!因為您顯然是一個非常病的人Piers Morgan;完全扭曲和一個欺負的跟踪者!後者絕對是違法的!那你為什麼不坐牢呢?問一個愚蠢的問題,是嗎?白色特權小飛象!

© 斯坦利·科利莫爾

Piers Morgan: Den vilda og mentalt forringede plonkeren ble stalker!

Av Stanley Collymore

Piers Morgan er virkelig en patetisk unnskyldning fra en mann - en galkende sår i ansiktet på bona fide journalistikk. For selv om Harry og Meghan ønsket å vende tilbake til Storbritannia og kongefamilien og den britiske regjeringen trakk hvert stopp for å oppmuntre dem til å gjøre det og også beskytte dem i kjølvannet av en så usannsynlig avgjørelse, er Pier Morgan den personen som ville legg den drømmen til å hvile for godt.

Som alle to slike, og veldig forelsket i hverandre, vil intelligente personer som Meghan Markle og Harry Windsor selvsagt være, absolutt ikke villig til å tillate seg å være gisler og heller ikke tillate seg å bli ytterligere og skurril kompromittert av en kretisk inngrodd Piers Morgan. For denne paranoide schizofrenien, hvis forankrede hallusinasjoner og uhemmet vrangforestillinger om storhet systemisk og negativt skaper ødeleggende symptomer på sinnssykdom som påfallende slører linjen mellom det som er reelt og det som ikke samlet legemliggjør alt du trenger å vite om Piers Morgan. Gjør det tilnærmet umulig for ham å leve et typisk normalt liv som instinktivt er drømmen til alle rasjonelle personer: Prince harry og Meghan Markle er hovedsakelig blant dem!

Mens man i markert kontrast ikke umulig kan forestille seg en mer krass og skadelig moron enn Piers Morgan! Mer giftig enn det dødelige Coronavirus, men av det er Piers Morgan selv trolig intenst sjalu på samme måte, fordi det gir flere overskrifter enn ham: en kvalmende narsissistisk motorisk munn og en perniciously latterlig misogynistisk stalker er noen gang i stand til å gjøre!

Det er ganske åpenbart for alle som har en fungerende hjerne, og som vet hvordan de skal bruke det at Piers Morgan bruker Meghan Markle som sin kontant ku og en falsk påstand om berømmelse, omtrent som hva faren Thomas Markle gjør; gjør dem begge helt motbydelige menn.

Dessuten, som fornuftig gir en kaste på hva Piers Morgan mener, som han uhindret har lov til av den såkalte og uegnet til formålet med britiske medieregulatorer å hyklersk fortsette, slik andre også gjør med sin nådeløse mobbing av Meghan Markle, selv dypt etset i stereotyp og institusjonalisert hvit rasisme overfor mennesker av farger og spesielt svartebriter!

I tillegg, ikke glem at det var Piers Morgan som kjørte den britiske Daily Mirror-fille da mange mennesker ulovlig fikk hacket telefonene sine med eksplisitt tillatelse og oppmuntring fra Piers Morgan. Så vær så snill, kryp tilbake under steinen din Piers Morgan og slutt med å forelese andre om din ganske skjeve versjon av moral, andre etiske dyder som ærlighet og oppførselsstandarder som du absolutt ikke vet noe om og helt ærlig ikke ville vite hvor du skal begynne, da disse er alle så fremmed for deg og har vært gjennom din kvalmende oppvekst! Og som i tillegg gjør din personlige holdning og offentlig proselytiserte, selvrettferdige oppførsel synonymt med ranghykleri.

Dine meninger Piers Morgan er derfor ikke annet enn giftige diatribes, og til slutt vil du dø av sistnevnte hvis du ikke gjør det, hvis du antar at du er i stand til det, endre din motbydelige oppførsel. Tilsvarende er besettelsen din av Meghan Markle ganske åpenbar og har alle kjennetegnene til en mann som er snudd. Hun ville ikke ha deg i livet hennes, ikke engang som en venn, men din endemiske narsissisme kunne ikke og kan fremdeles ikke mage det avslaget av deg av Meghan, derav den obsessive forfølgelsen av henne.

Du er visstnok en gift mann med en familie av din egen Piers Morgan; og hvis du ikke har noen personlig skam for deg selv, er det bare å stoppe for en gangs skyld og tenke på hvor intelligente og rasjonelle folk over hele Storbritannia, hvorav det fremdeles er noen, selv om det i grunnen er veldig mye i mindretallet, hvis Daily Mails lesers latterlige og avgjort patetiske kommentarer er noen indikatorer på det virkelig abysmale nivået av dumhet over hele Storbritannia, må være synd på din kone bare i navn, antagelig vil det virke. Eller har hun heller ikke noen selvrespekt i forhold til seg selv, som en verdifull kone absolutt ville gjort, og følgelig under slike umuffelige omstendigheter ville lenge gitt deg ultimatum til enten å holde kjeft, ellers ville hun kategorisk pisse av og forlate deg til det!

Kanskje hun ikke har det i seg, og det er derfor du giftet deg med henne! For du er helt klart en veldig syk mann Piers Morgan; fullstendig vridd; og en mobbet stalker! Og det siste er definitivt mot loven! Så hvorfor sitter du ikke i fengsel? Still et daft spørsmål, ikke sant? Hvit privilegert dumbo!

© Stanley V. Collymore
31. januar 2020.

Piers Morgan: Den vilda och mentalt försenade plonkeren blev stalker!

Av Stanley Collymore

Piers Morgan är verkligen en patetisk ursäkt för en man - en cankerous öm i ansiktet av bona fide journalistik. För även om Harry och Meghan ville återvända till Storbritannien och kungafamiljen och den brittiska regeringen drog varje stopp för att uppmuntra dem att göra det och också skydda dem i kölvattnet av ett sådant osannolikt beslut, är Pier Morgan den personen som skulle låt den drömmen vila för gott.

Som alla två sådana, och väldigt förälskade i varandra, skulle intelligenta personer som Meghan Markle och Harry Windsor självklart inte säkert gärna tillåta sig att vara gisslan eller tillåta sig att antingen vidare och påskräckligt komprometteras av en kretiniskt ingripen Piers Morgan. För denna paranoida schizofren, vars förankrade hallucinationer och obegränsade bedrägerier av storhet systematiskt och negativt skapar försvagande symtom på sinnessjukdom som slående slår gränsen mellan det som är verkligt och det som inte kollektivt förkroppsligar allt du behöver veta om Piers Morgan. Att göra det nästan omöjligt för honom att leva ett vanligt normalt liv som instinktivt är drömmen för alla rationella personer: Prince harry och Meghan Markle är huvudsakligen bland dem!

Även om man i markerad kontrast inte kan föreställa sig en mer krass och skadlig idiot än Piers Morgan! Mer giftig än den dödliga Coronavirus, men av vilken Piers Morgan själv är mycket troligt intensivt svartsjuk likadant, eftersom det genererar fler rubriker än honom: en illamående narsissistisk motorisk mun och en förödande illaluktande misogynistisk stalker kan någonsin göra!

Det är ganska uppenbart för alla med en fungerande hjärna och som vet hur man använder det att Piers Morgan använder Meghan Markle som sin kontantko och falska anspråk på berömmelse, precis som hennes far Thomas Markle gör; gör dem båda helt motbjudande män.

Dessutom, som förnuftigt ger en kasta vad Piers Morgan tycker, eftersom han obehindrat får tillåtas av den så kallade och olämpliga för brittiska mediatillsynsmyndigheterna att hyckleras fortsätta som andra också gör med sin obevekliga mobbning av Meghan Markle, själv djupt etsat i stereotyp och institutionaliserad vit rasism gentemot färger och särskilt svartbriter!

Glöm inte heller att det var Piers Morgan som körde den brittiska Daily Mirror-trasan när massor av människor olagligt fick sina telefoner hackade med uttryckligt tillstånd och uppmuntran från Piers Morgan. Så snälla, krypa tillbaka under din sten Piers Morgan och sluta lutande föreläsa andra om din ganska snediga version av moral, andra etiska dygder som ärlighet och uppförandestandarder som du absolut inte vet något om och ärligt talat inte skulle veta var du ska börja, eftersom dessa är alla så främmande för dig och har varit under din illamående uppväxt! Och som dessutom gör din personliga inställning och offentligt proselytiserade, självrättfärdiga beteende synonymt med ranghykleri.

Dina åsikter Piers Morgan är därför inget annat än giftiga diatribes och så småningom kommer du att dö av det senare om du inte, förutsatt att du kan göra det, ändrar ditt motbjudande beteende. På samma sätt är din besatthet av Meghan Markle ganska uppenbar och har alla kännetecknen för en man som vred sig. Hon ville inte ha dig i sitt liv, inte ens som en vän, men din endemiska narcissism kunde inte och kan fortfarande inte mage det avslaget av dig av Meghan, därmed din obsessiva förföljelse av henne.

Du är förmodligen en gift man med en familj av din egen Piers Morgan; och om du inte har någon personlig skam för dig själv, stanna bara för en gång och fundera över hur intelligenta och rationella folk över hela Storbritannien, av vilka det fortfarande finns några, även om de i grunden är mycket i minoriteten, om Daily Mail: s läsares löjliga och bestämda patetiska kommentarer är några indikatorer på den verkligt avgränsade nivån av dumhet i hela Storbritannien, måste vara synd med din fru endast i namn, antagligen verkar det. Eller har hon inte på samma sätt någon självrespekt i förhållande till sig själv, som någon värdefull hustru säkert skulle göra, och följaktligen under sådana oöverskådliga omständigheter skulle länge ha gett dig ultimatumet att antingen hålla tyst eller annars skulle hon kategoriskt pissa av och lämna dig till det!

Hon kanske inte har det i sig och det är därför du gifte dig med henne! För du är helt klart en mycket sjuk man Piers Morgan; helt vridna; och en mobbande stalker! Och det sistnämnda är definitivt emot lagen! Så varför sitter du då inte i fängelse? Ställ en daft-fråga, va? Vit privilegierad dumbo!

© Stanley V. Collymore
31 januari 2020.

Piers Morgan: Le plonker sauvage et mentalement dérangé est devenu harceleur!

Par Stanley Collymore

Piers Morgan est vraiment une excuse pathétique d'un homme - une plaie dangereuse sur le visage du journalisme de bonne foi. Car même si Harry et Meghan voulaient retourner en Grande-Bretagne et que la famille royale et le gouvernement britannique se retiraient à chaque arrêt pour les encourager à le faire et les protéger également à la suite d'une décision aussi improbable, Pier Morgan est la seule personne qui mettre ce rêve au repos pour de bon.

Comme deux de ces personnes et très amoureuses les unes des autres, des personnes intelligentes comme Meghan Markle et Harry Windsor ne se laisseraient certainement pas volontiers prendre en otage ni se laisser compromettre plus loin et de manière scurrilly par un pilier crétinement enraciné. Morgan. Pour ce schizophrène paranoïaque dont les hallucinations enracinées et les illusions illimitées de grandeur créent systématiquement et défavorablement des symptômes débiles de folie qui brouillent de façon frappante la frontière entre ce qui est réel et ce qui n'est pas collectivement incarne tout ce que vous devez savoir sur Piers Morgan. Le rendant pratiquement impossible pour lui de mener une vie typiquement normale qui est instinctivement le rêve de toutes les personnes rationnelles: le prince Harry et Meghan Markle étant principalement parmi eux!

Bien qu'en contraste, on ne peut pas imaginer un idiot plus grossier et plus nocif que Piers Morgan! Plus toxique que le Coronavirus mortel, mais dont Piers Morgan lui-même est très probablement jaloux intensément tout de même, car il génère plus de manchettes que lui: une bouche motrice nauséabonde et un harceleur misogyne pernicieusement odieux est toujours capable de faire!

Il est assez évident pour quiconque a un cerveau qui fonctionne et qui sait comment l'utiliser que Piers Morgan utilise Meghan Markle comme sa vache à lait et sa prétendue renommée, un peu comme ce que fait son père Thomas Markle; ce qui en fait des hommes absolument dégoûtants.

De plus, qui donne raisonnablement un tirage au sort ce que pense Piers Morgan, comme le permettent les régulateurs britanniques des médias soi-disant et inaptes à persister hypocritement comme d'autres le font également avec leur intimidation implacable de Meghan Markle, elle-même profondément gravée dans le racisme blanc stéréotypé et institutionnalisé envers les personnes de couleur et plus particulièrement les Britanniques noirs!

De plus, n'oubliez pas que c'est Piers Morgan qui dirigeait le chiffon du British Daily Mirror lorsque des dizaines de personnes se faisaient illégalement pirater leur téléphone avec la permission explicite et les encouragements de Piers Morgan. Alors s'il vous plaît, rampez sous votre pierre Piers Morgan et arrêtez de sermonner les autres sur votre version plutôt biaisée de la moralité, d'autres vertus éthiques comme l'honnêteté et les normes de comportement que vous ne connaissez absolument pas et ne sauriez franchement pas par où commencer, car ces vous sont tous si étrangers et ont été tout au long de votre éducation nauséabonde! Et ce qui rend en outre votre position personnelle et votre comportement auto-justifié publiquement prosélyte synonyme d'hypocrisie de rang.

Vos opinions Piers Morgan ne sont donc que des diatribes vénéneuses et, éventuellement, vous en mourrez si vous ne modifiez pas votre comportement odieux, en supposant que vous êtes capable de le faire. De même, votre obsession pour Meghan Markle est assez évidente et a toutes les caractéristiques d'un homme repoussé. Elle ne voulait pas de vous dans sa vie, même pas en tant qu’amie, mais votre narcissisme endémique ne pouvait pas et ne peut toujours pas supporter ce rejet de vous par Meghan, d’où votre obsession de la traquer.

Vous êtes censément un homme marié avec une famille de votre propre Piers Morgan; et si vous n'avez aucune honte personnelle pour vous-même, alors arrêtez-vous une fois et considérez à quel point les gens intelligents et rationnels à travers la Grande-Bretagne, dont il existe encore certains bien que fondamentalement très minoritaires, si les lecteurs du Daily Mail sont ridicules et les commentaires décidément pathétiques sont tous des indicateurs du niveau de stupidité vraiment abyssal à travers le Royaume-Uni, doivent avoir pitié de votre femme uniquement de nom, il semblerait vraisemblable. Ou bien n'a-t-elle pas non plus de respect d'elle-même par rapport à elle-même, comme le ferait certainement n'importe quelle femme digne de confiance, et par conséquent, dans de telles circonstances insupportables, vous aurait longtemps donné l'ultimatum de vous taire ou bien elle vous énerverait catégoriquement et vous quitterait à elle!

Peut-être qu’elle ne l’a pas compris et c’est pourquoi vous l’avez épousée! Car tu es clairement un homme très malade Piers Morgan; complètement tordu; et un harceleur harceleur! Et ce dernier est définitivement contraire à la loi! Alors pourquoi n’êtes-vous pas en prison? Posez une question stupide, hein? Dumbo privilégié blanc!

© Stanley V. Collymore
31 janvier 2020.

Piers Morgan: Der wilde und geistesgestörte Plonker wurde zum Stalker!

Von Stanley Collymore

Piers Morgan ist wirklich eine erbärmliche Ausrede für einen Mann - eine krebsartige Wunde im Angesicht eines echten Journalismus. Denn selbst wenn Harry und Meghan nach Großbritannien zurückkehren wollten und die königliche Familie und die britische Regierung alle Anstrengungen unternahmen, um sie dazu zu ermutigen und sie nach einer solch unwahrscheinlichen Entscheidung zu beschützen, ist Pier Morgan der Einzige, der dies tun würde Lege diesen Traum auf, um dich endgültig auszuruhen.

Als zwei solche und sehr ineinander verliebte, intelligente Personen wie Meghan Markle und Harry Windsor würden sie sich sicherlich nicht freiwillig als Geiseln dulden und sich auch nicht erlauben, weiter und skurril kompromittiert zu werden Morgan. Für diesen paranoiden Schizophrenen, dessen tief verwurzelte Halluzinationen und ungezügelte Größenwahnsinnserscheinungen systematisch und nachteilig schwächende Symptome des Wahnsinns hervorrufen, die die Grenze zwischen dem, was wirklich ist und dem, was nicht zusammenfassend alles verkörpern, was Sie über Piers Morgan wissen müssen. Es ist für ihn praktisch unmöglich, ein typisches normales Leben zu führen, das instinktiv der Traum aller rationalen Personen ist: Prinz Harry und Meghan Markle sind hauptsächlich unter ihnen!

Während man sich in deutlichem Gegensatz dazu keinen krasseren und schädlicheren Idioten vorstellen kann als Piers Morgan! Giftiger als das tödliche Coronavirus, auf das Piers Morgan höchstwahrscheinlich selbst eifersüchtig ist, weil es mehr Schlagzeilen als er macht: Ein widerlich narzisstischer Motormund und ein verderblich hässlicher frauenfeindlicher Stalker können es immer!

Es ist für jeden mit einem funktionierenden Gehirn ganz offensichtlich und wer weiß, wie man es benutzt, dass Piers Morgan Meghan Markle als seine Geldkuh und falschen Anspruch auf Ruhm verwendet, ähnlich wie es ihr Vater Thomas Markle tut. beide zu absolut ekelhaften Männern machen.

Darüber hinaus, wer vernünftig mitteilt, was Piers Morgan denkt, weil er ungehindert von den so genannten und nicht für diesen Zweck geeigneten britischen Medienaufsichtsbehörden die Erlaubnis erhalten hat, scheinheilig weiterzumachen, wie es auch andere mit ihrem unerbittlichen Mobbing an Meghan Markle tun, das selbst tief in die Geschichte eingegraben ist stereotyper und institutionalisierter weißer Rassismus gegenüber farbigen und vor allem schwarzen Briten!

Darüber hinaus sollten Sie nicht vergessen, dass es Piers Morgan war, der den britischen Daily Mirror-Lappen leitete, als Unmengen von Menschen mit ausdrücklicher Erlaubnis und Ermutigung von Piers Morgan illegal ihre Handys hackten ließen. Also, bitte kriechen Sie zurück unter Ihren Stein Piers Morgan und hören Sie auf, anderen unablässig Vorlesungen über Ihre eher verzerrte Version von Moral, andere ethische Tugenden wie Ehrlichkeit und Verhaltensstandards zu halten, von denen Sie absolut nichts wissen und ehrlich gesagt nicht wissen, wo Sie anfangen sollen sind euch alle so fremd und haben eure ekelhafte Erziehung durchgemacht! Und das macht zusätzlich Ihre persönliche Haltung und öffentlich gepriesene, selbstgerechte Verhaltensweise gleichbedeutend mit Rangheuchelei.

Ihre Meinung Piers Morgan ist daher nichts anderes als eine giftige Krankheit, an der Sie letztendlich sterben, wenn Sie dies nicht tun, vorausgesetzt, Sie sind dazu in der Lage, ändern Sie Ihr widerwärtiges Verhalten. Ebenso ist Ihre Besessenheit von Meghan Markle offensichtlich und weist alle Merkmale eines Mannes auf, der verschmäht wurde. Sie wollte dich nicht in ihrem Leben, nicht einmal als Freundin, aber dein endemischer Narzissmus konnte und kann diese Ablehnung von Meghan nicht ertragen, daher deine obsessive Verfolgung von ihr.

Sie sind angeblich verheiratet und haben eine eigene Familie. Piers Morgan; und wenn Sie keine persönliche Schande für sich selbst haben, dann hören Sie einfach einmal auf und überlegen Sie, wie intelligent und vernünftig die Leute in ganz Großbritannien sind, von denen es immer noch einige gibt, obwohl grundsätzlich sehr viele in der Minderheit sind, wenn die Leser der Daily Mail lächerlich und lächerlich sind entschieden erbärmliche Kommentare sind Anzeichen für die wahrhaft abgrundtiefe Dummheit im ganzen Vereinigten Königreich, müssen Mitleid mit Ihrer Frau nur im Namen haben, vermutlich scheint es so. Oder hat sie auch keine Selbstachtung in Bezug auf sich selbst, wie es eine glaubwürdige Frau sicherlich tun würde, und folglich hätte sie Ihnen unter solch unerträglichen Umständen lange das Ultimatum gestellt, entweder die Klappe zu halten, oder sie würde sich kategorisch verärgern und Sie verlassen dazu!

Vielleicht hat sie es nicht in sich und deshalb hast du sie geheiratet! Denn Sie sind ganz klar ein sehr kranker Mann, Piers Morgan. völlig verdreht; und ein Mobbing Stalker! Und letzteres ist definitiv gegen das Gesetz! Warum bist du dann nicht im Gefängnis? Stellen Sie eine blöde Frage, nicht wahr? Weißer privilegierter Dumbo!

© Stanley V. Collymore
31. Januar 2020.

Wednesday 29 January 2020

Noxious racism isn’t the only contagion that Irish slut Melanie McDonagh is suffering from!

By Stanley Collymore

Never having met Meghan Markle; not knowing anything
concrete or vaguely true about her; in fact nothing of
substance whatsoever to tell, other than the fake
news and concerted criticisms about Meghan
that inbred and publicity-seeking morons
like you Melanie McDonagh, racially
and mendaciously publicize; to then have all these
malicious character assassinations of Meghan
Markle that are untruthfully created by the
likes of you Melanie McDonagh but
wilfully, all the same, afterwards
propagandized by the slimy,
overtly racist, distinctly
toxic and bogus news
galleries of the class-fixated, discernibly
white privileged, concertedly money-
laundering and the ludicrously
purported, “British” mass
media barons that own
these scurrilous rags
like the Spectator:
and risibly
to any
rational person passing themselves
off as objective and trustworthy
journals or otherwise as even
handed and enlightening
newspapers, which
quite obviously
they are not!

Something that cannot be overlooked! Any more
so than you ought to be Melanie McDonagh:
a typically purblind idiot as well as an
endemic moron, if ever there was
one, of Irish extraction. And
all this bearing in mind
the diabolically senseless and, likewise,
the continuously abusive and similarly
exploitative treatment routinely,
and not forgetting the wilfully
egregious and deliberately
orchestrated Irish potato
famine and its multifarious
consequences disastrously inflicted on
those decent Irish by the rampantly
power lust and utterly barbaric
English and significantly
accounts for why the
gloriously courageous and,
correspondingly, commendably
patriotic IRA was born; as
you, in marked and
palpably treacherous contrast Melanie
McDonagh, sumptuously but oh so
nauseatingly wallow in the very
worst aspects of Stockholm
Syndrome where the
iniquitous ruling
English elite: including the
outmoded, so-called royal family,
and their abysmally ignorant,
inherently fawning, and
inconsequential, cap-
doffing plebeians
are concerned.

While you, yourself, Melanie McDonagh, as earlier
stated, sickeningly and penetratingly endowed
with the most abhorrent and imperialistic
strain of English derived Stockholm
Syndrome have the bloody temerity coupled with
the sheer audacity in your glaring, obsequious
and ingrained stupidity to euphorically
inform your likeminded readers
and supporters that Meghan
Markle: undeniably a
highly intelligent,
well–educated, a thoroughly self-confident
and a discernibly self-made, biracial
Black woman, should not only
be but unquestionably, in
your twisted, utterly
paranoid, rabidly
racist and intolerant mind Melanie, is
assuredly the kind of woman that
only a few years previously a
hereditary prince would
automatically have
had as his mistress but other
than that, would most
categorically not
have agreed
to marry!

Speaking from your own numerous, personal and sluttish
experiences Melanie McDonagh? As it’s perceptively
understandable to anyone with a coherent brain
and correspondingly sound reasoning to
realistically assume so Melanie
McDonagh! The world that the sane among us
live in has considerably changed over the
years in several ways for the better,
although there’s still much more
work to be done, and carries
on evolving in the former
regard thankfully, whether you choose to
approve of or else oafishly disregard
this ongoing transition Melanie
McDonagh. So essentially
what fucking planet are
you rather idiotically
living on Melanie
McDonagh that rather asininely
precludes you from sensibly
acknowledging, belatedly
accepting or else being
a constructive part of
what’s essentially
and irrevocably
so, the 21st

© Stanley V. Collymore
29 January 2020.

Author’s Remarks:
Never having met Meghan Markle; not knowing anything concrete or vaguely true about her; in fact nothing of substance whatsoever to tell, other than the fake news and concerted criticisms about Meghan that inbred and publicity-seeking morons like you Melanie McDonagh, racially and mendaciously publicize; to then have these malicious character assassinations of Meghan Markle that are untruthfully created by the likes of you Melanie McDonagh but wilfully, all the same, afterwards propagandized by the slimy, overtly racist, distinctly toxic and bogus news galleries of the class-fixated, discernibly white privileged, concertedly money-laundering and the ludicrously purported, “British” mass media barons that own these scurrilous rags like the Spectator: duplicitously and risibly to any intelligent person passing themselves off as objective and reputable journals or else as impartially informative newspapers, which manifestly they are not!

Something that cannot be overlooked! Any more so than you ought to be Melanie McDonagh: a typically purblind idiot as well as an endemic moron, if ever there was one, of Irish extraction. And all this bearing in mind the diabolically senseless and, likewise, the continuously abusive and similarly exploitative treatment routinely, and not forgetting the wilfully egregious and deliberately orchestrated Irish potato famine and its multifarious consequences disastrously inflicted on those decent Irish by the rampantly power lust and utterly barbaric English and significantly accounts for why the gloriously courageous and, correspondingly, commendably patriotic IRA was born; as you, in marked and palpably treacherous contrast Melanie McDonagh, sumptuously but oh so nauseatingly wallow in the very worst aspects of Stockholm Syndrome where the iniquitous ruling English elite: including the outmoded, so-called royal family, and their abysmally ignorant, inherently fawning and inconsequential, cap-doffing plebeians are concerned.

While you, yourself, Melanie McDonagh, as earlier stated, sickeningly and penetratingly endowed with the most abhorrent and imperialistic strain of English derived Stockholm Syndrome have the bloody temerity coupled with the sheer audacity in your glaring, obsequious and ingrained stupidity to euphorically inform your likeminded readers and supporters that Meghan Markle: undeniably a highly intelligent, well–educated, a thoroughly self-confident and a discernibly self-made, biracial Black woman, should not only be but unquestionably, in your twisted, utterly paranoid, rabidly racist and intolerant mind Melanie, is assuredly the kind of woman that only a few years previously a hereditary prince would instinctively have had as a mistress, but other than that would most certainly have deigned to marry!

Speaking from your own myriad, personal and sluttish experiences Melanie McDonagh? As it’s astutely obvious to anyone with a coherent brain and correspondingly sound reasoning to realistically assume so Melanie McDonagh! The world that the sane among us live in has drastically changed over the years in numerous ways for the better, although there’s still much more work to be done, and carries on evolving in the former regard thankfully, whether you approve of or oafishly disregard this ongoing transition Melanie McDonagh. So basically what fucking planet are you rather idiotically living on Melanie that quite asininely precludes you from both sensibly recognizing, belatedly accepting and even being a part of what’s essentially and quite irreversibly the 21st Century?

British born my formative education as well as my moral upbringing were nevertheless all thankfully moulded and in the most entrenched sense lovingly and thoroughly formalized in Barbados; so there’s nothing worth knowing about Barbados, its people and the continuous 339 years of first England’s, long before the formation of the United Kingdom, colonial rule of my ancestral homeland that began officially by the English in 1627 – actually they first came to Barbados in 1625 – and ended on the 30 November 1966 when Barbados: England’s richest, it financed the English Industrial Revolution, and longest continuous colony, acquired its much deserved independence.

But apart from Barbados’ indigenous population and its enforced slave ones there’s another group of people who were likewise abysmally treated by the English. These were principally the Irish and fellow Celts, who were brutally rounded up from their mainly Irish, west coasts of England, Wales and even Scottish homes and summarily dispatched to Barbados. Or to use the common terminology beloved by the English, “Barbadosed”. Look it up!

An iniquitous state of affairs that were to set a malevolent precedent that when what very considerably later after its alleged “discovery” by Europeans – never mind that the indigenous Black Aborigines had already been continuously and unmolestedly living there for in excess of 60,000 years, yes you’ve read that correctly, sixty thousand years – became Australia, England systematically used it for the same nefarious purposes as Barbados initially was. And even to this day in 2020 most white Barbadians are of Irish or other British Celtic descent. At this point I would like to suggest that in what I know to be your blatant ignorance, in all of this, that you either independently research or else Google “Redlegs Wikipedia.”

So, for my part, as a descendant of a people who were enforcedly made to be slaves by the English and subsequently the British who unanimously regarded them not in the least as human beings but simply as their “chattels” or personal property, I’ve always, bearing in mind my own ancestral history, had considerable sympathy for and significant empathy with the equally barbarically treated Irish, elements of whose culture, forms of house construction and even distinctive Irish dialects can still in the 21st Century be noticeably heard in Barbados, even though these people are discernibly now a minority in Barbados.

Fast forwards to my home town of Reading, Berkshire in England and where when I lived there I used to freely, financially and unapologetically contribute to the Irish republican cause, and also esteemed the IRA.

No different in sentiment from Barbadians at the time who although by choice were British preferably to having any other European nationality – why jump out of the British frying pan into the rest of Europe’s fire Barbadians logically reasoned? – avidly and materialistically supported the American colonists in their war of independence against the British.

And here I suggest, as well, that you don’t just take my word for any of this this but sensibly and objectively research the instrumental roles that Barbadians voluntarily played in all of this, and why Barbados was the only country outside of mainland North America that George Washington: I’m supposing that you know who he was, ever visited, spent some considerable time there and both learned and discussed military tactics with local Barbadians. The house that he stayed at, which still exists and is a Barbados National Cultural Heritage monument, is located where it always was, next to the Garrison that at the time was a major Barbados military base and home of the Barbados West India Regiment. Nothing to do with the Indian-sub-continent but a shortened or abbreviated version of West Indies. This regiment played an integral role in Britain’s imperial conquests, both locally in the Caribbean itself, the rest of the so-called New World and elsewhere, including Africa. The Garrison is now home to the Royal Barbados Defence Force which replaced the Barbados West India Regiment when Barbados attained it independence on the 30 November 1966.

Significantly, too, it was the Barbados Treaty of Oistins concluded between Barbados and England on the 17 January 1652 when a bullying Oliver Cromwell miserably failed to subdue a monarchist inclined Barbados; and forced to sue for peace agreed to the dictated to by the Barbados parliament: established in 1639, is the second oldest continuous parliament in the world after the English House of Commons in London, and by far older than the USA, Canada, Australia NZ and many European countries including Germany, Treaty of Oistins signed at the Mermaid Inn in the southern seaside town of Barbados with the same name. The said Treaty of Oistins that the Founding Fathers of the victorious American colonists against the British and headed by George Washington, both grateful to Barbados for and indebted to Barbadians for their support used in 1776 as the blueprint for their American Constitution in the successful wake of the 13 North American colonies achieving their independence from Britain.

But, of course, you racist dimwits out there if you ever manage to read this far and egged on by the likes of equally dumbed-down and intellectually challenged morons like fixated, attention-seeking and publicity aggrandizing verminous, racist pillocks like Melanie McDonagh and Piers Morgan aren’t going either, in their normal and pathetic existence, to read or learn anything about this in theirs and your own white corrupted, dishonest and historical revisionist so-called history books or classrooms. But we well informed Afro-Caribbeans, and most particularly so us Bajans: that’s the affectionate and proud informal name that we Barbadians give to ourselves, know the full facts and frankly that’s what really matters. So for all we care you can carry on living in your ignorance, as long as you don’t try to impact it on us!

So when a very treacherous Stockholm Syndrome-permeated, a most diabolically English encrusted, embarrassingly sycophantic Irish, deeply ingrained racist and a quite risible pot calling the kettle black (as Melanie McDonagh did with Meghan Markle), sluttish bitch in the form of Melanie McDonagh turns her unwarranted and poisonous ire on someone as indubitably laudable as Meghan Markle whose African-American origins are the sole and sick reason for these vitriolic attacks on her and also Melanie McDonagh’s hateful remarks about her; then as someone whose Afro-Caribbean ancestors shared the same barbaric plight as Meghan’s at the hand of Europeans, and most particularly so the British; I sincerely hope that a part of the contributions I’ve made to the genuine Irish cause can be taken into serious consideration and therefore the appropriate treatment be meted out to ensure the decisive eradication, somewhere most applicable and fittingly so in Ireland, of the verminous quisling by the name of Melanie McDonagh!