
Friday 12 May 2023

This thoroughly meaningless dirge as a supposed national anthem that just won’t go away!

By Stanley Collymore

How can anybody realistically 
feel a natural empathy with 
far less so, a supposedly 
genuinely rock solid and truly patriotic 
solidarity with the country, which they 
were born in, and are still essentially 
living in; when this National Anthem 
which they’ve routinely, and literally 
distinctly quite repetitively from the 
moment they were actually bairns
having it constantly and generally 
quite assiduously, rammed down 
their throats; keep on constantly 
hearing at each major occasion 
and manifestly, are themselves 
actually unthinkingly, expected 
to quite excitedly participate in 
but firmly though emphatically 
simply doesn't make even the 
slightest mention at all of any 
people, who're obviously like 
them, nor for that matter any 
reference at all of their clear 
and very natural aspirations 
as a proud nation of people. 
or queerly the country itself. 

A supposed National Anthem
which is effectively a dirge 
basically exhorting the 
serfs and citizens of Britain to actually 
rather enthusiastically and discernibly 
also equally emphatically eulogize an 
hereditary simply unelected monarch 
and literally, that person’s own direct 
family members and no one else, as 
if the actual entirety of the UK's very 
diverse, and wide spread population 
doesn’t basically matter one bit and 
the sole individuals who actually do 
are those privileged ones that have 
forged this naturally effective, dung 
heap and essentially on which they 
self-entitled, and rather predictably 
overjoyed, smugly and wealthily sit.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
12 May 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Nothing like being an enthusiastically delighted, fawning  and food bank recipient in 21st Century Britain; while those you sycophantically brownnose to flaunt their wealth at you - which of course you played some part in creating as you do maintain them in the style to which they've become used to through your taxes - yet they don't even have the common decency to ensure the country has a proper National Anthem which reflects something about itself and the people who live here, as most adult nations globally do with their own grown up populations. But seeing how stupid you are, why not have in addition to your genuflecting to them, likewise have a dirge, for that's what it actually is, that emphatically mentions only them.

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