
Friday 26 March 2021

Jan Moir: a pernicious, embittered, and a menopausal Dyke egregiously venting her frustrations on what she can't ever become!

By  Stanley  Collymore 

Is it really possible to spew
any more vile venom in
respect of Harry and
Meghan than you're now doing? 
Basically, you're just a typical 
gutter press moron obsessed
with your distinctly puerile
so unseemly, brownnosing
social climbing, and truly 
neither know nor clearly 
respect bugger all about 
even the basic tenets of 
indisputably factual or
ethical journalism. So  
fundamentally, aside 
from your distinctly 
quite dysfunctional
encampment of an 
entrenched stance 
of perversely sick 
bullying, and vile  
distinctly twisted
totally frustrated 
personalized too 
Dyke annoyance 

while toxically, facilitating 
those who are just as sick, 
twisted and endemically
racist as you are: your sex toys not 
giving you the sexual fulfillment 
which you had earnestly hoped 
for Jan Moir - how discernibly 
fortunate, and manifestly too 
are surely convincingly also 
and, similarly, undoubtedly 
in love are Harry and wife
Meghan -  a situation that 
is so laughably affecting 
your injurious life, Jan?  

You seriously do need to step 
back, even in your dried up
and so menopausal years;
and, realistically, look at 
yourself Jan Moir. For you and 
the ignorant clowns who ape 
you, should take a hard and 
objective look at the idiotic 
situation you've evidently 
and most unintelligently 
characteristically boxed
yourselves in. Then ask 
out loud, this question:

A couple of notably 
strangers that you 
will never know 
or meet, distresses you
that much, you rather 
asininely, embark on 
trolling them and as 
well obsessing over 
them. What does it 
actually say, about
yourself, Jan Moir
and those myriad  
of equally odious 
hordes of similar  
other despairing 
gullible, maniacal Daily
Mail rag, intellectually 
challenged braindead 
and trolling wallies?
One guess from me - 
you must be pretty 
sad individuals so
living dead; truly.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
26 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
After the blatantly racist and clearly hate inspired crime in Atlanta where  six Chinese ladies were barbarously slaughtered by a white gunman and the local police captain contemptibly not showing even the least noticeable concern for the Chinese dead, but lots of empathy with the white killer, said these words clearly exculpating him: "He had a bad day!"  

I'm now pleased to say that following that callous remark sources to whom I have close links have opted, clearly unanimously with our American kith and kin to apply the same tenet to the white Karens, their cuckolded Queer,  azospermiac, and beer-bellied white male scum as well as the Coconut and House Nigger Useful Idiots that wantonly abuse our people on this side of the pond. Thus for your damnable sakes, pray that Covid-19 gets you first!

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