
Wednesday 17 July 2019

The insufferable price of rampant, barbaric and delusional white stupidity

By Stanley Collymore

How totally obtuse therefore of Herr Frueher Donald J. Drumpf and his likeminded intellectually challenged ilk on both sides of the Atlantic and the similarly grotesquely and barbarically white stolen lands of the Antipodes and the Middle East, most specifically in the latter case Palestine, not to either know or, worse still, asininely and most conveniently pretend that the basket cases that this dim-witted, narcissistic and think-skinned Kraut in tandem with his utterly braindead, lowlife followers and global aficionados vitriolically, malevolently, perniciously and contemptuously both idiotically and damnably label as such  are, in essence and virtually exclusively so, the barbaric, intentionally murderous and genocidal handiwork of Rogue State USA, its forever toadying and sycophantic puppet Britain, and both collectively as well as individually that of every white European run country on Planet Earth.

And to then stupidly criticize these said non-white countries and their citizenry, either through birth or descent, for what the white west has resources- robbed, murderously and genocidally exploited, barbarously and calculatedly regime changed and, furthermore, denigrated their indigenous peoples in every conceivable barbaric way – both in the past and ongoingly so – is tantamount, most unquestionably, to a criminalized and inured gang of serial rapists and hard-core paedophiles ruthlessly, misogynistically  and univitedly invading your “indigenous” neighbourhood.

Then adding insult to injury remaining there without local permission or consent, systematically, and at will, raping and sexually abusing your womenfolk of all ages – and most notoriously so underage girls and even babies – callously impregnating all an sundry who were capable of being with child and ruthlessly enforcedly making those who became pregnant give birth to those children whom they unwantedly conceived, whether they wanted to do so or not, while their sexual abusers made a laughing stock of these abused mothers; ridiculing them  most offensively in the most degenerate manner as they likewise bated you, these women and girls emasculated men , with vicious taunts of your weakness, fecklessness and, worst still, your scorned inability to protect your own womenfolk.

Quite commonplace and not an uncommon scenario that, which routinely enveloped and also barbarically but cowardly plagued my own Black race during the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its most injurious and nefarious spin-offs of colonialism, segregation, Jim Crowism, attendant with its multiple and inhumane lynching sprees; and, of course, connected to the era of the colour bar and apartheid.

Normal fayre for most whites regardless of where they were in this world of ours or still are; and significantly bearing in mind that while Black Africans were the first human beings to appear on Planet Earth, so-called white Caucasians – people ironically with pink skins – were most irrefutably the very last race to do so.

But none of this has curtailed let alone stopped the barbarity, rank sadism and egregiousness so endemic and deeply ingrained within these Johnny-com-lately whites. Quite the reverse in fact! And rather amazing isn’t it? And especially so for a race of people who generally and most ill-conceived like to both fraudulently and ludicrously perceive themselves not simply as the master race but also as the explicit progenitors of what they quite asininely too, and in the most bogus fashion, consider themselves to be the epitome of human civilization.

With acts like Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Europe’s holocaust, the Transatlantic Slave Trade and widespread global genocide?  Just to name four of numerous and still ongoing acts of white barbarism meted out in places likes Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Somalia – and much of Africa – Latin America and elsewhere globally. Yet Donald Drumpf and his sick and sycophantic acolytes stupidly like to portray Rogue State USA as the best thing ever invented and which even supersedes sliced bread.

Dream on, is my curt response to these idiotic, white assumptions. Donald J. Dumpf, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Lindsey Graham, John Bolton, toadies Nigel Farage and Boris Keymal – all of them certifiable lunatics and psychopaths  - the epitome of any civilization?  Give me a god dammed break, will you? And get real!

The hue and cry over the alleged sexual grooming of white Rochdale schoolgirls by British Asian men who were blamed as the perpetrators was tumultuous and is still so to this day; and long after the men who were said to be involved were arrested, prosecuted, found guilty and sentenced to lengthy prison sentences that hue and cry, rabidly fanned by righting media fanaticism and overt racism, still reverberates around and across Britain. And while I hold no brief for either the supposed “victims” or the purported perpetrators in a country where large numbers of British schoolgirls are willingly, and in their complicity, anything but virginal innocents I’ll say this much, however.  Grown-ups, whoever they are or what racial or ethnic group they belong to who knowingly indulge in sexual intercourse with underage girls, deserve everything that they get and which the law throws at them.

What does grab as well as sustain my historical and current attention, however, is that the overwhelming majority of those damning these British Asian men are either totally oblivious or simply don’t care that these sorts of sexual perversions they’re moaning about have been and are still quite commonplace among whites, and particularly so white Britons and their expatriate and colonialist kith and kin globally. If in doubt ask Oxfam and the other so-called white charities. And what are their punishments? They get moved on to other well-heeled jobs or prestigious post at universities like Cambridge. No prosecutions or jail time for these serial white sexual perverts and paedophiles. Nor would any, because of their innate right to white exclusivism be expected.

So to Herr Frueher Donald J. Drumpf and his equally misogynistic, idiotically moronic and lamentably pathetic admirers who’ve praised him for saying what he did about these four American Congresswomen of colour – my simple response to you is this? When are you and your white barbaric and genocidal hoards going to heed your own advice, pack your bags and vacate Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Latin America, Yidland, Africa, the West Indies and, of course, Rogue State USA piss off back to where the lot of you originated from in Europe, and graciously hand back these countries to their indigenous peoples?  And simultaneously too stop interfering in and expropriating the natural resources and other wealth of those countries you’re either illegally or through your bullying tactics in?

Can’t say fairer than that, can I? But, of course, you won’t. And a classic case of you white psychopathic bullies of do as I say and not as I do. Well, it’s no longer an easy walk for you in the park as you’re beginning to realize, and believe me – it’s going to get a lot tougher for you if you don’t change your barbarous ways.

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