
Thursday 3 June 2021

Britain's own psychotic, social climbing, toxic and delusional conspiracy theorists scum!

By Stanley Collymore 

How does one become a 
supposed royal expert 
to the dysfunctional 
Windsor Mountbatten family? Is there 
a particular college or university that 
you must attend? Any extraordinary 
academic course that you willingly 
and compulsorily must undertake 
and which, of itself, results in the 
rather necessary and obligatory 
qualifications? Or, is it all really 
guess work surely, on the part 
of populist far rightwing rags
like the Daily Mail; Sun or the 
internationally implemented 
defamations of intrinsically 
committed; so determined,  
essentially and undeniably  
malevolently, intellectually 
challenged and abhorrent 
white misogynistic hacks.  

Cue in as a matter of pivotal 
interest, those who're most 
perniciously and crucially 
unconscionably working 
for the late Robert Maxwell, similarly 
the horrendously murdered 13 year 
old schoolgirl Milly Dowler, having 
her phone so evilly and criminally
also abhorrently hacked by Piers 
Morgan: editor then, of a still so
sickeningly, rather obnoxiously  
Daily Mirror, which pretending 
and dishonestly passes itself 
off as a determined socialist 
paper when very egregiously
also, it's really a champagne 
socialist mouthpiece lyingly 
and deliberately pretending 
it's a sincere, working class  
improvement organisation; 
a case of the Daily Mirror's 
truth being far and sleazily  
most cynically outdone by 
fiction; its prominent male 
hacks often more keen on 
other Queers' bums, while 
ludicrously masquerading 
as distinctly heterosexual 
he-men which they aren't!  

Or even more deleteriously 
and evidently undeniably 
also, a largely pathetic, 
delusionally steeped,  
72 years old hermaphrodite hag: one 
Georgia Arianna Ziadie that married 
in rank, social climbing expediency 
mode, an ordinarily minor member 
of the Scottish aristocracy a mere 
five days directly after her having 
first met with him; an undeniably 
sickeningly repulsed by this and  
the dubious ogre he'd idiotically 
married, this appalled husband 
Colin disgustingly with himself 
quite understandably plausibly
predictably divorced this freak  
of nature within 14 months of 
marrying her but much earlier  
viciously severed all links to 
this human oddity branded  
by ex husband Colin whose  
name and title Ms Ziadie 46 
years on: obsessively vilely 
clings to, as basically a prat 
plus immutable fabricator! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
3 June 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
Regrettably but not unsurprisingly to intelligent minds there are in class indoctrinated Britain and similarly too deeply embedded in the psyche of most white Britons a sick and rather twisted hero worship of the loads of totally demented, thoroughly inane, fixatedly delusional, very obsessively social climbing and characteristically systemically pathetic prats of the like of the old hag oddity Georgia Arianna Ziadie, who normally hyperbolically either annotate to themselves, or else cynically have given to them by their financial handlers - invariably in the media - ludicrous and basically very meaningless titles like "royal expert", "royal correspondent" and the like, when, in fact, neither academically nor realistically none of these totally exclusively white racist; invariably old or late middle aged pillocks; and generally too a few white Karens that are thrown into the mix to accord this bland assembly a semblance of diversity, actually have little or no informative knowledge concerning what they're chuntering on about and additionally scant awareness of - other than through mindless and wholly unsubstantiated gossip - concerning the people whom they'll have you stupidly believe they're intimate bosom pals with; when, in effect, no such relationships have ever existed, don't now, and most significantly so never will, other than in these fantasists delusional minds. 

And this is comprehensively so with inured delusionalists like human oddity Georgia Arianna Ziadie who (raised eyebrows) asserts that she's biologically descended from Emperor Charlemagne, but, all the same, is absolutely despised by Colin Campbell: the man she married just 5 days after first meeting him, and who personally and despisingly of everything she is and represents divorced her 14 months after he married Georgia. Yet for the past 46 years subsequent to her ex-husband's summary rejection of her, Georgia Arianna Ziadie tenaciously clings on to Colin's name and the ladyship she acquired through her exceedingly brief marriage to him. Possibly because no other titled person, even marginally so, would have her and were she to marry - God forbid in her case - a "commoner" she would distinctively have to automatically revert to plain Georgia Arianna Ziadie or be just Mrs. whoever was daft to marry this very weird oddity of nature. 

How very strange then that someone who is supposedly endowed with the genetic credentials of Charlemagne, in such desperation for relevance has to quite obviously, tenaciously cling on, as Georgia Arianna Ziadie does, to what in contrast to Charlemagne is a miniscule Scottish title carried by a man who thoroughly despises her. What a brazen fraud who would fit easily and comfortably into the QAnon web of deceit and conspiracy theories. Perhaps you should contact Sidney Powell, who being sued by Dominion for over One Billion dollars for her pack of lies is using in court the ludicrous argument that no reasonable person would believe a word she said. Yet she keeps on repeating her lies! How stupid can one get? 

Yet you Georgia Arianna Ziadie want to have Meghan who you racially dislike stripped of the title she attained through marriage like you did, and for Harry's granted to him by his grandmother to be put and held in abeyance as long as he stays married to the woman he obviously reciprocally married for love and is the mother of his children. Kids that you clearly couldn't produce! Tells any prescient-minded person all they need to know about you; and why your ex husband justifiably detests you like he does: freak of human nature, and much more, Georgia Arianna Ziadie. And who can blame him!

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