
Friday 18 June 2021

Surprised, why? Clare Cassidy is a cocaine snorting Karen: white, privileged and also entitled! Like Britain's amenable judiciary!

By Stanley Collymore 

No need for any intelligent 
person to seriously guess 
what is truthfully going 
on in the obviously corrupt, British 
judicial system, which is basically 
directed at distinctively and very 
robustly placating the distinctly 
privileged and their hereditary 
elites; the clearly, rabidly rich; 
white entitled; and conjointly 
their correspondingly totally 
integrated but rather odious 
and harmfully in situ scum. 
Clare Cassidy: should have 
unhesitatingly, been jailed 
for what she'd injuriously 
and callously done. Albeit  
some quite thoroughbred 
pillock of a judge, clearly 
prejudicially and inanely 
stating, then bigotedly so 
ruling that any custodial 
judgement ordering this 
hardcore cocaine taking 
and other serious illegal 
drugs imbibing, convict
to prison will certainly: 
Oh Dear! Oh Dear! Poor 
Clare Cassidy, crucially 
affect her vilely, illegal
health wise. That most 
unbelievably this prat 
of a judge subjectively 
and also conveniently 
passed on was clearly 
and intentionally also 
undeniably this white 
Karen: Clare Cassidy's 
unquestionable doing.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
18 June 2021.  

Author's Remarks:  
Is prison, but only when it applies to the elites, to be a posh hotel, and if not so, then spoilt cocaine and other quite serious illegal substances users shouldn't be sent there. Would any white British judge seriously buy that argument from a Black marijuana user?  That's clearly a rather bloody daft question to ask, but I thought I would anyway, as we all know what the answer to that question is, and as well what the entire British judiciary response would be. Despite the quite irrefutable fact that most of Britain's judges and its senior politicians and other privileged parliamentarians are public school products and are invariably serious drug users; with pure cocaine undeniably being their most favoured illegal kick and habit. And it also accounts for why the legal penalties are so distinctly and quite significantly disparate relative to cocaine and marijuana usage. 

Cocaine users get slaps on the wrists for allowing themselves to be caught, while marijuana users: usually fringe Blacks or poor whites, get heavy custodial sentences in jail. And the British legislation consolidates this state of affairs as the UK politicians: everyone from the Prime Minister downwards has a vested interest to ensure that the status quo stays as it is, so they can lyingly and delusionally persist with their racist narratives that illegal drug usage is predominantly, or even exclusively a non-white curse inflicted on the UK and the perpetrators of this are Blacks. The same kind of delusion that says most of you whites in bastardized Britain know who your actual biological fathers are, when the reality is that you don't and neither do most of your biological mothers; assuming of course that you know who they really are! 

As for this judge sympathizing and moreover empathizing with Clare Cassidy, all I would personally say on that is nudge, nudge, wink wink. And publicly ask this judge what he's currently on. Which is probably a foregone conclusion anyway! 

So Clare Cassidy wreaked horrific injuries on her hapless victim Yasmin Jenkins who ended up seriously ill in hospital and in a coma and is still suffering from the effects of what this arrogant, white Karen and privileged drug user did to her. But no apologies are in order it seems either from Clare Cassidy or this very empathetic of her, poor excuse for a judge and a supposed human being!

And what precisely did the paragon of white womanhood (NOT ) Clare Cassidy do illegally? Here's a list of them, each one in its own right, let alone collectively, deserving of a prison sentence.

1. Driving far above the stipulated speed limit; in effect doing 63 miles per hour in a 30 miles per hour area. 

2. Driving while under the full influence of cocaine which she was snorting and other illegal drugs. 

3. Using her mobile phone while she was driving. 

4. Ignoring basic road safety during the course of her driving; and neither stopping nor even slowing down at road junctions. 

Just a few of multiple other serious violations: traffic as well as human ones. Now, legally, all of these violations individually let alone collectively deserve custodial sentences, yet none were given! And taking into consideration the life altering consequences inflicted on a young Yasmin Jenkins, Clare Cassidy ought to be doing serious prison time; not treated with kids gloves as has clearly happened.

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