
Monday 8 May 2023

Try creating meaningful lives for yourselves if you actually can, you sad losers!

By Stanley Collymore

From my personal but very 
observant and detached 
perspective I've truly 
nothing against losers, Brexiteers, 
quite basically, one and the same, 
empire loyalists or quite devoted 
monarchical and essentially also 
other serf aficionado, hereditary 
enthusiasts enjoying themselves 
and actually having a good time 
effectively doing so presumably 
on this great occasion for them; 
but don't then, idiotically resort 
to very ludicrous and evidently 
distinctly grotesque, hyperbole 
by delusionally assuming, then 
believing; and, quite thereafter 
very deliberately proselytizing 
your idiotic notion, which you 
then gratuitously transform in 
to a risible confirmation solely 
to suit a very pathetic agenda! 

That not only all of Britain but 
similarly as well, the entire 
world was watching and 
likewise, as was the case in Britain 
distinctively enthralled by Charles' 
coronation. Basically and logically 
they weren't; unless, you consider 
simply white Caucasian residents 
of Planet Earth as irrefutably, the 
actually, unquestionably, solitary 
ones who generally matter when 
you generally, rather repulsively 
racially adjudicate, what to your 
sick minds, the world in thought 
and reality, really means to you!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
8 May 2023. 

Author's Remarks: 
The world looking on out of jealousy because these non-white people don't have "our history, culture and rather longstanding civilisation and can't or wouldn't know how to quite sensibly go about our very established pomp and ceremony", states a vainglorious .Daily Mail commenter. Really? 

I don't think so; nor are any sane and intelligent persons non-white or white envious of Britain, nor for that matter the toxically verminous lowlife, quite intellectually challenged, dim-witted and gullible scum like this commenter. 

In fact they're observing with a rather acute mixture of incredulity and also amazement, that while people like you are fawning over these hereditary free leaders and who although discernibly unelected you nevertheless cherish as your invincible and god- given feudal overlords, they ostentatiously and as well disdainfully look down on your sort - and who can blame them - as they brazenly and patronizingly display their unearned, stolen in most cases, untaxed, invariably inherited and obscenely unwarranted wealth; but are savvy enough to get you and others in the UK to pay for their jamborees like this coronation. 

Like the boss of a firm going out with his similar type of pals, having a very expense meal at a posh restaurant, an occasion to which you're not personally invited, although you can watch them from the road outside this posh restaurant, but guess who is made to foot the bill for their posh meal.

Meanwhile as Charles and his lot laugh at you brownnosing serfs behind your backs and similarly closed doors of palaces and luxury homes you'll never be admitted, socially or otherwise, there are currently 14.4 million Britons living in poverty and 4.2 million of them are children. Yet you asininely behave as if this is the Middle Ages.

That's what intrigues the bulk of the world which correctly is non-white and were here on Earth far longer than white Caucasians who were the last racial group to emerge in the evolution of mankind. So don't kid yourselves non-whites are enjoying you! Far from it; as  they're essentially transfixed by your endemic and rampant stupidity!

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