
Saturday 29 July 2023

Unerring proof that there are intelligent life forms across the Universe!

By Stanley Collymore 

How many times is this pathetic story
going to be told when in fact it has
been going on both unceasingly
and absolutely increasingly for several
decades now? And, rather basically so
because these very dimwitted, British
pillocks are so self-evidently, literally
self-centred, rather simply nepotistic
and clearly intellectually challenged
idiots, unquestionably and basically
delusional, self-important, morons;
comprised primarily of vile trollops,
racist Karens of all ages, distinctly
and adequately, supplemented by
their simply, generally likeminded
customary piss-artistes Gammon
Queers living essentially the two
sets of them in their very deeply
embedded, naturally evilly state
of self-denial: one lot constantly
pretending to be typical women
while the other, quite laughably
so literally real men! So frankly
let's truly move on, and fittingly
expectantly hope that the likes
of obviously inept, tabloid rags
such as the Daily Mail sensibly
call it a day; since, realistically
there's distinctively nothing at
all really new, or effectively of
any interest whatsoever to be
seen in these cretins actions!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
4 August 2023. 

Author's Remarks:
Accidents are an inherent feature of life; and while it's possible to take apt measures to prevent foreseeable or likely ones there is evidently no real guaranteed process to either forestall or even avoid all accidents.

Laughably, significant numbers of you so up yourself with your fittingly egotistically styled self-importance and quite hard-core delusional notions of your biological racial superiority itself attendant with a staunch belief in your top class social significance or invariably both of these features, are in effect and quite substantially so, evidently  nothing of the kind; and quite clearly and most effectively are cast-iron examples of unequivocal accidents of birth, even if you don't want to accept that hurtful reality, or more likely than not are totally ignorant of that actuality.

A basic one night stand; where those two passing ships never ever, or did ever, really intend to meet up again. A true casual fuck where the unknown man who fathered you didn't like using condoms, as frankly it was distinctively like sucking a lollipop with the wrapper still on it; while having to ejaculate outside your biological mother's fanny was basically like having an urgent shit with his underpants still on. While on your mother's part, she didn't insist on that John using a condom because she liked feeling the real thing; and similarly, intentionally not being on contraceptives literally gave her a huge buzz and made sex much more enjoyable. Evoke any fond memories for you trollope mums out there?

Similarly involved were and still are those whoring, lascivious and adulterous wives and partners, queen, I dare say, of all that they quite earnestly surveyed and wished for. Wilfully gets pregnant by her married lover who either doesn't want to know, or it's actually consensually agreed between them that in such cases, if the woman is herself married or in a clearly meaningful relationship the cuckolded husband or her partner would unknowingly be classed as the baby's father. Significantly however in British monarchical, hereditary and aptly elite circles these cuckolded men actually  know the score; and evidently, appropriate financial payoffs to ameliorate the pain, lol, have them put a zipper on their lips and as well still be openly accepted in these most hallowed circles, do nicely, thank you!

However, for all of those obviously married whores; evidently very untrustworthy live in partners; and distinctly, clearly white racist Karen social climbers, who're undoubtedly, literally unquestionably, not that privileged or societally connected, kids conceived by such women usually go the dustbin or else left on some doorstep route, with the very fortunate few quite physically taken on by a married brother or sister of the evidently unwed mother; and subsequently, in every respect, distinctly brought up as their own child, without that said child ever knowing the true facts concerning either their birth or their real parentage. And a practice that was entrenched across Wales.

And both experience and detailed research have taught me that those who're the most castigatory and quite unwarrantedly so of others: the white racist Karens, their rather  likeminded Gammon equivalents; and also the plethora of sycophantic, odious British plebeian, monarchical serfs that obviously  readily fall into this same category of evilly, toxically verminous and quite malevolently egregious scum, are invariably without fail among the same breed of those who don't have the foggiest idea of who they literally are; and with hosts of them basically dying and never ever finding out they really were; who they quite arrogantly, concertedly and similarly, thoroughly, patently self-servingly made themselves out to be; but effectively and most significantly, truly honestly never essentially were, or really could have been! Such pathetic specimens of humanity, the lot of them! And that's putting it mildly!

As I've previously stated and once again most unequivocally reiterate here, I do emphatically and very convincingly believe that there's extraordinary intelligent life forms, call them beings if you care to, spread across the entirety of the universe of which Earth and our own galaxy, which Homo sapiens although themselves being relatively a very salient part of it, evidently all the same despite having been here for several millennia years, are unquestionably nevertheless still considerably ignorant of; and from this human perspective requisite not only to our own galaxy but likewise the broader universe, humans are undoubtedly and significantly of miniscule importance; the equivalent, in their particular case, of a solitary grain of sand, characteristically to be found on an ideally pristine and ideally tropical Barbadian beach.

Therefore, and crucially so, if any of these super extra-terrestrial beings either care to or have effectively, however temporarily or else perfunctorily, visited Earth in the past, premeditatedly so or purely accidentally as an English ship that literally got lost on the open Atlantic, eventually came across the most easterly of all the Caribbean islands Barbados, docked there - this was in 1625 - and so desperate to emulate the Spanish and Portuguese: the key European powers then with some very formative colonies of their own in South America, in climbing on that same colonial ladder, notwithstanding that Barbados: well populated, undeniably  well known to both these European Iberian powers for over 2 centuries, and who also regularly traded with it but never sought to colonize Barbados, then an integral part of the rather influential Arawak/Carib Empire that evidently stretched across the entirety of the Caribbean; these English sailors, as discernibly there wasn't any realistic entity then called Britain far less so any creation known now as the  United Kingdom so in essence they were English, simply during their respite and hospitality, clearly rather than being grateful their lives were saved thoroughly arrogantly, took to cutting into a neighbouring tree quite near where they actually came ashore in Barbados, these very letters and words:

"James K of E and of this island too." In essence, James King of England and of this island too. That tree with that quite clearly legible inscription on it remained permanently standing in its very original location and significantly also nationally protected until 1955 when it was clearly very obviously significantly damaged by Hurricane Janet and removed. Ironically,  Barbados doesn't lie at all, in the path of Caribbean hurricanes but quite rarely, as happened in 1955, has significantly been unfortunate to get the back end of some of them; and previous to the hurricane of 1955 it was 1898 one.  

Eventually on returning home to England these sailors reported what they found in Barbados; a most glowing report by them that really delighted the authorities within England; to the crucial extent that in 1627 England essentially, arbitrarily decided to colonize Barbados but self-evidently as a self-governing entity, creating the island's own parliament in 1639 that continuously  has been going unbroken ever since then and is the second oldest in the world after the House of Commons located in London England. The rest requisite to Barbados is not simply history, but quite fascinating to say the very least. Go check it out and see for yourselves how deeply and undeniably, considerably indebted most of England as well the entities Britain, and subsequently too the UK, as it became after its creation with Scotland, are to Barbados financially and in myriad other progressive respects!

Those stranded, very dozy English sailors whose lives were distinctively saved when given succour in Barbados in 1625 clearly did nevertheless make it back home thus giving rise ultimately to England becoming the colonial power and empire it ultimately did. Which prompts this question, if such a thing could essentially occur as the direct consequence of basically inept actions on the part of Earth men wasn't the proverbial sky the limit relative to far more advanced and infinitely superior, intelligent beings?

So sensibly, why then would such evidently crucially, distinctly mega-intelligent beings with the clearly, unquestionably enormous, technological skills, resolute determination and, additionally, the essential navigational knowledge and skilled expertise on how to reach Earth, having obviously arrived there only to encounter, either by observation or through physical contact a predominantly very backward species calling themselves Homo sapiens and who not once following their emergence, ever crucially ventured or actually possessed the technological skills that could enable them even temporarily to vacate their earthly home even out of very basic curiosity actually pertaining to what was basically going on around them inside their own galaxy.

Prompting me obviously to essentially ask another very pertinent question. Why then, in a patently absolutely given situation like this one would such very characteristically super, extra-terrestrial beings eventually in decidedly returning home make a point of studiously leaving behind all this valuable technology and doing so with people who significantly hadn't the foggiest idea of what it was, or essentially what to do with it. And if such technology was accidentally or enforcedly through a mishap, like an accident to one of these super beings space crafts, it still doesn't explain why with the technology to essentially get to Earth in the first place, a recovery space craft wasn't dispatched to physically retrieve this crucial technology and likewise the damaged space vehicle?

And why is this allegedly extra-terrestrial, super technology that's being found and also surreptitiously we're quite earnestly led to believe, generally not only located within the USA, but uniquely and literally very obviously exclusively hoarded there too? The USA is only 247 years old. Iran completely in contrast, is fundamentally one of the quite oldest nations basically situated on Earth, with this undoubtedly rather impressive, unbroken history that quite unquestionably clearly dates back tens of thousands of years. Essentially, crucially significantly important as well, China is similarly an ancient civilisation, however as in the case of Iran we never hear of the phenomenal findings, or the discovery of extra-terrestrial technology within these countries or any others for that matter! Just simply the USA.

The equivalent in Earth terms of obviously paying considerably far more attention to what a toddler actually tells you regarding an incident while blissfully either ignoring or actually fundamentally discarding what essentially, clearly seasoned, trustworthy adults basically divulge to you. Prompting another question. Why would undoubtedly significantly, thoroughly obviously, basically super intelligent extra-terrestrials purposely ignore Earth's actually ancient civilisations for all those several millennia of years just to incomprehensively deal with a 247 year old kid, the USA, quite newly on the block? But it's significantly what the West's most dominant power clearly and self-servingly wants the lot of you to obviously think and even believe; and so you idiotically as well as fawningly go along with it!

Which obviously brings me to my very last and significantly, distinctly crucial element in all of this literally contrived, intellectually challenged and pathetic baloney regarding aliens on Earth. However, prior to my quite sensibly and logically doing so let me also Express the very sane view that it wouldn't be in the least either uncommon or simply unnatural for essentially literally genuinely extra-terrestrial beings to in effect actually want to check out Earth residents if rather seriously they thought that in doing so was either crucial to their interests, or evidently significantly beneficial to them in doing so. No different basically, to you checking out new neighbours undoubtedly for your very own personal reasons. Nevertheless such a categorically distinctly, specifically initial association effectively only continues and undeniably essentially prospers if you and your neighbours discernibly basically have much in common actually with each other and do want that relationship to continue; otherwise you go your separate ways.

So what other than rabid arrogance on the part of today's narcissistic Homo sapiens  makes you think that because some of you can now shoot a few fireworks beyond the surface of the Earth, but still haven't as yet acquired the requisite capability to actually even temporarily leave the environment of our galaxy that Homo sapiens are actually of any interest: either real or imaginary, to specifically enlightened and, undoubtedly unquestionably too, really significantly far superior intelligently, aptly extra-terrestrial life forms!

But yes! There are aliens on Mother Earth, several millions of them to be precise that are liberally dotted across our planet. Very noticeably so in Australia, New Zealand, in South Africa, neighbouring Zimbabwe and other parts of Africa; basically throughout the entire region known as Latin America; equally too the Caribbean Islands, Canada and crucially, rather significantly the USA, where at the last official census count in 2020 there were in effect 231.9 million of them.  

These aliens actually well-known generally to the several other indigenous inhabitants of Earth and were themselves undoubtedly preceded there in multiple millennia terms, being in effect distinctly the last beings to arrive on Earth, have a tendency to always want to control everything; invariably quite  delusionally, usually regard themselves as vastly superior to every other living person or thing; actually have a marked penchant for genocide and malevolently odious acts of barbarism in complete conjunction with several other forms of evidently egregious behaviour; love nothing better than clearly, actually and tenaciously clinging on to the countries, lands, other properties and also the wealth, and natural resources of those people that they've brutally purloined them from; yet very conceitedly want that region of Earth where they regard as their own to be inviolate of people who obviously don't look like them! And who exactly are these Aliens? Distinctively white Caucasians!

Tuesday 25 July 2023

Being able to breed doesn't automatically make that person a parent!

By Stanley Collymore 

It's a great pity that Nature
allows so many people to
so randomly reproduce
but unfortunately obviously does not
instinctively give the vast majority of
them, certainly evidently undeniably
in Britain and distinctively also most
of the very white western controlled
world; the undoubtedly appropriate,
quite necessary intelligence to know
just how to crucially look after those
children who so regrettably from an
intelligent point of view they clearly
blasé go on to sire or generally give
birth to in huge bastardy sequences.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
25 July 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Kids who clearly like their unknown to them biological parents, mostly so their biological sperm off-loaders but equally also not so infrequently womb carriers that couldn't wait to dump them near a convenient dustbin or on some forlorn doorstep then basically greatly relieved happily disappear from their lives until TV programmes, the likes of "Long Lost Families" obviously regrettably, impede multiple years later on that tranquillity and these biological begetters are then forced to put on an act of regret that to all but the absolutely blind and gullible is distinctly unconvincing!

Yet these rather pathetic offspring plus the likes of those too shit scared to even delve into their real roots in case that is of what they might unwillingly unearth - the Veritas 7; Null; and several others with multiple commenting accounts at the Daily Mail, who very evidently have no idea in the least who their biological parents are and to compensate for their own sickeningly very lowlife inferiority adopt pathetic superior airs and graces which they then exude with their quite odious, white Karen and also Gammon stance, a situation reinforced by their discernibly quite toxic and verminous approach itself allied with monarchical sycophancy to life, generally!

Patently, useless serfs that ought never to have been born; and what an awful pity that in dumping them at birth their mothers didn't go the whole hog and be fully rid of them permanently!

Thursday 20 July 2023

Narcissistic and totally self-entitled with it!

By Stanley Collymore 

Personally and unequivocally from
me you self-entitled pillocks can
all get stuffed! As frankly, I am
thoroughly sick and bloody well tired of
these airline stories, actually attendant
with these obviously, clearly dimwitted
but, all the same, undeniably arrogant
and simply obviously too, significantly
undoubtedly intellectually challenged
airline passengers who quite stupidly
incessantly think that life clearly is or
really should essentially be distinctly
all about them. Nevertheless from a
truly intelligent perspective however
what's now quite naturally blazoned
by the tabloids basically ridiculously
as a serious problem is evidently to
thinking minds though categorically
nothing of the kind and for obvious
and literally clear-sighted reasons!

For if you book a flight to wherever
you personally and freely choose
to go to; and also for whatever
reason that choice is actually made; the
exact moment that you effectively book
that plane seat having clearly specified
your exact requirements; distinctly told
by the airline involved, that your stated
individual requirements are absolutely
 ideally in order; you then cheerfully go
ahead with that booking and naturally
pay the full requisite cost for the seat
which you've personally selected and
have been allocated, that seat simply
effectively and literally unequivocally
becomes yours. And if subsequently
to the aforementioned and distinctly
obviously catalogued actions, some
irrefutably ignorant prat of whatever
gender, age or race and with a vilely
rather evidently perceived notion of
their own obviously insular societal
or racial importance, and insolently
too basically viewed as undeniably
truly infinitely superior to your own
arbitrarily, and most haughtily also
incredibly determines that they do
much prefer the seat which you're
in to the one that they have rather
properly been allocated, and so it
is only proper, that you're fittingly
moved to facilitate their demand.

The pompous audacity of actually
assuming that one's haughty
demands spurred on by
their pressing need for the alleviation of
a genuine problem or more realistically
nothing more relevantly essential than
hollow excuses, literally galvanized by
nothing more pertinent than basically
dumb hubris really on the requester's
part, simply to get someone to move
from where they rather rightfully are,
so they can then grab and make full
use of that distinct seating location
which they neither booked nor paid
for. And effectively, isn't something
that any really right minded person
would regard as fair, or regard as a
request to be generally acceded to.
And significantly why should they?

Since quite basically, if it's all that
important for others: effectively
family members or friends, to
essentially sit together during a plane
flight, then surely and similarly rather
intelligently, they should've obviously
planned to do so in advance, as well
as made the relevant arrangements
and essentially pay for it all upfront;
not simply wilfully omit to do so for
reasons known only to themselves.
Then foolishly or arrogantly expect
those who've actually meticulously
observed the requisite regulations
evidently in place, by very logically
sensibly financially forking out for
their own distinct requirements to
then quite arbitrarily and similarly
be automatically inconvenienced
into invalidating their own clearly
lawful, and very moral right to be
precisely where they're presently
sitting; simply for the rather sick
and basically arrogant chancers
to hubristically seek to dislodge
the obvious rightful owner from
where they are is rather morally
amoral in every discernible way.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 July 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Self-entitlement, a quite malevolent and similarly too a rather sick and evidently pathetic characteristic that has always infested the white British population, a state of affairs endured by the fact that Britain once had an empire and a reality that has ludicrously and quite laughably become a delusional safety crutch for a quite significant number of these same white Britons, now that that said empire is no longer a reality except in their very sick and actually pathetic minds, hence the blatant, obsessional preoccupation with Brexit, even though it's undeniably a hugely unmitigated failure with these prime idiots kidding themselves they're so much better off firmly standing up to the rest of the world when nothing at all of the sort is discernibly happening and it's all very essentially, distinctly nothing but a fictional mirage rapidly circulating through the generally, delusional minds of white Brits and their non-white House Nigger and Coconut Useful Idiots!

People who find it naturally impossible to quite realistically come to terms with a modern 21st Century with its distinct emphasis on equality, meritocracy and unbiased democracy, so instead rather asininely staunchly cling in their inferior state of mind to an outdated effectively Middle Ages, obviously unaccountable, and an entrenched monarchical system firmly supported by its hereditary class of hangers on who ensure that the very beneficial class system they essentially thrive on remains intact and effectively keeps the inferior minded serfs duly in their place and clearly fawning to them.

Hardly surprising therefore that this pernicious and sickeningly odious concept of one-upmanship so endemically engrained in British culture clearly carries on quite rampantly in the 21st Century as it has always so characteristically and invasively done during the Dark and Middle Ages! Even when it comes down to distinctively absolutely puerile matters of seating arrangements on commercial airline flights.

To be perfectly honest with you, were I ever having taken all the requisite steps to ensure I had the seat I wanted on any commercial flight, paid for that convenience and to then subsequently find myself quite distinctively and selfishly put in such an invidious position where I was automatically expected to fully comply with the selfish demands of others and specifically people who I didn’t know or actually hadn’t even previously met, I know precisely what my automatic verbal response would be. And you don’t have to be psychic or a mind reader to work out that one out!

Monday 17 July 2023


By Stanley Collymore 

Why is suicide generally frowned
upon and the person who has
committed it usually seen
as or even castigated and distinctively
sanctimoniously vilified by those who
rather arrogantly consider, and surely
even obviously clearly superciliously
see themselves as effectively much
better and basically clearly superior  
to everyone else; and, especially so
the individual who has consciously
taken his or her own life; obviously
furthermore literally embarking on
this condemnatory and irrefutably
vitriolic pursuit of theirs, evidently
without obviously, either knowing
the person involved or effectively
what specific causes they simply  
had for taking their life; generally
doing so, by virtue of the evident
means that they’ve determinedly
very voluntarily embarked upon?  
Not everyone that commits suicide
obviously does so because he or
she is mentally defective, very
inconsolably depressed; undoubtedly
desperately lonely; a sad casualty of
personal betrayal or unquestionably
unrequited love; as rather obviously
there are multiple reasons and very
often totally sound ones, why quite
sane and obviously clearly rational
persons consciously and evidently
wholeheartedly, embark on ending
their own lives. Evidently however,  
none of the above prevents loving
family members or naturally quite
close friends from crucially either
individually or else jointly seeking
to do everything that they literally
can, to persuasively convince the
individual concerned to rationally
desist from their deadly decision.
A decision that however honestly
viewed or seen from even the
most truly, good natured
outsider's point of view should likewise
equally, intelligently and also generally
essentially bear in mind the suicider's
own personal perspective, so relative
to this obviously lethal step that they
are effectively on the verge of taking.
Specifically when it's a decision that
is logically thoughtfully, distinctively
honestly; irrefutably, knowledgeably
independently and truly undertaken
unquestionably without any kind of
coercive action truly engaged in by
on the part of anyone else! And so
as a clear personal and similarly a
rather poignant and crucially valid
decision, that's obviously about to
actually take place, that individual
should undoubtedly be absolutely
respected, and equally also not in
any way, be very contemptuously,
arrogantly or cruelly patronizingly
noxiously castigated by anybody!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
16 July 2023.

Author's Remarks:  
Suicide is a condition that evokes different kinds of emotions even with people expressly of the same culture or ethnicity. In the West it’s often regarded as a sign of personal failure on the part of those who carry it out, unless they’re actually odious criminals, murderers, paedophiles and the like who fully aware that the law of the land has finally and quite inevitably caught up with them, in order to avoid lengthy prison sentences or the death penalty in those countries that still have it, as the blatant cowards they effectively are, they top themselves rather than courageously face justice by allowing the state and the people or their relatives that they’ve egregiously wronged experience the real justice of seeing them justifiably being dealt with.
Others, on the other hand, who’ve lived a long or even a short but most rewarding and constructive life might conscionably decide to take their own life personally or thorough an agency or organization that specializes in euthanasia, either because they fittingly believe they’ve contributed everything that they possibly can in this life and therefore their continued presence here is extraneous at best to the ongoing needs of the society they’re ensconced in; or else the physical pain, discomfort and medical trouble they’re occasioning far outweigh in disadvantage terms the actual continuance of them living any longer.
Meanwhile, in my ancestral homeland of Barbados suicide creates no psychological or physical problems for us as a people and a Nation; primarily so because from birth we’re consciously and reverentially taught about the odious barbarities of the Transatlantic Slave Trade which was inaugurated in Barbados by Sephardic Jews ably assisted by their Arab counterparts and our own Black House Niggers; similarly too the onerous ravages of colonialism and the bestial manner and utterly, sickening sub-human ways in which our Black Race for centuries was continuously ill-treated – remnants of that behaviour still persist in diverse forms in the 21st Century – by the white Caucasian savages: both male and female, who nevertheless  and to this very day most ludicrously and ironically, even though they themselves were undoubtedly the actual last elements of, in their case, supposedly Homo sapiens to effectively emerge on Earth, but nevertheless see and wholly regard themselves as being superior to every other race that exists or those whom they butchered into oblivion, but most specifically so our Black Race.
And returning to the issue of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, these Sephardic Jews that started it were refugees who after the Spanish and Portuguese had kicked the Arab invaders and their protectors out of the Iberian Peninsula fled to Brazil while it was temporarily under Dutch control. However, when the Portuguese regained control of that country these Sephardic Jews were given their marching orders and summarily kicked out of Brazil; a state of affairs that was further exacerbated by the fact that no country in the region, and lands then were controlled either by Portugal or largely Spain, with the exception of Barbados which was a self-governing British colony, wouldn't have them. What we now know as North America didn’t come into the equation as no one in Europe knew of its existence so they couldn’t go there either.
Consequently, it was Barbados that welcomed them in and gave them refuge, a benevolence that these bastards repaid by what they odiously and savagely did requisite to the initiation and control of the Transatlantic Slave Trade itself from Barbados. While in Brazil these Sephardic Jews had learnt from the indigenous Amerindians there of the usage and value of what would subsequently become world renowned as the sugar cane; and when they were forcibly evicted from Brazil these Sephardic Jews took some of these cane plants to Barbados with them. The soil and conditions in Barbados were ideal for the growing, massively of the sugar cane and the production of sugar, molasses and subsequently Rum, which was invented in Barbados. The oldest Rum in the world, and which still exists today, is Mount Gay Rum; invented by Black Barbadians. The sugar, molasses and Rum made Barbados very wealthy, and Britain as well as these Sephardic Jews profited handsomely from it; a process that transferred an impoverished off-shore European island called Britain into the global Empire that it became.
Thousands flocked to Barbados to make their fortune and these Sephardic Jews who controlled the industry and subsequently the Transatlantic Slave Trade until they relinquished the latter to the instituted Royal African Company which took over the monopoly of the Slave trade and was owned by the British monarchical family with Queen Elizabeth the First its controller but had agents like the one in Bristol whose statute was toppled a couple of years back, as her agents. White’s though couldn’t cope with the hard work and the scorching sun and so these Sephardic Jews in order to maintain their enormous profits petitioned the self-governing Barbados Parliament to have kidnapped Blacks from Africa, slaves in effect, brought into Barbados to cultivate these sugar plantations. The Barbados Parliament formed in 1639, just a few years, 1627 to be exact, after Barbados was usurped as an English colony, and is the second oldest in the world after the House of Commons – there was no entity then called Britain far less so a United Kingdom that didn’t exist either, just England – morally and politically turned down the request of these Sephardic Jews, who, with money being their God, turned directly to England and the English Parliament, the monarchy and the aristocracy for their support which they overwhelmingly got. Significantly they quite wholeheartedly approved! These Sephardic Jews then went to the Middle East and using their Arab friends there got them to be their errand boys who happily kidnapped these Blacks and had them transhipped to Barbados and over the years from there subsequently to other Caribbean and neighbouring regions including North America. So wealthy did these Sephardic Jews become that when North American was later opened up for exploitation the overwhelming majority of them moved there. Barbados has more authentic and contemporaneous records on these issues than England or Britain does, and our people see these, our kids are aware of them too as they’re taught in schools and university and even Jews from North America routinely come down to Barbados to trace their ancestry and learn the real facts about themselves. The oldest synagogue in the entire region: the Caribbean Islands, North, Central and South America is in Barbados, and it’s long been made an international heritage site and one officially recognized by the United Nations.
I’ve mentioned all of that because there is no such educating of whites in their schools or higher education about these facts; moreover there’s the ignorance that prevails that Slavery is in the past, no white alive was responsible for it and all the other tosh that is used to evade the issue; but it doesn’t stop the likes of David Cameron, his wife Samantha and others milking the same Transatlantic Slave Trade financially, as the descendants of slave owners, who despite being paid in today’s terms billions of Pounds Sterling for having to give up their slaves: the slaves got nothing, neither did their children, relatives or descendants, but the likes of David and Samantha do, yet they weren’t slave owners, but in effect today’s descendants of slave owners. Meanwhile as Yids – and I’m being deliberately derogatory here – and they’re Church of England when it suits their purpose but European “Jews” when it similarly does, they get compensation too from the Germans under the Wiedergutgemachen Scheme that compensates the victims of the European holocaust, but only if they classify as “Jews”; nothing for the far greater millions of Gypsies, the so-called Rhineland Niggers: effectively mixed raced French citizens or other victims of that same European holocaust, simply “Jews”, most of whom won’t know what the inside of a synagogue looks like, and who are as fictional Semites as they are Jews, since in reality terms the overwhelming majority of them are undoubtedly Zionists, who aren’t religious in the slightest manner.
But what pisses me off is that while these clowns are milking it from both sides, the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the German Compensation Scheme, they’re the same people along with their lowlife scum white followers who’re diametrically opposed to even an apology let alone any actual or realistic compensation being paid to Blacks for the odious and egregious treatment our people received for neigh on FIVE centuries; not a 1933-45 situation as is honestly the case of the European holocaust and with these European Jews, and moreover in marked contrast to the Transatlantic Slave Trade most ironically started by and massively profited from by Jews for centuries and where multi-millions of our Black people quite savagely and rather barbarically callously lost their lives and identities in our own definitive Holocausts! Yet the only bloody holocaust we sickeningly keep hearing about and which apparently matters is the European one, 12 years at most, and the only victims fucking Jewish ones, when in fact there were far more non-Jewish ones! And that’s why I have nothing but utter contempt for the likes of David Cameron and his wife; Tom Bauer, who anglicized his name to Bower, Gordon Brown who thinks that slavery was the best thing that ever happened to Black people, and all the other white Caucasian scum who not only oppose compensation for our people, but are diametrically opposed to non-whites and Niggers especially living in Britain, where our wealth is hoarded, yet these prized cunts see no problem in their kind infesting Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the USA to the obvious detriment of the indigenous people there who don’t have any say in the running or control of their own indigenous countries. And then these fucking racist whites, so cowardly that they can't even honestly own their God damned racism, have the bloody gall to say that no white who's living now was or is responsible for slavery. Likewise, most Germans living weren't responsible for or even born during the so-called European holocaust, but yet they're the ones forking out for the massive Wiedergutmachen Compensation Scheme that runs into several billions of Pounds and Carrie's on indefinitely even though the war ended in 1945 and the overwhelming majority of any "Jews" directly affected are long dead;; but I don't hear these odious, racist mother fuckers complaining about that. And clearly anyone with a functioning and conscionable working brain knows why; European "Jews" and their kin are white while the descendants of the Transatlantic Slave Trade are perceived as worthless Niggers! Typical of these odious, kiss-me-ass, intellectually challenged, barbaric and discernibly toxically verminous lowlife, white hypocritical scum.
In conjunction with all of the aforementioned we’re also again from birth, and as Bajans, likewise throughout out schooling and university education told of the multiple and incredible sacrifices our enforcedly enslaved ancestors consciously, willingly and meritoriously made - unlike our odious House Niggers who have always collaborated with our mutual, white enemies right up to the present moment as I write - to absolutely ensure that our people survived. Our Black women particularly so, especially after the wholesale and officially sanctioned emasculation of our Black menfolk. Yet for all that our Black male and female ancestors strove on to ensure that our race survived; and bully for them, it has!
And as a morally, consciously committed and as well as a deeply religious Nation, we Bajans have pledged to ourselves and similarly ensured though logical persuasion, but never coercion, that those of us who are alive today should be eternally grateful to all our preceding Black Heroes. Those like Bussa: Barbados’ premier celebrated Hero; proudly, publicly and enthusiastically revered; and in conjunction too with all the others over those five centuries, whose multifarious efforts ensured that those of us who are currently here as well as those generations of Bajans that take our place when we’re gone will be eternally proud of the legacy they’ve been left and have a similar devotion to our Black Race and country Barbados. Consequently, it’s against that backdrop that Bajans don’t contemplate or commit suicide. For to do so would be a devastating assault on, as well as a sickening disregard for not only the memories but likewise all that our meritorious and courageous ancestors consciously did to ensure that the likes of myself and numerous others could be here. And who honestly would like to abrogate, disregard or ignore what each and every one of them has personally done? Not this Bajan or any other one for that matter I can assure you.
And utilizing the Motto of my Barbadian Grammar School, the Alleyne School: founded in 1785, and the second oldest grammar school; not only in Barbados but across the Caribbean and the entire Americas - the oldest one Harrison's College is also in Barbados - that school motto of the Alleyne School which has shaped the lives of all who passed through that institution over the several years, and is still influential today as it always has been, is: ”ALIIS NON SIBI” – For others not ourselves; and adequately sums up the nature and character of us Bajans.

Friday 14 July 2023

The blissful idiocy unsurprisingly of white British serfs and their global, likewise evil, genocidal kin!

By Stanley Collymore 

Whatever faults allegedly that
Joe Biden has at least, and
very significantly so, he’s
a democratically elected figure who is
undoubtedly the legitimate President
of one of the world’s really, foremost
important nations that is discernibly
the United States of America. Also,
he can similarly at the very end of
his generally, statutory four years
term in office, be either removed
rather democratically from office
by this very same US electorate,
if they basically decide to do so,
or otherwise simply collectively
vote him back into office again.

Charles Windsor, in marked contrast
however, is quite discernibly not
elected by anybody to any
office, including the plethora of those he
basically vaingloriously holds, amongst
them being the irrefutably and patently
literally undemocratically held position
of being actually, Head of State of the
United Kingdom. Very significantly so
because no one was essentially truly
asked their opinion on these matters
in a public referendum much less so
ever accorded a realistic opportunity
to aptly vote on them democratically
in a real nationwide general election.
Therefore, Charles and his naturally
widely expected, successor William,
rather arguably assuming of course
the British monarchy does naturally
exist that long, cannot be voted out
of their actually unearned, blatantly
unwarranted and consequently too
undemocratic, feudalistic mind-set
positions, on open merit alone; far
less so, their irrefutably numerous
individual and likewise collectively
odiously embarrassing adulterous
shenanigans; or their significantly
and additionally, quite undeniably
numerous individual and likewise
collectively crudely embarrassing
very immoral as well as distinctly
nefarious, monarchical activities!  

So literally, having monarchical
brownnosing clowns far too
intellectually challenged,
dimwitted and evidently also pathetically
gullible for their own good, vociferously
and hatefully, nastily ranting on about
Joe Biden’s supposedly unsuitability
for the prime position, of President
of the USA, significantly bearing in
mind what these lowlife, and truly
repellently fawning scum happily
put up with in Britain, forces any
intelligent person, to essentially
clearly logically outline to them
for their own good, specifically
why they ought realistically, to
take that very unquestionably
hard look in the mirror, solely
and advisedly at themselves.

Then seriously ponder if the
world wouldn’t be a much
better off place if a few
deliberately launched Russian, Chinese
and also North Korean Thermo-nuclear
weapons, plus additionally likewise for
good measure some similar USA ones
were intentionally very accidentally on
purpose similarly unquestionably also
used to permanently eradicate Britain
of its burgeoning plethora of noxious,
odiously malignant; and a thoroughly,
distinctly evil profusion, of arrogantly
toxically verminous scum! Obviously,
because no one will ever miss them!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
12 July 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Whatever the alleged faults of Joe Biden are he is none the less the democratically elected President of the United States of America. The American electorate had their reasons for voting for him as their President and that was their lawful and democratic choice, which they naturally and in massive numbers utilized. You might not like their choice which is your right to do so, but if you claim to believe in democracy but then can’t or won’t accept the democratic will of the majority of voters in a free and fair election, then you’re nothing but a bloody, self-centred and repulsive idiot and I will further add a quite disgustingly and sickeningly, markedly ostensibly pathetic loser in my estimation of the matter. Additionally, if you’re not a citizen of the USA and don’t live, let alone have any voting rights there what the American electorate do in their own domestic elections is none of your god dammed business.

As for white Britons and their global genocidal kin still currently usurping the countries of the several indigenous people worldwide that were barbarically and most arbitrarily, and far from any democratic process, taken over as their own and who with sickeningly pathetic irony knowingly fawn over and worship a hereditary and patently unelected monarchy and its attendant taxpayers funded family in the UK ; who, these intellectually challenged prats are diametrically opposed to even having a referendum in the UK to determine with absolute certainty whether the wider citizenry, as apart from the dim-witted and gullible serfs, actually want to have this outmoded Middle Age mind-set and Dark Ages concept as the epitome of British politics and culture in a supposedly modern 21st Century; and on top of all of that are baying that the House of Lords is undemocratic and should be scrapped because it’s actually opposed to these vile cunts ingrained racism towards non-white migrants to Britain, while clearly having no problem at all these evil pathetic racists in welcoming white Ukrainian Nazis whose likeminded parents and grandparents were hard-core elements of Germany’s Waffen SS killers, with their own distinctive units, during World War II; and they sure as hell weren’t fighting for Britain or hoping that the Germans lost.

But yes, get rid of the House of Lords because there are some members there with moral rectitude and honourable consciences unlike these baying mother-fucking idiots and lowlife scum, most of whom, and one doesn’t have to be an aficionada of Long Lost Families to know that the overwhelming majority of them don’t even know who they biologically are or which bin or doorstep of some charity or other they were dumped on; and primarily so because their whoring mothers hadn’t an honest clue, of among the several johns they shagged with, who actually got them pregnant.

And yes, these are the dim-witted twits that boast how they voted to take Britain out of the EU, even though it was by the narrowest of majorities, but that’s democracy they claim; and in a manner it is. But mention a similar referendum requisite to the British monarchy and it’s a different tune they want to play. Well, one thing is certain in the USA. In 2024 the USA’s electorate will have the opportunity to re-elect Joe Biden or ditch him; and that’s their choice. A choice that the British electorate doesn’t have currently requisite to Charles or any of that mob. So to all you monarchical fawning, racist Karens, likeminded Gammons, delusional white Empire Loyalists and clapped out and dried up, menopausal, white old aged pensioners and paedophiles who relish Britain as it is and long you openly yearn for what you perceive as the old glory days, carved out of the genocide, misery, resources and slavery of others you considered then and still do as inferior to yourselves, while earnestly but with the utmost delusion wanting an all-white Britain, a situation not only confined to white Brits in the UK but equally so their odiously evil kin in the quite barbarically genocidally acquired countries that they rigorously control without reference to and certainly not in the interests of the clearly indigenous peoples like the Aborigines and the Maoris who they callously ignore and ill-treat in their own indigenous and quite deprived of indigenous homelands  – the very noxious equivalent of Camilla Parker Bowles applying for the position of Mother Superior at a Roman Catholic Convent, or incredibly to be put in charge as the odious and intransigent whoring adulteress bitch that she was and in every probability still is, as the CEO of an honest marriage guidance organization that does specify in actually preserving marriages not callously and self-servingly destroying them. So very candidly from me to all you vile, toxically verminous scum I unequivocally say this: Go get a fucking life, assuming of course that you know how to go about doing so, and specifically leave Joe Biden alone and to the distinctively democratic will of the USA’s electorate.

Monday 10 July 2023

The evil elimination of inconvenient truths through murderously contrived accidents!

By Stanley Collymore 

Accidents are a general factor of
life not particularly welcomed
but usually psychologically
put up with all the same. But although
some accidents may unquestionably
occasionally literally resemble each
other, quite unquestionably, no two
accidents crucially, ever happen in
normally, the same circumstances
or distinctly with the very identical
modus operandi. Essentially then,
the undoubtedly in situ and British
monarchical family not effectively
that endowed distinctively by any
means with naturally self-evident
intellectual acumen will evidently
have to be distinctly exceedingly
crazy although odiously spurred
on by self-centred and basically
self-serving lunatics of the likes
of Camilla Parker Bowles; Katie
Middleton and William Windsor
in tandem with their plethora of
quite severely, as well as rather
intellectually challenged, highly
moronic and distinctly toxically
verminous discernibly fawning
plebeian scum, to very stupidly
plan the callous killing of Harry
Meghan and their two children.

The killers of Princess Diana,
notwithstanding the actual
realization that some of
the principal participants in that horrid
murder are themselves now thankfully
dead, distinctively want for Harry, and
particularly Meghan and her children,
to effectively be obviously too out of
the way, to simply unquestionably in
the circumstances literally maintain
their distinctively, white supremacy
and really evilly, KKK philosophy in
This, the 21st Century. A presence,
tarnishing as they actually literally
see it their irrefutably supposedly
immaculately pure bloodline with
clearly exotic variants, as Rachel
Johnson asininely but succinctly
though actually ironically, on her
part, put it when Harry distinctly
began openly courting Meghan.

Significantly and quite blatantly
obvious for Rachel Johnson
and Sarah Vine's literally
social climbing sort to easily in no likely
conceivable way ever regard the kind of
things that Harry was keenly doing with
this new, naturally serious and crucially
a huge shock and horror experience for
these white Karens, undeniably African
American partner, Meghan Markle that
fittingly, this duo of noxiously pathetic,
and narcissistic scum weren't pleased
with and openly showed it. Essentially
too the quite deeply brainwashed and
unquestionably generally distinctively
ingrained also quite characteristically
and excessively fervent in their rather  
sickeningly so obsessively attendant
monarchical brownnosing, devotedly
not just irrefutably, unilaterally to the
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Mountbatten, re
alias Windsor Klan; but similarly too
their racially perceived all-white and
not a solitary Nigger or actual Asian
in sight, in their basically delusional
but clearly divinely validated Britain.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
9 July 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Enforcedly born British my natural, instinctive, permanently cultural and moral ethos is unquestionably Barbadian and will undoubtedly always remain so. Indelibly inherent in this is the unalterable precept inculcated in me from birth that we Barbadians should never fear anyone, anything and most significantly so, not Death. Not only because it’s inevitable and to do so is an absolutely pointless exercise but likewise a wholly meaningless endeavour as well. But additionally as Bajans: a terminology we affectionately employ requisite to ourselves, we’re intelligent enough mature to sensibly know that Death itself is just the gateway to other things and a comprehensively different world much better for some but worst for others and wholly dependent on the type of life one has consciously lead during their mortal existence, from the earthly one we’re existing in when Death eventually and inescapably for that chosen person makes its liberating presence.

However, as I look around me and specifically outside our Barbadian Nation and its global Diaspora, I laughably see, specifically within Britain and its global genocidal kin ensconced arbitrarily in the countries of indigenous peoples whom they’ve barbarically disposed of what’s lawfully and morally theirs, yet asininely and delusionally wanting for Britain to remain an all-white entity; that the British mind-set still adamantly clinging on to the Medieval and Dark Ages concept that it's fine to wantonly dispose murderously of those whom you envy, delusionally fear or churlishly simply want to be rid of, because you discernibly and equally idiotically dislike them and usually so for no really sensible reason other than that you can do so; and moreover have the financial, influential or powerful means to do so attendant with the sycophants all too ready to do your bidding. In which case I suggest that you just remember the Barbadian concept; you too will ultimately die – no ifs or buts about that!

And essaying to murder Meghan Markle and her two children conceived to her legitimate husband because they’re perceived by those of you living patently and obsessively in your malevolent but asinine state of denial and self-evidently racist, white Caucasian and ludicrously white supremacist echo chamber cuts no ice with me or those who think like I do.

Those who now rather ostensibly and similarly ostentatiously think that they’ve won the major prize and now rule the roost in Britain; glorying self-indulgently in their murder of Diana Spencer and Dale “Kanga” Tyron, should seriously think of trying to pull off a similar murderous stunt again. So I’ll simply advise you arrogant and lowlife morons in spite of the opulence and vainglorious privileges that you live in at the taxpayers and Transatlantic Slavery victims expense that you think hard and seriously on that one, and don’t place any bets on your murders of Diana and Dale Tyron ever happening to Meghan Markle and her children; as this is one fucking time that three times won’t be your lucky number but rather more propitiously a case of three strikes and you’re out!