
Tuesday 17 December 2019

Boris, Brexit and dying intestate revisited

By Stanley Collymore

Travelling recently on a scheduled, designated and an hour
long journey on the No.23 Metrobus from Horsham in
West Sussex to the seaside resort and popular oft-
visited, whatever the weather, coastal town of
Worthing in the same English county, I had no choice
but to listen, like several other passengers in my
position, pretty evidently apart from me, all
of us regrettably within earshot of a very
loud and intrusive conversation being
carried on by these three unmarried mothers jointly
in their late twenties: discernibly between them
babies and toddlers aplenty but, quite visibly
as well, not a solitary wedding ring in place
on any of the usual fingers of these three
white women’s - to the unmistakeably
twaddle that this dim-witted, bigoted
and very cerebrally challenged trio
was noisily and stupidly voicing

Apparently, a local widower and neighbour of one of these
three women, and the evident informant in this conversation,
had recently died but with no known surviving relations
to succeed him, as he personally had no children,
either biologically or adopted, of his own.
What of? The other two women simultaneously
questioned. “No one knows for sure!” came
the rapid and candid response from the
first woman. Adding definitively:
“As without doubt I can most
certainly tell you he was a
discreet and a very private man! However,
there’s widespread and continual gossip
around our entire council estate that
whatever it was that principally
killed him, was something
or other, that likewise
caused him clearly
to die intestate.”

“Poor man!” opined the second woman. “How old was he?”
“Fifty three,” replied the informant. “And less of the
poor man, please!” she cautioned. “Who was
nothing more than a bloody do-gooder
to each and every immigrant known to be infesting our
country with their various and unwanted presences
here, and especially those who’re shamelessly,
regularly and most greedily sponging off
our hard-earned, paid for but now
under great pressure because
of them National Social
Security System, in
each and every
possible way.”

“When, instead, he should have been reporting them to
the proper authorities as well as concentrating on
and seriously helping his own English people
as any right-minded and patriotic person
like us would reasonably have done.
And, therefore, it won’t surprise me in the least
if this intestate infection that he contracted
and, which finally killed him, wasn’t
some incurable, brought into this
country, non-white disease
which he undoubtedly
caught from his

“I couldn’t agree with you more,” the third woman butted in.
“And why exactly it was that I voted for Brexit first time
round and then plumped for the Conservative Party
and Boris Johnson, of course, as my preferred and likeminded
prime minster in the just held December 12, 2019 General
Elections, and wouldn’t in a month of Sundays have
wasted my prized vote on Labour or for Jeremy
Corbyn. For Boris will definitely sort these
loathsome immigrants and foreigners
out for certain, and unrepentantly
swiftly pack them all back off
to wherever the hell it was
they came from initially.”

“Just as Enoch Powell with the help of the Trade Unions
and those decent working class men and women who
marched for him would obviously have done, if
those lily-livered Tories and stupid Labour
voters then had had the balls and the gumption to
let Enoch do what every sensible person at the
time, and as they do now, well know was
the right and proper thing to do. Take
back our nation from these greedy, sponging,
undeserving, useless foreigners and aliens
and create once more a proud United
Kingdom suitable for people like
us, who are definitely superior
human beings and distinctly
white British Caucasians!”

© Stanley V. Collymore
17 December 2019.

Author’s Remarks:
When you have three women like these, symptomatic of their white majority kind across the length and breadth of Britain who in their perverse delusions not only consider themselves to be members of some supposedly human master race but who don’t even know what intestate means, and principally considers it to be an exceedingly incurable and immigrant transmitted disease, is it any wonder then that a Britain infested by their sort and run by likeminded, toxic and lowlife vermin is the shit-house that it fundamentally is?

And no apologies, whatsoever, from this author!

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