
Saturday 20 March 2021

Focus on yourself Philip Schofield instead of lecturing Meghan - you lying, dishonest and cowardly Queer!

By  Stanley  Collymore 

It's predictably sick and utterly
sad that some people - largely
white - in order to definitely 
acquire sympathy or much
needed relevance, in their
pathetic and has-been lives need 
to basically, egregiously attack 
Meghan Markle. One, among 
them, is Phillip Schofield. A 
few months ago this evilly 
odious closet queer, who
courted, then married a 
woman without telling 
her of his disgustingly 
and covertly nakedly 
ass-shagging - vilely 
but so sumptuously 
involved in, rather 
unsavoury, sexual 
unhealthy - Queer 
white disposition  
orientation lived 

with her for several years; 
and even had children by
her who are now adults 
themselves; grown up persons - 
however no DNA confirmation
to date that Phillip Schofield 
is actually, their biological  
father and he's not really 
an azoospermiac-man - 
but never the less not 
once divulged to his 
wife or them what 
a dishonest bloke 
Queer Schofield 
very obviously 
discernibly is!

He dishonestly all those years 
was secretly cheating on his 
wife with other men, until 
one of them outed him, and he'd
no option but to publicly admit
that he's a classic example, of
a rather typical white racist
lowlife scum! And, clearly 
unsurprisingly, for Philip, 
the huge majority of Brit 
commentators, deluged 
him unceremoniously, 
with a massive array 
of rightful hate mail. 

However, as soon as this 
despicable and totally 
self-serving, evident 
Queer piece of shit attacks 
Meghan Markle, with his 
clearly contrived, racist
animus; this appalling
lyingly, and cowardly
Queer becomes Saint
Phillip Schofield. To 
which I manifestly, 
categorically, also 
say in reference
to this brazenly 
repulsive, very 
evidently toxic 
as he's clearly  
totally racist;
and a verminously 
inured, distinctly 
personally, also, 
a demonstrably 
and abhorrent 
routine, lying 
white moron 
and you, are
so definitely 
welcome to 
retain him! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
20 March 2021. 

Author's Comments:    
Phillip Schofield knows a lot about living a private life; in fact this lousy and lying Queer was so private with his that his wife, married to him all those years, only recently found out that this pathological and dishonest liar was a very seasoned Queer long before he proposed to her, married  her, and subsequently had and raised a family with her. During which time he never told her, or their children, what he actually is. A situation made clearly worse by his clandestine and odiously, myriad adulterous, sexual affairs with other men; one of whom outed him to the media. 

So first go and get some desperately needed integrity Phillip Schofield: you toxic and verminous slimeball Queer; presumptuous that because you're white - and in your sick, twisted and delusional mind a member of the so-called master race - you can lecture to Meghan Markle on how she should live her discernibly exemplary life. 

I am an avowed heterosexual male, always have been and always will be, but am equally fully cognizant that heterosexual males can be and also are odious creatures as well as non-heterosexual ones. For example: you had Jimmy Savile, Ian Brady, Peter Sutcliffe Jeffrey Epstein, Rolf Harris  and Ian Huntley to name just a few of the many repulsive white men who fall into this category; dead ones as well as those who're unfortunately still alive, and of all ages and social backgrounds, including the likes of those you brown-nosers love fawning to.

So I'm not singling out homosexuals; simply that I have no intention at all of dignifying a discernibly repulsive lying Queer like Phillip Schofield, by decently according to him or his like  the terminology of homosexual. And I've no worry or hesitation in calling this odious bastard what he really is. In the same way I don't give a toss as regards pointing out old, thoroughly  decrepit, white mother fucking has- beens, narcissistic cunts like Jeremy Clarkson rather desperately jumping on the same Meghan Markle bashing bandwagon to get some much needed relevance in his pathetic life while at the same time nauseatingly trying to secure some rather cheap popularity plaudits from dementedly ingrained racists like himself.  

Have any of you actually noticed how this thororoughly vile and very evilly white purblind cunt Jeremy Clarkson and an obsessive toxic social climber specifically refrained from distinctly dishing out any criticism whatsoever towards Harry? Hoping desperately, like all the multiple other old, white has-beens, their Useful Idiots House Niggers and similarly so Indian-sub-continent origin Coconuts, to possibly get gongs through this process just by spuriously attacking Meghan Markle as you all rather decidedly and quite brown-nosingly, then risibly publicly laud the Kraut Windsor Mafia Klan!  

Meghan and Harry have every right to protect their integrity - something  that toxic, white lowlife, racist scum with a markedly rather exaggerated sense of your own quite non-existent importance; pillocks like you Jeremy, Piers, Queer Phillip and the plethora of others living out your old age in a  manifestly dysfunctional and virtual reality existence - and they will do so effectively through their discernibly abundant skills, and innate abilities. Not the decrepit, misogynistic, racist, and basically white old boys network that routinely, odious and verminous sewer rat pillocks very much ike you Jeremy Clarkson, Piers Morgan and a host of others like the very evidently Queer Philip Schofield: every last one of you that very unquestionably with no manifest ability whatsoever used to get where you were. 

Well that privileged white system is on its last legs, and long past its sell by date. Meghan knows that; Harry  knows that; and so too do their very genuine friends and supporters. All in effect that is, other than you rabid dogs in your end-stage death throes.



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