
Saturday 7 March 2020

For Harry, Meghan and Archie: Always loved by me and never forgotten!

By Stanley Collymore

You’ve commendably Harry and Meghan both separately and cooperatively; most spectacularly, courageously, discernibly intentionally and significantly laudably smashed the nepotistic and cronyism moulds of debilitatingly suffocating, deeply entrenched and the elitist vested interest designs that entirely epitomize present day Britain.

Impediments that in tandem with their continuously sustained, routinely perpetrated, malevolently constructed and blatantly racist endeavours that malignly sought to either hoodwink you personally along with the avid accompaniment of a symptomatically dim-witted British public at large into supportively maintaining what is indisputably a very longstanding but self-evidently to all well-informed persons like yourselves Meghan and Harry, a sorely defective, generally unmerited and a plainly outmoded in the 21st Century Statu res!

Or on failing to achieve any of that with you, instigate the attendant and relentless bombardment of you both with every conceivable fallaciously contrived misrepresentation about yourselves, Harry and Meghan that their sick, twisted and racist minds and possibly envision. Doing so in the earnest hope, for them, that inevitably you would haplessly cave in to their pernicious demands and readily accept their vile bullying of you. Fearful on your part they presumed, gleefully opined and kidded themselves of their version of the alternative option; which is, that with your royal status - though voluntarily abandoned by you and no longer relevant in your personal estimation - now gone you even so wouldn’t want to be left in total isolation or oblivion.

However, massively intellectually challenged as the vast majority of these white privileged bastards, their typically effete and vapid broodmare bitches for wives as well as their fawning plebeian scum and Asian Useful Idiots are, they nevertheless predictably and miserably failed to grasp far less so understand the driving forces within you both, Harry and Meghan, which is an impressive combination of a most estimable and a truly engaging character; a solid determination of  a distinctly positive attitude and fighting spirit forged with a purposeful and indomitable counteraction in the face of relentless bullying and itself spitefully reinforced by poisonous and vicious racism; and all this firmly buttressed against by your conspicuous and loving relationship with each other Harry and Meghan!

And all this most laughably, if it wasn’t so conspicuously pathetic, in a country called the United Kingdom where carnal and immoral bastardy even in No.10 Downing Street is now a common occurrence as personified in Boris Keymal/Johnson and Carrie Symonds. The benefit of any doubt that there is no likely cuckolding involved in any of this upcoming pregnancy even though there’s undeniably white privileged involvement well-preserved as its basic currency having more than anything else to do with Boris’ infamous randiness which is rather legendary!

But even so and most curiously what passes for love in Britain among the vast majority of its white, lowlife inhabitants is basically a one-night-stand: whether Dyke, Queer, occasionally heterosexual, or of a paedophile predisposition; irrelevant anyway as it doesn’t matter to the vast majority of them. And when concomitant with pregnancy, as not uncommonly but quite naturally is always most welcomed when they occur on the part of these callous tart bitches in order to sustain getting their dole money which they’ve never, for a solitary moment in their pathetic lives either worked for or are ever likely to honestly earn, bewilders the few sensible Britons that do exist how these absurd clowns can so vituperatively and hypocritically falsely label Harry and Meghan for what they themselves are instinctively and constantly doing!

But who, all the same, in their functionally illiterate English, as they’re capable of no other, waste neither time nor effort, let alone have any problem whatsoever either writing to rags like the Sun, Express, Daily Mirror, Metro or the Daily Mail, or else having someone do it for them if their limited alphabet becomes somewhat of a problem, viciously complaining that they furiously object to financially supporting a manipulated Prince Harry and his allegedly American Nigger wife, Meghan who is directly behind Harry’s appalling transformation, and atypical for him has turned him into what he has become. I ask you: what dim-witted irony! And ecstatically coming from this preponderance of white lowlife and unequivocally good-for nothing British scum!

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