
Friday 16 July 2021

America's Reichstag Fuehrer: Herr Donald J. Drumpf - The treasonous, demented and an inured Nazi, whom cowardly Joe Biden and his Department of Justice are shit scared of!

By Stanley Collymore 

Eternal and godly thanks 
clearly from all decent, 
self-effacing and too 
altruistic elements of humanity, not 
merely in the USA, but specifically
rather globally, to the equivalent 
residing in the United States of 
America; of an extraordinarily 
strong outstanding fortitude 
and calibre obviously of the 
moral rank of Nancy Pelosi  
and manifestly Liz Cheney 
surely coupled inclusively 
and distinctively too with 
the spiritually, endearing 
remembrances of those 
numerous sacrifices so
courageously made, by 
all those, who gallantly 
fought; constantly put
their valuable lives on 
the line; and routinely 
in markedly altruistic
circumstances quite 
nobly too, sacrificed 
them to importantly 
rather critically, and 
undeniably liberate 
Europe particularly 
but, sanely protect 
an aptly remaining 
rational intelligent 
Global South also,
world from clearly 
the vile contagion 
distinctively from 
and embodied by 
white supremacy 
barbarism fed by 
evil Fascism and 
terminal Nazism. 

Donald J. Drumpf: inarguably 
committed multiple federal 
crimes; and consequently 
the USA - Department of
Justice - just needs to make a move! 
If it refuses to do so,  and therefore 
does not indict Donald J.  Drumpf 
for these crimes then the USA's 
Department of justice will be,
quite consciously so rather
intentionally and actually 
prejudicially, making a 
very cynical mockery
of the clearly lawful, 
US Constitution and 
too each legitimate 
and legislated law 
in this absolutely  
and distinctively  
also established
and lawfully so 
a United States 
of America too 
diverse nation 

while similarly, deliberately, 
quite plainly illegally; also
egregiously and distinctly 
rather self-servingly, consciously 
contravening through their own 
distinctly, quite evil uncaringly 
denial the crucial relevance of 
an undeniable importantly so 
totally safe, likewise reliably
secure; a manifestly healthy 
and a sound stable, reliable 
democracy, in the country.  

Itself: firmly consolidated 
by unrestricted, diverse;
universal and distinctly 
encouraged lawfully entitled
adult suffrage; legally and 
unassailably supported 
by untampered, open 
and evidently free
and responsibly
accepted fair

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
16 July 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
The influence of Barbados on George Washington and what was to become the United States of America is quite profound. George and his half brother Lawrence arrived in Barbados - the only country outside of colonial America that George Washington ever visited - in 1751. Barbados already then, as it still does to this day, had an excellent medical reputation. George would several years later write, when he was in military combat with the British during the American colonies war for their independence, that had it not been for his outstanding medical treatment in Barbados he too would have succumbed and died, as many of his soldiers did, to the same killer disease of Smallpox that he had previously been treated for as a 19 year old in Barbados. 

While in Barbados, and 19 years old then, George Washington learnt much about Barbados' own revolutionary history, the Garrison  and the Treaty of Oistins signed between the British and the Barbadians at the southern seaside town of Oistins in Barbados in 1652. A unique occurrence, as it was the first and only time in the entire history of England, and subsequently the British Empire, that one of its colonies had humiliated the alleged mother country in defeat and,  furthermore, forced it to sign a treaty dictated by that colony, and essentially getting everything that it demanded of England, when Oliver Cromwell's sole purpose when the English Navy was sent out to subdue Barbados was the latter's total subjugation. That didn't happen as the Barbadians skilfully, militarily and courageously saw to that! Message then and now, don't mess with us Bajans! A significant episode of all that was, that the Treaty of Oistins (1652) became the bedrock of the American colonies Declaration of Independence in 1776; and crucially so because of George Washington, his time spent in Barbados and what he'd learnt and inwardly digested while on this extraordinary island and similarly my ancestral homeland. So basically the US Declaration of independence is a crib of the Barbados Treaty of Oistins that preceded it by 124 years. 

Barbados having established the American colony of Carolina also played a crucial role in other ways during the colonials fight for their independence from Britain. Incidentally Carolina's first governor was a Barbadian. Resolutely English though - not for nothing was Barbados called Little England, a name that has stuck throughout the centuries from the English first arriving there in 1625 and continuously remaining until the island took its independence on the 30 November 1966, and is the longest non-broken with England colony ink throughout the English/British Empire - Barbadians never really wanted to cede from England: they were self governing, had their own Parliament established in 1639, which is the world's second oldest continuous parliament in the entire world after the House of Commons in London, England and governed their own affairs; so they fully understood why the American colonies wanted their independence, just as Barbados had resolutely wanted to retain its own autonomy back in 1652. And were well pissed off with Oliver Cromwell when he dispatched the English Navy to subdue them and remove all their parliamentary rights because Barbadians objected to the murdering of an English king and the establishment in England of what was to them a dictatorship. And to this day we Bajans: proud possessors of a world renowned, longstanding, stable and meritocratic democracy, are still likewise proudly and absolutely anti-authoritarian and dictatorial when it comes to our own governance and others whom we worthwhile respect. And that's not about to change!  

Such was the Barbadian influence that George Washington, who always had his own eye on any potential presidency of a US republic, surreptitiously got his likeminded colleagues in the anti-British revolutionary movement to have a codicil inserted in the independence draft document stipulating that only those born in the colonies could either stand for or aspire to be President of any US republic. Patriotism on George Washington's part? Frankly no! But jealousy certainly. For there was a white Barbadian in the movement who had naturally excelled himself and was highly thought of. And by hook or crook George Washington was hellbent on scuppering his chances. The irony being that this guy was a proud Bajan and while happy to assist these American colonials gain their independence had no interest in getting involved in their politics or forsaking his beloved Barbados. 

On another front the English and subsequently the British after the formation of the UK had dispatched numerous Irish Catholics to Barbados as indentured servants and serfs; long before Australia was known about and this odious practice was carried out there in convict, genocidal and white delusional terra nuliius Australia. Descendants of these Irish dispatched to Barbados still live there in 2021; people derogatorily referred to by the English and other British as red legs - reminiscent of the colouration of their skin from unaccustomedly working in the broiling heat of the merciless Caribbean sun on the sugar cane plantations of Barbados. Now I'll fast forward. 

Between 1845-1852 the British, and specifically the English, who are exceptionally good at genocide wherever their presence had infested the rest of the world, carried out theirs in Ireland - euphemistically called the Irish potato famine, but which was a premeditated and intentionally executed this catastrophe. And during that time in excess of 1.5 million Irish men, women and children, to life savingly escape this tragedy, migrated to the USA. There, many of them prospered and considerably so, more than any other immigrants; and a darn sight more than any indigenous North American or enslaved Black descendants. 

And to date, including Joe Biden, of the 46 presidents the USA has had since 1776, 23 three of them - I repeat TWENTY THREE - have been or are of Irish extraction; and of the rest of them, not a single one was, or is ever likely to be in the foreseeable future, an indigenous North American. And in terms of the US Vice Presidency the statistics are equally overwhelmingly in favour of the Irish; the last Irish incumbent being Mike Pence (2021): the ingratiating stooge of treasonous Nazi, insurrectionist instigator Donald J. Drumpf, very much imbued with his German Lebensraum and authoritarian mindset. The US Congress and Senate have also been inundated with Irish participants and has become a copious financially and power obsessive watering hole for many of them.

Nothing wrong with that I hear all you very intellectually challenged morons saying. Except! That significant numbers of these Irish, despite their own Irish people having been dreadfully and even genocidally, abysmally treated by the British and others, have never the less themselves most evilly, agressively, egregiously, cynically, quite happily and distinctly disingenuously morphed into rather abhorrent Stockholm Syndrome Aficionados. Just to mention a mere few amongst this scum: Joe McCarthy,  Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan; Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Mike Pence, and Joe Biden.  

Over several years and right up to the present I've vigorously campaigned for, raised funds, encouraged my plethora of USA relatives and friends to do the same, and in the process of all this actively support the Democratic Party. Blacks and minorities right across the USA likewise did the same, and in their several millions put Joe Biden legitimately in the white House. But like the disgustingly paedophile inured, rather hypocritical and the longstandingly surreptitiously cover up of these sordid activities Roman Catholic Church that he worships in, Joe Biden is unquestionably a painted sepulchre seemingly gleaming white on the outside but within is clearly and stinkingly entombed with dead men's bones. 

Joe Biden and his close circle clearly remind me of all those evilly, bogus champions of supposed Jews, always  shouting anti-Semitism at every turn but only milking Europe's holocaust for all they can self-servingly get for themselves while clearly showing no empathy whatsoever at anytime with anyone else but themselves; and as to be wholly expected none who're real victims. Joe Biden is distinctly no real supporter of genuine race and voter equality in the USA, as his record as a US senator shows. And, in reality, is a closet white supremacist. 

It's exactly why with the assistance of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema crucial bills that would guarantee equal voting rights for all eligible Americans are deliberately stalled in the US Senate while Joe Biden rather disgustingly plays his it's not me who is responsible for the hold up trick. And why? Simple! Like many whites of his age, gender principally, and background - and not at all dissimilar from Donald Drumpf and the rest of his enabling scum - Joe Biden is also pretty delusionally shit scared of the nonwhite demographic change in the United States, and doesn't want to give up white hegemony at any cost. Even democratically. So consequently we have Donald Drumpf's delusional Nazi concept of Lebensraum actually blending beautifully with Joe Biden's Stockholm Syndrome mindset. 

And that my readers is precisely why Joe Biden's Department of Justice will NEVER in a million light years ever prosecute Donald J. Drumpf who is far too much of an asset to Joe Biden's perceived, sickeningly continuing so, disingenuou, and dishonestly white exclusively hegemonic-ruled United States of America!

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