
Friday 12 April 2024

Janet Street-Porter - the delusional, self-entitled and hypocritical trollop pitiably castigating Meghan!

By Stanley Collymore 

Bastardly conceived by her then 
actually obviously married but 
nevertheless this discernibly 
patently unfaithful wife, turned mother 
by her then actually ongoing lover it's 
basically clearly self-evident, that the 
quite classic statement, of the apple 
not having really fallen, that very far 
from the tree is rather applicable in 
Janet's very own specific case that 
has evidently, been a menagerie of 
a quite illegal abortion in her teens 
followed by specifically, numerous 
ongoing affairs significantly rather 
prior to, during, and generally afte 
her three basically unquestionably 
unsurprisingly, plus too effectively 
failed marriages, now obsessively 
in yet another relationship for this 
post menopausal slut, crucially to 
all discernibly decent elements of 
humanity very blessedly childless 
woman! Importantly did that said 
quite illegal abortion which Janet 
had, significantly turned out to be  
a blessing in disguise? As simply  
most gratefully it actually spared  
mankind the additional misery of
having another clearly irrefutably 
quite unquestionably biologically 
distinctively, toxically-verminous 
ludicrously evidently purportedly 
human being crucially emerging 
effectively, from Janet's vagina? 
If so one can quite categorically 
be obligated, for that end result! 

Quite invariably like those of her 
kind while apparently having 
no problem whatsoever in 
seeing the purportedly perceived more 
in the eyes of other persons, who they 
most unwarrantedly, from jealousy or 
even very evilly sick racial infirmities 
on their part gleefully, and distinctly 
pathetically avidly latch on to while 
essentially delusionally discernibly 
and aptly obsessively, overlooking 
the enormous beams in their own 
eyes; these invariably pathetically 
self-entitled, and specifically also 
unquestionably compulsively vile 
distinctly malevolently egregious 
morons; as the clear sociopaths,
and even ingrained psychopaths 
that they simply, unquestionably 
are; are actually, too narcissistic 
and egotistical: a literal, virulent 
state-of-affairs, evilly combined 
with their distinctively fancifully 
superior and totally entrenched 
arrogance to actually take even 
the most minimal and naturally 
also realistic objective analysis 
of themselves. What a real pity. 

So is it just my quite perceptive 
observation or are there really 
others like me, who're rather 
obviously very bewildered by the Daily 
Mail, its distinctive minions, basically 
like yourself Janet Street-Porter, the 
equally, rather delusional surfeit of 
intellectually challenged, and truly 
simply thoroughly, gullible lowlife 
Karens and generally likeminded 
Gammons: whom obviously, the 
Daily Mail quite simply fervently 
and likewise racially panders to 
who're actually, unquestionably 
obsessed with effectively each 
move: personally; publicly; and 
work-wise - which significantly 
clearly undoubtedly, Harry and 
and Meghan embark on! Quite 
crazy, and most fatuous really; 
as I crucially doubt very much 
that even rather hardened and 
obsessive stalkers, spend this 
much stamina on their targets 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
13 April 2024. 

Author's Remarks:  
Jumping on fatuous bandwagons is the only noticeable enterprise of discernibly intellectually challenged and essentially toxically verminous morons! 

Meghan Markle wasn't simply born in the USA, she grew up there and is a Bona fide citizen of a country which boasts of quite actively encouraging both its citizens and other residents to be quite creative, active and as well successful entrepreneurs. And a state of affairs lauded clearly by the likes of Janet Street-Porter, Maureen Callaghan, Amanda Platell, and other obviously white, racist Karen morons, with very little of any creative ability themselves but who all the same actually happily love jumping on any convenient bandwagon that will effectively distinctly and undeniably mask, these very personal, and to the astute eye discernibly evident inadequacies of theirs. Preferably, a race hating bandwagon that makes them money by grossly pandering to the actually undoubtedly likeminded toxic, and simply unquestionably verminous morons, clearly like themselves! 

However, though, whatever Meghan does, or evidently attempts to do: either charity, entrepreneurial or even basically, naturally personally wise with her husband Harry, in an instant these infernal trollops, and also Gammons, along with demented hordes of them with patently pathetic and effectively unfulfilling lives, without ever having really met, or even minutely so knowing Meghan, instantaneously start to literally vitriolically attack her. And actually incomprehensibly, to undoubtedly have distinctively, evidently crucially, noticeably irrefutably pathetically obese white women generally, but actually British and Aussie ones specifically openly but from behind the anonymity naturally of their computer screen or mobile phone, in paroxysms of rage attacking a distinctively attractive woman of colour, very obviously not only in relation to her stature, feet, hair the clothes she wears and her undeniably, distinctively quite tactile relationship with her husband Harry, something essentially missing in their own pathetic lives, where most of these trollops: clearly biologically bastards to begin with and who effectively haven't the foggiest idea who sired them if indeed, literally realistically, they obviously know who their biological mothers actually are - hence the need for programmes like: "Long Lost Families", then have their very own plethora of bastard kids or blessedly to the overall benefit of humanity none at all, is the height of irony! 

Yet we basically have in the case of Janet Street Porter with a plethora of discernibly failed relationships and a life that by really no stretch of the imagination one naturally could not remotely describe as exemplary, added to who really knows with her clearly querulous background and lifestyle how in actual effect she got the jobs she came by but one can very sensibly guess, obviously asininely criticising Meghan for essentially being happily married, and likewise as well for Meghan's own legitimate and distinctly praiseworthily endeavours. Quite clearly crazy! 

Yet, while Janet Street-Porter, and in all aspects her sick and vile ilk unrelenting in their endeavours literally relentlessly attack Meghan, even actually branding her a "grifter", these people who clearly perceptibly fail to honestly look at their own real failings, as well as themselves in the mirror of reality, are rather evidently the very Yids - you know the odious mercenary kind – who obviously efficaciously and most effervescently milk Germany's post World War 2 very bounteous Weidergutmachung Compensation Scheme, paid exclusively to their sort but none of the other irrefutably actually discernibly greater in number allegedly six million Yid victims of Europe's vile holocaust. Billions of Deutschmarks continuously paid since 1945; and to people still receiving it that weren't in the least affected by the war because logically they weren't even born; but they nevertheless, rather evidently still make their normally successful and essentially, distinctly thoroughly, brazenly bogus claims! Now those activities, by any one's rational observation, of such noxious, quite evidently mercenary predators, are unquestionably the revolting actions of simply odiously, disgusting "GRIFTERS! So, truthfully now Ms Perfect are you effectively one of them Janet Street-Porter? As it wouldn't surprise me, to be both brutally frank and obviously honest, in the least!

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