
Thursday 25 March 2021

Atlanta and Boulder in gun-crazed America; yet an evil, Karen slapper, Sharon Osbourne still breathes God's wholesome air!

By Stanley Collymore 

Born 69 years ago but looking
exceedingly older: this slag, 
from a violent, criminally- 
bent, Yid-refugee family  
fleeing the Nazis - and, happily 
for them, dumped in Brixton, 
London. Got pregnant, when
17, and at a time when they
were unquestionably quite  
criminally, most distinctly 
and unquestionably also,
publicly illegal; secured
fortunately, an obvious 
backstreet eradication. 
Neither a good relationship 
with her mum, nor father; 
the latter: Sharon relates 
according to a personal 
account, an amazingly  
spurious, assumption  
that her furious dad, 
vainly attempted to 
warn her lover off  
by telling him she 
distinctly, always  
decidedly, had a 
long sexual yen
re her own dad.   

Happens that obviously 
Electra fixated Sharon 
Levy, similarly didn't 
have anything good whatsoever 
either, to say about her mother 
who Sharon, unconvincingly 
says - allegedly set her dogs 
on her when she similarly 
was supposedly pregnant 
with her second bastard 
sprog and readily sadly  
making her miscarry -
If this is remotely true 
what an awful shame  
you unfortunately as 
it sadly so happened  
didn't also succumb 
to the Grim-Reaper; 
like that shit bairn. 

Irony! Distinctly and very 
irreparably, ludicrously
comically, lost on this 
pathetic and demented slapper; 
an absolutely egregious-bully; 
drug addict, and patently too 
a perfectly discernible, and 
an intrinsically irrefutable 
personal uncensored plus 
privately also unchecked 
and a pitifully unheeded 
alcoholic, as one clearly 
can drunkenly become.  

Sharon Osbourne, whose 
turbulent, multiple and 
so reciprocal, physical 
beatings up in her quite torrid 
marriage to Ozzie evidently 
weren't without their own 
complications: Ozzie was
even arrested for trying 
to murder her - that in 
this brutally physical 
and correspondingly 
mental hullabaloo - 
in her marriage as 
was categorically  
so demonstrably 
barbarously the 
situation in her 
parental home 
there was just 
one common 
and that vile 
slapper was 
evil "Karen" 
very Racist-ugly 
Sharon Levy 
R Osbourne.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
25 March 2021.  

Author's Remarks:  
Curious that those who're most evil, toxic, egregious and vitriolic in their condemnation of people they clearly  virulently hate but discernibly have obviously never met, are so unlikely ever to do so, and logically don't even know, rather objectively, on the part of others, do so simply because they they either know from the existence of their quite pathetic lives, or else have looked into a mirror, seen the debased reflection of themselves so horribly staring back at themselves, can't come to terms with what they have brutally and indisputably quite graphically observed and concluded they must offload their undeniably gross inadequacies onto those whom they unwarrantedly hate out of envy, sheer malice and malevolence or else difference, itself so often obsessively compounded by a most debilitatingly cancerous and very ingrained racism that they cantankerously live in great denial of because it's all they actually have to keep their hate alive.  

YId, Sharon Rachel Levy Osbourne is quite staunchly in such a disastrous place and here are some of the many reasons why. 

She's a quite seasoned and licentious slut, a state of affairs she's practised all of her life. Came unquestionably too from a very dysfunctional home in which the aura of criminality and physical barbarity abounded. Never spoke to her father - never mind his claims graphically enunciated by her that she had the sexual hots for him - for almost 25 years; callously refused to let him ever see her children, even rather sadistically purposely lying to them in clearly nonsensical terms by quite bizarrely telling them they had no grandfather as he was dead. 

However, many years later when her and her dad's paths very accidentally crossed in the streets in America and they had a blazing row witnessed by the kids who naturally asked who the man was and why she was violently arguing with him, Sharon Osbourne glibly sought to pass of the row and  the stranger to her kids presence by saying it was the actor Tony Curtis. 

Sharon's marriage was likewise very dysfunctional: rather brutal physical punch-ups and numerous reciprocal attacks being commonplace, with her husband even arrested for trying to actually murder her. A gross pity that he failed to do so! But amidst it all the plethora of drugs and alcohol in this odious slapper's life carried on.  

And to get a gist of what this clearly toxic bitch Sharon Osbourne is like how about this? When she was told by phone of her mother's death, this piece of Yid shit uncaringly replied: "Oh what a shame!"  Then put the phone down. A response she often gloated about. Yet this woman was her mother. 

Notwithstanding all the above this is the prized cunt who attacks Meghan Markle and, moreover, vociferously  praises Piers Morgan another lowlife obsessively bullying one like herself for doing the same. While in tandem all you likeminded white slimeballs with your own pathetic and even non existent lives vent your inadequacies  on a woman none of you come even remotely close to Meghan Markle's ability and integrity and personality. 

What a life eh? Being an exceptional and highly delusional member of the supposedly white master race! LOL!

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