
Monday 14 June 2021

White Lies Matter! Apparently!

By Stanley Collymore 

And accounts for why lots
of you characteristically 
rather worrisomely do 
unquestioningly fully 
accept each negative 
thing that you have ever read or 
even worst very nonsensically 
heard recounted, ad nauseam
about Meghan Markle; while 
instinctively so and without
any evidence or knowledge 
who said whatever was so 
egregiously outlined bear 
the full responsibility for 
proselytizing it initially!
A source is significantly 
good enough it actually 
seems when it's a nasty 
hateful post, or similar 
odious comment about 
Meghan, as it backs up
your very own hateful  
beliefs about Meghan! 

Just face it if you can. With 
you it's not about reason, 
as you evidently have 
none! Simply that 
you egregiously choose to believe 
what suits you and instinctively 
debunk and deny what clearly 
disagrees with your naturally 
ingrained bigotry, embedded 
and vile racism significantly 
implanted with a markedly 
reinforced very delusional 
white supremacist master 
race notions, as they then
to this clearly intelligent, 
well educated, distinctly 
independent, outspoken 
mentally liberated, and
transparently ethically:
an African American woman
Meghan Markle; for whom 
your rabid jealousy quite 
literally, together with 
your intrinsic hatred 
knows no bounds!  

(C) Stanley V.  Collymore 
14 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks: 
People who don't want to hear the truth, or worst still can't face and acknowledge it, will always find a way to disparage the messenger carrying that truth. 

Operation Legacy is a British Foreign Office programme intentionally set up by the UK government to destroy authentic and contemporaneous files and documents that will throw light on the horrors of the now defunct British empire. Which prompts the obvious question to anyone with a functioning and objective brain in their head, that is - if Britain's colonial past and its attendant history is something to be proud of as 44% of white British residents think, why then are Special Branch Officers (how ironic and strange the British police behaving like criminals Not! Isn't this what criminals usually do, get rid of incriminating evidence?) feeling the need, or more specifically the compulsion, to rid the world of documents that will give a clear, unequivocal, unbiased and an accurate perspective, as well as a discernible insight into how the British empire actually was and how barbaric, brutal, racist, and horribly genocidal it was to the indigenous peoples whose lands and countries these white British swine invaded. 

Here are just a miniscule few examples of the aforesaid. The orchestrated Bengal Famine, deliberately starving millions of people; the Amritsar Massacre; Indian partition; the Transatlantic Slave Trade; the forced and horrific castration of Kenyan Mau Mau revolutionaries: these were Kenyan men who had fought admirably and courageously for Britain during World War II, their country having been promised its independence from British colonialism in exchange for their help in defeating Nazi Germany and its European allies.  

However Britain never had any intention of keeping its word even when it made that promise. On returning home from the war the Kenyans quickly realized this and sought to regain their country. Barack Obama's grandfather was one of them; didn't stop Boris Johnson many years later making his cheap jibe about Barack and his Kenyan ancestry; nor SIX times draft dodger Donald J Drumpf doing the same. 

The Mau Mau fought valiantly to regain their country Kenya and the British not only castrated its members that they caught or were betrayed, they also rounded up old men, women and children, placed them in secure stockades, then doused them with petrol or kerosene and set them alight and sickeningly watched these Black victims consumed alive in these raging flames. 

Then there was the Balfour Declaration, handing the land of the Palestinians over to white refugees from Nazi Europe. But equally egregious by the British was the genocide of the Aborigines. A people who has continuously lived on their island continent for in excess of 65,000 - I'll repeat that again: SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND YEARS before any white man even knew where the bloody place they later unilaterally renamed Australia was. Then had the bloody audacity to declare this so-called Australia of theirs terra nuliius: a land without people, as the Aborigines whose country it was and both morally and legitimately still is, were't fit to be called humans, and could and were routinely hunted down for sport, as if they were wild game. Moreover, it was only in the 1980s that white Australia deigned  to recognize the Aborigines as citizens of their own country.

And like I've said, that's just a small iota of what you celebrate as fantastic and the like, living in your world of denial; claiming it all happened a long time ago and how you weren't responsible. No one says you were, any more than I was born a slave or Meghan Markle for that matter. But your racist and delusional white master race concepts prevail, and when even Aussie immigrants talk about Britain is for whites, what the fuck are they and their liked doing in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the USA, Africa and the Americas along with the West Indies? 

The wealth of Britain was made for you racists but on the backs of those who you racially abused and financially exploited; and the only indigenous thing of merit in the entire UK is Magna Carta. All else is plundered from elsewhere and at the expense of the indigenous people there. Don't pretend otherwise.

We owe you NOTHING! But conversely you owe us EVERYTHING! And you can't eradicate all the available evidence. And for those who idiotically claim people who don't look PINK like you should never have been allowed into Britain; just remember: YOU WERE OVER THERE BEFORE OUR LOT CAME HERE. And often to fight your bloody wars and rebuild your dilapidated country. 

And for those who say if you don't like it you can always leave. Let me use the analogy of the mortgage that Maggie Thatcher used brilliantly on you dim-witted council assholes to gain and retain power. If you even own something but take a mortgage out on it, until you repay that mortgage the home or property isn't legally yours, as many council morons have discovered when the loan and mortgage companies foreclosed on them. So since the UK is up to its neck and mortgaged to us, we own this place, whatever shit you dim-witted pillocks might otherwise think. 

We can, of course, live in harmony if you acknowledge your past wrongs and move on progressively, but we're also prepared to take you on if we have to: privileged racist white old men and post menopausal Karens living out your colonial and Empire loyalist delusions!

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