
Tuesday 23 March 2021

Petra Ecclestone: A low IQ trollop, who most of you never heard of; in desperation seeking relevance off the back of Meghan!

By  Stanley Collymore 

What utter crap from an absolute 
pillock calling himself Sebastian 
Shakespeare along with the 
Daily Mail rag he works for, scraping 
the bottom of the barrel and looking 
for anyone who wants to asininely 
accuse Meghan Markle of what  
lies in their own sick and twisted 
mind - where Meghan lives rent
free - get some cheap publicity 
and transient praise from you 
ignorant, and pathetic bunch
of clearly demented, racist cunts 
that in Petra Ecclestone's idiotic 
and characteristically rabidly 
and very perverse, attention 
seeking situation, everyone 
of you until this blatantly 
useless article appeared
never heard of her - enabling
this discernibly low IQ cunt, 
not the least bit dissimilar 
from her Electra-fixated
with, Nazi dad, Bernie - 
to actually, attention 
seeking, milk some 
rather desperately
needed relevance 
for her basically 
irrelevant, self. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
23 March 2021. 

Author's Remarks:   
Rather transparently - to anyone with a functioning brain and who actually knows how to use it - a very desperate attention seeking and a pathetic quest for relevance and cheap acclaim from like-minded white racist assholes like herself who previously did not have a fucking clue who this quite dimwitted trollop was. And will certainly just as quickly rather rapidly, slink back into oblivion and the rock she has crawled out from under.

But this irrelevant asshole and the so dubious poor specimen of manhood - not dissimilar from Philip Schofield in several ways - Sebastian Shakespeare the pillock who, as the obviously piss poor case of a journalist he claims to be but evidently isn't, has discernibly  used this patently loose trollop Petra Ecclestone, both know the most rapid way to get cheap attention is for toxic, and verminous prats like themselves to attack Meghan. So purblind cunts like Petra Ecclestone happily jump on that bandwagon to assist in fuelling the Daily Mail rag's quite demented obsession with Meghan. What a sore loser!  

Petra Ecclestone's CV: A very fixated Electra complex with her father. Has never done a day's work in her quite pathetic life. Additionally, had a car crash of a marriage and divorce with an absolute loser - par for the course with Electra-fixated daughters! Can't be easy for weirdos like this shagging with another man when, undeniably, your own dad is quite fixated in your head! 

Is this why so many of you similarly sick, twisted white Karens of all ages and backgrounds traduce Meghan for not having a "close" relationship with her dad?  LOL! When, in actual effect, Meghan's distinctly ethical actions in her obviously estranged relationship with her father are pragmatic, logical and sensible!

Finally, and hopefully expectant, that someone has a " really bad day" with Sebastian Shakespeare and similarly his likeminded toxic and verminous scum! Atlanta - full respect, and also my utmost sympathy, empathy and deepest condolences to those Chinese victims racially murdered by a white man in what's clearly a hate crime in Atlanta Georgia and their families too - but studiously, white Establishment America refuses to call it that as they are not members of their delusional concept of a "master race"  that reserves to itself the unilateral right to tell all Blacks Browns and other nonwhites what is racism and what is a hate crime even when these evils are specifically directed at them and they're personally and fully aware of their utterly egregious and evidently malevolent consequences - and also Colorado, instinctively come to mind, Sebastian Shakespeare and fatuously braindead dimwit, Petra Ecclestone!

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