
Wednesday 9 June 2021

British people, and whites specifically, have degenerated into a nation of half-wits!

By Stanley Collymore  

The Queen might arguably 
be considered, as a nice 
old woman; but even 
so the monarchy is 
vilely and unarguably a deeply 
entrenched and rabidly racist 
institution. And to deny that 
is for all of you, to equally 
claim that among you no 
one ever does or would 
actually, contemptibly 
participate in clearly 
wanking, or politely 
expressed personal 
and very relieving  

Naturally you don't or
wouldn't ever admit 
this predilection to 
your wife, husband, partner; your 
parents, friends or your children 
far less so, publicly declare that 
you do it; since for a variety of 
reasons, or no convincing one 
at all, it's a sexual preference 
but regardless of your secret 
rationale it fails pathetically 
to nullify the so inescapable 
fact that throughout Britain 
female, like male, wanking 
clearly routinely happens!  
And to deny this, isn't only  
daft, but also odious lying! 

And what's even more
laughable when it
comes to all of 
you: irredeemably, intellectually 
challenged, rightwing guzzling
rags readers; and the likes of 
narcissistic morons: Angela 
Levin, Sara Vine and, also 
arguably, male versions 
like Piers Morgan, fans 
that logically have no
concept, just what a
university is or for;

let alone would themselves
be intellectually eligible 
to gain admission to 
one academically; 
and that moreover routinely talk 
of Britain supporting Black and 
Brown people, not only in the 
UK itself but also globally; is 
that the current remains of 
a rather barbarous British 
Empire: the enchantingly 
euphemistically labelled 
Commonwealth, that so 
thrills equally at home 
white Britons and too 
their empire minded 
overseas residential 
kith and kin consist  
of 54 countries and 
in which truthfully 
and irrefutably so,
the brazen wealth 
of specifically one 
of them: jingoistic 
Britain, has solely 
been acquired by  
the emphatically 
robbing, of those 
53 other nations. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
9 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks:     
What an absolutely pathetically sad and rather senselessly unrewarding life you racist haters lead! 

Professor Kehinde Andrews is no more a taxpayer funded academic than the Daily Mail hacks who work for that far right-wing  and Nazi rag, and presumably pay their taxes are. He's a bona fide academic who earns his salary and so pays his legitimate taxes, unlike the privileged elites in the UK: including media bosses and politicians who hoard their ill-gotten gains in overseas tax havens and pay little or no taxes at all themselves, as a result of their scheming actions, in Britain. Equally so, the white, racist hating scum who quite irredeemably systematically live off social security but can't see the quite ludicrous irony of their vile and odious actions when these same gullible and manipulated clickbaiters attack Professor Andrews for speaking the truth. But obviously their lives are so fucked up living in their clearly alternative reality world they wouldn't recognize the truth if it were to land plumb on their ignorant faces.   

And laughably from my perspective and at their expense what a stinking  dilemma for avid Daily Mail readers and manipulated, racist trolls. Either  to categorically support Harry in his stated threatened legal action against the BBC or the BBC itself in respect of the claim by the BBC - and which the Daily Mail with its clearly demented and delusional obsession with Harry and Meghan has regurgitated - which effectively asserts that Buckingham Palace aides, and not your ordinary ones but very senior ones, have told this BBC correspondent that neither Harry nor Meghan informed or even consulted Harry's grandmother when he and Meghan chose the names for their recently newborn daughter that they named after Harry's mother and also his grandmother. A total and as well the absolute opposite of exactly what Harry and his wife Meghan did publicly say.  

Clearly the haters at the Daily Mail do wish for the BBC'S version to be true, as usual hiding behind anonymous or else plain simply their own made up sources. The problem for them is that Harry has called them out. He knows his grandmother, what discernibly as well as demonstrably did practically take place between them and clearly wouldn't be threatening the BBC and others with legal action if he couldn't  prove his point. 

Harry and Meghan also know the vile racism and the financial malfeasance that is rampant between these palace  stooges and their distinctly improper links with the media; cunts who'd sell their grandmothers, assuming that is that like their fathers they knew who they were, for cash. Obviously so the Queen is not involved either directly or indirectly in this. It's purely a cash transaction between palace aides on the take with concocted stories which they think, as routinely happened in the past, wouldn't be challenged and as usual they'll get away with it with their totally unsavory bribery money paid into their bank accounts: or else its purely concocted bullshit from the BBC massively trying to curry favour after the Bashir abuse it got from the Daily Mail trolls. 

Harry and Meghan should demand a public apology from the BBC and if that isn't fulsomely forthcoming, he should forthwith sue the BBC and the Daily Mail, which they've both rather successfully done before in the case of the Daily Mail. And in any apology from the BBC the names(s) of the prat stooges at Buckingham Palace which the BBC and Daily Mail are studiously and crucially, odiously evilly milking for racist, hate-crime and discernibly as well, graspingly financial reasons MUST be publicly released! 

In any court case they most certainly would quite categorically have to be! And therefore those sane members of the public will know absolutely with certainty whether palace sycophants are leaking like sieves to the press for financial reasons, or these Daily Mail and other rightwing rags and British media palace and so-called expert sources are nothing more than simply malicious, malevolent and concocted bullshit; so don't back down Harry and Meghan!

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