
Monday 28 June 2021

Enough of Donald J. Drumpf! His actions are obviously treasonous; and people have been tried, found guilty and executed for far less!

By Stanley Collymore 

Stop messing around with this 
pathological liar, delusional
bull-shitting fantasist, and
criminal narcissist unless of course, 
either openly or privately, you do 
personally agree with his Kraut, 
discernibly so, 1930s European 
master race, and visibly white 
supremacist; long-debunked; 
asinine; eugenicist theories. 
Donald Drumpf: egregious,
and likewise manipulative
as he significantly is, fully 
knows, that what he is so 
openly and very stupidly 
spouting, is distinctively  
nothing less, essentially 
even when it's casually 
examined, than rather  
maliciously contrived 
totally sick; attention 
seeking; pathetically 
treasonous bullshit!

Nevertheless, Herr Donald 
Drumpf is equally aware
that not simply the vast 
majority of Republicans but equally 
several prominent Democrats like 
Joe Manchin, and President Joe 
Biden privately largely agree 
with what he's distinctively 
treasonously doing; solely 
because at heart, and too 
despite what they are so 
routinely publicly, very 
deliberately lying, and  
nakedly self-servingly 
doing to the contrary:

the dubious likes of Senator
Joe Manchin and Present
Joe Biden; deep within 
absolutely prefer a largely white 
controlled United States and are 
themselves, intrinsically rather 
petrified, of America's natural 
very ongoingly, demographic 
change. In essence, they too  
believe that the USA is best 
left unaltered, basically as 
it always was, and solidly 
eternally in white hands.

So having Donald Drumpf 
around they can rather 
most hypocritically so  
blame him solely for 
their own very purposeful inaction 
relative to any kind of meaningful 
constructive: political; social also 
in tandem with sound economic
and lasting meritocratic change 
within, and across the entirety 
of the American nation! Since 
President Joe Biden evidently 
with his close senator buddy 
Joe Manchin and their quite 
likeminded, crucially white 
Democratic Party ilk are so 
like the Animal Farm pigs! 

Appropriately so for them 
loudly proselytizing the 
cruelly disingenuous 
and also dishonestly too, coming 
directly from them, notion that 
everybody is essentially equal 
or else is innately so crucially 
equipped with the inevitable 
inalienable right, justly to be  
openly commended as such;
but significantly it's them: a 
shameless, dishonest troika 
of the incumbent President 
Joe Biden, pal Joe Manchin 
and likewise a likeminded 
hypocrite senator, Kyrsten 
Sinema revoltingly hiding 
and certainly cowardly so 
behind the patently vilely 
and odiously, egregiously 
treasonous actions of one 
disturbingly wannabe US 
totalitarian dictator: Herr 
Donald Drumpf; actually 
to deter genuine reforms 
to clear systemic racism;
distinct, non-white voter 
disenfranchisement and 
routine police brutality;
that President Joe Biden, 
his close allies, senators 
Manchin and Sinema as 
is wont with them, give 
as usual, fraudulent lip 
service to; to decidedly 
so, significantly ensure
their own intertwined 
status quo as similarly 
very akin to that of ex 
President Herr Donald 
J. Drumpf: undeniably 
for ever the mantle of 
white Caucasian quite 
certainly, undisputed 
master race, and also 
its white supremacy! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
28 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
William Joyce: infamously referred to during the latter stages of World War II, when that war had decidedly turned in the Allies favour, as Lord Haw Haw, but before that was a much favoured by many British radio listeners broadcaster and propagandist was an American born citizen of Irish extraction, who also happened to be an accomplished journalist and broadcaster. Long before the USA entered World II, and only after Japan with the encouragement of Germany, had attacked Pearl Harbour (as an English specialist and Academic I prefer to use the English spelling of that word), but was itself previously selling state of the art weaponry, as well as the Zyklon B gas that was routinely and extensively used in Europe's death camps, to the Third Reich and its Axis allies. 

However, despite not being an armed combattant; not guilty of any war crimes; and all that William Joyce did was work for the Third Reich's propaganda ministry, he was nevertheless, at the end of the war in Europe, arrested, quite dishonestly charged with, and tried for treason by the British government - which was a total mockery of both British and international law, because William Joyce wasn't and had never been a UK citizen or subject - take your pick what terminology you want to apply you fawning pillocks and plebeians - and therefore should never have been tried for anything.  

Not propaganda, since the UK government through the BBC, and as it had previously done in World War I with its lying stories about German soldiers raping Belgium nuns and bayonetting babies in their cots, and were past masters at this sort of thing, was up to its customary tricks, as usual, during World War II. Also William Joyce was not a war criminal or even accused of being one; yet most sickeningly and egregiously he was lyingly charged with treason. A charge that was baseless and fraudulent as it would be today in June 2021 as I write, and the British authorities knew this. Since a country using that charge can only apply it honestly to someone who is a citizen of that said country. And as I previously stated William Joyce was never at any time in his life a British citizen, nor even one of the so-called white colonial dominions of Australia, New Zealand or Canada with their fawning and ethnic ties to Britain.

Nevertheless, Will Joyce was sanctimoniously executed by the British for his non crime of treason - a discernibly sick and twisted revenge and nothing mor, if you want my honest opinion, for literally taking the piss out of the delusional master race white British. 

Meanwhile, at the same time that William Joyce was being murderously got rid of Winston Churchill and the British Ministry of Defence were cynically allowing known and captured members of Das britische Freikorps (the British Free Corps): exclusively white British and Dominion Commonwealth from Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and all with their expatriate UK links, who had voluntarily joined forces with the Third Reich, fought for it against the Allies but most significantly in their case against their ancestral homeland; but Nazis all the same, like Oswald Mosley's lot, loyally serving the Third Reich in some of its most notorious units, the Waffen SS and in several European death camps - to go free.  

Winston Churchill in his classic barbaric but quite disingenuous and persuasive manner, getting the war weary Americans and the Russians who'd lost over 33 millions of their people in defeating Germany and its Axis allies, that to prosecute these treacherous white scumbags - my classification of them not Churchill's  - would in Churchill's twisted mind ruin and devalue his notion of British victory were this kind of Britishand its kith and kin treachery to become wildly known!  

Notwithstanding the fact that had it not been for over one million Indian servicemen, multiple hundreds of thousands of Black African and Afro-Caribbean forces, other numerous non-white British empire forces elsewhere; millions of Russian combat forces and civilians who defeated the Nazis in Eastern Europe and on the eastern front as well, and the United States Armed Forces made up of both Black and white servicemen that played a crucial role in liberating western Europe, clearly Britain's ass would have been well and truly and even permanently as well busted. Und ihr rassistischen Imperiums-Loyalisten wuerdet jetzt Deutsch sprechen! But we all know you white Brits and your white colonial kith and kin won both World Wars 1 and 2 singlehandedly. And how stupid of the rest of the world to think otherwise! 

In 1953 in the United States, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: a married  couple, were executed for treason. Their crime, and a first in peacetime USA, was for allegedly passing secrets to the Soviet Union. Yet in the 21st Century we have a dangerous, pathetically narcissistic, demented, delusional, distinctively criminal and a pathological liar who actually does believe his own ludricous lies, having deliberately orchestrated a disctinctly treasonous insurrection to illegally overthrow the manifestly unmistakably and truly undeniably democratically elected 
government of the United States of America - in effect foment a coup, walks free, unpunished for what he did and is still plotting to do the same again.

The sorts of things that the USA and its allies either attack or vitriolically berate other countries for doing, as from their sanctimonious soapbox it and they patronizingly lecture and harangue these offenders. Yet not a single thing is either fundamentally contemplated or being done to this traitor Donald J. Drumpf, who along with his enablers keep proselytizing the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen, yet miraculously Republicans that were elected under the identical system were distinctly so, properly elected. However, Democrats not so.  Crazy! And to add insult to injury Donald Drumpf and his Nazi, Fascist and white supremacists are cashing in on what has been done, while the far right media, rightwing online sites, senators, congressmen and women are all lyingly and intentionally rewriting the history of January 6, 2021. In other words both stating and egregiously contradicting something that the entire world fully watched in real time, as having never happened! 

Just contemplate for a while what in reverse would have happened if President Barack Obama had lost his second term bid to be President again to a Republican far right moron in similar circumstances as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have clearly won the 2020 US Presidential Election, and the said Barack Obama had then, as Donald Drumpf did, staged a coup attempt and an attack on the US Capitol to illegally retain the US Presidency. We all know what would have instantaneously happen to him. Immediate arrest, a swift show trial and merciless execution for treason. 

But Joe Biden isn't bothered about any of this, notwithstanding that without the plethora of Black and other non-white voters who voted for him, he wouldn't now be in the White House. For Joe Biden shares much in common with Donald J. Drumpf; and despite all of his disingenuous rhetoric he too like so many racist and white old men are shit scared of the consequences of an ongoing demographic political change in the USA. So why have Dumpf on trial; why come down strong or adversely on Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema  -  confederalists at heart as Joe Biden is - when President Joe Biden can conveniently use not only Donald Drumpf and his Republicans but also Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema as convenient excuses for not delivering on his lying campaign promises, which he never intended keeping anyway? Even if it means him being a one-term president; since to such white supremacists: overtly so or clandestinely, skin colour and being acknowleged as white, are to them, the most fundamental aspects human life!

I've always supported the Democratic Party and actively did so in 2020 but must confess that Joe Biden is turning out to be a disgrace; and Nancy Pelosi (God Bless You) I don't envy you your task dealing with that man currently in the White House! Not when he's supposed to be a member of the Democratic Party.

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