
Sunday 20 June 2021

Mike Tindall: a classic case, not only of proverbial but solidly too literally feral brawn; but clearly no functional brain!

By Stanley Collymore 

During the parliamentary 
debate, later passage of 
the Equality and Race 
Relations Act and its 
commendable passing into law by 
the British government; the very 
hereditary; evidently unelected 
and monarchical: Saxe-Coburg
located in Britain family very  
vigorously campaigned; and 
so impressively successfully  
too for this cancer that lays 
virulently, deep within the 
bowels of a much broader 
British populace to solely 
be permanently shielded 
from every agreed, legal 
aspect of this corrective, 
clearly meritocratically 
based, vital legislation! 

No requirement of a Mensa 
IQ to actually realistically 
understand exactly as to 
why such a long-standingly-racist
and perpetually, very delusional 
medieval and, quite undeniably 
also, an obviously intrinsically 
undeniably medieval mindest 
anachronism of an ongoingly 
and staunchly, unbelievably 
so, still fawningly tolerated 
organisation, malevolently 
did this; distinctly bearing
in mind, that significantly 
proceeding its legislative 
implementation into law 
just as now, the hellbent  
remit of this hereditary 
notably unaccountable 
and, undemocratically 
imposed monarchical 
family suitably along
with their disernibly  
secretly handpicked 
sycophantic stooges 
who they surround 
themselves with to 
the present day, is: 
aptly intrinsically, 
very endemically, 
and categorically, 
disreputably also  
deceitfully racist. 

The Windsor-Mountbatten 
family readily welcomed 
you Mike Tindall clearly 
as a white man: operative words 
white man - into their basically 
archaic family to significantly 
widen its sorely incestuously 
very long-standingly inbred 
genetic pool; irrespectively 
how risibly, to those in the
know but rather typically 
and disingenuously from 
a truthful and pertinent  
standpoint nonetheless  
deceitfully pretending 
so publicly that Anne: 
your upcoming Mum
in law didn't already 
enthusiastically and 
absolutely undeniably, 
enthusiastically, and 
most happily done 
her own part; in 
a pleasurable 
all her 

Imperturbably so, in this 
clandestine process of
hers, for your Mum
in law Anne a most enjoyable Cross 
to bear Mike Tindall! So instead of 
you rampantly spouting off your 
profound ignorance, Mike, why 
not individually meet with the 
England football players then 
sensibly discuss with each of  
them why they're obviously 
doing what they're happily 
openly involved, in doing. 
And surprisingly even for 
someone as clearly thick  
as yourself, possibly get 
a realistic appreciation 
of their clear situation.
Then, additionally ask
this sensible question. 

If UEFA: quite notorious for 
banning anything it sees 
as political are clearly 
permitting these actions, of the 
England footballers to openly 
happen, then one can safely 
say, there're demonstrably 
so not political! And only 
quite sick, irredeemable
racists, and egregiously 
also deeply committed  
emphatically deluded 
and most undeniably 
characteristic, white  
supremacists, solely 
identical to assured 
pillocks manifestly 
vilely symptomatic 
of yourself Mike Tindall 
and your Mountbatten
Windsor - Germanic 
in laws, embedded  
racist Klan, could 
possibly arrive  
at your idiotic

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
19 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks: 
Mike Tindall: in class obsessed and as well quite endemically, compulsively social climbing Britain, a discernibĺy, second rate commoner, who married  into a longstanding, and incestuously inbred, exclusively white, hereditary family constituting an unelected and also outmoded monarchical one. His primary role to help enliven a rather  transparently stagnant, genetic pool deficiency! Intellectual acumen not considered or required requisite need regarding this distinctly privileged environment he would now be entering, since this was both lamentably lacking but nevertheless an aspect highly treasured throughout itself by his forthcoming and hereditary in-laws. 

Logically recognising that several of the so-called equestrian sports on the Olympic calendar were essentially, and exclusively so, white and unmistakeably wealthy minority pursuits even obviously within those purportedly so, developed countries where they were carried out; the IOC wanted to remove some of them from the list of Olympic competitions, quite clearly on the basis that the Olympics were a global endeavour and clearly in the case of these equestrian events rather significantly, two thirds of the IOC's participating countries together with their own populations were simply not the least bit interested in these particular equestrian events. 

As such, the IOC wanted to exclude some of them from being so-called Olympic sports. A suggestion that quite self-righteously, deeply infuriated Anne Mountbatten Windsor -  who just because of who she hereditarily was had been appointed the British representative to the IOC - causing her to racially declare that such action by the IOC would effectively PREVENT WHITES FROM WINNING GOLD MEDALS! Obviously so, the cherished Olympics Charter and precisely what it's meant to internationally convey in genuine terms of true excellence and most crucially also fair competition didn't mean bugger all to this privileged, so evidently white entitled and quite ugly, horse-faced piece of shit! And understandably so for her; as the environment which she and her other familial racist ilk -  living in their distinctly unconvincing state of denial that they are not racist -  dwell in, is as it's always been, and as I write this piece in June 2021, STILL INTENTIONALLY AND DISTINCTLY EXCLUSIVELY WHITE! 

Carry on by all means being so if you must, but don't you then bloody well assume as you've done for nearly five centuries that you know, without consulting us, what's best for us as Blacks, and furthermore can arrogate to yourselves the exclusive right to tell those, who're the systematic and ongoing victims of egregious and systemic racism, as we've similarly been for centuries at the hands of people like you, and as a conduit and have been for centuries to your unwarranted privileges and advantageous ways of living, how we must interpret or react to your disingenuous concepts of Racism - Something that you clearly have no fucking idea of and care even less about! 

A celebratory Juneteenth national holiday to all my several mentally liberated African-American sisters and brothers! Peace; continued strength and perseverance in our collective struggle; and keep the faith!  


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