
Tuesday 16 May 2023

Acknowledging and rewarding Meghan's authenticity, as Waity Katie fittingly dons expensive garb to defray her obscurity!

By Stanley Collymore 

Meghan you are decidedly a 
true inspiration not only to 
every, mentally liberated 
member of the British public but 
similarly also likeminded people 
throughout the world. Your very 
distinctly naturally too crucially 
total compellingly, commitment 
all rather significantly firmly to 
equality, justice and irrefutably 
essentially compassion, is very 
apparent, in everything you do. 
For you've also unquestionably 
quite commendably, used your 
personal platform to speak out 
on decidedly important issues, 
and by doing so aptly inspired 
others to follow your example. 

Furthermore, you're a role 
model for young women 
and girls everywhere, 
showing them that they can achieve 
anything which they quite logically 
and very earnestly set their minds 
on; irrespective of, their distinctly 
individual background, obviously 
their evidently cherished race, or 
personal circumstances. Actually
Meghan, you are simply the very 
elective, and so unchallengeably 
also Queen of all our hearts and 
truly for which we are crucially 
ongoingly and clearly, eternally 
grateful, for your great service! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
16 May 2023.  

Author's Remarks: 
So absolutely commendable what Meghan is doing! A truly beautiful lady both inside and outwardly; similarly an adorably loving wife and undoubtedly unsurprisingly as well an outstanding mother. 

Incidentally, and personally from me, to the surfeit of thickos, who literally are controlled Pavlov dogs style by the likes of the Daily Mail and as your daft, enduringly boring, repetitive and quite clearly non original clickbait responses show; you haven't the foggiest notion of what you're talking about. 

And as you ongoingly and fatuously so bellyache about the term privacy, I do suggest that you acquaint yourself with what in real etymological terms privacy actually means. Essentially the means to be able to actually control what the public knows or shouldn't know about one's self. In essence doing things on one's own terms, which is exactly what Meghan and Harry are quite brilliantly doing. 

But in all seriousness why would any conscionable individual expect quite manifestly intellectually challenged, gullible, dimwitted, fatuously stupid, innately racist Karens and Gammons to quite realistically know or essentially appreciate the real difference in very marked contrast from what you're so puerile and gullibly fed! You distinctly utterly sick, toxically verminous lowlife morons!

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