
Wednesday 16 June 2021

Nothing funny about stupidity!

By Stanley Collymore 

What sad lives you racist 
haters lead! Delusional 
whites and conjointly 
your Useful Idiots that don't 
want to face your multiple 
vices and irrefutably also 
your stark inadequacies.  
Please, what can people 
like me, encouragingly 
do to aptly, encourage 
you and your sort, to 
assiduously take the  
clear coward's way 
out? The advent of 
Covid-19 has very 
obviously done a  
clearly excellent 
job so far; but, it 
evidently, could 
so crucially too 
beneficially do,
with a fervent, 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
16 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
How can you have so much hate for someone you've never met or even spoken to? There are some really sick people on this planet generally and throughout the UK and United States of America specifically! 

The fantastic news is that the various Covid-19 variants are themselves fast accelerating! Hope that trend carries on unabatedly! And here's the rather clear analogy for why this should be so.

In several Caribbean sugar producing countries the exceedingly industrious and very outstandingly exceptionally canny cane workers did at harvesting time, intentionally set the cane fields on fire to effectively in the process of doing so get rid of the trash, weeds or any poisonous and verminous snakes or other such harmful creatures that lurked in these cane fields. 

But similarly these workers and their managers were totally cognizant that in doing what they did they likewise and very importantly also refreshed the said cane fields by fully exposing them quite unhindered to the natural elements of nature, along with those vital agents of revitalization relevant to the soil. Positively making sure by their most informed efforts that with the subsequent fallowing, ploughing and sowing of these fields with brand new cane plant shoots the resultant harvest would be a much better and also a far more productive one. 

Other than an all-out nuclear war I can't personally see the world being rid of its verminous allegedly homo sapiens, and Covid-19 is an effective conduit for this; minus all the rather wholesale destruction: humanoid as well infrastructure, that an all out thermonuclear incineration would evidently cause. 

So rather than hindering Covid-19 it should instead, as nature seemingly intends, be fortuitously assisted.

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