
Monday 20 January 2020

Get over your racism Piers Morgan! Hard as it is to do, for verminous scum like you!

By Stanley Collymore

Everyone: and particularly so those either living in the United Kingdom or else if resident outside it and aren’t themselves British citizens but, all the same, feel themselves associated with and therefore delusionally buy into, and equally are consequently and deeply impressed by what is essentially, realistically and primarily England’s disingenuously ingrained pomp and ceremony, even if they purposely wouldn’t want or have the same things in their own country. In reality a meticulously whitened sepulchre in Britain’s case, in which are deposited the countless remnants of dead men and women’s bones – have all become self-appointed “experts”; these various and vacuous cretins, on Harry and Meghan’s personal lives decision.

Spouting, all of them, some of the most rabidly inane, vile, innately racist and virulently incandescent contradictory opinions imaginable across the toxic and sewer-like landscape of their own daily existence of racist and xenophobic preoccupations, coupled with their incessantly barbed and unconvincing denials of this in relation to Britain, and as these character assassinations of theirs interminably and maliciously affect Harry and Meghan!

And in the process of all this ingrained cant, the characteristically and diabolically self-righteousness on these inimical detractors’ part, as well as their duplicitous condemnation of Harry and Meghan, and especially so when it comes to money justly awarded them, it’s remarkably amazing how fast the Panama Papers, the money laundering exploits and, significantly, the non-payment of their due taxes by these same privileged white media barons, elites and their likeminded friends in wealthy Britain who’re quick to label Meghan and Harry as national taxpayers’ scroungers; nevertheless constitute the driving force in their vitriolic, mendacious, scrupulously orchestrated, as well as their malevolently directed at and speciously unwarranted vilification of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry her husband.

Ideas and actions rabidly propagated by these inbred racists, their equally repugnant and cynically manipulated class-obsessed dim-witted plebeian followers; the panoply of Useful Idiots and braindead House Niggers, that when it comes to their supporters’ sort are readily and conveniently forgotten!

This and much more; with all you tabloid-trash readers, fantasy-media adherents and a discernibly wholly incapable of thinking for themselves British public as well as the avid believers of everything that these so-called mainstream media propagandists have to say; totally unable, like captured and both powerless and actually unwilling to free themselves goldfish in a transparent bowl, rather content with the imbecilic situation in which they’re grotesquely ensnared.

And in normal circumstances – but this is decidedly far from being the case – one could have sensibly suggested to these inveterate moons like Piers Morgan: “Why don’t you just take a long and hard look at your own pathetic, utterly useless and self- aggrandizing lives, if you’re actually capable of doing so, before voicing your thoroughly sick, absolutely subjective, tediously and insufferably twisted, attention-seeking, borrowed and unoriginal suggestions, or indeed opinions, about other persons – and particularly in this case, the exceptionally personable and phenomenally talented, unlike yourself Piers Morgan, Duke and Duchess of Sussex: Prince Harry and his lawful wife Meghan!

I’m not a psychiatrist but I worked closely with many eminent ones when I voluntarily, before I later moved into the world of Academia as I’d always from my grammar schooldays planned to do, trained, qualified and worked as a psychiatric nurse: as I wanted to familiarize myself with and fully understand human behaviour and the working of the human mind, and credibly succeeded in doing so, at what was then one of Britain’s largest and oldest mental hospitals. Institutions like this one that were vital to the community at large but which were irresponsibly, short-sightedly and idiotically closed down, or dispensed with, long after I’d left the nursing profession, I must say, to successfully carve out an alternative career life for myself away from nursing, by Margaret Thatcher’s fascist regime.

An odious woman and naturally a likeminded regime in her own making that unsurprisingly, characteristically knew the price of everything, - when it came to ludicrously selling off these valued and valuable mental institutions and their huge assets in terms of land, buildings and other properties; mine even had its own commercial farm and laundry works which were an integral part of these psychiatric hospitals infrastructure and operations – but obviously not the value of anything significant where Maggie Thatcher and her fascist lot were concerned!

The obtuse and perturbing argument by Maggie and her fascist regime and rather ruthlessly and actively encouraged by this loathsome woman herself being, that the inmates of these mental institutions, as well as others who in normal circumstances would have been legally sectioned to them for self-evident treatment coupled with the wider interests of those in the communities where these nutcases also lived, could and would be better served, argued Maggie Thatcher and her lot, although I prefer then and still do to this day prefer to use the word dictated in relation to these prized burkes’ actions, by having these nutcases living in the general communities where ordinary people were. Excluding, of course, in Thatcher’s sick analysis the areas where she and her other privileged elites resided.

This asinine notion of Margaret Thatcher openly criticized by intelligent mental practitioners: psychiatrists, ordinary GPs, seasoned matrons, Chief Male Nurses and a panoply of other nurses, medical auxiliaries, some academics and prescient-minded  observers with these affected communities as being at the extreme end of the Richter Scale of Stupidity, distinctly fell on deaf ears where Margaret Thatcher and her fascist regime were concerned, as money blatantly meant much more to them than principles – bearing in mind they possessed  no such decipherable qualities – or the overall genuine welfare of affected British communities.

Accordingly, as predicted by those who comprised the intellectual astute within Britain: and I firmly place myself in that category, and a figure which has markedly decreased over the years in favour of the rampantly dumbed-down, dimwittedly incoherent, the considerably intellectually challenged, coupled with the mendaciously self-serving, the UK is now discernibly and increasingly left with significant numbers of people who are badly in need of intensive and recurrent psychiatric treatment, and who unquestionably in the past would have been legally sectioned to mental hospitals to sensibly ensure that they were incarcerated there for their own good as well as that of the wider public, so as to pertinently receive the necessary treatment that they required to hopefully, in their case, get better. Instead, as is now very much the case, allowing such people to unrestrictedly roam the highways and bye ways of British communities at will as they currently do.

And I’m categorically referring to habituated obnoxious, dementedly fixated, insufferably narcissistic and ingratiatingly, seasoned social climbing pillocls like Piers Morgan and his so-called mainstream media chums who routinely, hypocritically and in the most vitriolic racist terms blame erudite, sane, highly intelligent and well-educated people like Meghan Markle for the very sickening characteristics that they themselves are permanently and maliciously inbred with. And, in my justifiably trenchant, observable, enduring and unapologetic view making them all and Piers Morgan specifically the Jimmy Savile equivalent of what passes for the British media!

© Stanley V. Collymore
20 January 2020.

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