
Tuesday 16 March 2021

Do you know the Windsor family personally? You Useful Idiot, brownnosing curry-swilling, Paki-Coconut Wally!

By  Stanley  Collymore 

Muhammad Yaquoob Khan
Abbasi - a rather pathetic 
Paki resident in Britain 
asininely, had this to say a few
days previously, in the Daily
Mail: one of a selected few
of braindead non-whites 
selectively corralled in,
by this quite egregious
racist and thoroughly 
right-wing rag, from
under their specific 
rocks and 'dodgily'   
bribed for it, so as 
to lyingly sustain
this, Daily Mail's 
longstanding - it 
was as a fervent 
backer of Britain's Nazi 
leader Oswald Mosley 
and his odious fascist 
brownshirts, as well 
as Nazism generally 
and openly German  
Fuehrer Herr Adolf
Hitler -  delusional 
Daily Mail, agenda 
of: a white master 
race continuously  
only - supremacy. 

I don't think that white 
British people or the 
royal family are, at 
all, racist. They 're
on the contrary particularly 
accommodating to people 
from every area of this 
world while giving to 
them full, and ready 
access routinely, to 
always the best of  
their facilities, as 
either citizens or 
residents. Insisting also 
does this brainwashed 
and enamoured, Paki-
Coconut moron: "I've 
met members of the
royal family and do 
categorically know
that everyone is so
enormously polite 
and really loving!" 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
16 March 2021. 

Author's Comments:  
I shan't dignify this mother fucking, servile idiot with a response! 

However for the elucidation of both my regular readers and others, who may beneficially desiriously wish to enlighten themselves I encouragingly suggest you Google and research the following factual information: 

1. Guardian Newspaper 11 June 2020: Black people dying in police custody should surprise no one. 
2. Huffington Post 18 June 2020: Deaths in police custody: why has no police officer ever been convicted? 
3. Windrush Scandal  Wikipedia. 
4. Guardian Newspaper: Two years after Windrush, we're still deporting people who've only known Britain as home. 
5. Huffington Post June 2017: Racism and Classism killed the residents of Grenfell Tower. 

6. Guardian Newspaper June 14 2020: Fight for Grenfell Inquiry to look at racial stereotyping, goes on. 
7. Guardian Newspaper:  Institutional racism 20 years since Stephen Lawrence. 
8. Macpherson Report on Stephen Lawrence racisg murder. 
10. This is the fire - by Don Lemon at CNN; pushed today 16 Marcb 2021. 

Hardly surprising that a sickeningly so white brownnoser coming from a sub-continent where the equivalent of billions of Pounds Sterling is spent  on an annual basis to quite asininely bleach their skin to make themselves  in their twisted minds look white and many of their women acquire white husbands to breed out their ethnicity  - just ask Priti Pate the Indian British Home Secretary for example, and where the ethos of the caste system is still ludicrously buried within their psyched -  that very ingrained cunts like Muhammad Yaquoob Khan Abassi can't see racism or else don't want to and therefore do happily allow themselves to become the very Useful Idiots that right-wing rags like the Daily Mail and, additionally, their likeminded, manipulated trolls so cynically play them for.

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